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        사급거래 수익인식: 총액법 vs 순액법

        강선민 ( Sun Min Kang ),한기원 ( Gi Won Han ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계저널 Vol.24 No.4

        제조업의 비중이 큰 우리나라는 산업구조상 외주가공거래가 빈번이 발생하고 있다. 본 연구의 ㈜아우토비스 감리사례는 외주가공거래에 대한 원재료구매대행 거래와 사급거래에 대한 구분과 그 판단기준이 무엇이며 더불어 총액법과 순액법의 수익인식 논리에 대하여 생각할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 부품의 제조가공을 주요 사업으로 하고 있는 ㈜아우토비스는 발주회사로부터 원재료를 제공받아 가공납품하는 거래를 원재료 구매대행 거래로 판단하여 매입 및 매출액을 총액기준으로 회계처리하였다. 그러나 감독당국은 ㈜아우토비스의 외주가공거래는 유상사급거래이므로 관련 매출 및 매출원가는 총액이 아니라 순액으로 회계처리해야 된다는 감리결과를 제시하였다. 다만, ㈜아우토비스의 외주가공계약을 원재료구매대행 거래로 판단하여 총액법을 적용할 것인가 아니면 유상사급거래 판단에 따라 순액법을 적용할 것인가는 회사의 순자산과 순이익에 미치는 영향은 없다. 사급거래란, 발주회사가 임가공업체에 외주가공을 의뢰하면서 발주회사의 원재료 또는 반제품 등을 제공하는 거래로 무상사급과 유상사급으로 구분된다. 무상사급거래는 발주회사가 원재료를 무상 제공 후 부품제조회사에서 임가공이 종료되면 임가공 업무에 대한 수수료만을 지급하는 형태의 거래이다. 따라서 제공되는 원재료의 소유권은 해당 임가공거래시작부터 종료시까지 모두 발주회사가 소유한다. 반면, 유상사급거래는 무상사급과 거래 형태가 동일하지만 발주회사가 부품제조회사에 원재료 제공시 유상으로 판매한 이후 외주가공이 모두 종료되면 다시 재구매하는 형태의 거래를 의미한다. 유상사급거래는 부품제조회사로 원재료가 제공되는 시점에서 원재료에 대한 판매가 이루어졌다고 보아 소유권이 부품제조회사로 이전되고, 임가공이 종료되어 재구매되는 시점에 다시 원재료의 소유권이 발주회사로 환원된다고 보는 것이다. 그러나 회계상 소유권은 형식적·물리적 이전이 아닌 경제적 실질에 따라 소유권을 판단하기 때문에 유상사급거래는 무상사급거래와 경제적 실질이 동일하다고 판단한다. 한편 ㈜아우토비스가 주장한 원재료구매대행 거래는 유상사급거래 형태와 유사하지만 발주회사가 부품제조회사를 대신하여 원재료를 구매하여 제공하는 것이다. 따라서 원재료구매대행 거래의 경우 발주회사는 구매대행을 통해 제공하는 원재료 총액은 기업회계기준상 발주회사의 매출로 인식할 수 없고, 단지 구매대행수수료만을 영업외수익으로 인식한다. 반면부품제조회사는 제3자로부터 구매한 원재료 매입가액과 외주가공 납품대가를 총액으로 인식할 수 있다. 원재료구매대행 거래와 유상사급거래에 대한 수익인식기준의 판단을 위해서는 원재료 소유에 따른 위험과 효익이 누구에게 있는가에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 구체적으로 본 연구의 사례기업 ㈜아우토비스의 외주가공계약 거래가 원재료구매대행 거래에 해당하는지를 판단하기 위하여 다음의 조건이 만족하는지를 살펴보아야 한다. 첫째, 원재료의 법률적 소유권이 부품제조회사로 완전히 이전되고 부품제조회사는 매입한 원재료의 처분에 제약이 없었는지? 둘째, 원재료가 공정한 가격으로 매매되고 매매된 원재료에 대한 반환청구권 또는 확정된 가격으로 재매출하는 약정이 없었는지? 셋째, 부품제조회사에서 원재료에 대한 실질적인 추가가공이 이루어지고 원재료의 물리적 손상에 따른 위험을 부품제조회사가 전액부담하는지? 항목별로 회사와 감사인의 주장근거, 그리고 판단상의 문제점을 살펴본 결과㈜아우토비스의 외주가공계약 거래는 감독기관의 감리결과와 같이 원재료구매대행 거래가 아닌 유상사급거래로 판단되기 때문에 순액법에 의한 회계처리가 타당하였다. 그러나 현실적으로 재무정보를 제공하는 주체인 기업은 다른 법률이나 관습 등의 환경적인 요인들에 의해 유상사급을 무상사급과 동일하다고 판단하지 않는다. 재무정보를 생성하는 주체들의 혼란을 막기 위해서는 유상사급 거래에 대한 해석이 회계분야 외에 다른 법률 및 관습에서도 일관성있게 충족될 필요성이 있다. 본 연구의 감리사례는 수익인식의 구체적인 판단기준과 이에 대한 적절한 회계감사절차에 관한 정보를 제공함으로써 수익인식기준에 대한 이해를 돕기 위한 유용한 교육 자료가 될것으로 기대한다. 특히 우리나라 제조기업의 구조가 대기업을 중심으로 다수의 협력업체들의 사업협력 관계가 구성되는 가치사슬(value chain)의 형태라고 볼 때 본 연구의 실제감리사례는 실무자들에게 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대한다. The case of audit of Autovis Co., Ltd. in this study has significance in that it provides a chance for companies and auditors to divide transactions of purchase of raw materials and subcontracting transactions; think of the criteria for judgment; and think of the logic of revenue recognition of gross method and net method. Autovis Co., Ltd. with the main business of being supplied raw materials from ordering company and processing and delivering them judged the transactions of outsourcing processing contract as transactions of purchase of raw material and conducted an accounting of purchasing and sales as the base of the gross amount. The supervisory authority indicate that Autovis``s relevant transactions were interpreted as transaction of purchase at a cost, so it was wrong to conduct accounting of the related revenue and cost of sales as gross amount. Subcontracting transaction refers to a transaction in which