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        쥬봉젼 硏究 - 崔尉子傳의 영향관계를 중심으로 -

        민영대(Min Young-Dae) 한국언어문학회 2003 한국언어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        Joobonyjeon(쥬봉젼) is a classical novel written in actual handwriting in the late period of Chosun(朝鮮). As the work has not been discussed among the critics until now, the writer or the date of appearance is still questionable. Several researchers claim that the work might be the product in the late period of Chosun, because they found the works like, Wolbonggi(月峰記), Sohakrqjeon(蘇學士傳), Wolbongsangi(月峰山記), Gangneunchuwol(江陵秋月), Ocksojeon(玉簫傳), Bonghwanggeum(鳳凰琴) were read a lot among the ordinary people in those days. Also the handwriting version as well as printed version or wood-carved version a way of publication was used commonly in literary works. The story of Joobongeon is very similar to a short novel Choiwijajeon(崔尉子傳) in the anthology of Taepyounggwanggi(太平廣記.) which was very popular among the educated civilians in that period. Some researchers argue that the work might have been influenced by novels like Gangneungcbuwol, Ocksojeon, Bonghwanggeum that were much influenced by Chinese novels of the earlier period. The characteristic of the work is that the novel is composed of more numbers of characters than the Chinese novels. The organization of a complicated plot is very unique compared to the Chinese works. Happy ending is another characteristic in a literature of the time. This novels sends the Strong message of humane life that is emphasized on the morals and ethics of the period. Focused on the pure and virtuous life of a woman, Joobong's wife is quite different from women in Chinese literature. The philosophy of 'Everything ends with the rights' and 'Virtue praised, Vice punished' is what the readers should not neglect. Though the appearance of this literary work was influenced by the Chinese literature in the period above, the story was focused on the ideal way of human life. As was needed to educate the ordinary people for the real joy of life, the novel used Joobong and his wife a good example of a servant to the king and a part of a family.

