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        전통적 놀이관의 지속과 변용

        강재철(Kang Jae-Chul) 비교민속학회 2010 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.43

        본고는 활쏘기와 장기바둑에 주안하여 유학자들의 전통적 놀이관을 집중적으로 고찰한 다음, 이를 토대로 개화 이후 놀이관의 변화에 대해 그 동인(動因)을 살펴보고, 결론에서 바람직한 현대 놀이문화에 대해 언급해 본 논문이다. 전통사회의 놀이는 예악사어서수, 즉 유예(六藝)의 예(藝)와 잡기(雜技)의 희(戱)로서 대별할 수 있는 바, 유학자들은 활쏘기를 대표적인 관덕지구(觀德之具)의 하나로 인식하였으며, 장기바둑은 잡기 중 아(雅)한 것으로서 예(藝)와 같은 반열의 관덕지구(觀德之具)는 아니더라도 예(藝)에 대한 전통적 인식에 따라 장기바둑에도 놀이 향유자의 덕(德)이 발현되어야 한다고 인식했다. 즉 향유자의 도(道)의 유무가 배격과 옹호의 중요 잣대가 되었다. 이와 같은 유학자들의 재도적(載道的) 놀이관을 살펴보기 위하여 본고에서는 놀이이론이 될 만한 경전의 몇몇 장구(章句)가 동원되었다. 유어예론(游於藝論), 완물상지론(玩物喪志論), 이장지도론(弛張之道論), 박혁유현론(博奕猶賢論), 격물치지론(格物致知論), 지지호지낙지자론(知之好之樂之者論)이라 필자가 발굴ㆍ명명ㆍ소개해 본 것이 그것으로, 이를 통해 고찰해본 결과 유학자들의 재도적 놀이관은 실학시대를 맞아 서서히 변모를 보인다. 이 시기가 되면서 격물치지의 새로운 인식에 따른 완물상지에 대한 인식이 바뀌면서 종전에 비난받던 완물상지가 격물치지로 격상되기 시작한다. 이러한 격물치지로의 격상은 곧 놀이에서의 도(道)의 추구가 악화되고 지(知)가 중시되는 변화를 의미한다. 한편 이러한 변화가 개화 이후에는 서구 과학 문물의 급속한 유입에 따라 약소민족의 개명의 차원에서 지(知)의 중요성이 더욱 강조되면서 그 속도가 가속화된다. 즉 놀이에서의 관덕의 요소가 약화되는 대신에 지능이 중시되면서 승부욕이 지나치게 조장된다. 그러나 바람직한 놀이는 즐기는 것으로서의 경쟁이지 지나치게 승부욕에 집착하게 되면 실덕지구(失德之具)로서 놀이의 즐거움은 감소된다. 인류의 제전(祭典)에 타락하지 않은 원초의 불처럼 타락하지 않은 놀이, 신성한 놀이, 건강한 놀이가 되어야 할 것이다. 끝으로 본고에서 다룬 몇 가지 놀이이론은 과문한 탓일지 모르나 동양의 놀이이론으로서는 최초의 체계적인 언급이 될 것임을 부기(附記)해 둔다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘온돌문화전통’의 지속과 변용에 관한 시론(試論)

        강재철(Kang Jae-Chul) 비교민속학회 2010 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.41

