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      • 중소기업의 사이버 수출마케팅 전략과 성과에 관한 이론적 고찰

        高景淳 釜山外國語大學校國際通商硏究所 2002 國際經營論集 Vol.17 No.-

        This paper studied on the Internet marketing strategy and performance in small export firms on the ground of literature review. The critical findings are in substance as follows. 1. Internet based on the Web make a global communication possible with resonable costs. Therefore, diffusion of Internet allowed an opportunity of global EC to small export firms as well as MNCs. It was clarified that the cultural differences including language and the indistinctness of legal regulations in some electronic documents related among local countries may give rise to a serious trouble. 2. Marketing mix strategy based on STP(segmentation, targeting, positioning) strategy is available to adapt Internet export marketing strategy also as like traditional one. But Internet-utilized export marketing strategy have its unique methods including search engines, Web promotion tools, and so on. 3. I can expect that the upcoming research model will be a 'situation- strategy- performance' paradigm establishing through review of some empirical literatures whether traditional study or new cyber approach. 4. The findings as above provides meaningful implications for the small export firms when putting together a marketing strategy using the Internet. It is also hoped that this will come as a framework for the upcoming empirical study as well as make an offer as a reference for other researchers henceforth.

      • 大學의 이미지먼트 전략에 관한 연구

        高景淳 부산외국어대학교 사회과학연구소 1991 社會科學論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        대학의 실체로서 正體性이 뚜렷하고 구성원의 自己正體性이 확실할 때 그 대학에 대한 밖으로부터의 이미지가 좋다는 것이 문헌 고찰을 통하여 밝혀졌다. 또한,그 대학의 이미지가 좋으면,우수한 구성원의 확보와 유지에 유리하고 구성원의 士氣가 높아 대학의 면학 분위기도 좋아질 것이라는 기대를 논리적으로 할 수 있다. 만일 청소년기의 학생이 自己正體性이 확립되지 못하면 심리적 空洞 상태에서 목표 의식을 잃고 適脫행동을 할 수 있듯이 조직의 正體性이 확립되지 못하면,조직의 시너지 효과synergy effect)가 기대될 수 없으며,심하면 漂流될 우려가 있다는 사실을 대학의 이미지 기획자는 유의하여야 하겠다. 대학 이미지의 개선을 위해 유용한 도구로서 UIP를 비롯한 여러 가지 커뮤니케이션 방법이 개발,사용될 수 있음을 문헌연구를 통해 알게 되었다. 그러나,UIP의 시행에 있어서는 비용-효과분석을 전제로 적절한 시기(계기)에,적절한 절차와 방법을 선택해서 추진해 나가야만 소기의 효과를 기대할 수 있다는 사실을 이 미징 기획자는 또한 유의하여야 한다. 이 논문에서는 문헌연구에 의해 대학의 正體性과 이미지에의 영향 및 형성요인에 관한 이론을 고찰하고,논리적인 체계를 세웠다. 그러나,실제로 대학의 정체성 및 이미지에 영향/형성 요인에는 무엇이 있으며, 그 요인은 얼마나 큰 비중을 차지하는 속성인지를 파악하는 것이 실질적인 의미가 있을 것이다. 그래서, 논자는 대학의 효과적인 이미지먼 트 전략의 수립을 위한 실증연구의 필요성에 따라 본고와 연관성 있는 실증적 연구를 추가로 시도하였다.