an ordering company supplies its raw material or semi-manufactures as it requests a toll processing business for outsourced processing. The type of subcontracting transaction can be divided into purchases free of charge and purchases at a cost. A transaction of purchase free of charge is a transaction in which an ordering company supplies raw materials free of charge and then after toll processing is completed at a manufacturer of parts, it pays a commission for the toll processing only. Thus, the ordering company takes the ownership of the raw materials provided throughout the beginning of the toll processing transaction to the end of it. In contrast, though with the same type of transaction, transaction of purchase at a cost refers to a transaction, in which the ordering company sells raw materials at a cost to the manufacturer of parts in supplying them and repurchase them after all outsourced processing is completed. However, since accounting judges ownership transfer according to the economic substantiality instead of the formal ownership transaction, all transactions of purchase at a cost are judged as the same as transactions of purchase free of charge. In the meantime, a transaction of purchase of raw materials, similar to transaction of purchase at a cost, means that an ordering company purchase and supply raw materials in place of a manufacturer of parts. Thus, the gross amount of purchase of raw materials may not be recognized as sales of the ordering company on the company accounting standards. However, the ordering company recognizes only purchase commissions as non-operating revenue. Autovis``s outsourced processing contract is the result of the application of the gross method by transactions of purchase of raw materials and net method by transaction of purchase at a cost, which do not affect the company``s net asset and net income. Simply, the issue is whether the size of the company was overstated in appropriation. To judge an outsourced processing contract as a transaction of purchase of raw materials, most risks and rewards according to the owning of the raw materials should be taken by the manufacturer of parts. Thus, specifically, to judge whether Autovis`` outsourced processing contract transactions come under the transactions of purchase of raw materials, it is necessary to check if they meet the following conditions. First, whether the legal ownership of raw materials is completely transferred to the manufacturer of parts and the manufacturer of parts does not have a constraint in disposing the purchased raw materials. Second, whether the raw materials are sold at a fair price and there is a right to request a return for the raw materials or an arrangement of a re-sale at a fixed price. Third, whether practical additional processing of raw materials is made in the manufacturer of parts and it covers all expenses of risks according to physical damage to the raw materials. According to the evidence and claims judged by the company and auditors for the conditions, and a result of an investigation of the problems of judgment, Autovis``s outsourced processing contract transactions are regarded as transaction of purchase at a cost, not the transactions of purchase of raw materials as in the result of audit by the supervisory institution, and thus, it is reasonable to conduct accounting with net method.