        일제 강점상황 하에서도 우리 민족성과 민족문화의 상징으로서 우리 지식인들뿐만 아니라 일본인들 사이에서도 온돌문화의 ‘온존설(溫存說)’이 주장된 이래 해방 후에도 온돌문화 담론은 지속되었다. 본고는 온돌문화전통이 한국에서 유교문화전통의 ‘온존’과 지속’의 토대가 되었으나 근대화와 산업화 속에서 온돌문화전통이 변용되었음을 논한 시론(試論)이다. 온돌은 인류역사의 시작에서부터 불의 공유에서 비롯한 것으로 우리 민족은 특히 ‘신화적 인식의 불’의 관념을 강하게 가지고 있었고 ‘우리 의식’이 강한 민족이었다. 그러한 의식은 자연히 온돌 공간을 통해서 만들어져 계승되어 왔다. 다음은 본고가 논급한 온돌문화전통에 관한 요약이다. 온돌의 온기 전달로 반복적인 일상생활 속에서 일체감, 연대감을 가질 수 있게 되었을 뿐만 아니라 온돌공간이라는 울타리 안에서 동질성이 강한 공동소유의식이 만들어졌다. 또한 온돌생활공간은 작은 공간을 추구한 절제된 생활공간으로서 인류 초기 역사부터 경험한 작은 공간에 대한 ‘원초적 그리움’과 같은 것이었다. 온돌공간은 타인과의 빈번한 접촉의 공간으로서 당연히 질서와 예의가 요구되었기 때문에 교육이 이루어진 공간이었다. ‘동방예의지국’의 기초예절교육은 이와 같은 온돌공간에서 길러졌다. 한국음식문화 가운데 국문화와 탕문화는 온돌문화전통에서 만들어졌다. 취난과 취사가 동시에 이루어질 수 있었던 온돌문화 속에서 탕문화와 국문화가 발생할 수 있었다. 그리고 농경정착문화와 깊은 관련을 갖는 온돌문화는 우리 문화의식 가운데 “계대(繼代)의식”을 만들어냈고 ‘한 방[-室]’은 곧 조상에 대한 숭조(崇祖)와 봉사(奉祀)의 공간이 되었다. 끝으로 온돌문화전통은 우리 민족의 은근과 끈기문화의 ‘태반’이 되었다. 서서히 더워지고 서서히 식어가는 온돌의 속성에서 은근과 끈기의 민족성이 만들어졌다. 이러한 온돌문화전통은 일제 강점 상황 하에서 내선일체론의 주창과 함께 ‘온돌부정론’에 의하여 해체 위기에 직면하였으나 해체에까지는 이르지 않았다. 그러한 온돌문화전통은 해방 후 미군정과 한국전쟁을 겪으면서 한국사회의 가치관변화와 함께 변질되어 갔다. 그 변질의 본격화는 1980년대에 들어서 전통온돌가옥이 서구화되고 아파트의 대량 보급에 따라 그 토대가 무너져갔다. 그러나 본고에서 궁극적으로 온돌문화전통의 바람직한 ‘재창조’가 중요하다는 점을 강조하고자 하는 것은 우리의 온돌주거의 양식이 시대의 흐름 속에서 지속ㆍ변화되더라도 중요한 우리의 전통 가치관에 다시 한 번 눈을 돌릴 필요가 있다는 점에서이다. Despite the circumstances, since the initial publication of the theory of preservation of the culture of ondol (underfloor heating), Korea under Japanese rule had witnessed the continuing debate among a group of Korean intellectuals, and even among Japanese people, over the culture of ondol, the symbol of Korea's national sentiment and culture. The theory of preservation of ondol cult ute was based on the tradition of ondol that has been a part of Korean culture. This paper presents a theory of poetry on the acculturation of the culture and traditions of ondol in the midst of Korea's modernization and industrialization while such culture and traditions laid the foundation tor the "preservation" and "persistence" of Korea's Confucianism. The earliest use of ondol began with the use of fire in ancient times. The Korean people firmly believed in the "mythological concept of tire" and had developed a strong sense of "we-ness (togetherness),"or unity. This has been passed down through generations, along with the invention of ondol space. Below is the summary of the culture and traditions of ondol : Not only did direct heat transfer used in ondol help people establish a sense of community, but it also strengthened their bonds and sense of common ownership of shared ondol space. Ondol had been used as a limited living space and evoked 'nostalgia' for the old small space thar people had experienced since ancient rimes. A small place where people had to snuggle together, an ondol room essentially required order and respect, and functioned as an educational place where people taught themselves to respect one another. Therefore, ondol was one of those factors giving shape to the customs and manners of Korean people as "the courteous people in the east." The cultures of guk (soup) and tang (boiled water) of Korea originated from the ondol culture. Since ondol allowed people to warm themselves up, eat, and sleep in a single space, it helped create the cultures of guk and tang. The ondol culture was deeply related to Korea's agricultural settlement, subsequently forming the "consciousness of succession of generations." "One room (一室)" became regarded as a space of honoring ancestors and of respectful submission. Last, the ondol culture and traditions laid the "foundation" for Korea's culture of courtesy and tenacity. Living in the ondol room that required gradual heating and cooling, Korean people learned to be courteous and tenacious. Under the Japanese rule, however, the traditions of ondol culture faced existential threat as the regime advocated the theory of total annexation, although it barely continued to exist. After the liberation, the traditions of ondol culture underwent major changes during the U.S. military army government and Korean War, along with the introduction of new values into Korean society. In the 1980s, the traditional ondol houses became westernized and their foundations were broken down with the distribution of apartments. This paper therefore emphasizes the importance of "recreation" of the traditions of ondol culture because it is worth paying attention to the values that are important to us despite the changes in housing styles.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        오랑캐(兀良哈)語源說話 硏究

