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      • KCI등재

        서구의 정치풍자화에 나타난 청일전쟁과 ‘코리아’

        석화정 한국근현대사학회 2018 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.84 No.-

        The political satire appeared on the Western media during the Sino – Japanese War over the Korean Peninsula in 1894 reflects the European power politics and their East Asian policies. It has shown that Japanese decision to open the war should be pursued more precisely in relation to Britain’s policy to check Russia. European magazines and newspapers mostly focused on the Anglo-Russian mutual checks in Korean Peninsula. The US newspapers, on the other hand, did never show Russophobia. Instead, the US government’s non-intervention but pro-Japanese stance has been immediately reflected on the media. The Great Powers had very little interest in ‘Korea’ itself while Japan won war on the Peninsula as far as Japan could check Russia. The images of Korea described not only as mostly trivial, small object ones but also appeared as a kind of leverage in the balance of power. 한반도에서의 청일전쟁기에 서양의 언론 매체에 등장한 정치풍자화는 각기 자국 언론의 보도 동향과 정부의 정책을 반영한 것으로 나타났다. 1894년 7월 킴벌리 외상의 ‘공동개입’, 청일의 ‘한반도 분할 점령’ 제의로 말미암아 개전이 방해받을 것을 우려한 일본정부는 영국과 불평등조약 개정과 러시아를 견제하기 위한 공조를 바탕으로 개전을 단행했다. 일본의 개전과정이 영국 및 유럽의 국제관계 속에서 정밀하게 구명되어야 함을 정치풍자화가 보여준 셈이다. 러시아공포증을 드러낸 서구의 언론 매체들은 영·러의 균형만 이루어진다면, 러시아를 견제할 수만 있다면 승리한 일본이 한반도를 차지하는 것에는 거의 관심이 없었다. 반면, 미국 신문의 풍자화에는 영·러의 상호 견제와 균형이라는 시각 자체가 나타나지 않았으며, 러시아공포증도 등장하지 않았다. 미국정부의 친일 일변도의 ‘불개입’정책은 개전 직후부터 미국 신문의 풍자화에도 그대로 반영되었다. 구미의 정치풍자화를 종합해볼 때, 일본이 한반도에서 승리한 1894년 청일전쟁 초기에 열강의 ‘코리아’에 대한 관심은 거의 없었던 것으로 나타났다. 한반도에서의 청일전쟁기 정치풍자화에서 열강의 힘의 균형의 지렛대가 될 수 있는 가능성으로 등장한 ‘코리아’는 당시 한반도가 처한 현실을 적나라하게 드러냈다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        International Rivalry in Korea and Russia’s East Asian Policy in the Late Nineteenth Century

        석화정 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2010 Korea Journal Vol.50 No.3

        In the last decades of the nineteenth century, every important and complex issue representing international rivalry and collaboration was played out in Korea with the country serving as a pawn in the game of power politics. Korea’s strategic importance, its military weakness, its deficiency of accurate information, and a continuous flood of rumors and suspicions all contributed to its subordination by imperialistic forces. Among other things, the advent of Russia in power politics in Korea meant meaningful challenges not only for the Russophobic powers but also for Korea. This article seeks to reexamine some controversial issues on the rivalry and collaboration of the powers in Korea by providing materials never cited before, and thereby reevaluate Russia’s expansionism in Korea. Its scope covers some basic chronology of events in Korea, including the opening of Korea in 1876; political disturbances before and after the treaties with the West in the mid-1880s; the decade of Chinese dominance, 1885-1894; and the Russo-Japanese rivalry and collaboration,1895-1898. And each period in this study is characterized by the viewpoint not only of rivalry but also of collaboration in power policies.

