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      • KCI등재

        최근(最近) 한국(韓國) 기혼부인(旣婚婦人)의 로동참여(勞動參與)

        공세권 ( Sae Kwon Kong ),김민자 ( Minja Kim Choe ) 한국보건사회연구원 1989 保健社會硏究 Vol.9 No.2

        이 論文은 1986年 韓國人口保健硏究院이 실시한 『全國 家族生活逾期調査』資料를 기초로 韓國 旣婚婦人의 勞動參與 樣相을 분석한 결과이다. 社會變動과 관련요인을 단적으로 설명하기는 어렵지만 産業化ㆍ都市化 그리고 近代化에서 뭉둥그려져 진행되는 社會ㆍ經濟的 興件變化는 敎育水?의 향상과 出産力의 저하를 촉진시키고, 家族構造내지 機能의 변화는 女性에게 役割創出로서 就業率의 증가를 엿보게 한다. 이러한 急變狀況에서 傳統价値나 規范 또는 制度와 같은 內的 要因이 社會ㆍ經濟的 興件變化에 뒤따르지 못할 때 葛藤과 混亂은 불가피해 진다. 여거서 우리는 바람직한 女性의 役割이 무엇이며, 무엇을 어떻게 해야 하는지에 혼돈을 느끼게 되며, 또 특정 役割이 社會制度的으로 保障을 받지못한 상태에서는 정당한 평가를 받기 어렵다는 것을 생가할 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 대부분의 女性들은 家庭內에서의 傳統的인 役割을 모두 감당해야 한다고 믿고, 産業化에 따라 모자라는 일손을 위해서 家庭單位의 事業이나 農業, 또는 家庭과는 독립된 職場을 갖는 성향이 높아지고 이러한 가운데서 二重的 役割葛藤이나 激務에 어려움을 겪게되는 것이다. 이처럼 女性의 役割變化는 변화되는 社會構造에 적응하기 위한 방편으로 생각할 수 있지만 産業化에서 人的資源이나 個人과 家庭福祉를 위해서도 취업에 따르는 문제는 制度的 改善내지 補完이 뒤따라야 하는 課題를 안게된 것이다. 최근의 旣婚婦人의 勞動參與는 都市의 高學歷과 低學歷層, 그리고 農村婦人에서 현저히 높은 수준을 나타내고, 또한 家庭ㆍ經濟水?이 낮은 경우는 出産後 再就業率이 그러지 않은 婦人에 비해 현저히 높다. 물론 이러한 樣相은 아직도 韓國婦人의 낮은 敎育水?과 就業을 위한 專門敎育이 미비해서 女性就業이 보편화 되지 못한 점과, 家事와 병행되는 單純勞動의 參與에서 비롯되는 점이라 하겠다. 그러나 최근의 韓國女性은 敎育機會의 확대로 높은 敎育水?을 원하고, 또한 평균 結婚年齡이 약 24歲로 늦어지면서 結婚後 3年內에 2명정도의 子女를 두고 斷産하려는 추세에 있다. 또 이들 婦人은 結婚時 平均壽命에서 볼 때 약 47歲에서 막내자녀를 分家시키게 되며, 그후 약 23年을 더 살게될 것을 추정할 수 있다. 그러나 대부분의 婦人은 結婚前에 就業經驗을 갖고 있지만 結婚後에는 그렇지 못한 실정에 있으며, 특히 都市의 高學歷 婦人에서 就業을 않는 경우가 높다고 할 때 이들의 時間과 勞動 潛在力은 어떻게 活用되어야 할지? 이는 國家的 人力資源面에서 의문을 제기할 수도 있다. 이 硏究는 婦人들이 왜 일을 하거나, 하지 않으면, 또한 就業에 대한 관심은 어떠한지를 초점을 두고 분석한 것이다. 就業의 動機와 그 樣相을 단순히 설명하기는 어렵지만 農村婦人의 경우 개인적인 意思와는 관계없이 勞動에 參與할 수밖에 없는 설정에 있으며, 都市婦人은 개인의 意思와 就業은 有意한 관계를 나타내고 있지만 意味는 신뢰성이 매우 약한 것으로 나타내고 있다. 이러한 점에서 女性이 就業을 한 경우는 就業하지 않을 편을, 非就業인 경우는 就業을 選好하는 逆說的인 意味가 단적으로 女性就業의 不安定性을 제시하는 점이라 하겠다. 특히 女性의 就業은 旣婚의 경우 男便이나 家族의 理解와 協助下에서 가능할 수 있으며, 家庭과 독립된 직장을 갖는 경우는 子女의 養育과 家事가 就業에 부정적인 관계에 있음을 엿볼 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 旣婚婦人의 就業은 家庭과 밀접한 관련을 가지며, 就業의 원활성화 생산성 제고를 위해서 家庭과 職場의 공동노력은 물론 관련 制度의 改善이 요구된다고 하겠다. 물론 이 論文은 家族硏究와 관련해서 女性의 役割變化의 하나로서 就業을 다룬 試圖的인 점에 불과한 것이다. 그러나 앞으로의 분석을 ``幸福한 家庭生活``이란 무엇이며, 이를 위해서 女性은 무엇을 어떻게 해야 하는지, 賢母良妻란 어떻게 해석해야 하며, 점차 높은 敎育水?을 갖는 女性人力을 어떻게 活用해야 하느냐는 점에 관심을 두고, 人口 및 家族構造의 변화와 관련지워 女性의 役割과 就業을 보다 多角的으로 分析할 계획이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國) 인구전환(人口轉換)의 구조적(構造的) 특성(特性)