        姜在哲(Kang Jae-chul),이복규(토론자) 비교민속학회 2002 비교민속학 Vol.22 No.-

        This is the treatise that studies the origin, the influenced aspects, and the theoretical background of the story of Orangkae(오랑캐 : 兀良哈)’s etymology. First of all, this writing looks into Orangkae’s etymology and the hereditary resources of the story in East Asia. Then it investigates the aspects that were influenced in the stories of several tribal ancestors’ birth in East Asia and the principles of how each tribal ancestor in the stories were transformed differently. Finally it examines the Confucian background of that story’s establishment. The following is the principal among the contents discussed in this writing. First, in a narrow sense ‘Orankae’ has been used as the name of the tribe, Yeojin(女眞), who had lived in and around Manju(滿洲) and in a broad sense it has been used as the concept of ‘Yi’(夷) against ‘Hwa’(華), including Cheong(淸) and Western countries. The original sense of Orangkae was ‘human’, but it could be used as a insulting word because the sound of ‘kae’ was similar to ‘gae’(dog). Second, this story as Keunpo-Seolwha(廣布說話) of East Asia has the origin in Banho-Seolwha(盤瓠說話) and yaraeza-Seolwha(夜來者說話) that are the stories of the tribal ancestor's birth. In other words, the story of Orangkae’s etymology must be the Korean peculiar story that was seemingly transformed by the influence of Banho-Seolwha and Yaraza-Seolwha. Third, the establishment of the story historically has the background of Orangkae’s frequent invasions and culturally of the cognitive change about the other species(beings except human being), as it were, the cognitive exchange from the Taoism’s and Buddhism’s point of view into the Confucian and the development of science and knowledge etc.

      • KCI등재

        韓國古典小說과 越南

        강재철(Kang Jae-chul) 비교민속학회 2000 비교민속학 Vol.18 No.-

        It is assumed that the number of Korean classical novels are about five hundred. So when it comes to novels which dealt with other countries, many of them were written about China. 4 few of them were written about Japan. Moreover, the novels which dealt with China showed two different aspects. Both good and evil. But the novels that dealt with Japan showed only bad aspects, evil. In this thesis I would like to focus on Vietnam, which was never mentioned as a subject of the study. For example, there are a couple of novels which dealt with Vietnam. In one novel, a Vietnamese is the main character. In another a Korean is shown to marry a Vietnamese princess. But not too many people know about this. I hope this thesis can help us study the relationship between Korea and Vietnam, as well as the study of Korean classical novels. As we can find in the novels, Korea considered Vietnam its brother. The rivalism, self-confidence, egoism, which were described in the novels, were all in reference to Japan and China. These kind of ideas may have come from either less confrontations' between these two countries or sense of brotherhood. Some said there was not a true sense of brotherhood between Korea and Vietnam, but rather there was simply a tolerance of foreigners. But I think this is also part of brotherhood. Even though these two countried hold grudges against each other, in the novels we can feel a sense of closeness. Along with these classical novels there also are a lot of current Korean novels which have dealt with Vietnam. Among these novels I hope we can find some which show the similarities and friendship between these two countries. I also wonder if there were some classical Vietnamese novels which dealt with Korea. If so, what did they think about Korea, I wonder.

      • WWW환경에서 데이타 전송량 절감을 위한 가상 인덱스 시스템

        강재철(Jae-Chul Kang),김창화(Chang-Hwa Kim) 한국정보과학회 1999 정보과학회논문지 : 시스템 및 이론 Vol.26 No.6

