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        노인요양시설의 치유정원(Therapy Garden) 분석 연구

        권오길 ( Oh Gil Kwon ),이재규 ( Jae Kyu Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        (Background and Purpose) As an aging society gives birth to a rising demand for nursing homes, the study of the spaces related to nursing homes becomes increasingly important. Spatial therapy is a concept that goes beyond assistance for the recovery of patients from diseases through medical treatment and encompasses environmental, psychological, social, functional, and cognitive elements. This study was intended to provide a therapeutic and healing environment for elderly patients through evaluation and analysis focusing on specific details of the environmental healing elements for the formation of a therapy garden among the environmental elements of spatial therapy. (Method) Regarding the scope and methodology, this study analyzed the characteristics of the elderly, components of nursing homes and spatial therapy, and environmental factors, such as sensory elements, based on a theoretical review. Second, this theoretical review of the therapy garden was conducted by investigating the concept, purpose, and characteristics of a therapy garden and deriving the evaluation indices of the healing environmental elements of a therapy garden, thus analyzing the practical cases based on specific details matching each item. (Results) The evaluation indices for the healing environmental elements of a therapy garden were accessibility, safety, diversity, convenience, activity, and openness. The results of the analysis showed that all 5 nursing homes received good evaluations in terms of accessibility, safety, and openness on the items related to evaluation indices for the healing environmental elements. The experiential programs were composed mostly of gardening programs that were conducted indoors. Specific details of the 5 nursing homes were analyzed in terms of diversity, and the results showed that there were few or no waterscape facilities or lawn areas. The therapy gardens in the 5 nursing homes were not equipped with any means of contacting the medical staff or nursing facility in an emergency. Thus, there was an urgent need to install devices allowing the patients to contact medical staff or the nursing facility in emergencies. (Conclusions) The healing environmental elements of a therapy garden would need to be introduced actively. First, therapy gardens should be planned at the locations near the living space by considering the walking distance and the amount of time it would take the elderly patients to reach the locations to improve the physical and psychological accessibility of the gardens to the patients. Second, emergency communication devices would need to be installed in view of the needs of the elderly patients to increase their convenience. Third, familiar natural elements reminiscent of old memories and experiences should be integrated into the garden design. Fourth, a performance space would need to be installed, allowing the elderly patients to gain hands-on experience of culture and the arts, along with a space to provide such experiences throughout the year and a group entertainment space. Fifth, various programs related to work therapy and gardening therapy should be planned.

      • KCI등재후보

        의암호의 (衣岩湖) 패류에 (貝類) 관한 연구 (4) - 칼조개 ( Lanceolaria acrorhyncha ) 의 배발생과 (胚發生) 유생형태에 관한 연구

        권오길 ( Oh Kil Kwon ) 한국하천호수학회 1984 생태와 환경 Vol.17 No.1·2

        Lanceolaria acrorhyncha, one of the 7 species in the family Unionidae living in the Lake Uiam, was used as an experimental material. The spermatogenesis and oogenesis, the structure of hooks, hooklets and sensory hairs, the diameter of larval threads, and the size of glochidium of Lanceolaria acrorhyncha were investigated. The results obtained in this investigation were as follows; 1. The two outer-demibranchs (marsupium) of four demibranchs were filled with glochidia as Anodonta fukudai. 2. The color of gonad and demibranch was red, yellow and white to which changed blackish brown when matured. 3. A glochidium has two hooks at the apex of the ventral side and one hook has 13 to 15 hooklets (spines) and two pairs of sensory hair were found at both side of the larval shell. 4. The size of a glochidium was 200 ㎛ in shell height, 220 ㎛ in shell lengh and 160 ㎛ in hinge lengh and the from of a glochidium was a small subtriangular shape compared with a large subtriangular in Anodonta fukudai. 5. The two white cucumiformed lumps of glochidia were excreted when spawned artificially and the diameter of larval thread was 12 ㎛. 6. The breeding season of L. acrorhyncha was the summer type having glochidia from March to November and October to May in Anodonta fukudai.

      • KCI등재후보

        의암호의 (衣岩湖) 패류에 (貝類) 관한 연구 (1) - Anodonta fukudai 유생의 어체부착에 (魚體附着) 관하여

        권오길 ( Oh Kil Kwon ) 한국하천호수학회 1981 생태와 환경 Vol.14 No.3·4

        The auther has studied the attachment of glochidia of A. fukudai to the fish in the Lake Uiam. This research is one of the ecological studies on the molluscs in this lake. The attachment of the glochidia to the fish body is summarized as follows: 1. The fish attached the glochidia of this mussel are 5 species including Carassius carassius, Oryzias lapites, Pseudorasbora parva, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Channa argus. 2. The attachment of giochidia of A. fukudai to the fish was found from December to February, while other mussels were in April. 3. The infectious rates of glochidia were 82%, 40% and 18% in M. anguillicaudatus, O. lapites and C. carassius respectively. The average rate of these 5 species was 26.9%. 4. The number of glochidia attached to each fish were 26, 13 and 8 individuals in C. argus, P. parva and M. anguillicaudatus respectively. And the average number was 4.9 individuals. 5. The attachment parts on the fish were 42.1%, 29.4% and 10.9% in pectoral fin, caudal fin and dorsal fin, and also on the base of pelvic and mouth part.

