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      • 探討中文的衍聲複詞

        許璧 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1989 人文科學 Vol.62 No.-

        中國語의 語彙構城은 당초에는 單音節詞로 이루어진것이 절대다수였다. 그러나 時代發展과 더불어 言語生活이 복잡해짐에 따라 종래의 單音節詞만 가지고는 적응하기 어렵게 되고 말았다. 그래서 자연발생적으로 二音節, 三音節, 多音節의 複音節詞가 생겨나게 되었는데 이러한 複音節詞는 크게 두가지 유형의 원칙에 따라 구성되고 있다. 즉 “身體”라든가 “自動車”, “養育”등과 같이 複音節詞를 구성하는 과정에서 두개 또는 세개 以上의 글자가 意義(뜻)관계에 의해서 결합되는 경우가 있는가하면 또 다른 경우는 “蔘差”나"葡萄”의 경우와 같이 두글자 이상이 결합해서 複音節詞를 이루는 과정에서 意義와는 관계없이 音韻관계에 의해서 이루어지는 경우라고 볼수 있다. 音韻관계로 이루어지는 複音節詞는 뜻과는 관계가 없기 때문에 두개 이상의 글자를 증가시켜서 이루어지고 있으므로 音節을 조절하는 역할을 해낼 수 있으며 듣기에도 좋은 편이다. 따라서 中國語의 어휘는 이러한 복음절사가 예로부터 지금까지 계속 증가해 왔으며 앞으로도 계속 증가될 것으로 전망되며 이러한 音韻관계로 이루어지는 衍聲複音節의 연구는 매우 중요하다고 여겨진다. 본문에서는 이러한 複音節詞의 形成과정과 그 種類 및 특성을 살펴보고 現代重國語에서의 기능과 앞으로의 추세에 대하여 살펴봄으로써 中國語를 보다 정확하고 철저하게 이해하는데 도움이 되도록 시도하였다.

      • KCI등재

        自由中國에서의 中國語法硏究(二) : 특히 주요 논저를 중심으로

        許璧 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1991 人文科學 Vol.66 No.-

        Before Ching dynasty most of Chinese intellectuals had placed much more emphasis on the study of literature or Classics than on the study of grammar. In 1898 Ma Chien Chung wrote the first well organized Chinese grammar book entitled Ma Shin Wen Tung, which was written on the basis of the principles of western language grammars. Since then the study of Chinese grammar had been divided into two areas: namely, a study on traditional old grammar and a study on contemporary grammar. Before 1945 there were no particular achievements on the study of Chinese grammar in Taiwan. After 1950 the study of Chinese grammar in Taiwan for the past 40 years can be explained in two major parts. First, it can be divided into old grammar specialize in syntax, semantics, and transformational grammar on the basis of modern linguistics and methods of traditional grammar. Overall, studies of Chinese grammar in Taiwan have been largely based on old grammar. This is evidenced by the fact that on graduate school level scholars have neglected the study of modern grammar. However, recently, they are introducing new research methods for modern linguistics in the study of Chinese grammar.

      • KCI등재

        歷代字典을 通해 본 漢字와 常用漢字小考 : 특히 韓ㆍ中ㆍ日ㆍ三個國의 경우를 中心으로

        許壁 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1978 人文科學 Vol.39 No.-

        When the Chinese characters were first developed and used in China, the number of the characters was quite limited because the scope of human life was simpler and more monotonous. Therefore, with only 1,000 characters, they encountered no inconveniences in expressing their thoughts and feelings. In fact, even the limited number of Chinese characters at the time was not in full use, and some were not applied in daily use. With the development of human knowledge, and with the expansion of their daily activities, more Chinese characters were necessary to cover the development and expansion. Therefore, as the time passed, the number of Chincse characters increased. And we foresee that the number will be inceased to cope with the times, but it is very hard to estimate how many more will be made and used. The increase in the number of Chinese characters, with the passage of time, can be found easily by referring to various dictionaries. But in some cases, more recent dictionaries contain a smaller number of characters. Of all the dictonaries that are available today, The Dictionary of Chinese and Japanese compiled by Morobashi, containing a total number of 49,964 characters, is regarded to be the largest number of characters. Most characters in the dictionary are not in active use or are not used at all. In reality, Japan, as well as in China, the number of the Chinese characters in actual use reaches at most three or four thousand characters. In each country, the number of characters in effective and necessary use is limited according to their practical demands. This trend, from every aspect, can be construed to be both essential and pertinent to increased efficiency in the learning and application of the characters

      • KCI등재

        六書와 說文解字

        許壁 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1976 人文科學 Vol.36 No.-

        The birth of Chinese characters, according to the introduction to “Shou Wen Chieh Tzu”(說文解字) by Hus Shen(許愼) was during the time of the Yellow Emperor(黃帝) when T'sang Chieh(창힐) saw the foot-prints of birds and animals and realized they could be recorded and differentiated. Writings on oracle bone discovered in the latter part of the Ch'ing(淸) Dynasty included nearly 3000 words from the vocabulary of the Chinese language of the Shang(商) Dynasty(1766-1123 BC). This confirmed Hsu Shen's theory that Chinese characters were created during the period of the Yellow Emperor. There are six categories for Chinese characters, categories which did not exist before the birth of Chinese characters. They are classifications of characters by structure and usage. The six categories are like the following: Pictographs(象形)such as (⊙)sun, (∬∫)water, and moon(??) are all drawn according to the form and shape of the real object. Indirect symbols(指事) such as “―” symbol for “one”, have no definite form; therefore, are abstract as “上”,“下” and so on. Determinative phonetics(形聲) is a combination of form and phonetic symbols indicating the category of objects and pronunciation, “河”, “江”, “柏” and so on. Associative compounds(會意) is a combination of form symbols expressing meaning as “信”, “仁” and so on. Mutually interpretative symbols(轉注) have the same meaning, but are in different written forms for categorization of meaning as “考”, “老” and so on. Phonetic loans(假借) have the same sound and the similar meaning for simplification as “會”, “長” and so on. In order to understand the meaning, sounds, and forms of the Chinese characters, we have to understand the six categories of Chinese characters; in order to understand the six categories, we have to understand the meaning and contents of the “Shou Wen Chieh Tzu.” We can thus say the six categories and the “Shou Wen Chieh Tzu” are the most important and necessary material for understanding chinese characters, and that they have indivisible relation to each other.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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