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      • KCI등재

        Sediment Reworking by a Polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis, in the Intertidal Sediments of the Gomso Bay, Korea

        구본주,서재환 한국해양과학기술원 2017 Ocean science journal Vol.52 No.4

        Bioturbation, especially sediment reworking by the activities of macroinvertebrates, such as feeding and burrowing, is one of the major processes that affect the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of marine sediments. Given the importance of sediment reworking, this study was designed to evaluate the sediment reworking rate of a polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis, which is dominant in the upper tidal flats on the west coast of Korea, based on quantification of pellet production during spring and fall surveys. The density of individuals was higher in fall than in spring, whereas, due to a difference in the proportion of adults between the two seasons, the morphometric dimensions of the worm and its pellets were significantly longer and heavier in the spring. Hourly pellet production per inhabitant and density were closely related, with pellet production gradually decreasing as density increased. Daily pellet production was much higher in spring than in fall, mostly due to an increase in daytime production. The sediment reworking rate of Perinereis was similar in the two seasons in which observations were made and depended on its density and the sediment reworking rate per individual. The overall sediment reworking rate of Perinereis was 31 mm yr−1 based on its density in the study area.

      • 신두리 해안의 조하대와 모래 갯벌에 서식하는 대형저서동물의 분포

        구본주,신상호,우한준 한국습지학회 2005 한국습지학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        신두리 해안의 조하대와 갯벌에서 2002년 7월 대형저서동물의 분포를 조사하였다. 조사 해역에서는 총 134종, 3,511개체, 388g의 저서동물이 채집되었다. 조하대 10개 정점에서는 109종, 1,298개체/m2, 69.4g/m2의 저서동물이 출현하였으며, 이 가운데 갯지렁이류가 54종, 813개체/m2의 분포를 보이며 출현 종수 (49.5%)와 서식밀도 (62.7%)에서 가장 우점하는 분류군이었다. 집괴분석 결과 신두리 해역에는 퇴적물 특성에 따라 네 개의 저서동물군집이 형성되어 있었다. 펄과 자갈이 혼재하는 양식장 주변 해역에는 Cirrophorus armatus와 Lumbrineris longifolia로 대표되는 군집, 암반 기질로 된 해역에는 Aonides oxycephala 군집, 모래 함량이 높으며 최저조선에 인접한 곳에는 Scoloplos armiger와 Grandifoxus cuspis 군집, 그리고 역시 모래 함량이 높으며 외해쪽으로 인접한 해역에는 뚜렷하게 우점하는 종 없이 균등도지수가 높은 군집이 형성되어 있었다. 양식장 주변 해역의 저서동물 군집은 출현 종수, 서식밀도, 종다양도지수가 높았으나 오염지시종들이 우점하고 있었다. 모래 퇴적물 해역에는 S. armiger와 G. cuspis 등이 우점하는 일반적 모래 조하대 군집 특성을 보였다. 갯벌 두 조사선에 설정한 8개 정점에서는 50종, 2,443개체/m2, 381.3g/m2의 저서동물이 출현하였으며, 연체동물이 출현 종수, 서식밀도, 생체량에서 각각 20종, 1,345개체/m2, 350.4g/m2를 차지하며 가장 우점하는 분류군이었다. Umbonium thomasi, Veneridae sp., Mandibulophoxus mai, Armandia lanceolata, Eohaustorius spinigerus, Urothoe convexa 등이 신두리 갯벌의 우점종이었으며, 전체 개체수의 83% 이상을 이들 종이 차지하였다. 갯벌의 저서동물 분포는 노출시간 정도에 따라 구분되는 특성을 보였다. 즉, 상부에서 하부로, 노출시간이 감소하면서 Scopimera globosa, M. mai, E. spinigerus 군집이 뚜렷한 대상분포를 하였다. 양식장이 위치한 남서해역을 제외한 신두리 해안은 자연성을 가진 건강한 서식지였으며, 특히 천연기념물인 신두리 사구와 연결되는 갯벌과 주변 조하대 해역에는 인위적인 구조물이 거의 없으며 외부로부터의 오염원도 없어 향후 보전을 위한 가치가 충분히 있는 서식지로 판단되었다.