      • KCI등재

        趙緯韓의 여성에 대한 인식

        민영대(Young-dae, Min) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.71 No.-

        〈崔陟傳〉의 작가 조위한은 일생을 건전하게 살았던 인물이다. 임진왜란 때문에 단란했던 가정이 풍비박산되는데, 피난 다니던 중 어린 딸과 어머니를, 몇 년 후 정유재란 때는 아내를 잃는 커다란 슬픔을 겪는다. 이런 일들이 자연스럽게 여성에 대한 긍정적인 사고를 갖게 했는지 모른다. 평소 그가 친구의 아내나 어머니의 죽음을 당해 썼던 輓詞와 애도의 詩, 딸과 아들의 요사를 슬퍼하면서 지었던 詩와 祭文을 통해서 평소 그가 여성에 대해 어떤 생각을 가지고 있었던가가 잘 드러난다. 특히 수십 년 전 이린 시절에 보았던 기생을 잊지 못하다가 뒷날 다시 만났을 때 인생의 회한을 노래했던 시에서 그의 여성관의 일면을 볼 수 있다. 작품의 명칭에서 보듯이 주인공은 분명 최척이다. 그러나 그보다는 오히려 여주인공인 옥영의 활약이 부각되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이외에도 옥영의 어머니 심씨, 정 상사 부인, 홍도와 그녀의 이모와 같은 여성들로 하여금 이야기를 주도적으로 이끌어 가게끔 역할을 부여했음을 본다. 이들 여성들의 언행을 통하여 이야기의 극적전환을 이룰 수 있도록 이야기를 전개하고 있다는 점에서 탁월한 작가의 기술태도를 볼 수 있다. 작가는 옥영을 한 집안의 며느리로서, 홀어머니의 딸로서, 한 남자의 아내로서, 또는 자식들의 어머니로의 역할을 매우 중요시하면서 이야기를 전개하고 있다. 이 점에서는 며느리인 홍도의 인물됨을 기술하면서도 같게 나타난다. 조선시대 다른 작가의 작품 전반을 살펴본 후에야 보다 명확한 작가의 여성에 대한 인식이 드러나겠지만, 지금까지의 정리만으로도 男性中心社會였던 당시 대표적인 사대부의 한 사람이었던 그의 여성에 대한 태도가 그 누구에게서도 찾아보기 쉽지 않았던, 상당히 近代化된, 開放的인 것임은 확인한 셈이다. 중요한 것은 이런 여성에 대한 시대를 앞서는 인식이 그의 삶을 통해 자연스럽게 형성되었다는 것이다. 이런 점에서 趙緯韓은 조선시대 그 어떤 작가보다도 시대를 앞서가는 뛰어난 작가정신을 가졌던 인물로 높이 평가받아야 할 작가임이 분명하다. Jo Wihan(趙緯韓) is a writer who has wrote Choicheokjeon(崔陟傳). He made this work in 1621. In that time is quite early time as a novel history. Before that time there were classical literatures these are Geumosinwha(金鰲神話) by Kim Siseup, Keejaekeei(企齊記異) by Shin Kwanghan, Jusaengjeont(周生傳) by Kwon Phil, and Hongkildongjeon(洪吉童傳) by Heo Kyun. These novels have many things in common which they have unrealistic and nonsensical story, also they seem likely to be affected by Chinese novel. Specially, in these novels, it is the hard to find writer’s positive-ness thinking about women. It is not uncommon thing when men were middle of the world. However, Choicheokjeon its main setting is Namwon(南原). This novel is developing as a realistic story with real person Choi Cheok(崔陟) who is the main character. This novel is showing our people’s suffering we should have had when we have had war. Actually, this novel is not be directly affected by Chinese novel. And the writer’s idea is totally different about women, in spite of who lives a same male-dominated society above different works. Writer Jo Wihan is a person who lived life very healthily as live long. But as Japanese invasion on Korea in 1592, his family went down. During the war his daughter who was born in lately would have be died by cold with starvation. After his daughter has gone, as they were going to mother’s home, Namwon, in there his mother has gone. After few years later in 1597 his wife was gone. In recent year he was gone with his family. Maybe these reasons made him to go his homeland with Myoung(明)’s forces after war has finish. But his elder brother made him not doing it. Maybe as he lost his wife and daughter in the war it made him to have positive thinking to women. But this work is finished after many years later with sadness. However, from this work we could see his life connected with the war and his sadness which he would have gone his lovely family to every where due to the war. Usually in his poet that sorry to his friends who has lost early his wife and daughter, in that poet’s writing style and words show what was his usual thinking to women. From in his poet that about to woman whom he has seen when he was young also can see his perception about women. As the title Choicheokjeon shows the main character is Choi Cheok, But in that novel woman character, Lee Okyoung, is better to be showed than Choi Cheok. Also the story is gone by women who are the Okyoung mother Ms Sim, Hongdo, and Ms Sim’s sister. Through these women’s speaking style, writer’s writing style is showed. Writer makes Okyoung to do very important work as a wife, mother’s daughter, children’s mother. Also she is showed at this work as a main character that is developing this story positively, Also from Hongdo’s character could see what writer idea is. Like this positive thinking about to women is the radical idea as a educated man. This work is clearly sure that writer Jo Wihan’s idea about to women is shown in this work. It is his limits about idea to women because he wrote woman character negatively whose name is Okyoung. She was the slave to Chunsaeng and die until she finishes her work.

