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      • 人間行動發達에 있어서 精神分析學的 理論(II)

        규수 대구대학교 (한사대학) 사회복지연구소 1981 社會福祉硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        This study aims to understanding the development of human behavior through Freud's psychoanalytic theories; the psychosexual development, in the orthodox and neo-Freudian framework as the basic theory of psychodynamic approach in social work practice that working with people. Accoding to the orthodox the psychoanalytic theory, the newborn child has no awareness of the outside world and can experience only changes in his own tension state. With respect to psychosexual development, the orthodox theory of infantile sexuality portrays the child as "polymorphous perverse". The beginning expression of the sexual instinct is said to be the act of sucking in the early oral-passive stage. Pleasure from this activity is soon discovered apart from the feeding situation, so that the first aim is autoerotic stimulation of the membranes of the mouth. Later the desire to incorporate persons and things is added. Individuals are looked upon primarily as food or providers of food in terms of these fantasies of incorporation, which are often accompanied by oral fears like the fear of being eaten. The second aspect of the oral stage, commencing with the eruption of teeth, is the sadistic, during which the child seeks to retaliate for frustration by biting. For Jung the earliest phase is characterized almost exclusively by nutrition and growth. The link between these nutritive functions and later sexuality is presumed to be rhythmic activity. The neo-Freudians also minimize the erotic element and stress instead cultural and developmental manifestations of orality. Erikson, closer to the orthodox position, adds the concepts of zones and modes, in this case the oral zone and incorporative mode. Psychosexual development in the orthodox system witnesses the anal-sadistic stage. Two trends are distinguished-the earlier expulsive and the later retentive. Expulsiveness is expressed in the phisiological pleasure of excretion but can also serve aggressive purposes by defying the parents in their insistance on toilet training. The retensive phase derives from both stimulation of the mucous membrane and the social values placed upon conformity. The neo-Fr eudians maintain that the emphasis should be placed, not on the pleasure obtained from expelling and retaining feces, but rather on the struggle with parents. Erikson occupies an intermediate position with his stress upon the social modalities of "letting go" and "holding on". At ages there to five the orthodox scene shifts to the phallic stage of psychosexual development. Early in this period urethral preoccupations appear, first in the from of pleasurable autoeroticism and later in assocation with sadistic fantasies of urinating on others. Interest in the genitals increases, along with masturbation and exhibitionism. The extreme narcissistic value placed upon the penis by boys Ieads them to fear damage to that organ castration anxiety in retaliation for rguilt-laden oedipal fantasies. In girls penis envy, arising from observation of differences in male and female genitals, is said to predominate. The lake of a penis is presumably felt as a punishment for some wrongdoing. Among the neo-Freudians, Thompson questions whether observation of the genitals is sufficient to elicit castration anxiety unless reinforced by parental threats. Horney objects to notion of primary penis envy in girls. She attributes envy in women to the desire for masculine qualities prized by the culture rather than to sexual exeriences in early childhood. In his system Erikson stresses the "intrusive" features of the phallic-locomotor stage, such as aggressiveness, competition, curiosity, and the pleasure of conquest.

      • 골프스윙의 운동학적 분석

        규수,주희 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 1998 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.8 No.1

        This study is analyze the down swing tempo. variables of body axis, ball speed trajectory, club head speed after impact in kinematic sides by four professional golfers. The followings are the conclusion of this study. 1. The downswing tempo takes 0.219 second on the average and the time is almost the same compared to other researcher's results. 2. There is no differences of body axis changes between the address and impact position. 3. The fastest club head speed just before the impact in down swing shows 43.61m per second and ball speed against slub head just after impact shows 68.65m per second. This means that weight shift adds power to the ball at impact. 4. The two feet and hip bones are parallel to the target line at address position, while shoulder line shows a little 'open' to the target. 5. The right knee flex that maintains same angle from address to top swing throught the back swing indicates the more resistance for a 'coling' motion preventing from 'sway' on the back swing.

      • 精神健康의 專門資源으로서 社會事業

        규수 대구대학교 (한사대학) 사회복지연구소 1978 社會福祉硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The study was aimed to define the psychiatric social work's boundaries and nature, to describe its development, and to describe its present operations as a professional resource in the mental health. "Psychiatric social work" is social work undertaken in direct and responsible relation with psychiatry. It is practiced in hospitals, clinics, or other psychiatric settings as a part of the activities of clinical team including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurse, occupational therapists, psychiatric aide, and perhaps psychiatric volunteer or student (medical and social work) concerned with the treatment of patients and the extension of psychiatric services. Its aim is to contribute to those services and activities within the community which promote mental health and are conductive to the restoration of the health of individuals who are suffering from mental and emotional disturbances. The primary area of practice of the psychiatric social worker has been casework applied in diagnosis and treatment of persons with personal and social maladjustment caused or aggraveted by mental and emotional problems. Forth years ago, the functions of the psychiatric social worker were limited to .assisting the psychiatrist in the mental hospital by taking social history from patient and his relatives at the time admission. Today, his function are as varied as those of the psychiatrist and actually overlap the psychiatrists functions. Its process, the functions of the psychiatic social worker deal with client in 3 roles: casework, group work, and community work. The psychiatric social worker as a professional resource, in the mental health (mental hospital, psychiatric clinic, child guidance clinic, and community mental health centers) has the major activities in related to the following: a) Intake for dynamic diagnosis and treatment planning. b) Continuded casework with patient or family. c) Therapeutic group activity with patient and his relatives. d) Participatied after-care program and follow-up work. e) Paticipatied rehabilitative and preventive activities in the community.