      • KCI등재

        위성영상 분석기술을 이용한 시흥갯벌의 지형 및 노출시간 분석

        구본주,김민규 한국해양과학기술원 2013 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.35 No.4

        In order to investigate the topography and exposure duration of the Siheung tidal flat, tidal ranges and DEM constructed by remote sensing techniques were analyzed. A cross-sectional diagram of the intertidal area reveals that it is relatively flat in the upper zone and then abruptly plunges into the bottom of the main channel where elevations increase in an upstream direction. The waterline during the Highest Low Water (HLW) is drawn back to the bottom of the channel at the middle part of the tidal flat and is formed along the slant of the channel during the Lowest High Water (LHW). The intertidal zone is located between −410 cm and 510 cm in terms of elevation and its total area is 0.65 km2. An area between the Highest High Water (HHW) and Lowest High Water (LHW), occupying about 80% of the total area, occupies 0.52 km2 of total area and accounts for 56% of the exposure duration. The boundary of wetland protection area in the Siheung tidal flat did not exactly coincide with the intertidal regime and differs by more than 15%. This study, which precisely analyzed the tidal flat area, tidal environment, and topography, would be useful in making a conservation plan and in learning how to use a wetland protection area in a sustainable manner.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Sediment-Water Interface Increment due to the Complex Burrows of Macrofauna in a Tidal Flat

        구본주,권개경,Jung-Ho Hyun 한국해양과학기술원 2005 Ocean science journal Vol.40 No.4

        The architecture of macrofaunal burrows and the total area of the sediment-water interface created by biogenic structure were investigated in the Donggeomdo tidal flat on the west coast of Korea. Resin casting methods were applied to recover burrows of four dominant species, Macrophthalmus japonicus, Cleistostoma dilatatum, Perinereis aibuhitensis, and Periserrula leucophryna, and whole burrows within the casting area at three sites in different tidal levels. P. leucophryna excavated the largest burrow in terms of a surface area among them. In the case of whole burrow casting, the space occupied by the biogenic structure was extended into deeper and expanded more greatly at the higher tidal level. In the upper-most flat, the burrow wall surface area within sediment was more extensive than the sediment surface area. Increased oxygen supply through the extended interface could enhance the degradation rates of organic carbon and also change the pathways of degradation. Quantifying the relationship between the extended interface and mineralization rate and pathway requires more extensive study.

      • 세가시육질꼬리옆새우(단각류)의 생물교란이 시화호 퇴적물 내 황화합물과 산소 농도의 수직적 분포에 미치는 영향

        구본주,권개경,신상호,제종길 한국습지학회 2006 한국습지학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        시화호의 우점종 중의 하나인 세가시육질꼬리옆새우의 염분구배 (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40‰)에 따른 생존율 및 튜브형성 개수 실험을 하였다. 그리고 수층 내 산소농도가 충분할 경우 황화합물 농도가 높은 퇴적물 속에서 대상 종의 생존율과 이들의 생물교란 활동이 퇴적물 내 산소농도와 황화합물의 수직구배에 미치는 영향을 실험하였다. 대상 종은 20~30‰ 염분 조건에서 생존율이 높았으며 튜브형성 개수 또한 많았다. 수층 내 산소 농도가 충분할 경우, 대상 종은 황화합물 퇴적물에서 높은 생존율을 나타내었다. M. uenoi의 생물교란 활동은 퇴적물 내로 산소를 확산시킴으로써 황화합물을 제거하였다. 산소 확산과 황화합물이 제거되는 깊이는 대상 종의 서식밀도가 높을수록 증가하였다. 시화호 퇴적물에는 황화합물의 농도가 높게 나타나며, 특히 여름철에는 밀도성층의 강화로 저층수에 빈산소층이 형성되어 저서동물이 서식하지 못하는 무생물대가 형성된다. 가을 무렵에는 성층의 약화로 저층수에도 산소가 충분히 공급되며 M. uenoi가 높은 밀도로 출현한다. M. uenoi의 생물교란 활동은 저서동물 군집이 재형성될 수 있는 서식지를 조성하는데 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 판단되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Benthic Pollution Assessment Based on Macrobenthic Community Structure in Gamak Bay, Southern Coast of Korea