      • KCI등재

        崔陟傳 작가, 趙緯韓의 문학에 대한 관심

        민영대(Min, Young-dae) 한국언어문학회 2013 한국언어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        Jo Wihan is an author of the Choicheokjeon(崔陟傳), According to the history of this essay, This story was writtenin 1621. Literature is the expression of our lives and needs to show human's lives. At this point, I can make sure that Jo Wihanis an excellent author. He was enthusiastic about his life with literature. He was good at studying chinese poetry which he expressed his feeling through his life, novels and the words of a song(lyrics) mentioned in a terrible sight of people(nation), lots of poetries and books of travels written on his route, and so on. There are poetries written by Jo Wihan when he was childhood. “Youyeomaejaengchun(柳與梅爭春)” was written on a willow pushed out new shoots in spring and a poetry written on missing his family while he was out of home. There are also lots of poetries which expressed the feeling and knowledge during traveling outside such as Jangsung(長城). One of them, “Chaguigeoraesa(次歸去來辭) "mentioned that he never came in mundane life again. He'd like to free himself from the mundane world, however : he couldn't stand it because he saw people's wretched life. So he described their life through “Youmintan(流民歎)”. There is a book of travel, “Youdooryus anrok(遊頭流山錄)” written while he was taking a trip in Chiri mountain with an intimate friends. As well, when he was more than 40 years old, his son died. he wrote a funeral oration, “Je mangjauimoon(祭亡子倚文)” aching for his son. There are “Aegimjanggundeokryeong(哀金將軍德齡)” cherishing the memory of a deceased guard of honor and “Mansa(輓詞)” grieving for his dead friends and friends’ wives. Except those poetries, there remains many kinds of poetries which he've written since he was childhood. Jo Wihan consecrated his life to literature activities. He left many literary works related to his whole life without living free from worldly cares. His literary works are related to reality. He expressed his whole life through literature. Those kinds of works not only indicated author’s mind and writing manner but also had a multiplicity of subject matters. He wasn’t out of theliterature. For him, it means that literature was hobby, education as well as a part of his lives.

      • KCI등재

        崔娘傳에 揷入된 詩文의 機能

        민영대(Min Young-dae) 한국언어문학회 2004 한국언어문학 Vol.52 No.-

        The author develops a story embedding poetry and prose in his works to vividly portray the main characters' inner world and especially to deepen the heroine's tragedy. The poetry and prose are properly placed from beginning to end to show a process of the two main characters' relation to their tragic death. Eokjina(憶秦娥), the song Yeotaek Lee(李汝澤) composed to show his affection to Choirang(崔娘) and his earnest desire to realize his destiny; Chileonjedlgu(七言絶句), the song Yeotack Lee is to calm down his impatience with after failing to be satisfied in the bridal bed because the bride is too young; Musanildanwoon(巫山一段雲), a song express his grief that he has to depart for the new post, leaving his young wife alone; Chilednyulsi(七言律詩), a song to voice his sorrow of not being with his wife after he retires from politics and travels to the capital; Jemoon(祭文), a funeral oration for Choirang who died from the fatigue of a journey on the way to see him for thousands miles; Chohonsa(招魂辭), a song sung by neighbors to mourn her tragic lives. These poems are inserted to show that the two main characters' relation itself is a tragedy from the start, and role of this poems is to foretell their tragic end. The author develops the story using only a description. But the story is made unique by embedding several verses within the prose to make the story more dramatic and raise the heroine's tragic life. This is not used to display the author's knowledge or style of writing but to function as a literary tool. And this is also based on the author's excellent manner of writing.

      • KCI등재

        삼생옥초화젼과 우리 민속

        민영대(Young-dae Min) 어문연구학회 2007 어문연구 Vol.53 No.-

          Samsaengokchohwajeon written by In-won Eum(嚴仁源, 1905-1988) in the late 1930s when western civilization was surging into our traditional Confucian society. The author who engaged in farming throughout his entire life in the rural area called Youngwol(寧越) was an extremely common person.<BR>  Sang-young Bang(方相永, 1886-1959), the heroine of the work, was a true figure who lived in Youngwol, and the story itself is based on fact. However, it is not a description of her real life like her autobiography. Part of the story was fabricated.<BR>  Various kinds of folk customs, especially the features of private faith can be seen in this work. We can see that various kinds of private faith which were supposed to have been shared by our people, including the author who lived in the 1930s, were interpolated in the work as important subject matter or as literary devices. This was quite a natural consequence for the author and for our people who could not find physical and spiritual relief living in difficult times when they were trying to do away with conventionalities and superstition and when Japanese oppression and exploitation were increasing day by day. Since literary works reflect the realities of our lives, it was quite a natural phenomenon.<BR>  The author tried to show readers that because the author himself is a heroine of such a faith, he is able to wisely overcome difficulties whenever she is in trouble and is able to escape from crises by the grace of heaven when it is impossible for a woman, and consequently, good results are brought at the end.

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