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      • KCI등재

        저온에서 녹기연장의 한국잔디 ‘한라그린 7’ 품종 개발

        양대화(Dae-Hwa Yang),선현진(Hyeon-Jin Sun),정옥철(Ok-Cheol Jeong),강홍규(Hong-Gyu Kang),송인자(In-Ja Song),진일두(Il-Doo Jin),강시용(Si-Yong Kang),이효연(Hyo-Yeon Lee) 한국육종학회 2021 한국육종학회지 Vol.53 No.4

        The ‘Halla Green 7’ cultivar is a hybrid of Zoysia matrella and Zoysia japonica. The inflorescences of Z. matrella lines werecollected from Jeju Island near the border between Z. matrella and Z. japonica wild plants, respectively. After their harvest, the seeds weresown and various interspecific lines were obtained. In 2021, a line with greening period extending phenotype during the low temperaturesof winter was registered under the cultivar name of ‘Halla Green 7’ (Registration No. 245). The main morphological characteristics of the‘Halla Green 7’ variety are as follows: genetically short length of plant (12.2±0.58 cm), very wide angle of leaf (68.6°), short length ofleaf blade (8.38±0.37 cm), medium-leaf (3.29±0.09 mm), and very low leaf sheath (2.18±0.19 cm). The short length of leaf sheath makesit easy to manage the turf grass with low height. A very wide leaf angle has a high photosynthetic efficiency. The ‘Halla Green 7’ cultivaris morphologically classified as Z. matrella × Z. japonica hybrid line by medium-width of leaf blade and the presence of trichomes on theleaf surface. The colors of the leaf blade, leaf sheath, and stolon are green, light green, and light purple, respectively. During the low temperatureperiod of winter, chlorophyll content of the leaves of ‘Halla Green 7’ shows a 10.1-fold from that of the control Z. japonia ‘Yaji’ and about4.2-fold from that of the control Z. matrella Zm-6. This greening period extending phenotype is expected to contribute to the industrializationof zoysiagrass (Registration No. 245).

      • KCI등재

        왜성 들잔디 신품종 ‘한라그린2’의 개발

        송인자(In-Ja Song),선현진(Hyeon-Jin Sun),정옥철(Ok-Cheol Jeong),양대화(Dae-Hwa Yang),진일두(Il-Doo Jin),강홍규(Hong-Gyu Kang),고석민(Suk-Min Ko),권용익(Yong-Ik Kwon),배태웅(Tae-Woong Bae),송필순(Pill-Soon Song),이효연(Hyo-Yeon Lee) 한국육종학회 2017 한국육종학회지 Vol.49 No.1

        This study was carried out to develop new zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) cultivar ‘Halla Green 2’ (Grant number: No. 118). To develop a zoysiagrass cultivar with dwarfism by using the mutation breeding method, the wild type control Gosan plants were irradiated using a 30 Gy gamma ray source in 2010. Dwarf mutants were selected from the mutated grasses in successive generations. Dwarf mutant lines were identified and a new zoysiagrass variety Halla Green 2 was developed. The plant height of Halla Green 2 was 3.4 and 1.8 times lower than that of Gosan and Zenith, respectively. This cultivar has dwarf characteristics such as shorter sheath, shorter leaf blade, shorter flag leaf, and shorter third internode of stolon compared to those of Gosan and Zenith. Additionally, the sheaths and leaf blades color of Gosan, Zenith and Halla Green 2 were all light green, whereas their stolons were purple, yellow-green and yellow green, respectively. Trichomes(hairs) were visible on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the Gosan leaves, whereas only on the adaxial side of the Zenith and Halla Green 2 leaves. The Halla Green 2 grass showed distinguishable morphological traits compared to those of wild type Gosan and Zenith.