      • KCI등재

        건강검진센터의 공용공간 색채현황분석 연구

        권오길 ( Oh Gil Kwon ),이재규 ( Jae Kyu Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2016 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        (Background & Objective) There has been a nationwide heightened interest in healthy life amid active support of government at policy level and improvement in living standards. Against this backdrop, professional health examination centers have become specialized and segmented and are required to have pleasant and stable user-oriented spatial configuration. Color, the visual element in design, is an important element for spatial planning of health examination centers. The use of colors in health examination centers that emphasize functionalities assign value to aesthetic emotional expression, induce positive reaction from users, and bring about an effect through indirect healing. This study intends to examine spatial configuration of health examination centers and propose a human-oriented medical space through a case study involving practical use of colors in a health examination center, which has psychological impact on users. (Method) The study will investigate spatial configuration of health examination centers, efficient arrangement of space, characteristics of space, and common space based on preceding studies; furthermore, it will theoretically consider colors, visual perception, color psychology, and color therapy through a literature review. For color analysis in practical cases, the study utilized the Munsell Color System and color image scales as published by I.R.I Color Research Center to extract color image of health examination centers and analyze the derived color image from physical and psychological aspects. (Results) Bright color and indirect lighting were used to supplement inadequate natural lighting inside health examination centers, which had many corridors to pass through based on the order of examination. Fluorescent color was separated while white color (N9.5) and colors of YR and Y series were used to highlight clean and stable image of medical space. Colors that could be monotonous were refined in terms of light (architectural lighting) and shape to create a harmonious space at the spatial planning phase. There was a general preference for gentle, natural, elegant, and decent color images in health examination centers. (Conclusions) Health examination centers should be designed to have reasonable patient flows appropriate to the sequence of health examination for examinees, considering that complex and many different functions are performed simultaneously in a limited space. Since health examination continues for a long time, the aspect of time should be taken into consideration while avoiding excessive use of colors to prevent examinees from feeling confused. Pleasant spatial atmosphere can be created by using colors of GY, G, and BG series that have clear, cheerful, and modern color images as sub-dominant or accent colors. Moreover, use of colors in conjunction with light, shape, and texture, which are design elements, will maximize the psychological effect of colors and enable effective planning of stable, comfortable, and human-oriented space.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국 - 필리핀 전쟁의 제2국면(1902~1907)

        권오신(Kwon, Oh-Shin) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.39

        이 글에서 관통되는 내용은 미-필 전쟁의 진행상황을 읽으면서 과연 미국이 어떤 정책과 인맥을 통해 식민화를 확립하는지를 살피는 것이다. 연구사적 접근에서 보면, 통상 미-필 전쟁의 제1국면(1899-1902)은 핵심적으로 ‘전쟁 상황에 대한 해석’ 중심이라면, 제2국면(1902-1907) 시기에서는 ‘식민지 지배확립’이라는 주제로 접근하고 있다. 그런 맥락에서 식민지배 확립을 위해 운영했던 미국의 지배기구와 제도들의 설립과정과 그 의미를 추적하여 그 본질적 성격을 정립시켜 보려는 것이 이 글의 목적이다. 결국 미국의 식민정책에 대한 저의를 읽어내고, 그것이 장기적인 식민지배에 어떤 작용으로 연계되었는지를 파악하는 기제가 될 것이다. 미국은 미-필 전쟁의 제2국면에 식민지배를 확립하는 단계로 나아갔다. 군정(military rule)에서 민정(civil rule)으로 전환하였다. 한마디로 민정체 제로의 전환은 ‘본질’(substance)이 아니라 ‘형태’(form)만 바꾼 것이다. 여기서 본질은 ‘장기 지배’이고, 형태는 ‘군정에서 민정으로의 전환’이다. 그것이 결국은 식민지 장기지배를 확립하려는 밑그림이었던 것이다. 지배국인 미국은 지배 초기부터 식민지인들의 자치(self rule)능력이 배양되면 독립시키겠다는 명분론(nominal theory)을 제시해 왔다. 그러나 실상에서 그런 의도는 개념상으로나 의미상으로나 허상에 불과한 것으로 유지되었다. 그런 주장은 미국이 필리핀 지배권을 지속적으로 유지해나가기 위해 사용해온 ‘허무맹랑하고 편리한 이론적 무기’였던 것이다. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the way of the establishment of American rule to the Philippines. While paying attention to the war situation, Americans took advantage of a variety of policies and people involved during the period of American-Philippine War. From the viewpoint of historic approach, the first phase of the American-Philippine war(1899-1902) was largely centered on "interpretation of war", while the second phase(1902-1907) focused on "the establishment of colonial rule." In such an context, this paper examined the nature and establishment of the organizations and institutions of American rule to the Philippines. This paper also tried to find out the American intention and its relation to long-term colonial rule. Americans aimed the establishment of colonial control in the second phase of American-Philippine War. During this period, Americans transferred from military rule to civil rule. In short, the policy was just a change from "substance" to "form". Here, the "substance" means "long-term control", while "form" indicates "transfer from military rule to civil rule." This policy was the underlying intention to control the Philippines long-termly. From the start of colonial control, Americans proposed the nominal theory that they would free the Philippines when she cultivates the capacity of self rule. Conceptually and meaningfully, this was an illusion. In fact, the proposal was "an awkward and convenient theoretical tool" used to keep and maintain the long-term colonial rule to the Philippines.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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