      • 釜山 中小製造企業의 輸出마케팅戰略에 관한 業種別 實態分析

        高景淳 釜山 外國語 大學校 1991 外大論叢 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper was made out throuth investigating and analyzinf the actual conditions among the export marketing situations of small firms in Pusan area. The major problems and implications founded throuth this study are as follows : 1. The structural problems This survery showed that the subject firms had not solid foundations for export marketing activities in the world. 1) As lack of some exports, available resources and accumulated knowhows, the subject firms that are so far in the early stage of internationalization lag far behind their major overeas competitiors in the aspect of competitive power. 2) They did not understand the characteristics and changes of external export environments well. 3) They could not effort activity to introduce supperior technology and automatic facilities because of low level of R & D budget. 4) The subject firms did not make preparations for symbiotic marketing system between small business and large one. 5) Small businessmen in this area were daunted by quitting their job of technical employees and moving out their factories from Pusan to other regions because of many reasons including bad environmental conditions. 6) It seem that the back up system of government authorities and some institutes related in export promotion activities are beyoun their tether. 2. The problems in strategic aspect The survey showed also that the subject firms had neither a certain strategy nor a firm tactics on the whole. 1) They do few regular survey activities for opening up new international market and improving their penetration strategies. 2) They try to devote themselves for quality management, but buyers still appraise quality as high rate of inferior goods. 3) There was low ratio utilizing and developing of original own brand, and inexperienced developing high value-added goods. 4) They have insufficient self-control power selecting their export channel as yet. 5) The subject firms shows decline in their competitive power of exporting price and profitability because of wage hike and foreign exchange fluctuations. 3. Implications 1) The small business or businessmen in Pusan area spontaneously try to a gathering the knowledge and power for developing own programs in order to break present bottlenecks and problems as mentioned above. 2) Associations related to small business in this try to keep off excessive competition and to keep on good cooperation between small firms. 3) There is in dire need of positive considerations of the government to provide more active support for the small business in Pusan area. In this context, it is desirable that the governemtn could afford to aiid by flexible taxation financial benefits and so on to the firms.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 국제마케팅에 있어서 종교의 영향에 관한 고찰: 이슬람교를 중심으로

        高景淳 부산외국어대학교 국제통상연구소 2000 國際經營論集 Vol.15 No.-

        This paper studied on implications to international marketing strategic planning of religion focused on Islam as one of many cultural factors. The critical findings are as follows. First, Religion tends to impact to consumer's life styles according to change of their attitude and value consciousness. Such a phenomena may affect to business and marketing activities of international marketers. For example, their business scheduling may be limitted by the local religious holidays and its events. Second, this study also found that consumption pattern of consumers is affected by religious norm including its dogma and taboos. For example, Muslim is obliged to fasting during day time except night time of the Ramadahn period on the ground of Islamic calendar. Third, Islamic dogmas have the salient points of differences from those of other religions in aspect of their austere life through so called 5 pillars and 6 creeds. For example, Muslims should pray 5 times every day looking at Mecca. They can't loan with high interest, and so on. This phenomena are very suggestive for international marketer who taken an active in marketing at this areas. Fourth, as stated above, Islam has standardized religious dogma, but the practical religious life style shows differences among some Islam countries. For example, Turkey commanding an absolute majority of the total population enjoys holidays on Saturday and Sunday just like western world. I think this phenomena suggest to international marketers not only standardization approach but also local adaptation approach in the Islam areas. This study is designed to develop terminological and technical guideline of international marketing in the Islam cultural markets. However, this study has a limitation. This study does not suggest specific alternatives, because it relies on review of literature that is not verified through empirical analysis by cross-cultural analytic methods. Despite the fact that this study may be helpful further studies by proving related information on this topic and pinpointing foci of discussion. At the same time, the facts found from this study may also be helpful for international marketing planners in the Islam countries by providing valuable implications on levels of strategy and tactics.