      • KCI등재

        한국잔디 ‘한라그린 10’ 품종의 개발

        양대화(Dae-Hwa Yang),정옥철(Ok-Cheol Jeong),선현진(Hyeon-Jin Sun),강홍규(Hong-Gyu Kang),진일두(Il-Doo Jin),이효연(Hyo-Yeon Lee) 한국육종학회 2021 한국육종학회지 Vol.53 No.4

        This superior zoysiagrass line was selected from the zoysiagrass genetic resources collected in the Republic of Korea. Inflorescencesof Zoysia matrella lines were collected near the border between wild Zoysia japonica and wild Z. matrella on Jeju Island. Various Z. matrella× Z. japonica lines were obtained using the seeds from the collected inflorescences. In 2021, one of the lines that extended the greeningperiod during the low temperatures of winter was registered under the name of ‘Halla Green 10’. The main morphological characteristicsof this cultivar, which were analyzed using the test guidelines of the Korea Forest Service, are as follows: short length of plant (12.01±0.57cm), short length of leaf blade (8.83±0.68 cm), and short length of leaf sheath (1.71±0.20 cm). The short length of leaf sheath makes iteasy to manage the turf grass with low height. Due to the presence of trichomes on the leaf surface and medium-leaf type (leaf blade width:3.0±0.16 mm), ‘Halla Green 10’ is morphologically classified as Z. matrella × Z. japonica. As the leaf angle is very wide at 77.7°, it hasa high photosynthetic efficiency. The colors of the leaf sheath, leaf blade, and stolon are light green, green, and light purple, respectively. In particular, during the low temperature period of winter, the chlorophyll content of the leaves of ‘Halla Green 10’ shows about 7.5-foldfrom that of the control Z. japonia ‘Yaji’ and about 3.2-fold increase from that of the control Zm-6. Extending the greening period phenotypeis expected to be commercially useful (Registration No. 246).

      • 枸杞子나무의 果實成熟에 관한 硏究 : 1. 成熟過程에 있어서 果實의 形態的 變化 1. Changes of morphological and histological characteristics of fruit during ripening