        공세권 ( Sae-kwon Kong ),조애저 ( Ae-jeo Cho ),김은주 ( Eun-joo Kim ) 한국보건사회연구원 1988 保健社會硏究 Vol.8 No.2

        Overall of population data shows that Korean population has experienced the drastic transition in this century. Korean population was very stagnant under the Japanese colony, but began to be active in expansion due to the gradual decrease of mortality rate from 1910 to 1945. After the liberalization from Japanese colony in 1945, the political turmoil at that time divided the population to be a half between the southern and northern part of Korea. However, returnees from abroad added up the population. During the Korean War from 1950 to 1953, Korean population was disturbed by the high death tolls among the warfare and internal exchange of population between South and North Korea. Korean population showed the rapid population increase owing to the high birth rate, and to the decrease of death rate with inception of developed health and medical techniques. So-called baby boon Period continued from 1955 to 1965, thus revealing the annual inc-reasing rate 3 percent. Fertility control policy designed to meet the baby boom in the pre and post 1960`s. focused on the decline of fertility rate considering the decreased mortality rate. The main body of fertility control policy was named to be family planning programme, this aimed at the change of children numbers and the prevention of unwanted pregnancy through the contraceptive use. Family planning programme, systematically practiced over the country, made an impact on the high contraception rate and decrease of fertility rate. Total fertility rate per married woman was 6.0 in 1960, but decrease to 4.3 in 1970, to 2.8 in 1980, to the substitution level 2.1 in 1985. The accelarated fertility decrease lowered to 1.7 in 1988. With this trend, Government is expecting the population increasing rate 0.85 percent in 2000 (with the total population 47 millions), and predicting the stationary population total in 2020 (with the total population 52 millions). Government expectation will be available only with the prerequisite of the continous total fertility rate 1.7 through the family planning programme. That is, Korean population transition win be pre-modernized just after the quartile of century, and will go into the full modernination period again after the quartile of century. Drastic population transition changes the quantity control policy of population to the broad policy orientation such as changes of structure and adequate distribution of population. As population transition brought about not the population growth itself but the socio-eco- nomic impact, population control policy has to recognize the relationship between the two. Particularly urban population showed the rapid increase compared with the total population increase due to the socio-political change and ndustrialization. Urban population comprised one-fifth of the total population in 1960, two-thirds of the present population, and will comprise four-fifths in 2000`s, requesting the deep recognition of urban problems and rural problems relatively. Urbanization explains the population concentration on the great cities and particularly on the metropolitan area, and needs the dynamic urban development planning considering the urban function and living system. The specific features of population transition in the modernization process are mainly the problems of education, employment, marriage, housing and family, and ultimately the social phthology such as aging problem. Thus population policy should consider the socio-economic structure, health and medical system and social value system. Recommendations 1 First step to meet the problems from population transition is how to develop the present family planning programme in effective way. As stagnant population is available through the continous family planning programme accomplishment, fertility control policy is necessary for the continuation of the stationary population. While family planning programme has emphasized on the contraceptive distribution just aiming at the population quantity control. it revealed the side effects of contraception and the popular induced abortions. Andmore small children norm brought about child bearing and educational problems in addition to generation conflict within family and family dissolution. In this aspect the very concept of ``family planning`` should be transferred to the family life planning passing over the just specific child bearing control. Family life planning should make all the preparations and plannings for the family formative period with marriage, the family growing period with education of children and couple life, and the family reductive period with the single aged family. Therefore the simple purpose of family planning is transferring to the family health and family welfare from the contraceptive distribution service. Family planning programme should systematize the contraceptive distribution service in the quality control aspect so as to accomplish the aimed purpose above, and retrain the grass root level workers. Additionally a device should be drawn up to derive the induced abortions into the effective contraception and to contribute sex education to the adolescents and premarital target women as a social problem solving method. 2. Secondly family health programme should be developed according to the chronical di- sease contral and the health improvement based on the family unit. Thus family health prog- ramme can include the improvement of diet, management of nutrition, home environment and sanitation, geriatric diseases and the aged health, and multiple purposed and systematic health services. 3. Thirdly planning and service related to family welfare are much more necessary than ever, with the prevailing family nuclearization and children education of the employed parents. Family welfare planning can include service development broadly covering the children bearing and education, role share between couples, support for the aged. 4. Lastly, overall population control policy and coordination organization should be estab-lished on a country level, as the drastic population transition requests the combined approach to population policy and the national development policy. So as to dilute the urban population concentration, not the mioptic regional development but the integral development policy should be prepared focusing on the country utilization and improvement of living condition. Here urgent is integral research for the development policy. The aging trend is inevitable in the modernization process and showing the relationship between population change and socio-economic and welfare needs. The spill over effect from baby boom period in 1960`s is now requesting the solution of employment and housing prob-lems, manpower development and utilization. Herewith is necessary the diversified strategy for the aged society in 2000`s. And-soft policy should be prepared for the family life and career women considering the increasing empl-oyment of women.

