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      • KCI등재

        鄕藥集成方의 植物性 漢藥材에 關한 硏究

        강춘기,Kang, Choon-Ki 한국자원식물학회 1993 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        This paper deals with Hyang-Yak Chip Seong Bang, which was made by Hyo-Tong Yu, Jung-Rye Noh and Yun-Duk Park by the order of King Sechong in 1431 and published in eighty-five volumes in 1433. This work includes on hundred three families and two hundred eighty-one species plants, and makes a comprehensive survey of past studies on some medical books. To publish this work, some specialists such as Jung-Rye Noh were sent to China and they made an exchange of opinions with some specialists of China to correct some facts. Cullen soryliforia and Trigonella foenumgraecum of Laguminosae were described as a subtropical plant or tropical plant which had not been produced in our country Also, it includes several anti-cancer plants such as Panax schinseng and Rubia akane that are very helpful to the treatment of diseases of adult people.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 과실류의 역사적 고찰

        강춘기 한국식생활문화학회 1990 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.5 No.3

        韓國에서 農耕의 시작은 新石器時代 末期에서 부분적으로 시작되어 보편화된 것은 B.C 4000년경으로 보고 있다. B.C 8000∼B.C 6000년 전쯤의 어느 新石器 遺蹟 중에서 農耕에 쓰였던 石器들과 함께 도토리가 발견된 것으로 보아 有史以前의 韓國人들의 祖上들은 도토리와 개암 아가위 등 野生植物의 열매를 따서 이용했을 것이다. 部族國家時代의 馬韓에서는 밤을 재배하였다. 三國史記에는 복숭아, 오얏, 배, 梅花를 재배하였음을 알 수 있다. 中國의 記錄을 보면 新羅에서는 잣, 호도, 석류, 百濟에서는 밤이 유명하다. 渤海王朝에서도 오얏과 배, 잣이 유명하였다. 高麗時代에 복숭아, 오얏, 매화, 앵두, 잣, 살구, 포도, 대추, 배, 귤, 유자, 은행 등을 재배 이용하였다. 朝鮮初期의 地理書인 『世宗實錄地理志』(1454)와 『新增東國與地勝覽』(1492)에는 개암, 아가위, 覆盆子, 비자, 잣, 은행, 대추, 밤, 감, 석류, 살구, 복숭아, 호도, 모과, 귤, 유자, 앵두, 포도, 능금 등 우리가 현재 재배하고 있는 과실나무가 거의 재배되고 있다. 朝鮮時代에 들어온 果實로써 위의 地理書에 없는 果實로는 枇杷와 無花果이다. 비파는 조선초기에 들어온 듯하여 無花果는 16세기 전후에 들어온듯 한데 이들 두 종류의 과실나무들은 耐寒性이 약한 種類이기 때문에 지금도 濟州와 全南, 慶北 등지에만 재배되고 있다. 朝鮮時代에 들어 와서는 많은 農書들이 出刊되었는데 거기에는 果樹栽培法과 利用法도 다양하게 기록되어 있다. 그리고 1900년 전후해서 西洋에서 피칸·양앵두 뿐만 아니라 최근 키위 등이 수입되어 상당히 이용되고 있다. 또 이외에도 果實의 藥理的인 면을 이용하여 모든 과실을 漢藥으로써 醫療面에도 널리 利用되었다. 果實은 우리들의 食生活을 풍성하게 하기 때문에 과실의 소비량은 生活水準의 尺度가 된다. 이렇게 오랜 역사를 통하여 果樹들을 改良하고 導入하면서 栽培 利用하여 온 果實類의 지위는 우리의 食生活史에 확고하게 維持되어질 것이다. The agriculture of Korea was begun in the neolithic era partly and generalized around 4,000 B.C. Discovery of acorn and stoneworks used in agriculture in neolithic era in 8,000 B.C to 6,000 B.C suggests that prehistoric ancestors of Korean night use acorn, hazel-nuts, and haws, etc. as foods. Cultivation of chestnuts, peaches, plums, pears, and japanese apricots was found in Mahan, the tribal states, and in the period of three kingdoms and Balhae dynasty too. In the period of Koryo, pears, plums, japanese apricots, pine nuts, apricots, grapes, jujubes, gingko nuts, oranges, and citrons were cultivated and used in diet. Sejongsilrokjiriji(1454), a geography of the early chosun, and Sinjungtonggukyojisungnam(1492) show that they cultivated almost all fruits we are now cultivating such as hazel-nuts, haws, nutmeg nut, and so on. Loquats seem to be brought in the early chosun era and figs around 16th century. Pecans, sweet cherries were brought around 1,900 and recently tropical fruits like kiwis were brought in and used in a large scale. In addition, Some fruits were used in medical treatments. Fruits increase the pleasure of the diet and sometimes they are used as a measure of a standard of living. Fruits have been improved and used for a long time, their status in our diet will be maintained resolutely.