        陳日斗,李相來 順天大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        優良 구기자의 증산을 위한 기초적 硏究로 구기자과실의 成熟에 따른 形態的 變化 過程과 우량 구기자의 특성을 調査하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 枸杞子의 果實은 子房壁, 격벽, 胎座 및 種子의 4部分으로 구성되어 있었다. 2. 枸杞子의 果實은 開化後 約 50日 이면 완전히 成熟하여 紅熟果로 되었다 3. 果實의 길이는 開花後 15日 까지 거의 伸長이 完了되는데 開花期로부터 10일까지의 기간에 급격히 伸長하였다. (Fig.1) 4. 果實의 幅은 開花로부터 開花後 10日 사이에 급격히 肥大하며 開花後 30~50일 사이에도 크게 肥大하였다. (Fig1) 5. 子房壁은 1列의 外表皮와 8-12列의 皮層, 2列의 內表皮로 構成되어 있었고 皮層에는 維管束이 散在되어 있었으며, 격벽의 양외측에 子房壁의 內表皮와 비슷한 2列의 細胞層이 있었다. 격벽의 中央에 胎座가 있었으며 胎座에는 4개의 維管束이 果實의 길이 方向으로 縱走하고 있었다. (Fig.2-①.②.③) 6. 開花後 3日째는 維管束에 導管만 分化되어 있었으나 7日째에는 篩管도 分化되어 있었고 外表皮의 細胞壁이 다소 肥厚되어 있었다. (Fig.2-④.⑤.⑥) 7. 開花後 10日째에는 子房壁의 皮層 組織에서 葉綠체를 관찰할수 있었으나 開花後 40日째에는 葉綠체가 소멸되어 있었다. (Fig.2-⑦.⑧.⑨.⑩) 8. 격벽의 細胞는 分裂없이 肥大 生長하였으나 珍島地方 栽培種의 경우 子房壁의 細胞는 開花期에 比해 成熟期에 1~2層 增加하였다. (Table 1) 9. 子房壁과 胎座는 開花 30日 後 급격히 肥大하였다. (Table 1) 10. 珍島地方栽培種은 靑陽地方栽培種에 比해 果實의 길이가 길고 幅이 좁았다. (Table 2). 11. 早期成熟果에서 珍島地方 栽培種은 靑陽地方 栽培種에 비해 果實 무게가 가벼웠고 乾物重 比率도 낮았으며 種子數도 적었으나 晩期 成熟果에서는 乾物重 比率이 낮고 種子數가 적은 반면 果實의 무게는 무거웠다. (Table 3) 12. 子房壁과 격벽의 두께 및 격벽의 細胞層은 두 品種間에 큰 차이가 없었으나 子房壁의 細胞層은 珍島地方 栽培種이 靑陽地方 栽培種에 비해 많았다. (Table4) In order to study the characteristics of fruit of good variety, morphological and histological changes of fruit were investigated during ripening from flowering, using two varieties, Jindo local variety generally known as good variety and Chungyang local variety. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The fruit of tea tree was found to be composed of pericarp, partition, placenta and seeds (Fig.2-①.②) 2. The ripening of fruit was required about 50 days after flowering. 3. The fruits had been elongated fully in length during 15 days after flowering, and rapid elongation was occurred during 10 days after flowering (Fig.1) 4. The width of fruit was enlarged firstly during 10 days after flowering, and secondly during period from 30 days to 50 days after flowering. (Fig.1) 5. The pericarp of fruit could be divided into epidermis, cortex and endodermis. And in both sides of partition, two layers of cells similar to those of endodermis were observed. In the cortex of pericarp and partition, vascular bundles were found to be located with the same interval, and there were four vascular bundles in the placenta (Fig.2-①.②.③) 6. There were phloems to be differentiated in vascular bundlest at 7 days after flowering while xylems were found at 3 days after flowering, and the thickening of epidermal cell wall in pericarp was observed at 7 days after flowering (Fig.2-④.⑤.⑥) 7. In the cortex of pericarp, chloroplasts were observed at 10 days after flowering but were not observed at 40 days (Fig.2-⑦.⑧.⑨.⑩) 8. The cells forming partition of two varieties and the pericarp of Chungyang local variety were enlarged without cell division during ripening while one or two layers of cell forming pericarp of fruit in Jindo local variety were increased during ripening (Table 1). 9. The cells forming pericarp and placenta were enlarged rapidly from 30 days after flowering (Table 1). 10. The length of fruit in Jindo local variety was longer than that in Chungyang local variety, where as the width of fruit was narrower in Jindo local variety (Table 2). 11. In the early ripened fruit, Jindo local variety was lighter in flesh and air-dried weight of fruit, lower in air-dried weight percentage to flesh weight and fewer in number of seeds per a fruit as compared with Chungyang local variety. In the late ripened fruit, flesh and air-dried weight of 100 fruits in Jindo local variety were larger than those in Chungyang local variety (Table 3). 12. The diameter of pericarp and partition, the size of cells forming partition were similar in both local varieties. However the size of cells forming pericarp in Jindo variety was smaller than that in Chungyang local variety (Feg.2 and Table 4).

