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        월악산에 서식하는 노랑할미새 Motacilla cinerea의 번식생태

        광석(Kwang-Seok Youm),충렬(Choong-Ryul Baek),이진희(Jin-Hee Yi),정진우(Jin-Woo Jung),오태훈(Tea-Hoon Oh),조삼래(Sam-Rae Cho) 한국조류학회II 2011 한국조류학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 충청북도 제천시 월악산 국립공원에서 2009년 4월부터 2010년 8월까지 노랑할미새의 번식생태를 연구하였다. 노랑할미새의 둥지크기는 장경이 160.72±48.24㎜, 단경이 104.93±25.11㎜, 두께가 48.99±7.16㎜, 무게가 37.45±2.81g이였다. 둥지의 재료는 마른풀이 18.002±1.927(52.51%)g, 토양이 9.127±1.547(26.62%)g, 나무뿌리가 3.553±0.304(10.36%)g, 이끼류가 2.895±0.841(8.44%)g, 기타가 0.706±0.505(2.06%)g이였다. 영소지 선택장소는 자연구조물(13.04%)보단 인공구조물(86.96%)을 선호하는 것으로 조사 되었다(X²-test, P<0.05). 알의 크기는 장경이 18.39±1.02㎜, 단경이 14.46±0.63㎜, 무게가 1.84±0.12g이며, 형태지수는 78.85±5.84%로 나타났다. 한배산란수는 3~7개를 가지며, 평균 한배산란수는 4.78±0.92개였다. 부화성공률은 75.86±15.64%, 이소성공률은 71.59±15.53%, 번식성공률이 54.31±11.78%로 나타났다. We had surveyed about breeding ecology of Grey Wagtail at the in Wor-Ak Mountain from April 2009 to August 2010. It has 160.72±48.24㎜ in outside diameter of nest, 104.93±25.11㎜ in inner diameter and 37.45±2.81g of weight. The nest materials were dry grasses, soil, root, moss type and others. Nest site choice natural structures than prefer artificial structures (X²-test, P<0.05). The eggs had 18.39±1.02㎜ of length, 14.46±0.63㎜ of width, 1.84±0.12g of mass and 78.85±5.84% of shape index, respectively the clutch size was 4.78±0.92 and hatching success was 75.86%, fledgling success 71.59%, breeding success was 54.31%.

      • 경상분지에서 발견된 백악기 파충류 이빨화석

        윤철수(Cheol-Soo Yun),광석(Kwang-Seok Baek),정영현(Young-Hyeon Jeong) 한국고생물학회 2007 고생물학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        경상분지(중생대 백악기) 내에 있는 5곳의 화석산지에서 공룡이빨5점, 익룡이빨2점, 악어이빨5점, 총 12점의 파충류 이빨화석이 발견되었다. 그 중 수각류 육식공룡이빨화석은 톱날구조가 잘 발달해 있으며, 특히 티라노사우루스과로 동정된 이빨은 다중톱날구조를 가진다. 용각류 이빨의 마모 상태로 보아 이들은 거친 식물의 섬유질을 다량 섭취한 것으로 추정된다. 악어이빨 화석의 표면은 세로방향의 줄무늬, 톱날구조를 가진다. 특히 악어턱뼈 화석(KPE40005)은 표면에 불규칙적인 홈이 발달하는 것이 특징이다. 2001년에 이어 새롭게 발견된 익룡이빨은 백악기 한반도에 서식했던 태로닥틸로이드 익룡의 정체를 밝히는 중요한 자료이다. 이들화석들은 신동층군이 퇴적되던 시기에 다양한 파충류들이 하천과 호수환경에 서식하였음을 지시한다. Total 12 reptile teeth including five dinosaur teeth, two pterosaur teeth and five crocodile teeth are discovered from five fossil localities which are corresponding to the Hasandong and Dongmyeong formations in the Gyeongsang Basin (Early Cretaceous). Among these reptile teeth, theropod dinosaur teeth have well-developed sharp serrations and one tyrannosaurid tooth is characterized with multiple serrations, The worn pattern of sauropod dinosaur teeth imply heavy mastication of tough plant fibers. The crocodilian tooth (KPE40005) was found in situ with an incomplete lower jaw. Crocodilian teeth are characterized by the serrations and longitudinal lines. Another discovery of new pterosaur teeth could provide a clue of pterodactyloid pterosaurs lived in Korea. These fossils indicate that various reptiles such as dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and crocodiles lived together in fluvial and lacustrine environments during the deposition of Gyeongsang Supergroup.