      • 産業社會事業에 있어서 Social Casework 方法의 適用

        규수,태진 대구대학교 (한사대학) 사회복지연구소 1980 社會福祉硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to define the concept of industrial social work, and then to investigate the problems in this field. In addition, this paper aims to examine whether the social casework method' which is one of the professional can well applied or not. The professional service for the laborers seems to be more important than the institutional efforts. Also this service is activiated only when the Iaborers and their families really enjoy and satisfy their lives. It is because the professional service is closely related to the psychological and social conditions of the laborers as well as their family. We can see that this problem cannot to be solved only by means of the institutional efforts in industrial society. Through the professional method of social work, the laborers can surely enjoy their individual lives and can get along with others. Moreover, they can adapt themselves to their social Iives. In consequence, it can be possible that they will be able to work for the society as an efficient producer. Especially, the activities of the social casework include the solving the problems of the Iabors and improving their works, the family, social environments to which they belong. It is believed that the casework method is a professional one which can be used properly in the practical aspect of the industrial social work. In conclusion, it is thought the social casework can be put into effect along with other professional methods such as, social group work, community organization, and so forth.

      • 우리나라 醫療社會事業의 現況과 活性化 方案

        金圭秀 대구대학교 사회복지연구소 1985 社會福祉硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        The welfare for the handicapped is the main subject of the social welfare, and social concerns on the handicapped are becoming high. The most basic paint in the welfare of the handicapped is the very ideal and principle for their welfare. The respect of human right based on the spirit that all human beings are equal before the law emphasizes that the right and dignity of the handicapped should be also respected as social members. The principle of the right to live means that the country should provide them with all needs for living, and the principle of the right to grow means that they soundly develop and grow both mentally and physically, getting promotion to a higher position. The principle of normalization means that they are not treated as disabled persons but first of all as a citizen without giving special care and safeguard tothem. The priniple of household establishment means that we should provide them with suitable, convenient household environment for living. The full investigation of the present condition of the handicapped should be preceded to carry out the concrete polices for the welfare of the handicapped, and to secure financial resources is important. The characters of the welfare law for the mentally and physically handicapped in our country are too inclusive and :simple. An exhaustive security for each phase of the law is not prescribed in it. First, inclusive and selective reservational provisions are too many: they are prescribed now as not as not "have to do" but "can do", in other words the provisions are not for "treatment as right" but for "treatment as beneficiary". Second, the provisions for the qualification of a professional expert are so insufficiently prescribed that it is hard to train experts in various fields. Third, the provisions for employment promotion and revival are so insufficiently prescribed that governmental budget investment is scantily assigned and social employment for the handicapped is very difficult unil the specisl provisions for the employment are made. Fourth, in distributing the supplemental outfits for the handicapped, the varieties of them are so few that they should be diversified, and the provisions should be revised so as to broaden the scope of the handicapped who receive supplemental outfits. Fifth, spacial environmental conditions should be made favorably to the handicapped to let them live freely in the society they live. Especially, roads, transportation, all buildings, parks, communication- facilities should be established for the handicapped to take advantage of them. The welfare law for the handicapped should be supplemented to prescribe these physical environment.

      • 직류 서어보 모타의 최적 위치 제어

        金奎秀 울산과학대학 1981 연구논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        위치 제어를 위한 최적제어 방식중 비례-적분-미분 (PID)제어방식이 널리 이용이 되고 있다. 이 방식을 사용하여 최적제어 알고리즘이 TAKAHASHI에 의하여 제안되었다. 이것은 시불변(time invariant) 시스템에 대해서 가능한 방법이다. 본 논문은 여기에 시스템이 시간에 따라 변할 때에도 최적제어 할 수 있도록 새로운 알고리즘을 제안하고 그 실험 결과를 보고한다. Among the several optimal control methods, PID control method is the most popular one especially for the position control. The optimal control algorithm using PID control method was suggested by TAKAHASHI. This method can be used only for the time invariant system. This paper suggests the new algorithm which can be applied for the time variant system and reports the experimental results.

      • 마라리아 원충密度와 赤血球胞弱性에 關하여

        金圭秀 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1971 慶北醫大誌 Vol.12 No.1

        This study was attempted to elucidate the possible changes of RBC osmotic fragility on various levels of trophozoidal densities in falciparum malaria patients from the control. A serial study of RBC osmotic fragility was made in 21 falciparum malaria patients who were classified into 4 groups according to the levels of malaria parasite density. Also, an evaluation was made for malarial endemicity and the threshold value of malaria parasitemia to evoke malarial symptoms in 101 malaria patients. Results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The mean value of parasite density in malaria patients was 20,447/㎣, blood. 2. The mean values of parasite densities in falciparum and vivax malaria were 21,742/㎣, blood, and 13,020/㎣, blood respectively. 3. The density to evoke malarial symptoms in terms of the 50 percent cumulative frequency in malaria parasitemia was about 25,000/㎣, blood. 4. In the case where the range of parasite density was between 12801 to 25600/㎣, blood, RBC osmotic fragility was significantly increased especially in 0.45-0.50% NaCl solution, comparing with the normal. 5. In parasite density of 25601∼51200/㎣, blood, RBC osmotic fragility in 0.45% NaCl solution was prominently increased, while in 0.50% NaCl solution, it was not prominent. 6. Although RBC osmotic fragility was found to be definitely increased in malaria parasitemia comparing with the normal, the increase of osmotic fragility was not proportional to that of the parasite density. Therefore, the influence of mechanical fragility and disuniformity of time in sampling blood should be put into consideration in analysing the results obtained in this study.

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