      • KCI등재

        한국인구(韓國人口)의 노령화(老齡化) 특징(特徵)

        공세권 ( Sae-kwon Kong ),김초강 ( Cho-kang Kim ) 한국보건사회연구원 1987 保健社會硏究 Vol.7 No.2

        Aging trend is the inevitable phenomenon as a result of population transition. Rapid change of population (decline of fertility and mortality) of Korea in this century predicts the expansion of aging trend. It is obvious that today`s young generation in their under 40s will live in the future aging society. Aging society demands welfare services for the growing aged population, which both family and society should prepare and carry out. Particularly,aging society is composed of the female aged with more than 60 percent of total due to longer life expectancy of female, thus requiring complicated facets of welfare policy focused on the provision for life. Therefore provisions should be prepared for establishing the welfare system at a long-term dimension with an appropriate direction predicting the future condition.

      • KCI등재

        출산력(出産力) 저하(低下)에 따른 여성(女性)의 가족생활주기(家族生活週期) 고찰(考察)

        공세권 ( Sae Kwon Kong ),조애저 ( Ae Jeo Cho ) 한국보건사회연구원 1985 保健社會硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        Naturally, human beings have continuously made a great effort to increase the quality of their lives. This is called as "development". For the last some twenty years, Korea has experienced a tremendous socio-economic development and same development is expected to continue in the future. Needless to say. this development has brought many social changes to which we have to keep trying to adjust. Social changes resulted from the development are not certainly limited to one or two areas of our daily lives, They have affected all most 01 our life styles. This paper attempts to search the relationship between fertility change and the family life cycle in Korea using actual data available. The fertility reduction in the past two decades is largely attributed 10 birth control. rising age at marriage, and expansion of eduction opportunity that came into being in the wake of the rapid socio-ceonomic development The fertility decline among the younger women (twenties years old) is associated primarily with rising age at marriage. The mean age at marriage is increased from twenty-two in 1960 to twenty-four in 1983. And also, the fertility decline for old women (thirty years and over) is associated with the contraceptives adoption, especially sterilization. As a result, the peak age at fertility is decreased from about thirty· two years old in 1960 to twenty-seven years old in 1983, while length of each phases of the family life cycle has shown consistent changes. The interval from marriage to the birth of last child is shortened about one third from ten years over in 1960 to three years in 1983. Despite these recent changes of women`s role, Korea has still a long way to go before she could realize a fuller participation of women in all aspects of her development programs because legal, social institutional barriers are still remaining virtually infact. However, women are now encourged to participate in various social activities such as working for factories, companies or government offices with diversification of socio-economic and family structure, One of the important changes of women`s concepts about their role is that they could achieve self-realization and make income for family through participation in economic activities. As a matter of fact, women`s labor particiption rate in Korea has steadily increased especially in premarital and after child beaning ages. Educational level is a factor influencing very much the labor participation rate. And the labor particiption seems to affect the fertility of women a great deal. Rate of economically active women has increased very fast in the age group of thirties since 1970. More women are engaged in professional, clerical, sales and service works these days tend to remain longer years in their jobs with much satisfaction. Population control policy-wise, it is significant to note that the expansion of employment opportunities for women will inevitably bring about the reduction in fertility. As the social modernization continues women`s role in Korea will be changed greatly to this development and at the same time their role changes will inevitably lead to the fertility decline.