      • KCI등재

        외부감사가 비상장기업의 재량적 발생액에 미치는 영향

        강선민 ( Sun Min Kang ),황인태 ( In Tae Hwang ) 한국회계학회 2007 회계학연구 Vol.32 No.2

        자산총액 70억이상 기업에 대한 외부감사에 대해 기업들과 감사인들은 대립되는 입장을 견지하고 있다. 기업들은 외부감사 수수료 등이 부담이 된다는 이유로 외부감사를 받아야하는 중소기업의 범위를 줄여줄 것을 줄기차게 요구하여 왔고 공인회계사들은 회계투명성이 후퇴된다는 논리로 이에 반대하여 왔다. 소규모 기업에 대한 외부감사의 유용성에 관한 상반된 주장에 대해 이를 뒷받침할 만한 실증분석이 이루어 지지 못하였다. 본 연구는 비상장중소기업이 처음으로 외부감사를 받는 경우 회계투명성이 개선되었는지를 재량적발생액을 이용하여 분석하고자 한다. 또한 투명성개선 효과가 감사인 유형간에 차이가 존재하는가를 검증하였다. 연구결과 강제적인 외부감사는 기업의 회계투명성에 제한적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 외부감사를 받는 경우 기업들의 재량적 발생액은 평균적으로 유의하게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 재량적 발생액의 감소는 일부 감사인의 피감사기업에 한하여 발견되었다. 즉 처음 감사를 받는 기업이 규모가 큰 감사인을 선정한 경우 외부감사효과가 클 것이라는 가설과는 달리 소규모 회계법인을 감사인으로 선정한 기업에 있어서만 통계적으로 유의한 재량적 발생액의 감소를 발견하였다. 본 연구의 대상인 소규모 회사는 내부회계시스템이 미비하여 일정한 감사품질을 달성하기 위하여 상당한 정도의 감사시간이 투입되어야 하나 회사규모가 적어 적정한 보수의 청구가 어려우며 이에 따라 감사투입시간에 제약이 있을 수 밖에 없다. Big5는 많은 감사시간을 투입하고 높은 보수를 청구하는 감사관행을 가지고 있으나 이러한 제약요인으로 충분한 인력이 투입되지 못함으로써 Big5가 지향하는 감사품질을 달성하기가 어려울 가능성이 있다. 세무업무 등이 90%이상을 차지하는 감사반의 입장에서는 회계감사보수는 크게 신경쓰지 않는 부분일 가능성이 높다. 특히 감사반의 경우 회계법인과 달리 외부감사업무를 수행함에 있어 업무의 계속성과 손해배상 등 책임성을 담보하기 어려운 단점이 있다. 반면 소형회계법인의 경우 감사반과는 달리 업무의 계속성과 손해배상 등 사회적 책임성을 담보할 수 있으며 비용측면에서 대형회계법인에 유리하므로 충분한 감사시간을 투입하여 처음으로 감사를 받는 소규모 기업의 회계정보의 신뢰성을 향상시키는데 기여하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 실증분석결과는 강제적인 외부감사효과에 대해 회계업계 혹은 기업 어느 한편의 주장을 일방적으로 지지하지는 않고 있음을 알 수 있다. 즉 소규모기업의 경우 소규모기업 감사에 적합한 감사인을 선정한 경우에는 유의적으로 회계투명성이 개선되었으나 그렇지 않은 경우에는 외부감사가 투명성개선에 별 효과가 없음을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 외감법에 의하여 처음으로 외부감사를 받는 기업을 대상으로 외부감사 전·후의 기간을 직접 비교함으로써 회계감사가 회계정보 투명성에 기여하는 바와 감사인간의 감사품질 및 차별적 감사수요의 존재 여부를 보다 직접적으로 검증한 데 의의가 있다. Watts and Zimmerman (1986) suggest that external auditing serves a monitoring role, with the intensity or level of demand related to the level of agency costs. The Act on External Audit of Corporation(AEAC) stipulates accounting and auditing-related rules for joint-stock corporations. Under the AEAC, a company with assets of 7 billion won or more must issue audited financial statements. The government justifies the regulation by a statement that the benefit of audit involvement will outweigh the costs. This study questions the validity of the claim, and investigates whether external audits for non-listed small firms are indeed beneficial to increasing the reliability of financial statements. In addition, it also examines whether the efficacy of the external audit, measured by discretionary accruals, varies with the type of audit firms. In order to investigate these issues, this study compares the annual data of the auditees before and after the initial external audits using discretionary accruals. Audit quality is defined as the likelihood that the auditor will discover given accounting irregularities and errors (competence) and report the discovered irregularity (independence). The extent to which the reliability of accounting information enhances depends on audit quality. DeAngelo(1981) argues that firm size affects audit quality. Due to client-specific quasi rents, auditors with a greater number of clients have more to lose by failing to report a discovered breach in a particular client`s records. This collateral aspect increases the audit quality supplied by large audit firms. Based on this argument, we hypothesize that