      • KCI등재

        高麗時代의 園藝食品類에 關한 硏究

        姜椿基 한국식품영양학회 1990 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.3 No.1

        Koryoˇ(918-1392) made a certain progress in her culture and agriculture except the latter part of the era when the development in social economy were retarded due to military dictatorship and Mongol invasion. Despite of these external conditions, cultivations and kinds of horticulture foods were expanded with the help of many king's agriculture first policy and the advancement in cultivating method. Among the horticulture foods, fruits such as peach, plum, Japanese apricot, apricot, cherry, pear, persimmon, pomegranate, crab apple, jujube, grape, Chinese quince, walnut, orange, yuzu, chestnut, ginkgo nut(silvernut), pine nut, nutmeg nut, and jat were growed, and vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, turnip, radish, garlic, welsh onion, gynmigit, scallion, taro, malva, cucumber, white gourd, bottle gourd, water melon, eggplant, Japanese ginger, ginger and litchi were cultivated, while seri, water shieled and bamboo sprouts were taken in natural. Fruits were taken in natural or through dry, and particularly grapes were used to make wine. Flowers of Japanese apricots, some fruit trees, and chrysanthemum were also made into wine. Certain fruits were used as medicine owing to its medicinal nature. Vegetables were used to make kimchi or to boil soup, sometimes they were dried to be kept in storage to be used in rare season and also used as medicine. Increase in kinds of horticulture foods does not have any direct relation with the reform of social economy, but the fact that so many kinds of horticulture foods were cultivated and used in Koryoˇ era shows that they elevated people's life and dietary culture.

      • KCI등재

        녹용의 영양·생화학적 고찰

        강춘기,김성환 한국식품영양학회 1989 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.2 No.2

        Deer horn has been used in oriental medicine and folk remedy. It has had much effects on 'health and tonic efficacy'. But this word, 'health and tonic efficacy', is very obscure in modern sense. This report attempts to investigate their scientific and objective effects among many papers. The biochemical components of antler are composed of pentoses, hexoses, acid mucopolys-accharides, free and ester fatty acids, glycolipids, phospholipids, prostaglandins, sterols, protein and peptides, free amino acids, minerals, hormones etc. Deer horn extract especially increases body weight gain and feed efficiency, and it stimulates the ability of spermatogenesis of animal. However, a few papers have reported concerning the toxicity and side effects of antler.

