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      • 農村開發 및 새마을 運動의 基軸으로서의 「參與」

        王仁槿 서울大學校 農科大學 1979 서울대농학연구지 Vol.4 No.2

        Recognition of the existence of a "participative crisis" is evident from the degree of emphasis placed on popular participation. But realization of the need for participation is not recent. The basis of community development in the early fifties was response to the "feltneeds" of people at all levels-particularly in rural areas. Felt-needs are to be determined by the people and to be met through self-help by means of popular participation. Participation or popular participation should be the most fundamental entity and means for rural development programs in paticular which have been capturing serious attention of most developing countries in the world today. The same should be true with :SAEMAUL UNDONG" or "New Community Movement", a Korean version of highly successful integrated rural development program. Unfortunately, few or no academic attentions have been paid to :participation" locally. Consequently, a critical but necessarily brief examination on participation was made in this paper, covering ⒜ significance and meaning, ⒝ benefits and costs, ⒞ main problems and tasks, and ⒟ strategical considerations with special reference to popular participation at local level. A comprehensive strategy for promoting popular participation within an over-all framework of national development strategy can prove most effective if undertaken at all levels of decision-making within a society.

      • 開發途上國家의 農村開發과 農業技術革新

        王仁槿 서울大學校 農科大學 1980 서울대농학연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        The predominantly agricultural developing countries located in the tropical region desperately need to get their agriculture developed significantly through the so-called "Green Revolution". In this connection, however, the multi-faceted nature of the requirements of the green revolution by means of newly-developed high-yielding varieties of staple crops poses fatal threats to the developing countries regardless of economic and technical assistance by developed countries and international agencies such as FAO-UN. Development and dissemination or diffusion of agricultural technological innovations are the two most important necessary conditions for the agricultural and rural development. To meet satisfactorily these two basic conditions is formidably challenging to the developing countries. In other words, the green revolution may be hardly materialized in most developing countries which need it so much. Under these circumstances, agricultural specialists from developed countries are trying to develop the "appropriate technology" based on the analysis of traditional agriculture of a particular developing country, which should be differentiated from the technological innovations of the green revolution. The successful implementation of the green revolution and rural development requires "systems anylysis approach" and "inter-disciplinary approach". Needless to mention, the technical innovation development itself is essential, which, is however, not the sufficient condition for the green revolution and agricultural and rural development. This fact has been amply illustrated by Brown as "second generation problems" of the green revolution. Korea is no more belonged to the so-called predominantly agricultural developing countries category. As a "feed-back need," Korea must take initiatives in launching technical assistances to the developing countries, in particular, in agricultural and rural development field, making best of its historical and practical technical know-how and experiences. For this, a research institution on the tropical agriculture and its determinants has to be set up preferably at the Seoul National University College of Agriculture. And the college has to strengthen the totally neglected field of rural sociology by setting up a new department to this cause.

      • 農村指導者의 活動에 關한 實證的 硏究

        王仁槿,宋海均 서울大學校 農科大學 1980 서울대농학연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        An empirical study was made on the actual performance of Extension-related local leaders in several Korean rural villages late in 1979. The strategic role of rural local leaders in disseminating agricultural innovations within the framework of total rural development cannot be overemphasized. Specifically, the followings were investigated in detail in the study: (a) Major methods of teaching adopted by local leaders and their frequency. (b) Major subject-matter areas on which local leaders rendered their informal teaching and their frequency. (c) Participant-evaluation by Extension workers concerned on the role performance of local leaders.