      • KCI등재

        가족개발(家族開發) ; 그 새로운 접근(接近) -가족계획사업(家族計劃事業)을 중심(中心)으로-

        공세권 ( Sae-kwon Kong ),조애저 ( Ae-jeo Cho ),김응석 ( Eung-suk Kim ) 한국보건사회연구원 1990 保健社會硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        이 論文은 出産力低下에 따라 家族計劃事業이 家族開發의 方向으로 轉換되어야 함을 論議하고 있다. 지난 30년간 出産調節에만 중점을 두었던 家族計劃事業은 出産力이 代置水準 이하로 低下되면서 人口의 量的 調節이 人口의 質的 管理의 方向으로 轉換되어야 함을 뜻한다. 따라서 人口資質을 삶의 質로 여길 때 人間生活은 家族을 準據로 삼는다는 점에서 家族計劃은 家庭福祉의 방향에서 이루어져야 하며, 이를 위한 家族開發은 세가지 측면에서 家族計劃을 통한 出産, 養育 등 再生産過程의 計劃과 家族의 健康生活을 위한 家族保健, 家族의 安定된 生活을 위한 問題의 豫防과 治療를 위한 家庭福祉的 接近이 그것이다. The national family planning program has contributed greatly to a reduction in the fertility and population growth rates. As the fertility rate in Korea has fallen below the replacement level, new directions for the family planning program have begun to be discussed. That is, the past quantity-oriented management system should be redirected toward a quality -oriented system. This quality-oriented system should emphasize family health including maternal and infant health, and family welfare. As the family planning program should be understood not merely as a fertility reduction program but also as a comprehensive family development program, we have examined the future directions of our family planning program in Korea in the following three ways. First, the family planning program should continue to provide information and affordable contraceptive supplies for new clients in consideration of improving family health and welfare. The improvement of service programs for raising and educating children is required for the quality control of the population. Additionally, aiming at improving family health, efforts should be made to reduce the incidence of induced abortion. Second, the family development program should concern itself with the overall health status of family members including infants and mothers. The disease patterns in Korea have changed from infectious diseases to chronic diseases. As chronic diseases can be prevented with good every day health practice such as sound dietary habits and regular exercise, developing a comprehensive home health care delivery system through the reeducation of housewives is recommended. Housewives would be supported by Community Health Practitioners. Third, family welfare programs Practitioners improve the quality of family life should be added to the traditional family planning program. Problems in family life have mostly been caused by changing values and complicated roles in the modern family system. These problems can be prevented and treated through well-developed education programs and services including therapy. Education through community institutions such as mothers` clubs, senior citizens` schools, and neighborhood or village meetings is recommended to prevent family problems. Once problems occur, therapy such as professional counselling are suggested. Also family welfare programs are needed to provide adequate family education for the role development of women and the elderly. In conclusion, the family planning program should enhance its quality aspect as well as its traditional quantity aspect. This new concept of family planning is the family development program. The family development program, including not only fertility control but also the improvement of family health and family welfare, can be achieved by the active participation of housewives and CHPs with professional help.

      • KCI등재

        출산력전환(出産力轉換)과 2차적(次的) 영향(影響)