      • KCI등재

        세종 지리지의 자원식물고

        강춘기,KangChoonKi 한국자원식물학회 1995 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Sejong-Jirhiji, completed in 1454, has records on Anthropologic and NaturalGeography, Economy, Military affairs and Indusry, especially in the side of Industry, resources plant is included. It has much more species, which are almost wild and only a few cultivated, tham in the Moden book of Geography. The total species of resources plant recorded in 8 provinces are 1277, but by the system of classifcation they are 104 families and 267 species. It is almost same record as in Hyang- Yak Chip Seong Bang published in 1433, in which the total species are 103 families, 281 species. We can see the voluntary will to avoid chinese chemical, expensive and difficult to get, and to exploit our own in this book. Among these, Cullen coryliforia included in Leguminosae, Styrax benzoin included in Styraceae and Ocimum sanctum included in Labiatae are plants of trophic or subtropic. We don't know through which passage do they come. The different names on a same species give a difficult problem in understanding the traditional book. Today resources plant's spread recorded in Sejong-Jirhiji gives a referential help, and Korean botany is based on it. $\ulcorner$ 세계지리지 $\lrcorner$는 1426년에 간행된 $\ulcorner$신선팔도지리지$\lrcorner$를 보완 수정하여 1454년에 완성되었다. 이 책에는 인문지리,자연지리, 경제 군사적인 내용에 이르기까지 상세히 기록되어 있다. 자원식물은 산업면에서 기 고 있는데 현대지리서에서도 추수를 수 없을 만틈 방대하게 종이 기재되어 있다. 이들 중에는 거의가 야생종이고 극소수는 재배종이다. 팔도에 기재된 자원식물 총수는 1277종(항목)이지만 분유체계에 따르면 104과 267종이다. 이는 1433년에 간행된 $\ulcorner$ 향약집성방 $\lrcorner$의 103과 281종과 거의 비슷하다. 값이 비싸고 구하기 어려운 중국약재를 피학고 향약재를 발굴하여 사용하려는 자주적인 의지를 이지리서에서 볼 수 있다. 그 중 콩과의 파고지 Cullen coryliforia와 때죽나무과의 안식향 Styrax benzoin과 꿀풀과의 영릉향Ocimum sanctum등은 열대 또는 아열대식물인데 어떤 경로로 도입되었는지 알길리 없다. 고서에서의 어려움은 동일종에 여러개이 이명이 있는 점이다. 세계지리지에 수록된 자원식물의 분포는 오늘에도 삼고가 되고 있음 뿐만 아니라 그 자원식물들은 후일 한국본초학의 토대가 되었다.대가 되었다.

      • KCI등재
      • 「閨壺是議方」의 調理에 관한 分析的 硏究

        姜椿基 서강정보대학 1992 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        "Kyu-Ho-Shi-Eu-Bang" is a cookbook, written by Mrs. Chang in the 17th century(about 1670), that recorded various cooking methods for Korean traditional food in detail. Preparation method of kimchi, one of the Korean traditional fermentative food, was recorded in this book for the first time ; and also the method of making rice cake, Sanghwa, was recorded. The kinds of food were classified by cooking methods and brewing methods in this book. In cooked food, there were total 92 items including wheat vermillis, buns stuffed with seasoned meat and vegetables, rice cakes, oil and honey pastries, boiled beef, fishes and shellfishes, soup, smothered dishes, kimchi, salted fishes and other side dishes by dryness and storage methods or broiled and toasted methods. In brewed food, there were records for preparation methods of brewing wines, Koji, Korean wines, and vinegars. Cooking utensils used in those cooking were not seemed to be precisely quantitative, but this book showed most of food that were cooked in Korean homes in the 17th century.

      • KCI등재

        합성배지에서 저온성 느타리(Pleurotus ostreatus 201)의 섬유소분해효소 생산조건

        이극로,강춘기 한국식품영양학회 1993 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.6 No.2

        합성배지에서 저온성 느타리(Pleurotus ostreatus 201)의 섬유소 분해효소 생산이 미치는 배양조건 및 탄소원의 영향을 검토하였다. 효소생산에 최적인 배양온도와 배지 pH는 avicelase가 25℃, 5.5이었고 CMCase는 30℃, 5.0 이었으며 β-glucosidase는 30℃, 6.5이었다. Avicelase와 CMCase 활성은 9일 배양하였을 때 최대치를 보였으며 β-glucosidase 활성은 18일 배양하였을 때가 가장 높았다. 탄소원 중에서 avicelase생산은 cellulose powder, CMCase생산은 Na-CMC, β-glucosidase생산은 cellobiose를 첨가하였을 때 가장 좋았다. 효소 생산은 cellulose powder 1.0%에서 가장 양호하였으며 glucose는 농도의 증가에 따라 현저하게 감소되었다. Cultural conditions and carbon sources affecting the productivity of cellulolytic enzymes of Pleurotus ostreatus 201 were examined in synthetic media. The optimum cultural temperature and initial pH for the production of enzymes were 25℃ and 5.5 in avicelase, and 30℃ and 5.0 in CMCase, and 30℃ and 6.5 in β-glucosidase. Among carbon sources, cellulose powder was the best for the production of avicelase, and Na-CMC for CMCase, and cellobiose for β-glucosidase. The optimum concentration of cellulose powder was 1.0%(w/v) , and glucose depressed the production of enzymes remarkably.

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