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      • 障害患者의 好酸性 白血球의 週期性에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        金淑正 광주보건대학 1981 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find out any variation in the Circadian rhythm of eosinophil count in the unconscious patients admitted in the I.C.U. for more than 7 days. 12 unconcious patients in the I.C.U, Kwang-Ju Christian Hospital were included in this study, with control groups of Ilpatients in the orthopedic ward and healthy medical personnel. Eosinophil counts were measured with the time interval of 6 hours for the successive 2 days, at 6 in the morning, at noon, at 6 in the afternoon and at midnight. The results were as below; 1. The eosinophil count in the unconscious patients in I.C.U. was much less than that of either orthopedic patients or normal control group. 2. The eosinophil count of the unconsious patients in I.C.U. showed similiar circadian rhythm in wave form to those of the control groups, although much more fluctuating. 3. With above results, the author tried to discuss the psychiatric implication of such rhythm in the unconscious patients admitted in such an environment of I.C.U.

      • 혈액투석환자가 지각한 가족지지와 생활적응에 관한 연구

        김숙정 광주보건대학 1987 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Though the hemodialysis proved to be a successful method for managing chronic renal failure, those who are undergoing hemodialysis treatment became to feel severe tension with the various disorders resulting from the complicated dialysis process itself, and the dependence upon an artificial device for survival as well as other's support. Also these problems produce the psychosocial and psychophysical disorders frequently which become decisive impact factors in the effective treatments and quality of life. In this non adjustable situation, the concept of family support is very important, which is the primary and direct support system, mediating or releasing disorders and helping the hemodialysis patients establishing satisfactory quality of life. Therefore this study was designed to identify the correlation among the perceibed family support, quality of life on hemodialysis patients for the purpose of providing data base for effective nursing intervention for them. The subjects for this study were the 45 patients who were registered in the Artificial Kidney Rooms of the 3 hospitals in Kwang-ju. The data were collected from May 20 to June 12, 1987. For this study, four instruments were used ; family support scale and selfcare scale disigned by this researcher, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the Crumbaugh purpose-in-life test. The data were analysed by use of percentage, ANOVA and Person Correlation Coefficient. The results of analysis were a follows, 1. Test for hypothesis : "The higher the level of perceived family support on hemodialysis patients, the higher the level of their quality of life will be", was supported(r=0.5336, p=0.000). 2. The relations between social-demographic variables and the level of perceived family support, quality of life ; 1) Social-demographic variables influencing the level of perceived family support was marital status (p = 0.0008). 2) Social-demographic variables influencing the level of quality of life were religion and educational back ground (p = 0,0114, p = 0,0057). 3) There was not a positive association between variables related to disease treatment and the level of perceived family support or quality of life (p>0. 05) In conclusion, it is found that family support influence very significantly helping the hemodialysis patients establishing satisfactory qulity of life. Therefore Nurse must include family support in nursing intervention to help the patients on hemodialysis

      • INVOLUTION : 명동도시조직과 THREE STUDIES OF LUCIAN FREUD(1969) 분석을 통한 건축화 가능성을 중심으로

        김숙정 경기대학교 건축전문대학원 2007 경기대학교 건축대학원 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        From the city in the past middle ages to the one in these modern days, we have understood the city on evolutionary part. The concept of evolution is emphasized in an aspect of continuality and it is systematic and is the same as a tree diagram. The city that we have recognized is the evolution process itself by its own choice. The process of evolution is developmental and dialectic, so it has moved from the simple thing to the complex one, from the absolute and homogeneous thing to the special and differentiated one, and from the first nature to the second one due to the appearance of the individuality and subjectivity more than ever. Society is the one, where the abundance of a species of the fecundity, complementarily and mutation that the nature being evolved shows is social-m orally analyzed and social-constructionally re-analyzed. However, the cities in modern days are different from the tree diagrams in accordance with the systematic evolution theory in the image. The modern makes lives losing and obtaining many in the city. The city is affected by the unseen flow that changes continuously. This unseen flow constantly increases and the space of a city is reduced in its internal settled down domain. This domain is indeterminate and flexible, making obscure the boundary between domains and the limit to the territory. While these currents change, incorporate and run into themselves, we realized the flexible domains on multi-layered and Rhizome-like network. One of the outstanding phenomena in modern cities is the consumption in value. The society of consumption approached our routine through material richness and convenience. The symbolized material and the indiscriminate consumption on image are being realized, and this phenomenon is getting deeper than ever. Now, the image became more important than the real one, and by doing so, the image is turning into a matter. We first try to review the commercial facilities in modern cities through the field where the consumption of this image switched to its value is performed. With this, we also will considerate the creative evolution, the "INVOLUTION" through Rhizome as a code that understands the modern society different from the theory of evolution. Looking at him, we will the architectural possibility through the INVOLUTION with the new potentiality to look at the city from the point of Rhizome society. 과거 중세도시에서 오늘날의 현대도시에 이르기까지 우리는 도시를 진화론적인 입장에서 이해해왔다. 진화의 개념은 지속성의 측면이 강조되고 계통적이며 수형도와 같다. 우리가 이해해온 도시는 자기선택에 의한 진화 과정 그 자체이다. 진화 과정은발전적이고 변증법적이어서 단순한 것에서 복잡한 것으로, 추상적이고 동철적인 것에서 특수하고 분화된 것으로, 보다 큰 개체성과 주관성의 등장으로, 궁극적으로 1차 자연에서 2차 자연으로 움직여 왔다. 사회는 곧 진화하는 자연이 보여주는 다산성, 상보성 그리고 돌연변이에 의한 종의 풍요화가 사회 윤리적으로 해석되고, 사회 구성적으로 재해석된 사회이다. 하지만 사실 오늘날 우리의 도시는 계통적 진화론에 따르는 수형도와는 그 이미지가 다르다. 현대인은 도시에서 많은 것을 얻고 또 많은 것을 잃고 살아간다. 도시는 끊임없이 변화하는 보이지 않는 흐름으로부터 영향을 받는다. 이러한 보이지 않는 흐름은 계속해서 증가하게 되고 도시라는 공간은 내부적으로 정착되는 영역이 점점 줄어들게 된다. 이 영역은 불확정적 이고 유동적이며 영역과 영역간의 경계, 영토의 한계를 모호하게 한다. 이러한 흐름들이 변화하면서 융합하고 충돌하는 일련의 과정들 가운데 유동적인 영역들은 다층적 이고 리좀적인 네트워크 상에서 인식되게 되었다. 이렇게 리좀적인 오늘날의 도시에서 가장 눈에 띠는 현상 중에 하나가 가치의 소비이다. 소비의 사회는 물질적 풍부함과 편리함을 통해 일상에 다가왔다. 기호화된 사물과 이미지의 무차별적 소비가 실현되고 있으며 이러한 현상은 보다 더 심화되고 있다. 이제 이미지는 실제보다 더 중요한 것이 되었고 이렇게 이미지가 기호로서의 사물로 전환되고 있다. 이러한 이미지가 기호로 전환된 가치의 소비가 일어나는 장으로 현대 도시의 상업시설을 먼저 고찰해 보고자 한다. 그러면서 진화론과는 다른 오늘의 사회를 이해하는코드로서 리좀을 통한 창조적 진화인 "INVOLUTION"을 살펴볼 것이다. 그를 통해 가치소비의 리좀 사회에서 도시를 보는 새로운 가능성으로 INVOLUTION을 통한 건축화가능성을 살펴보고자 한다.

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