        구본주,제종길,Sang-Ho Shin 한국해양과학기술원 2004 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.26 No.1

        Benthic pollution assessment based on macrobenthic community structure with environmental variables was carried out at twelve stations during two periods on a presumed pollution gradient in Gamak Bay. Univariate and multivariate methods were applied to investigate structural changes in the benthic communities. A clear gradient of pollution effects on the macrobenthic community was observed from the interior to the exterior of the bay. The community on the northwestern basin was severely disturbed due to a low level of hydrodynamics and a large amount of pollutant input from nearby cities. Exterior regions on the southern basin appeared to have the best benthic environmental characteristics among all stations according to most methods of analysis. Central ridge regions and two stations around the islets in the mouth of the bay exhibited intermediate levels of perturbation when compared to the more disturbed interior and undisturbed exterior regions. Pollution effects on the communities were attenuated at the southern area of the central ridge during spring compared to those of summer, where aquacultural farming was densely distributed. The environmental variables primarily correlated to the macrobenthic community structure were total organic carbon (C), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), and tributyltins (TBTs) contents found on the surface sediment, as anthropogenic variables indicating organic materials.

      • KCI등재

        급격한 조석 감소에 의한 새만금 갯벌 대형저서동물 변화

        구본주,신상호,이석 한국해양과학기술원 2008 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.30 No.4

        Tidal ranges of inner Saemangeum were largely reduced after the final dyke enclosure, resulting in the former tidal flats becoming either permanently exposed, still influenced by changing tide, or permanently submerged. The effect of reduced tidal range on survival and population stability of tidal flat macrofauna were investigated at three shifted habitats after the dyke completion. At the exposed area, several species survived for 80 days after the dyke enclosure. However, within 120 days, all macrofauna died off due to the elevated temperature during summer. At the intertidal area, some species were maintained until 170 days after the dyke enclosure with a large decrease of the faunal abundance. Species of the submerged area were seen to be more tolerant of the changed environments. The opportunistic species, such as Sinocorophium sinensis, Theora fragilis and Pseudopolydora Kempi, were massively introduced into the submerged area after the dyke enclosure, in which the benthic ecosystem was severely disturbed. Tidal ranges of inner Saemangeum were largely reduced after the final dyke enclosure, resulting in the former tidal flats becoming either permanently exposed, still influenced by changing tide, or permanently submerged. The effect of reduced tidal range on survival and population stability of tidal flat macrofauna were investigated at three shifted habitats after the dyke completion. At the exposed area, several species survived for 80 days after the dyke enclosure. However, within 120 days, all macrofauna died off due to the elevated temperature during summer. At the intertidal area, some species were maintained until 170 days after the dyke enclosure with a large decrease of the faunal abundance. Species of the submerged area were seen to be more tolerant of the changed environments. The opportunistic species, such as Sinocorophium sinensis, Theora fragilis and Pseudopolydora Kempi, were massively introduced into the submerged area after the dyke enclosure, in which the benthic ecosystem was severely disturbed.