initial statutory audit decreases discretionary accruals, and the decrease is greater for firms audited by higher quality auditors. While Big 5 CPA firms are usually identified as high-quality auditors in the literature, the adoption of such a measure in Korea poses a problem since these Big 5 auditors dominate the stock market. The audit market for small firms is still dominated by domestic CPA firms. Thus, the identification of quality auditors in the market for small firms is rather complex. This study is motivated by a need to understand whether the audit market for small firms is able to differentiate between high-quality and low-quality auditors. To shed some light on this issue, we provide joint tests of (1) whether an initial statutory audit can increase credibility of financial reports, (2) whether large auditors are associated with higher accounting transparency. It is hypothesized that audit quality is more greatly differentiated between big and small audit firms in the context of small firm audits than in the case of listed firm audits discretionary accruals of firms audited by big audit firms are likely to be smaller than that of firms audited by small audit firms. The sample consists of 571 initial statutory audit firms between 2000 and 2004. We examine the sample firms for three years surrounding the initial statutory audit year (from -1 to +2 years) to measure whether they opportunistically manage earnings. Audit firms are classified into four groups-Big 5, Local Big, Local Small, and Individual CPA groups- depending on legal form, the firm size, and their affiliation with foreign Big 5 firms. The results indicate that when analyzing the four groups together, audited financial statements have a relatively smaller discretionary accrual than unaudited statements as a result of increased reliability. In other words, audit involvement did not have a substantial impact on the financial data. However, when analyzing each group separately, only the small firms audited by Local Small showed a decrease in discretionary accruals after the audit. The discretionary accruals for Big 5, Local Big, and Individual CPA groups were not statistically different before and after the audit. The time-series pattern of discretionary accruals is presented in Table 9.The values of discretionary accruals for initially audited years are significantly different from zero. This evidence indicates that audited financial statements have relatively smaller discretionary accruals than unaudited statements as a result of increased reliability. Table 10 indicates the estimated results of the research model. This analysis does not support the hypothesis that discretionary accruals of the firms initially audited by high quality audit firms are likely to be smaller than those of the firms audited by low quality audit firms. The estimated regression coefficient of the AUDIT variable is not statistically significant for Big 5, Local Big, and Individual CPA groups, but significant for Local Small. Our evidence, in general, suggests that in the case of auditing non-listed small firms, proper selection of auditors is crucial in improving the reliability of the financial data. However, this does not mean that other types of auditors such as Big5, Local Big, and Individual CPAs are to be excluded from the financial reporting process of small firms.