      • 順川地方에 있어서 麥後作栽培에 의한 外來땅콩 品種의 出芽 開花및 收量構成要素에 대하여

        朴瑞基,陳日斗,李東熏 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        順天地方에 있어서 땅콩麥後作載倍에 適合한 品種 및 유망한 遺傳因子들을 선발하기 위하여 外國으로부터 導人된 Virginia type 94品種, Spanish type 99品種, Valencia type 18品種 및 其他 4品種等 計215品種을 供試하여 出芽, 開花 및 收量構成要素等을 調査하였던 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 播種後 出芽까지 所要日數는 5日에서부터 11日까지의 分布를 보였고 Virginia type品種들이 늦게 出芽하고 Valencia type品種과 Spanish type品種들이 빨리 出芽하는 傾向으로 나타났다. 2. 播種後 開花까지 所要日數는 33일부터 60日까지의 分布를 보였으며 Virginia type 品種이 늦게 開花하고, Spanish type, Valencia type 品種들이 빨리 開花하는 경향으로 나타났다. 3. 1株當收量에 있어서는 子實100粒重은 적으나 株當子實數가 많고 總子實數에 대한 完熟子實數比率이 높은 Valencia type品種이 많았으며, 같은 小粒種이면서 子實數가 적었던Spanish type品種과 子實 100粒重은 무거우나 子實數가 적고 總子實數에 대한 完熟子實數比率이 낮았던 Virginia type品種은 1株當收量이 적었다. 4. 出芽所要日數와 開花所要日數 및 100粒重 및 開花所要日數 와 100粒重과의 사이에 0.1%水準의 높은 正의 相關關係가 認定되었고 完熟種子數比率과 出芽所要日數, 開花所要日數 및 100粒重과의 사이에 0.1%水準의 높은 負의 相關關係, 100粒重과 株當種子數사이에 1%水準의 높은 負의 相關關係가 認定되었다. 5. 以上의 結果 收量面에서 생각한다면 小粒重인 Valencia type品種은 順天地方에서 麥後作으로 直接 移用할 수 있는 品種이 많이 포함되어 있으며 다른 type의 品種들이라 할지라도 品種間 差異가 다양하므로 그중에는 栽培에 유망한 品種들이 포함되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 各 品種들이 지닌 特異한 形質을 育種의 素材로 利用한다면 우리나라 南部地方에서의 多收性品種 또는 晩播適應性品種이 育成될 가능성이 있다는 結論을 얻었다. In order to find the genetic resource favorable and the varieties suitable for second crop of barley of Suncheon area, emergence, flowering and yield components of peanuts were investigated with total 215 varieties, 94 Virginia type, 99 Spanish type, 18 Valencia type and 4 others etc. introduced from abroad. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. Number o days required to emergence after seedings was in range of 5-10 days, and Valencia type and Spanish type emerged more rapidly than virginia type. 2. Number of days required to flowering after seedings was in range of 33-60 days, and Spanish type and Valencia type flowered more rapidly than Virginia type. 3. In weight of matured seeds per plant, Valencia type, which had light 100 seeds weight, abundant seeds per plant and high percentage of matured seeds to total seeds, had-more yield per plant than Spanish type, which had small seeds per plant, and Virginia type, which had heavy 100 seeds weight, small seeds per plant and low percentage of matured seeds to total seeds. 4. There were significant positive(+) correlations at 0.1% level between number of days to emergence and number of days to flowering, between number of days to emergence and 100 seeds weight and between 100 seeds weight and number of days to flowering, respectively. Relationship between percent seeds matured and mumber of days emergence and between number of days to flowering and 100 seeds weight was significantly negative(-) at 0.1% level, and between 100 seeds weight and number of seeds per plant at 1% level. 5. From the results above menentioned, it is suggested that, in view of yield, most varieties of Valencia type and a few varieties of other type can be cultivated as second drop of barley. In addition, it is determined that specific characteristics contained in some varieties are favorable genetic resoures for breeding of high yiedlding, early maturing or late seeding varieties adapted second cropping of barley, in southern region of Korea.

      • 噴霧耕과 薄膜循環養液栽培에 따른 토마토의 生理, 生態 및 形態的 適應에 關한 比較硏究 : Ⅱ. 뿌리의 形態的 適應 特性 Ⅱ. Morphological Changes of Root

        梁元模,鄭渟柱,陳日斗 순천대학교 기초과학연구소 1990 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        The changes in morphological adaptation of tomato plants between aeroponics and nutrient film technique (NFT) were investigated in order to clarify the characteristics of two different hydroponic systems. The root development judged by the amount of root hairs and the diameter of secondary roots was better in the aeroponics than in the NFT. The anatomical observation also indicated that root cap, epidermis and cortical layer were thicker, and number of cell layers in the cortex was more, and the zone of cell division was longer in the roots grown in the NFT. Also, the intercellular space in the roots grown in the aeroponics were larger than those grown in the NFT.

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