      • KCI등재

        새만금 4호 방조제 연결 후 군산갯벌 대형저서동물군집 변화

        구본주,신상호,우한준,김은수,제종길 한국해양과학기술원 2008 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.30 No.4

        With the reduction of tidal currents by the closing of the Saemangeun 4th dyke, sedimentary environments on the Gunsan tidal flat, the nearest inner flat from the 4th dyke, has been severely changed, which might affect macrobenthic assemblages on the habitats. In order to investigate changes in macrobenthic community structure on Gunsan tidal flat, field surveys were seasonally conducted at seven stations from April 2002 to November, 2005. Sedimentary facies on the study area were shifted into muddominant facies. The fine sediment has been greatly deposited on the tidal flat with accumulation of organic materials after closing the water passage of 4th dyke section. These drastic variations in environments gave rise to change in macrobenthic community structure. Since the closure of the 4th dyke, the number of species of macrobenthos has gradually decreased. And the filter feeders and sand-favored species such as Urothoe convexa, Macrophthalmus dilatatus, Umbonium thomasi, and Mactra veneriformis have been replaced by the deposit feeders such as Macrophthalmus japonicus and Ilyoplax pingi. MDS ordination based on Bray-Curtis similarity from forth-root transformed species abundance data showed that the macrobenthic communities have passed through three succession stages from 2002 to 2005. During the third stage of 2005 opportunistic species such as Prionospio japonica, Heteromastus filiformis and Sinocorophium sinensis increased in population on the tidal flat. With the reduction of tidal currents by the closing of the Saemangeun 4th dyke, sedimentary environments on the Gunsan tidal flat, the nearest inner flat from the 4th dyke, has been severely changed, which might affect macrobenthic assemblages on the habitats. In order to investigate changes in macrobenthic community structure on Gunsan tidal flat, field surveys were seasonally conducted at seven stations from April 2002 to November, 2005. Sedimentary facies on the study area were shifted into muddominant facies. The fine sediment has been greatly deposited on the tidal flat with accumulation of organic materials after closing the water passage of 4th dyke section. These drastic variations in environments gave rise to change in macrobenthic community structure. Since the closure of the 4th dyke, the number of species of macrobenthos has gradually decreased. And the filter feeders and sand-favored species such as Urothoe convexa, Macrophthalmus dilatatus, Umbonium thomasi, and Mactra veneriformis have been replaced by the deposit feeders such as Macrophthalmus japonicus and Ilyoplax pingi. MDS ordination based on Bray-Curtis similarity from forth-root transformed species abundance data showed that the macrobenthic communities have passed through three succession stages from 2002 to 2005. During the third stage of 2005 opportunistic species such as Prionospio japonica, Heteromastus filiformis and Sinocorophium sinensis increased in population on the tidal flat.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental Restoration of a Salt Marsh with Some Comments on Ecological Restoration of Coastal Vegetated Ecosystems in Korea

        구본주,제종길,우한준 한국해양과학기술원 2011 Ocean science journal Vol.46 No.1

        Since the 1980s, the coastal wetlands in Korea have been rapidly degraded and destroyed mainly due to reclamation and landfills for coastal development. In order to recover damaged coastal environments and to develop wetland restoration technologies, a 4-year study on ecological the restoration of coastal vegetated ecosystems was started in 1998. As one of a series of studies, a small-scale experiment on salt marsh restoration was carried out from April 2000 to August 2001. The experiment was designed to find effective means of ecological restoration through a comparison of the changes in environmental components and species structure between two different experimental plots created using sediment fences, one with and one without small canals. Temporal variation in surface elevation, sedimentary facies, and benthic species were measured seasonally in each plot and in the adjacent natural reference sites. Monthly exposure occurred from 330 cm to mean sea level, which represents the critical tidal level (CTL) at which salt marsh plants colonize. Vegetation, especially Suaeda japonica, colonized the site the following spring and recovered to a similar extent in the natural marshes 16 months later. The sedimentary results indicated that the sediment fences had effects on particle size and sediment accumulation, especially in the plot with small canals. This experiment also showed that tidal height, especially that exceeding the CTL, is an important factor in the recovery of the benthic fauna of salt marshes. From these results, we suggested that designs for the restoration of salt marsh ecosystems must consider the inclusion of a tidal height exceeding CTL, as this may allow reconstruction of the previous natural ecosystem without artificial transplanting.

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