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      • KCI우수등재

        일제강점기 강원도 출신 만주 이주자의 이주ㆍ재이주 실태와 역사적 성격에 대한 고찰

        류승렬(Seung-reul Lyu) 한국사연구회 2012 한국사연구 Vol.156 No.-

        This paper examines migration to and remigration within Manchuria including period of migration and its process of emigrants from Gangwon province, based on the face-to-face interviews with persons originated from Gangwon province. Demographically, Gangwon province was a minority region as it comprised only three to four percent of Korean peninsula’s total population. Nonetheless, migration to and remigration location within Manchuria of emigrants from Gangwon province was made over a long period of time covering a wide range of areas. Specifically, emigrants from Gangwon province were forced to be at the forefront of anti-Japanese guerrilla struggle near Yanbian area, to become laborers at the paddy field development and to be human shields against the Soviet Union near Mudanjiang area. As collective migration of Koreans to north Manchuria was forced in late 1930s, Japanese military had implemented the division . differentiation strategy based on regional background focusing on emigrants from Gangwon province in two ways: their ability to pioneer rice farming and their existence to interrupt the formation of anti-Japanese force. It was Japan’s calculated and organized intention that made emigrants from Gangwon province to be at the nexus of anti-Japanese guerrilla fights in Yanbian, to become shields against Soviet power and to develop a paddy field in Mudanjiang area as if they were spearhead of Japanese national policy initiative. Japan had concentrated its deployment of emigrants from Gangwon province at locations for building human tochka to defend against anti-Japanese guerrilla unit and the Soviet Union. This paper was limited m cases of emigrants originated from Gangwon province only. A list of important points confirmed in this paper, however, are not restricted to those from Gangwon province. Particularly, it can certainly be said that the Japanese military used the division’ differentiation strategy based on regional background as a criteria in executing Koreans’ migration to Manchuria and remigration within Manchuria. Thus I expect important facts about emigrants originated from Gangwon province to Manchuria confirmed in this paper to be seen from other case studies or further field research and hope to compare and reconfirm them in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        事大=守舊 對 獨立=開化의 二項對立的 近代敍事 프레임의 創出과 變容

        柳承烈(Lyu, Seungreul) 역사교육연구회 2017 역사교육 Vol.142 No.-

        This paper explores the creation of Korean modern narrative frame and its transformation afterwards. It examines how the original Korean modern narrative frame was created and standardized by the Japanese, and reviews the process and methods used to intentionally transform that frame by pro-Japanese Koreans. Modern narrative frame originally created by the Japanese was intentionally transformed during acceptance by means of adding or imitating. Such work was accomplished by Koreans experienced in studying in Japan, especially Waseda University alumni. Unlike Japan, the Enlightenment party playing a central role and setting extreme Conservatism party being its opposition were major changes. With the composition of enlightenment versus toadyism, the Enlightenment party’s leading role became fully emerged. From the Imo Gullan to Gapsin Coup, the Enlightenment party emerged as a key player, and in the Gabo and Eulmi era the Enlightenment party gained its historical status as a reform leader. Choe Nam-seon being the beginner, such intentional transformation on modern narrative frame was carried out across the board passing through Yi Pyong-do and Lee Son-keun. From Gapsin Coup to the ruin of the Korean Empire, not only modern narrative frame but also its content were filled in full swing with the enlightenment and reform works led by the Eenlightenment party and its successors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        최근 중등학교 역사 교육과정 개정에 따른 세계사 과목의 편제와 내용 구성의 변화

        柳承烈(Lyu Seung-Reul) 역사교육연구회 2011 역사교육 Vol.120 No.-

        The independence of history course was achieved through recent curricular amendments. Thus the frame of integrated social studies, a long-time obstacle to the development of history education, had been removed and the designation of History as an independent course was finally fulfilled. The establishment of ‘History Course’ will be an opportunity to overcome self-centeredness in National History and to enhance awareness in World History by understanding National History in relation to the World History. East Asian History course will serve a better way of realizing East Asian Community to achieve lasting peace and prosperity through resolving serious historical conflicts. History education in Korea has now reached a turning point. With the adoption of History as an independent course, the dichotomy system of National History with regard to World History over many decades has been brought to an end. Nevertheless considerable changes have been made in the overall history education with further amendments of National Curriculum. I believe international discussions on various topics including the curriculum, textbooks, and history classes on the field, will contribute to the enhancement of history education.

