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      • 텍스트 화행 연구

        용도 부산 외국어 대학교 2000 外大論叢 Vol.21 No.1

        The present study historically surveyed some literature on speech acts. Regarding topics, the first finding was that some studies are on broadly-based concepts of speech acts. Some linguists, such as Austin(1962), and Searle(1969), tried to deal with speech-acts phenomena according to felicity-conditional pragmatics; while other linguists, such as Ross(1970), and Leech(1983), worked with truth-conditional semantics. Second, some studies are on detailed titles in speech-act phenomena. Fraser(1974) classified performative verbs into ten types; Kats(1977) classified them into seven types; Bach-Hamish(1979) classified them into 6 types; Austin(1962) and Searle(1969) classified them into five types. Third, some studies extend speech-act theory into discourse and text levels beyond the sentence. Kuroda(1976) converts individual sentences into direct speech-acts in literary discourse. Louise(1976) derives representative speech-act into paragraphs. Baek(1993) defines the characteristic of discourse by means of analysis of illocoutionary forces. Dijk(1779) studies pragmatic connectives(ex: andd) in text. Schiffrin(1994) analizes the coherence of conversation in terms of speech acts. Fourth, some studies apply speech-act theory in the teaching field. Sassaki(1998) compares production questionnaires with role-play in terms of evaluation of students' speech-act competence. Considering all this we suggest orientation in analysis/description of discourse/text itself. Orientation consists of three vatiables. First, analysis/description method describes speakers; text/discourse itself; and bearer, simultaneously. Second, it is to describe the structural relationships of discourse/text in terms of core and satellite(or center and periphery; topic and comment). Third, it is to describe the speech-acts in discourse/text in order to get to the macro speech-act and a definition of it.

      • 텍스트언어학에서의 결속

        용도 부산 외국어 대학교 1993 外大論叢 Vol.11 No.1

        This thesis was amied at studying the developmental process of the establishment of 'cohesion' in text linguistics. In a word, the concept of 'cohesion' has occupied one component in the theory of text analysis. Nowdays the concept is used in explaining the cohesive phenomena of text. Before modern linguistics the cohesive phenomena of language were studied in terms of language use (e.g. elocution in rhetoric). In the development of modern linguistics the cohesive phenomena were increasingly studied. In the 1970's the cohesion system was established by a few text grammarians. And in the 1980's the cohesion system was positioned as noe component in the theory of text analysis. Therefore we can sat that the concept 'cohesion' has developen through 4 stages: prelinguistics, Beginning, System, Component.

      • 영어 구조적 단위의 핵-위성 구조

        용도 부산 외국어 대학교 2002 外大論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        This thesis aims at analysing the relationship between two parts in derivational, inflectional, and compounding words, in adjacent words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, and in texts in terms of a linguistic approach - Nucleus and Satellite Approach. Derivational and inflectional words which are consisited of two morphemes are all analysed into nucleus and satellite morphemes. Also compounding words which are consisted of two simple words are all analysed into nucleus and satellite simple words. Words which are consisted of more than three morphemes or words also are all analysed into nucleus and satellite parts in turn. The words in a constituent are analysed into nucleus and satellite words. The phrases in a larger constituent are analysed into nucleus and satellite phrases, The clauses (or sentences) in succession are analysed into nucleus and satellite clauses (sentences). ·absent → ab(satellite) + sent(nucleus) ·assimilation → assimile (nucleus) + ation(satellite) └ assimile → a (satellite) + simile(nucleus)) ·Alice's wedding → Alice's(satellite) + wedding(nucleus) ·I (satellite) will be attending my English Text Class tomorrow(nucleus) ·Medical science has made many advances(satellite) vet there are still serious diseases that have not been conquered, such as cancer and heart disease(nucleus) Paragraphs are analysed into nucleus topic sentence and satellite supporting sentences parts, and whole texts which are consisted of several paragraphs are analysed into nucleus topic paragragh and satellite supporting paragraphs parts. The fact that linguistic units are consisted of nucleus and satellite parts is an outstanding property in English. Whether every constituent can be analysed into two parts without exception is the same as the question "Is every sentence analysed into NP and VP." In fact imperative sentences do not have NP on the surface, but we analyse ever sentence into NP and VP.

      • 언어학적 텍스트 분석(Ⅰ)

        용도 釜山 外國語 大學校 1989 外大論叢 Vol.7 No.1

        From the viewpoint of the linguistic unit, the text(discourse), which is a unit beyond the sentence has the qualities of the unit. We, presupposing that general text grammar(or tyeory) will be developed in the future, studied 1) the ultimate end of text analysis, 2) the concerned elements for components of text grammar, and 3) a few aspects of analysis in structural tradition, transformational grammar and systemic-functional grammar toward the text-oriented component. The result is as follow: First, Recently, text is the object of study or concern for several academic fields. The aim is to caracterize the nature of text, or to use it effectively. Whether the former or the latter, the ultimate aim is to understand human(mind)-how man produces language, operates it, and understands it. Second, A general and fundamental process to convey the text is as follows: (표) S/W -> text <- H/R production understanding context Therefore the satablishment of text grammar in consideration of the concerning components is requied. And if the sub-models are 1)Text-Production. 2)Text Itself System, and Text-Understanding System, these systems are coordinated and resystematized in total. Third. The study text itself to explain the nature of text uses the established grammars. 1. Viewpoint of structural tradition: the basic unit of which text consists is the sentence. And the description of sentence types is required. In analysing the structure of whole text we can use the principle of distribution and can adopt the notion of 'macorstructure'. 2. Viewpoint of transformational grammar: This viewpoint of study was raised by Zelling S. Harris(1952). Recently the possibility is only claimed by Chomsky, Beaugrande & Dressler etc., and the detailed studies are not found yet. In the future the study of this viewpoint will require the adoption of the notion of "Transformation', the explanation of linguistic competence, the establishment of hypothesis, and the description of the rule system, applying to tranformationl sentence grammar. 3. Viewpoint of systemic-functional grammar: The viewpoint of study is to adopt the systemic-functional grammar of sentence dimension to text. Therefore in this viewpoint text can be studied as a process or a product, and the networks must be explained. M.A.K. Halliday presented 10 states for analysis and an analysis example in this grammar.