      • KCI우수등재

        수익인식기준 변경

        강선민(Sun Min Kang),황인태(In Tae Hwang),박상연(Sang Yun Park) 한국경영학회 2011 經營學硏究 Vol.40 No.4

        SEC provided auditors and public corporations with guidelines on recognition, expression and public announcement of revenue by presenting SAB 101 (Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements) in December 1999. FASB subscribed to such recognition of SEC as well, introducing EITF 99-17 (Accounting for Advertising Barter Transactions) and EITF 99-19 (Reporting Revenue Gross as a Principal versus Net as an Agent). EITF 99-17 and 99-19 dealt with revenue related issues from a perspective of the Internet companies, but the details mentioned by EIFT were prepared to provide all the companies with guidelines. Korea established the Item 4 of Corporation Accounting Standards that allowed department stores and general trading firms with a means of sales under the category of proxy relationship to appropriate commissions as the sales since December 31, 2002. Applying the Item 4 does not create any difference in the profit and loss while resulting in a significant decrease in published amount of sales. Department stores have administered the total amount of purchase at the time of purchasing goods from their suppliers and the total amount of sales at the time of selling the goods to the customers. In the standpoint of accounting standard establishing organization, regulations of consignment sales must be applied to the department stores since the supplier must continue to assume the risk bearing of inventory without reverting it to the department stores. Whether the department stores recognize specified purchase and sales as gross change or net change falling under revenue, there is no difference in net income. The department store industry in Korea, however, claimed that such regulations would create a significant gap from Japan. While adopting the specified purchase and sales method as Korea, Japan appropriates the total amount of sales. If the sales were to be recognized by net change, it would be difficult to show the financial status and operating outcome to the foreigners lacking of understanding of the unique characteristics of Korean department store industry according to them. Upon a series of exhausting discussions, the accounting standard establishing organization opened the door for department stores to recognize revenue with gross change if the industry and suppliers change their general practice of business transactions. This research focuses on firms, including department stores and general trading firms that are subject to the net method. First, we examine those firms that changed their revenue recognition standards from the gross method to the net method, and we consider how such a change has influenced the financial statements of those firms. Second, we investigate if there is any difference in reaction to sales revenue of firms in the capital market along with the changes in revenue recognition standards from the gross method to net method. As a result of positive analysis, sales revenue, according to the gross method prior to 2002 and before applying the net method, exhibited a positively (+) comparable relationship with the value of firms. However, since the application of the net method in 2003, such sales revenue has not displayed any relevant relationship with such value. Sales revenue based on the net methods in the fiscal year of 2003, the first year for which the net method was applied, showed a positively (+) comparable relationship with the value of firms, although the change in sales revenue exhibited an inversely proportional relationship to the value of firms. However, the sales revenue based on the net method and the change in sales revenue in the fiscal year of 2002 did not show any significant relationship with the value of firms. According to such results and upon verification, the market does not exhibit adhering phenomena on simple sales revenue information, but react to real information. The market, nevertheless, does not react to the sales revenue by dividing it into the net change sales revenue and

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        BIS비율과 부채비율

        강선민(Sun Min Kang),황인태(In Tae Hwang),Shun Ji Jin 한국경영학회 2013 經營學硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        In 2011, many mutual savings banks suspended their operations. The suspension of mutual savings banks was a critical decision that did serious damage to the national economy and various interested parties, such as depositors. The BIS capital ratio divides the capital of a savings bank into risk-weighted assets, and if the ration of a savings bank is more than 8%, the bank is classed as a highly successful savings bank. However, the BIS capital ratio for many suspended savings banks in the previous year was higher than 8%. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the BIS capital ratio, which measures the soundness of savings banks, is a suitable indicator for predicting their failure. Moreover, the study examines whether the debt ratio used for predicting corporate bankruptcy can be used as an indicator for predicting the failure of savings banks, comparing it with the BIS capital ratio. This study investigates 36 savings banks that suspended their operations from 2004 to 2012, conducting a logit analysis for predicting failure using 73 savings banks as the paired sample from among the 82 that were in full operation. The results of the study are as follows. The failure prediction model for the BIS capital ratio was only significant in the previous year before the savings banks suspended their operations. However, the debt ratio was statistically significant over two-year periods. The failure prediction information must be timely, so that it helps catch signs of failure at an early stage, as well as accurate. Thus, using the debt ratio with the BIS capital ratio is suitable for predicting the failure of savings banks. Financial regulators and investors need to consider the debt ratio, as well as the BIS capital ratio, when they predict and measure the suspension of savings banks. This study suggests, according to the results of empirical study, that the debt ratio is a valid variable for catching signs of potential suspension at an early stage. Moreover, the results from this study have universality for all savings banks, as the study considered all savings banks and included almost all the savings banks in the sample. Thus, I expect that the study will help financial regulators and other interested parties respond to the possible failure of savings banks at an early stage, and thus contribute to minimizing the social costs of suspension.

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