        The indexing system used currently in search engine under network environment, specially, WWW environment, has some problems in indexing the increasing various information of the local sites to the robot site. These problems are the followings. The first is to increase network traffics because all documents of the local sites are transferred to the robot site. Because the robot receives unnecessary information which contains useless stop words, special letters, total of the repeated keywords in each document at local sites. The second is the difficulty to maintain the recent information because the time interval for the robot to revisit to each local site is longer as the number of local sites is increased gradually. The third is that it takes long time for the robot agent to parse all documents transferred to its site. To resolve these problems, this paper suggests a VITAR mechanism and we proves its efficiency through performance evaluation by comparing with the current central index mechanism. In our mechanism a document is created, updated, and deleted in its local site. Then, the local index agent parses the document, constructs keyword message(we call it as K-message), and sends it to the virtual index site. The advantages of VITAR are the followings. The first is to be able to reduce network traffics because it transfers only keyword messages to robot site. The second is to be able to remove the parsing time in robot site because of the beforehand parsing at the local site. Finally the third advantage is to be able to maintain the most recent meta information because the virtual index database is updated as soon as changes of documents occur in each local site. Especially, in the case of creation type of a document, we are able to get the effect to save average 80.3% in the network traffic amount comparing with the central index mechanism. 최근에 사용중인 검색엔진은 증가하는 지역사이트의 정보를 로봇사이트에 인덱스 하는데 많은 문제점이 있다. 첫째 지역사이트의 문서 전체를 로봇사이트로 전송하므로 네트워크의 트래픽을 증가시킨다. 왜냐하면 인덱스 하는데 불필요한 불용어와 특수문자, 중복된 키워드 전체를 전송하기 때문이다. 둘째 지역사이트의 증가로 인해 로봇의 방문주기가 길어지므로 최근의 정보를 유지하는데 어려움이 있다. 마지막으로 문서를 로봇사이트에서 파싱하므로 파싱 시간이 길다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 VITAR방식을 제안하고, 중앙집중식 인덱스방식과 성능을 비교 분석한다. 이 방식은 지역사이트에서 문서를 생성, 갱신, 삭제하고 지역 인덱스에이전트에 의해 파싱한 후 푸싱기법을 이용하여 가상인덱스에 키워드 메시지만을 전송한다. VITAR방식의 장점은 키워드 메시지만을 전송하므로 네트워크 트래픽을 줄일 수 있고, 지역사이트에서 미리 파싱하므로 파싱 시간을 줄일 수 있으며, 각 지역사이트의 문서가 변경되는 즉시 가상인덱스가 변경되므로 인해 최근의 자료를 유지할 수 있다. 특히 중앙집중식 인덱스방식과 성능을 비교 분석한 결과 생성타입인 경우 80.3%의 전송 절감효과를 얻을 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        동양의 설화채록제도와 정치적 목적

        강재철(Kang Jae-chul),崔元午(토론자) 비교민속학회 2004 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.26

        It has been studied the system and the classification for the narrative which selects and puts in on record in the Orient, in this manuscript before it is investigated the classification, the evolution and the purport of the political narrative from Confucian point of view. It was the thought of the oriental Confucian literature of the Orient that literature must take on the way. It is called Jae-do-jee-gi(載道之器). Until the Western theory of literature was introduced in the Orient, this was the firm theory which had never taken a challenge before. So that these included the subject of the narrative recording. It just excluded narrative which was not worth a plugged nicked or did not exist bosasung(補史性). Even if the narrative was given in a dictionary, the fact would have reported the matter to an emperor, moreover it would have broadly given currency to the people. Repeatedly the narrative which was not worth a plugged nicked when they had reported the matter to kings of many previous generations or the people were not enlightened would be excepted the subject of recording. By the way, in the Orient, there was specially a narrative recording management with the Confucian political object of publishing the union of church and state from the quite early season. According to historical record it was Ju-in(?人), a passersby, a Chai-si diadem, a Pagoan, a narration extra, an opinion book, a narration of an opinion book, a man of an opinion book, a narration, a novelist and so on. This manuscript set up some system of the evolution theory though the record related to them in the variety of literature. Namely it was switched a Chai-si diadem to a Pagoan, a Pagoan to a narration, a narration to a novelist. On the other hand, on the authority of the canon of classification of the Book of Song's poetry, this manuscript tried out classification of a political narrative in conclusion. The classification was as follows. 1) The genre story of the rise and decline (1) The genre story of prosperity(the story of justice style) ① Good government story ② Morality story (2) The genre story of decline (the story of anti-justice style) ① The misgovernment story ② Unmorality story 2) The genre story of good advice From now on the present writer will continually write an regular thesis on the political story of Korean based on the thesis above.

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