      • 텍스트의 文연결에 관한 연구

        용도 부산 외국어 대학교 1987 外大論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        This thesis aimed at studying the relationships between sentences in terms of the semantic role in text. There are a few approaches to the relationships between sentences-beyond the sentence. The cohesion approach is the studying method between sentences, but it is only the study toward the lexical items between sentences from which text has the coherence. Another is Functional Sentence Perspective. This is also the approach to the relationship between sentences, but it is the study of the relationship between the part of the preceding sentence and the part of the next sentence. The third is the study of the semantic relationship between sentences regarding the sentence as one unit. The types of semantic structure in terms of the last semantic relationship are as follows : First, there are the coordinative semantic structures. They are divided into Enumeration (A Re B), Addition(A Rd B), Transition(A Rt B), Apposition(A Ra B), Reformulation(A Rr B), Replacement Rp B), and Contrast(A Re B). Second, there are the subordinative semantic structures. They are divided into Summation(A Rs B), Result(A Ru B), Concessi6ri(A Ro B), Inference(A Ri B), and Reason(A Rb B). This work was studied-under which sentence is the immediate constitutent of text. Then the problem about the immediate constituent of'text needs more Study and more work is needed about the sentence relationhsip in text in terms of several angles.

      • A Study of English Proverbs : 통사구조를 중심으로

        용도 부산외국어대학 1983 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        본 논문은 영어속담의 문법구조를 다루었는데 특히 구조 패튼을 추출코자 노력했다. 속담은 영한속담사전(경학사, 서울, 1980)내에 있는 4896문장을 주 대상으로 삼았다. 속담이란 사용민족의 의식구조 위에서 생활지혜와 교훈을 주는, 역사적이며 대중적인 간결한 말로서 민중의 생활과 관계가 있는 것-생활, 미신, 옛풍습, 법, 영웅정신등-에서 발생이 되어 역사와 더불어 풍성해져 왔다. 이상을 풍경으로 하는 속담을 구조상 5개 부분으로 나누어 분석했다. Minor, Simple, Compound, Complex, and Mixed Sentences, 소형문에서는 통상구조상 주요어 형태 및 어순에 따라 2개 (세부적으로는 8개)단문에서는 어순에 따라 7개, 중문과 복문에서는 절을 한단위로 간주한 단위의 상호 관계에 따라 각기 3, 2 개 패튼을 각각 추출할 수 있었는데, 각 속담문은 위 여러 패튼 중에서 그에 적격인 한 패튼으로 구조화되어 왔기 때문에 통사론의 기본적인 입장에서 비추어 볼 때 대치관계(substitution)는 거의 이루어지지 않는다.(보기:Art is long, life is short를 Life is short, art is long으로 할 수 없다.) 영어 속담에 대한 보다 깊은 이해와 적절한 사용은 화자(speaker)로 하여금 삶에 대한 지혜를 터득케하고 효과적인 언어능력 및 의사소통 능력을 배양시켜 준다고 믿는다.따라서 본 논문을 통하여 외국어로서의 영어 학습자와 교사들, 그리고 일반 영어 사용자들의 속담에 대한 보다 깊은 이해의 계기가 되기를 바란다. It is usually said that language is a medium, a social tool which transfers a human being's mental contents, and is a system. Proverbial language as a social medium has been used for a long time and so it has become the essence of lie experience, lessons, and wisdom through numerous ages and many people, and sums these up in one expression without needing many words. We might call proverbs the flower of words or the salt of words. This fact means that proverbial language has great deal of effect on conveying the contents of English writings. In fact, up to now, the normal expression off words was studied grammatically for quite a long time in the course of history and a great many effects were harvested. But concerning the abnormal expressions such as English proverbs, it is a fact that no systematic study has been made. Therefore I shall study the proverbial grammar from proverbs which are different in Mixed sentences were classified into 3 kinds of patterns based on the above logical relation, with one complex or simple sentence considered as one unit. The pattern in which two deductive-complex sentences are connected with a coordinate conjunction is more than the opposite case. Because each proverb has been fixed into its fitted pattern by the public, it is impossible to be rearranged.(e.g., we cannot substitute Life is short, art is long for Art is long :life is short. In conclusion, it is the writer's hope that this study of proverbs can be useful not only to English teachers, students who study English as a foreign language and those who use English in Korea, but also to those engaged in gaged in grammatical study and the theory of meaningful analysis in the future.

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