      • KCI우수등재

        연변 지역 강원도 출신자의 일제강점기 이주사 연구

        류승렬(Lyu Seung-Reul) 한국사연구회 2007 한국사연구 Vol.138 No.-

        The number of Korean immigrants to Manchuria since late 19 century amounted to more than twenty million in 1945. Korean immigration continued persistently from Korean Empire period to 1945. During this time, the natural disaster in late 19 century, the Japanese Compulsory Occupation in 1910, the Manchurian Accident in 1931, Sino-Japanese War in 1937 had made important turning points. The main purpose of this paper is to confirm the motive, course, ways, effects, historical meaning and significance of immigrants from Gangwon Province to Yanbian. To fulfill this task, field survey and man-to-man talk with concerned persons were operated several times. This paper especially focuses on the collective immigration with high-pressure from 1930s. Judging from direct and careful investigation, the meaning and significance of immigration and re-immigration from Gangwon Province in Japanese Compulsory Occupation Period are remarkably high. First, the immigration was practiced throughout the Korean immigration history and clearly showed the feature of periodical changes. Second, the construction of collective settlement and compelling immigration were concentrated in the region where anti-Japanese Partisan parties worked most vigorously. In particular, Gosung village in late 1930s settled at the center of battlefield between Partisan party and Japanese army. Third, the collective immigration of Gangwon province concentrating in Ando-District had two overlapping goals. One was to confront against anti-Japanese partisan parties, and the other was to settle safely through paddy field development. Fourth, the feature of the immigration from Gangwon Province represents the successive changes of Korean immigration depending on the Japanese policy changes. Fifth, in case of collective immigration of Gangwon Province, Japan’s regional division strategy for breaking Korea’s national unity could be inferred from Japanese policy toward Korean immigration. Nowadays those who experienced immigration are disappearing rapidly. Thus systematic and synthetic study on the immigration from Gangwon Province should be conducted promptly. All in all, I hope to awake the necessity for composite and general survey and investigation about Korean immigration as a whole.

      • KCI등재

        한국사 교과서 발행 국정화 담론의 맥락과 성격

        柳承烈(Lyu, Seung-Reul) 역사교육연구회 2014 역사교육 Vol.132 No.-

        The main focus of this paper is to examine the context, genealogy, background, and intention of the logic that is composed of discourses about the government-authorized Korean history textbook system. The assertion that Korean history is separated from history education, as well as the purpose and content of the Korean History education are separately setting up and handling from general educational circles and purpose and tendency of history education has raised its voice supported by political authority. If the Korean history textbook publication system is changed to the government-authorized publication system, it will mean the same as a return to the October Yushin regime. Through several changes in the textbook policies, the Ministry of Education unilaterally overused modification orders and reinforced control and intervention. As a result, the officially certified Korean history textbook has been criticized for being highly distorted and similar to a government-authorized textbook. However, despite this fact, a return to the government-authorized textbook system should be prevented. Through this paper, it is clear that discourses about the government-authorized Korean history textbook system has the historical significance of returning to the October Yushin regime and the enforcement of the government-authorized system signifies a regression to anti-democracy and a sense of destroying such an important concept. For these reasons, the history education circles create a united voice and oppose the government-authorized textbook system strongly.

      • KCI등재

        국가 발행제하 고등학교 국사 교과서 근대 서사 프레임의 구조와 특징

        柳承烈(Lyu, Seung Reul) 역사교육연구회 2019 역사교육 Vol.150 No.-

        This paper focuses on the narrative style of the modern period in state-issued Korean high school history textbooks. Mainly, the paper will look at the setting, contents, characteristics, and meaning of the narrative framing of the modern period in Korea called ‘the pre-modern-the early modern-the development of modern’ which was widely placed in Korean high school history textbooks during the 3rd to the 7th national curriculum. The problem is that, regardless of their surface type or title, the structure and logic of composition were not consistent, and the sequential connectivity was not systematic nor organized. Therefore confusion became a standardized image of the modern era presented in Korean history textbooks due to the lack of connectivity and mismatch between the title and its content. Major features of the state-published history textbooks include: adhering to the modernization-oriented perspective by keeping the Western-centric classification and standardizing the western modernization; setting the pre-modern and early modern periods as independent periods; displaying a list of facts in the development of modern period that are fragmented and decentralized as it is detached from the previous or the next period; and taking syntactic approach for composition and reading-focused structure.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 상업 법령과 당대 상업 전문서 (대학 개설서 · 교과서)로 본 객주 · 객주업

        柳承烈(Lyu, Seung-reul) 역사교육연구회 2021 歷史敎育 Vol.158 No.-

        This paper has the character of an empircal investigation of Factor from 8·15 Liberation to the 1970s and 1980s. This paper explores how Factor, which had been perhaps ‘forgotten’ in the meantime, was quickly restored right after the 8·15 Liberation and played its own role in the center of the distribution system, focusing on commercial laws and commercial textbooks used in universities and secondary schools. Although there have been some important studies recently published on Factor that maintained its legacy until around the 1910s, research on Factor has mostly been limited to the period of the end of 19th century. Researching and examining the records on the reality of Factor and Factor business after the 8·15 Liberation by Koreans are significant and highly valuable, particularly since they are already considered as disappeared beings. This paper tries to identify the reality of Factor and Factor business after the 8·15 Liberation and re-place them back in their place for they have been neglected and excluded despite of their central and essential role in the modern commerce of Korea. Above all, research can always make progress with new perspective and newly-discovered documents. In order to find the disappeared Factor, this study focuses on discovering and utilizing the documents such as commercial laws, tax payment data, and commercial textbooks that had not been paid attention to until now and tries to pioneer a new research path. It shall be emphasized that new understanding and approach for the distribution economy, commerce and merchants in general of the era is needed together with critical reflection on existing studies.

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