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        尤菴과 同春堂의 書藝 硏究

        조종식 한국서예학회 2011 서예학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        본고는 조선중기 성리학자이자 서예가였던 우암 송시열과 동춘당 송준길의 書藝 美學觀과 그들의 글씨에 내재된 書藝美를 연구한 논문이다. 그들이 살았던 17세기는 임진왜란과 병자호란 이후 동북아시아의 새로운 국제 질서 속에서 조선의 中華 文化를 꽃피웠고, 조선제일주의에 입각한 이상사회를 구현하기 위한 개혁의 시대였으며, 그들은 그 변화의 중심에 있었다. 양송은 학문적으로 趙光祖, 李珥, 金長生으로 이어지는 기호학파의 학통을 충실히 계승하여서, 이이의 ‘道文一致’관과 ‘氣發理乘’ ‘理通氣局’설을 따랐다. 특히 이들의 氣發的 사유에 바탕한 서예관은 지금까지의 理發的 사유에 바탕한 서예관과는 달리 양송의 독특한 서예미를 표출하는 근원이 되었다. 즉 리발적 사유가 ‘存天理 去人慾’을 통한 本然之性의 추구였다면, 기발적 사유는 여기서 한걸음 나아가 氣質之性의 반영이었던 것이다. 그들의 서예관은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 道文一致의 문예관이다. 성리학적 입장에서의 文藝觀은 예술의 위상을 결정하는 중요한 잣대가 되는데 이이의 文藝思想은 ‘도문일치’로서, 道文을 體用관계로 보아 文은 道를 傳하는 도구로 여겼으며, 이러한 성향이 우암의 서예관에도 영향을 끼쳤다. 둘째, 氣發理乘의 심미관이다. 즉 양송은 氣發的 사유를 바탕으로 그들의 기질지성이 반영된 양강지미를 표출하여 양송체라는 서체를 형성했다. 양송 서예미의 공통점은 웅건장중함이다. 특히 우암은 바위같은 힘과 기세가 밖으로 드러나 절벽과 같이 험절하다. 반면 동춘당은 웅건한 힘과 기세를 안으로 갈무리하여 밖으로는 청경유려하다. 즉 우암은 엄정강의한 기상과 산악같은 풍도를 밖으로 표현하였고 동춘당은 대의와 절개를 가슴에 품고 온화하고 화평한 기운을 드러낸 것이다. 이는 기발적 사유에 의해 그들의 기질이 서예에 표출된 것이다. 양송체는 당시 조정과 향리에서 선호하는 서체가 되었으며, 그 후 도통을 이어가듯 기호학파 문인들과 송씨 가문을 중심으로 서파를 형성하게 되면서 서예사적 위치가 확고해져 그 기운은 추사체가 등장할 때까지 이어졌다. 이같이 양송체는 독특한 서예미를 드러낸 서체로서 기호학파를 중심으로 한 시대를 풍미하였다. This study considers calligraphy of Woo-Am, Dong-Chun-Dang who were a scholar of Sung Confucianism and chirographer at the middle of the Joseon Dynasty in a aesthetic point of view. At the time when they lived, Joseon blowed Chinese culture in a new international order of Northeast Asia after Imjin war and Byeongja war. Joseon was trying to build an ideal society based on Joseon-first policy and Woo-am was center of the reformation. Both of them had been together studied early and called as 'Yang-Song'. They worked together at government offices and retired at the same time like they were on the same boat. Both of them succeed to a scholastic mantle of the Kiho school which was linked with Jo Kwang-jo, Lee E, and Kim Jang-saeng, and developed it. Also They respected Lee E's study and ideas, which are 'Do-Mun-Il-Chi', 'Ki-Bal-Ri-Seung' idea. Based on his 'Ju-Ki-Ron' they could express their special shape in their calligraphy. It is a new concept to reflect individual characteristics to his calligraphy. Based on such a calligraphic view point, their writing shape was very special. Their common shape was Ung-Gun-Jang-Jung. In addition to that, Woo-am expressed outside his strong power like a big rock and a cliff. And Dong-Chun-Dang expressed his soft and flexible power outside while hiding his strong power inside. It is also to reflect their characteristics to the calligraphy. At that time Yang-Song style was very famous to government and people, and that style was being formed a group of calligraphy by Kiho school. This group continued until Chu-Sa style was born. Such as, Yang-Song style expressed very special chatacteristics based on 'Ju-Ki-Ron' calligraphic view point, and widely enjoyed by Kiho school group for a while, and marked one of important calligraphy histories in Joseon.

      • 韓國墓地所有權에 關한 硏究

        趙宗植 尙志大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The theory of the configuration of the burial ground is aimed at recompensing the ancients for their benevolence. Further more the happiness, prosperity or success of the desce-ndants depends on whether the ancient's graveyard has been well selected or not. If the decendant should be unfortune, it is because graveyard has been badly selected, it is said. Accordingly, site would be changed. There are many defects about the korean theory of the configuration of the burial ground. The evil practice of this theory has never existed anywhere in the world, now we will have to get rid of this had practice of the configuration theory. The total area of the graves in korea occupy 0.8 percent of the entirc land-which covers 850 square kilometer. The graves consist of the graves owned by the same elan, the family graves and cemetary. In the present stage it seems urgent to encourage the use of the cemetarys and crypts the collective graveyard, and cremation. I think the grave ground must be simplified. In other words, the graves should occupy less and of the whole area of our country. cremation was taken beginning with the Korean Dynasty but during the yi Dynasty it discontinued. In the mordern times when the area of the country is gradually narrowed by the increase of population, it is advisable to use the crypts. I the whole history of our country or sinse the Age of the three kingdoms the collective hump graves have been selected, but it seems very imperative to make the graves flat or park graves just as can be seen in forign counties.

      • 原始時代 土地所有權制度에 關한 硏究 : 共有論을 中心으로

        趙宗植 尙志大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Considerations of land ownership systems in primitive period. There are disscutions of gross-possession, joint-ownership, non-common, communization concerning land ownership systems in primitive period. Mountains and rivers were gross-possessive. I think that lands were joint-own because social units were primitive communities. Land-ownerships were joint-ownerships of race communities. But some sociologists disapprove joint-ownership. Kija-jeung jeun system of our-country was joint-ownership. Land-ownership systems were compounded because thouse were different according areas. I take viewpoint of which were gross-possession, joint-ownership in primitive land ownership system. I treated above-mentioned view point in these considerations.

      • KCI등재

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