      • Web 오디언스의 측정과 표적광고 전달에의 응용

        高景淳 釜山外國語大學校國際通商硏究所 1999 國際經營論集 Vol.14 No.-

        Ⅰ. In summary, there are some major facts found through the review of the literature. 1. Measurement instruments and measurement problems 1) Web measurement solution includes site-centered systems and audience-centered systems. The instrument for the former is the log file program, and for the latter is the PC-Meter from the NPD group. 2) It is necessary to include a checklist of requirements when selecting a solution for Web site measurement. This list should include: a) what kind of information is needed; b) whether the treatment of information is based on in-house analysis or outsourcing. 3) There are some reasons for the existing gap between the audience measurement system and the server site system: a) the measurement population is different, b) audience measurement includes the cache which does not have sever log, and c) there is a degree of error/variation created by the two systems. 4) Measurement problems of Web sites are caused by technical barriers. These barriers originate in the following areas: caching ; proxy server ; robot; industry standards; terminology; and reporting. In order to testify to the credibility and reliability of measurement systems, industrial auditing is required. Auditing processes can testify to typical errors in reporting. However, this auditing process has not been adequately developed yet. 2. Applications for delivering targeted ads of measurement data about Web audiences 1) An appropriate, advertising-management software makers targeted advertising delivery possible, and it reports to an advertiser at the right time. Advertising management processes for targeted advertising delivery involve four different levels (see figure 7). 2) Measurement data makes targeting possible through browser software (including users of competitors), companies, geographical location of companies, and advertising networks. 3) By using targeting capabilities, advertisers are better able to understand the outline of the recipients of their message. One of the techniques for collecting demographic information is the cookies. Cookies can be used for storing users' information, and for limiting advertisement frequency. However, an employee of a marketing company needs to understand that there are obstacles to the use of cookies. These occur when the browsing software blocks cookie files. Besides this, cookie files can be eliminated by hand, and this can be an obstacle for collecting personal information, because it is place for the browser, not for the individual. 4) Recent Web measurement techniques, by categorizing and forecasting users' behaviors and preferences, can better target and individualize the advertisement and contents a publisher wants to communicate. These techniques and management systems can be found in products such as Star Point, Hyper System, and Free PC. com. Ⅱ. Significance of the study This study relies on a review of literature. However, this study examines and indicates background information related to future experimental analysis and valid testing procedures. This study also provides implications for related business circles in preparing strategic planning of online marketing and meaningful guidelines for its advertising. Therefore, it is required that further empirical studies on this topic should consider a subject such as "determinants for efficient and effective management in targeted advertising."

      • 인터넷 광고효과의 측정 방법

        高景淳 부산 외국어 대학교 1999 外大論叢 Vol.19 No.3

        Internet advertising is effective and efficient in establishing an adverising plan because it can collect and analyse the measurements gathering from both server site system and meassurement solution for audiences. In measuring internet advertising effects, one of the traditional methods, the hierarchy of marketing communuication deffects, can be applied. However, because of distinctive characteristic of the medium of adverisement, there is current tendency to measure by analyzing two different effects; exposure effects and interactive effects. In spite of internet advertising effectiveness, there are several problems to be solved: 1) terminological and technical standardization in measuring internet advertising effects is not well established, 2) there are legal obstacles in measuring internet advertising effects, and 3) there may be measurement errors depending on measurement methods. An advertiser should use different approaches in selecting a hierarchy of marketing communication effects depending on two different objectives; obtaining exposure effects and/or obtaining interactive effects. For example, a marketer needs to recognize that a large enterprise, which is using banner advertisement as a supplementary means of IMC(integrated marketing communications), may expect to raise awareness level of existing brand before raising click-through rates as a home-page. He or she also needs to be aware that a medium/small-sized enterprise tends to put more emphasis on purchasing response (transaction). Web measurement providers must try to obtain advertiser's trust by standardizing measurement methods and improving techniques that can satisfy advertiser's expectations. This study is designed to develop terminological and technical standardization in measuring internet advertising effects. However, this paper has a limitation. This paper does not suggest specific alternatives, because it relies on review of literature that is not verified through experimental analysis and valid testing procedure. Despite the fact that this study does not suggest creative models, this study may be helpful for further studies by providing related information on this topic and by pinpointing foci of discussion. At the same time, the facts found from this study may also be helpful for internet marketing planners by providng valuable suggestions on levels of strategy and management.

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