      • KCI등재

        Great Power Rivalries over Korea as Reflected in Political Cartoons

        석화정 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2013 Korea Journal Vol.53 No.1

        A political cartoon often contains a substantial amount of information that serves to create a particular hypothesis about a historical event. It frequently expresses ideas far more clearly and concisely than words and functions as a powerful tool of communication. It is often intended to affect public opinion or to influence foreign policy, and operates as potentially powerful propaganda. As a result of advances in printing technology, political commentary in journalism flourished at the end of the nineteenth century. In particular, commentary in the form of cartoons spread throughout Europe and even to Meiji Japan through European artists and correspondents. During the latter half of the nineteenth century, political cartoons offered broad analyses of foreign policies toward Korea as well as concise depictions of real events in Korean history. This article examines the historical events that influenced political cartoons and the images of Korea as reflected in cartoons published between 1876 and 1898. This study seeks to enhance the understanding of Korean power politics in a vivid and accessible way and to build momentum toward the use of political cartoons as primary source material.

      • KCI등재

        러일협약과 일본의 한국병합

        석화정 역사학회 2004 역사학보 Vol.0 No.184

        The annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910 is a reflection of the result of Japans victory and a sign of the international climate after the Russo- Japanese war. From 1905 to 1910 Japan tried to influence the Great Powers imperial ambitions in East Asia in order to acquire their approval for the annexation of Korea. Nevertheless, the understanding of how Japan decided the timing of transforming Korea from a protectorate to a colony in an international context has been largely neglected by researchers. The Russo-Japanese agreements were partially accountable for the Japanese seizure of Korea. This especially affected the timing. The Russo- Japanese convention of 1907, which completed the diplomatic revolution, opened the way to the collective antagonism of the Triple Entente against the Triple Alliance and gave Japan undisputed control over Korea. Although there was no statement on the Korean problem, the Russo-Japanese accord of 1910, which was another give-and-take deal in Manchurian area, immediately resulted in the Japanese annexation. This study traces the Russo-Japanese negotiations to their vital mutual interests and attempts to explain the momentum and the process of the annexation of Korea by Japan as a result of war.

      • 한국 '보호'문제를 둘러싼 러·일의 대립 : 헤그 밀사사건'을 중심으로

        石和靜(석화정) 명지대학교 국제한국학연구소 2005 명지대학교 국제한국학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2005 No.1

        헤그 밀사 파견은 근본적으로 러시아의 전략적 이해(利害)에서 비롯된 것으로 대한제국의 '보호'를 둘러싼 러·일의 대립을 단적으로 보여준 사건이다. 이 사건은 결국 러·일의 제국주의적 야합으로 말미암아 좌절되었으며, 한국의 '독립'을 더욱 위협하는 기폭제로 이용되었다. '헤그 밀사사건'은 당시 약소국 한국이 러·일 모두에게 어떻게 역이용되었는가를 적나라하게 드러낸 사례로서 기억될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        미국-스페인전쟁과 미디어의 풍자 이미지에 나타난 팽창주의, 반(反)제국주의

        석화정(Seok, Hua-jeong) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2016 군사 Vol.- No.98

        The American-Spanish War of 1898, was initiated for the United States to step to rescue Cuba from the oppression from Spain, ended just months later with the U.S. acquisition of Spain’s remaining empire, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. Patriotic media played a significant role in breaking out the war, identifying the key territories to be acquired prior to a deployment of military operations. Even though there were various shades of high-circulation “yellow” journalism, this article mainly focuses on the ‘unexplored’ press media by the including political cartoons, headlines, caption texts from newspapers in both rural and urban settings across the U.S. It elaborates to show how the nation’s patriotic media campaigns mainly by cartoonists and editorialists captured the public’s interest in the Cuban crisis, and to portray the U.S actions for the duration of the conflict, from liberation to conquest, and further to press the U.S acquisition new territories abroad. After the war, growing resistance to American expansionism was found expression in the media, but it was driven the consensus in terms of expansion costs, not by a moral compass as will be identified at the platform of Anti-Imperialist League of 1899.

      • KCI등재

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