      • 潮間帶에 棲息하는 底棲動物의 生痕構造와 그 堆積學的 特性

        白光錫,孔榮植,徐承祚 晋州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1994 科學敎育硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        In order to investigate biogenic structures of burrowing benthonic animals inhabiting the intertidal flat of Nam Hae and Sa Cheon coast. We used plastic casts with resin. The results were as follows : First, biogenic structures showed various features in the surgace strures and burrows, and were closely related with their shape, structure and mode of life. Second, in the granulometric composition of the surfce in the habitat area of benthonic animals, sediments of this area is composed of sand and silt whose standard deviation was poorly sorted. Third, in the characteristic sedimentary structures, Iaminated beddinbg, bioturbation etc. were shown in the section of the sedimentary layer and ripple current, and mud carcks were shown in the surface of the sedimentary layer. When trace fossils and sedimentary characteristics in Hack Jun formation and biogenic sturcture and sedimentary environment in present intertidal flat were contrasted, Hack Jun formation which produced trace fossils indicated depositional environment of shallow marine including intertidal flat. And this area was in the environment of the relatively high eneergy and influenced by flood tidal current and wave. In investigating biogenic structure and sedimentary environment, benthonic animals having formed the trace fossils and paleoenvironment were searched and biogenic stucture could give abundant informations in the res\search of the past.

      • 泗川地域 新洞層群에서 發見된 恐龍 足痕化石

        白光錫,徐承祚 晋州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1996 科學敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        A lot of dinosaur tracks were found from the Early Cretaceous Sindong Group at three localities near Chinju city. It was observed that carnivorous Theropod and herbivorous Ornithopod lived together at the both sites of Komjong-ri and Kahwa-ri. Most of the tracks have been made by the bipedal Iguanodont. some of them having been by the Quardupedal Sauropods. The length of footprints ranges from 30cm to 74 cm( at Komjong-ri and Kahwa-ri). 20cm to 40cm(at Kupo-ri). It is the first time to discover the tracks in large quantities from Sindong Group.

      • 고성군 덕명리 일대 공룡 생흔 화석 산지의 자연탐사와 교재화를 위한 연구

        광석,정호종,서승조,정우규 晋州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1994 科學敎育硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        경남 도내 고등학생들을 대상으로 실시한 고장 자연 탐사에서 덕명리 해안의 지질과 교육적 활용성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 덕명리 해안의 지층은 진동층에 속하며 공룡과 조류의 족혼 화석, 연혼, 건열, 화성암의 관입 등의 관찰되고 해식애, 해식동, 해식대가 발달하였다. 2. 공룡 족혼 화석은 2족보행 공룡인 Theropod 와 Ornithopod 및 4족보행 공룡인 Sauropod의 것으로 추정되었다. 3. 본지역의 특징은 중학교 과학 및 고등학교 과학 I 하와 지구과학 교과의 침식 . 운반 . 퇴적작용, 지층과 화석, 지질시대의 환경과 생물, 우리나라의 지질 등의 단원에 좋은 야외 지질교재이다. 4. 내 고장 자연 탐사교육은 학생들에게 학습의 동기와 흥미를 유발시킬 수 있는 대단히 유요한 프로그램이었고, 설문 조사 등 분석결과에 의하면 과학 교육적 성과도 있었다.

      • 河東郡 良浦里 소라類 化石 産地一帶 地質素材의 敎材化

        白光錫,徐承祚 晋州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1996 科學敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        It is well known that field work is important in geologic education. For the purpose of effective study, authors introduce the area providing useful geologic materials. It is clarified that this area is very useful for field study in either primary or secondary school curiculum. This area has wide spae for field study and is very convenient to go there. The geological contents obtainable in the field work are summarized as follows: 1. Various fossils such as bivalvia fossils and trace fossils 2. Bedding plane and sedimentary sructures 3. Intrusion of dyke 4. The living thing's ativities in accordance with sedimentary structures

      • 晉州 附近 新洞層群(下部 白堊系)에서 産出되는 化石 Stromatolite의 生堆積 構造 및 古環境

        金榮汶,白光錫,徐承祚 晋州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1998 科學敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        For the purpose of clarifying the organosedimentary structure and paleoenvironment of stromatolites from the southem part of the Kyongsang Basin, the study was carried out both through the field works and chemical analysis of samples. Obtained data were compared with the repotred ones from areas in North Kyongsang Province, additionally. Through this study, the paleaoenvironments of these areas were summarized as follows: 1. Laminations of stromatolite are consist of algal-rich and sediment-rich laminae altemately. The content of calcite, main component of stromatolite, has less Magnesium value. Thus, it seems to have formed under the fresh water environment. 2. The almost of the stromatolites have very irregular shapes which has been caused by disturbed and divided algae from microbial activities. Therefore, it can be inferred that the lake was calm. 3. It seems to have been shallow lacustrine environment and intermittent dry season.

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