        공세권 ( Sae Kwon Kong ),조애저 ( Ae Jeo Cho ) 한국보건사회연구원 1986 保健社會硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        This study has examined the recent fertility transition and its secondary effects from macro- developmental view. Fertility decline has revealed two different point of view in the process of demographic transition. It was illustrated that in the Western societies, fertility decline had resulted from complexed effects according to changes of socio-economic structure since industrialization, while it is emphasized that a majority of developing countries including Korea, where the fertility has been declined, has actively suggested through the motivation of fertility control and its derive has affected on fertility decline even prior to industrialization. As a new developing model of induced fertility control, Korea as well as Taiwan have recommended fertility control policy to be a population control policy at the national dimension. Nevertheless, foreseeable advantages or disadvantage with a few-oriented child-bearing at individual or family unit level had become the major motive for eligible women of fertility target rather than the collaborating attitude toward population control policy at national level. Those results have greatly devoted to population control which has been established as a national policy. While the main motive of a-few-child orientation has differentiated from individuals and families, it generally has influxed from increase of home economics, high educational level, cultural and emotional family life, self-realization of the needs of reproductive generation and so on. As the concern about population has always appeared at relative aspect, so the impact of fertility decline can be found in the slow down of over-population increase and change of demographic structure. While fertility control as a population control policy was mainly composed of on contraceptive services, it is estimated that complexed impact of variable relevant to prevalent induced abortion or marriage and variable relevant to demographic structure has derived fertility decline. Since the recent fertility shows accumulating phenomenon on the later twenties with rapid change in fertility tempo and total fertility rate reaches 2.1, these all can be estimated stable population in the forthcoming early 2000. In Korea, it shows that population pattern different from Western society, more rapid mortality decline and acceleration of fertility decline, consequently that the aging would occure more rapidly and, conceivably, the proportions of oldder ages might reach higher level, and actual negative growth might be reached more quickly. The implication is that the issues of manpower, health and social security associated with aging need to be faced more complicated issues. It has also partly told that change of education and employment patterns, increasing of housing need due to nuclear family, marriage boom and health care for elderly people along with forthcoming aging. The impact of fertility decline on individual or family leads more greater concern about inevitable secondary effects beyond primary effect of shrunken-up of family size. Firstly small family orientation during the last half century has shortened childbearing period from 11 years to 3 years and decreased more than two-third in family life cycle. In respect to the concept of family life cycle, the longevity of child rearing and educational periods seems extended from 14 years to 23 years during last 50 years or so has devoted to qualitative child rearing and education as well as improvement of korean home economics system. This factor will be prominent with change of fertility and will be seen to affect on the overall the family life. Small family norm brought about more attention on maternal and child health care and gave a chance for self-realization of women with expanding educational opportunity. One of the important changes of women`s concepts about their role in that they could achieve self-realization and seeking income for the family through participation in economic activities. As matter of fact, women`s labor participation rate in Korea has steadily increased especially in premarital and after child bearing ages. But the nuclear type small family trend does not always give a positive aspect of family welfare. Nuclear family is involving aging care problem in the case of avoiding care for the aged parent and expecting confusion in succession of family culture. Nuclear family cannot be excluded of isolation of family membership or family dissolution, a various economic and educational problem caused by danger or single-parent family or children family, home affairs or child rearing and educational problem followed by employment of both married couple.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)에서의 정관수술(精管手術)과 심혈관질환(心血管疾患)으로 인한 사망(死亡)과의 관련성(關聯性) 연구(硏究)

        공세권 ( Sae Kwon Kong ),조애저 ( Ae Jeo Cho ),맹광호 ( Kwang Ho Meng ),박찬무 ( Chan Moo Park ),( L-cheng Chi ),( Lynne R. Wilkens ),( James E. Higgins ),( Albert J. Siemens ),( Malcolm Potts ) 한국보건사회연구원 1986 保健社會硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        This community-based case-control study was carried out in four cities in South Korea to examine whether vasectomy is associated with a long-term increased risk of cardiovascular death in Korean men. Korea was chosen for study because of its long established vasectomy program (>20 years), the relatively high vasectomy prevalence (12% among adult males) and its location in the Orient. Cases are 413 men who died at age 35~65 between October 1982 and September 1983, with an underlying cause of death, as reported in the death certificate, of ischemic heart disease ( N=29, ICD 410~414), non-traumatic cerebrovascular disease (N=295, ICD 430~438)or hypertensive disease (N=89, ICD 401~405). Each case was matched on age and parity to a living male from the same neighborhood. Wives of cases and controls were interviewed at home as surrogates. Univariate analysis of the association of vasectomy and cardiovascular death revealed an odds ratio of 1.4 (95% CLs=0.8~2.4). Multivariate logistic regression analysis, controlling for potentially confounding variables, revealed a lower adjusted odds ratio of 1.0 (95% CLs=0.4~2.4). Thus we did not detect an association between vasectomy and cardiovascular death in Korean men, nor did we detect a statistically significant increased risk for those subjects who had a vasectomy 15 years or longer (odds ratio= 1.3, 95% CLs=0.4~4.4). The results coincide with those from Western epidemiologic studies and do not support the vasectomy-atherosclerosis hypothesis originating from animal research.

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