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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        鼻軟骨에 對한 解部學的 硏究

        金晋煥 대한성형외과학회 1978 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.5 No.2

        In plastic surgical operation upon the nose, it is important to remember that the nose is not a static structure, but a organ of dynamics structure. Therefore prime consideration must be given to the preservation of dynamics of the nasal cartilage. A detailed knowledge of the anatomy of these hyaline cartilage structure is a requisite in surgery of the nose. Nevertheless available reports concerning the nasal anatomy upon it's cartilaginous structures were investigated only for the caucasian. The present anatomical investigation was instituted hoping to clarify the different sizes of nasal cartilages from caucasian to Korean, if there is any. Gross dissection of the lateral and alar cartilages have been performed on 30 adult Korean cadavers. The results were; Length of right lateral cartilages. 21.4±3.46mm. Length of left lateral cartilages. 20.7±2.31mm. Width of right lateral cartilages. 10.35±1.81mm. Width of left lateral cartilages. 10.15±0.51mm. Length of right lateral crus. 19.8±1.71mm. Length of left lateral crus. 20.03±2.44mm. Width of right lateral crus. 9.5±1.24mm. Width of left lateral crus. 10.03±1.7mm. Hight of right medical crus 15.9±1.31mm. Hight of left medical crus 16.1±1.11mm.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Continous Suture Technique을 利用한 微細血管吻合術의 實驗的硏究

        金晋煥 大韓成形外科學會 1980 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.7 No.2

        The ability to anastomose successfully and reliably small vessel of 1mm diameter has been established experimentallly and clinically.Chase et al.reported better results with simple interrupted sutures than with a continous suture in 1962. O'Brien reporerted recently acceptable results with continous suture technique.But fot above results,there is scarce study concerning this technique and it was decided to investigate this method. 32 anastomoses were carried out on femoral artery and vein of rat,17 of arterial and 15 of venous anastomoses.petency was tested from 7 to 10 days.16 of 17 arterial anastomoses were patent at explotation,represents a patency of 94% and 11 of 15 venous anastomoses were patent,represents a patency of 73% respectivly.Cotinous suture technique gives many advantages especially in small arteries,and also has a few unfavorable problems during operation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Invagination Techniqe을 利用한 微細血管吻合術의 實驗的硏究

        金晋煥 大韓成形外科學會 1980 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.7 No.2

        Since Jacobson and Suarez adapted the operating microscope to the surgery of small vessel in 1960,the ability to anastomose sucessfully small vessels of 1mm diameter has been established experimentally and clinically. New technique of anastomose,so called "Invagination Technique" were described and carried out on femoral artery of rat as an autograft transplantation. A segment of superficial epigastric vein was interposed in the gap of femoral artery and proximal anastomose wea carried using invagination technique. 25 anastomose were carried out and it's patency rate after one week showed 92%,two weeks-91% respectively.This technique is time saving and technically easy to handle.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        靜脈移植이 微細血管血行에 미치는 影響

        金晋煥,朴哲圭 大韓成形外科學會 1980 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.7 No.2

        Since Jacobson and Suarez adapted the operating microscope to the surgery of small vessels in 1960-1962,it has become clear that microvascular surgery is rich in clinical applications as well as in research possibilities. Vein grafts for defects of vessels are often required in clinical cases,but there are few reports available of experimental transplatation of vessels in the microsurgical range especially around 1mm in diameter.The present study was undertaken to assess the interposing vein grafts of arterial defect in vessels with an external diameter of approximately 1mm. Twenty-five vein grafts were performed using autografts in rats and results represent a patency rate of 92% from one week and 91% from two weeks respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Japanese D.M.P.S. 注入이 Rat의 各種組織 및 臟器에 미치는 影響

        李允浩,金晋煥 大韓成形外科學會 1978 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.5 No.1

        In the field of plastic surgery, various forms of silicone implants are prevalently used recently, but the safety or effectiveness of it's fluid form, when used in vivo, has not been clearly understood yet. Especially a little is known with regard to the absorption, distribution, excretion and ultimate fate of injected silicone. Only a few reports concerning the visceral response to injected silicone are avilable up to date and furthermore experimental animals were only limited to mice. Therefore, the purpose of present work is to elucidate histopathologically the local tissue response as well as systemic visceral response of Japanese D.M.P.S. Fluid in the rats. Liquid silicone were injected into the wall of abdomen and ear in the experimental animals. A group of animals were sacrificed on 1st, 4th and 12 weeks after the injection respectively and a specimen were taken from injected sites for local tissue response, similarly liver, spleen, kidney and lung for systemic response. Accordingly control group were injected with physiological saline and treated. All specimens were treated with hematoxilin and eosin as well as trichrome stains for histopathologic evaluation. The resules obtained were as follows; A. Local Tissue Response 1. The injected silicone formed multiloculated cysts which were encapsulated by relatively thin fibrous tissue, and large swollen macrophages with intracellular clear vacuoles were observed in the surrounding tissue of cyst. 2. The fat cells surrounding the cyst were shrunken and a atrophic. 3. Perichondrium and cartilage were not influenced. 4. Tiny dysts were found in the subsequent muscle layer. B. Visceral Response 1. Atypical, large renal tubular cells, which were pinkish cytoplasm, a large nucleus with prominent nucleoli and contained coarse chromatin, were observed here and there in the cortex near the corticomedullary junction in 5 cases out of 15 kidney specimens. 2. One of the liver specimen(after 12 weeks ) showed atypical large cells without interfering the hepatic lobular structure.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        鼻眼裂(Naso-Ocular Cleft) 治驗例

        梁元容,金晋煥 대한성형외과학회 1977 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.4 No.1

        The naso-ocular cleft(AACPR classification) is an extremely rare congenital anomaly and may be accompanied by facial disfigures and deformity of digits. Historically, 5 cases of coloboma exteding into facial cleft were recorded by Warren B. Davis(1935). Since then, sporadic cases have been reported in the literature but true nature of this condition was not fully recognized and very little information is available to establish any statistical conclusion. Recently Tessier(1973) proposed a rather detailed classification. The cleft are numbered from 0 to 14 and extended along constant lines or axis through the eyebrows or eyelids, the maxilla, the nostril and the lips. According to Tessier classification, this patient is campatible with No. 3 cleft. This cleft has been categorized as a naso-ocular cleft(AACPR), a Group-A para-axial cleft(Karfik, 1966), a nasomaxillary cleft(Gunter), an oblique facial cleft(Sakurai et al, 1966). No. 3 cleft can be the result of lack of fusion, insufficient mesodermal penetration, or the failure of the naso-optic groove to invaginate and form the tubular nasolacrimal system. The mildest expression is represented by a coloboma of the nasal ala. The vertical distance between the ala base and the medial canthus is shortened. The medial canthal tendon is hypoplastic and it's insertion is inferiorly displaced. Using the reported cases that cleft occures in nearly equal frequency between sexes. The side of involvment is also approximately equal with a third occuring on the right, a third occuring on the left, and a third bilaterally. We observed a patient of 6 years old boy, who has a coloboma on right ala nasi, palpable groove on right nasolacrimal groove and shortened distance between ala nasi and right medial canthus. The coloboma was corrected by composite graft from ipsilateral auricle and now preparing for 2nd operation.

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