      • 나이지리아 經濟의 構造와 動向

        王仁槿 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1989 서울대농학연구지 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this paper was to analyze and examine Nigeria's economic structure and its performance based on information available and accessible, with a primary view to determining the critically significant impinging-upon causal variables. Potentially, Nigeria has been considered, with due justifications, as the most probable candidate for the "Newly-industrializing Country" (NIC) in the Black African Continent, or the Sub-Saharan Africa. Nigeria has been no exception from almost all neighboring countries of the Continent as the world poverty pocket in many internal and nation-building problem respects including the universal colonizaion antecedent. In this connection, however, Nigeria has been different in several major respects including, of course, the political instability and confusion characterized by the military involvements. The dramatically serious difference, however, has been the fact that Nigeria's ambitiously planned national economic development program has been almost exclusively based on the external revenues from the export of crude petroleum discovered and explored since around the end of the 1950s. The commodity of the crude oil has been significantly related to international community interests which was vividly demonstrated some years ago in a form of "Oil Shocks." Although Nigeria's national development plan and its financing have been absolutely depended upon the oil revenues, unfortunately, the oil price has become acutely down which has had serious impact on Nigeria's economy itself as a whole. Nigeria has been facing enormous foreign debt service problem as a result of the oil price slash in that she induced so much foreign capital resources which were considered to be smoothly serviced by the expected oil export revenues. The essential and necessary import of goods has been severely curtailed as a result of which economic conditions in terms of implementing development prograns and peoples' living have become problematic. The necessary new capital flow-in has been made hesitant and almost stopped from abroad. Nigeria is now doing her best in overcoming the challenge. The main reason why Nigeria has come where she is finding herself today could be that she had depended on the expected external revenues from the export of her crude petroleum for her national development strategy to an almost absolute extent, which has, however, proved definitely fragile and a failure. Nigeria's economic development performance of profound diffculties and challenges could be ultimately ascribed to a generally-accepted generalization that almost all of the latecomer developing countries of the Black African Continent are badly underdeveloped in general terms. This should imply that international development cooperation towards Nigeria should be the more strengthened by developed countries, firstcomer developing countries including Korea, and relevant international organizations and agencies, not to mention influential non-government organizations.

      • 革新傳播의 農村社會學的 硏究 : An Overview

        王仁槿 서울大學校 農業生命科學大學 農業開發硏究所 1995 서울대농학연구지 Vol.20 No.2

        In a capacity of the forerunner in Korea in introducing the concept and empirical research approach on diffusion research of agricultural innovations, initiated early in the 1960 just after returning home from the graduated studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A., the author made an extensive overview of the diffusion research on agricultural innovations within the context of rural sociological discipline with special reference to the United States in which the research was systematically initiated and developed, not to mention spreading to other developing countries. In this connection, however, it was felt unfortunate that the author could not afford to deal with the diffusion research imported and conducted in Korea with the exception of an effort to list up the titles of research studies by the author only. It might be the first effort to do this kind of very in-depth examination locally though the limited availability of the physical space enforced the author to make his description very much concise. Early studies, institutionalized studies, new directions and futuristic perspective of agricultural diffusion research were covered in this paper, which, may prove of significant utility to the students concerned.

      • [農村開發社會學] 序說(∥) : 農村社會學의 本質과 開發的 連繫

        王仁槿 서울大學校 農科大學 1982 서울대농학연구지 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper consists of four parts: (a) Introduction, (b) Re-examination of rural sociology from a developmental perspective, (c) Developmental contributions of rural sociology, and (d) Concluding remarks: some practical implications. In the second part of the "re-examination of rural sociology from a developmental perspective", the author dealt with such topics as (a) fundamental nature of rural sociology and its contemporary tasks, and (b) historical development of rural sociology re-examined. In the third part part of the "developmental contributions of rural sociology", three topics were dealt with: (a) scientific understanding and analysis of rural society under violent change pressures, (b) facilitation of planned rural development process, and (c) promotion of international agricultural technology tranafer to LLDCs. Some concluding remarks and practical implications or recommendations were presented in the final part. After summing up what were described four rather specific implications or recommendations were made with respect to the rural development sociology or developmental contributions of action-oriented rural sociology discipline. They were: (a) strengthening of education and training of rural sociology at appropriate formal and informal institutes, (b) conducting research studies in the field of rural sociology from an integrated and systematic perspective, (c) the need for intensive re-training of those concerned with rural sociology, and (d) re-orientation of awareness and understanding of the importance of rural sociology as an "integrating" agricultural social science for rural development. Finally, a word must be given that this paper is a follow-up one to the author's "Sociolohical Aspects of Rural Development-An Introductory Note on 'Sociology of Rural Development'-" contributed to the Seoul National University Agricultural Bulletin, Volume 5, No. 2 (1980). In other words, this paper is only a component part of a comprehensive one.

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