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      • 全體性醫學과 東西醫學

        朴錫璉 慶熙大學校 東西醫學硏究所 1986 國際東西醫學硏究論文集 Vol.1986 No.-

        本 硏究의 目的은 첫째로 東洋性理學에 있어서의 宇宙本質論(macrocosmology)과 人間本質論(microcosmology)으로서의 理氣陰陽說을 西洋醫學의 人體生理學에 結付시킴으로써 東洋醫學의 基本原理를 解明하고 또한 東·西醫學一元化의 橋梁을 마련하는 데 있고 둘째는 되먹이기的(feedback) 考察方法에 依하여 西洋醫學의 生理學에 立脚하여 性理學의 本質인 理와 氣의 關係를 定立하는데 있으며 셋째로 東·西醫學槪念의 長短點을 파헤치고 兩者를 倂合함으로써 相互의 缺陷을 補完한 새로운 醫學體系를 樹立하는데 있다. 1) 東洋哲學과 東洋醫學에 있어서의 陰陽은 西洋醫學에 있어서의 人體의 兩 自律神經系의 機能樣相에 一致된다. 즉 陽은 交感神經系機能, 陰은 副交感神經系機能에 該當된다. 2) 東洋性理學의 人性觀에 있어서 理發情, 情發氣에 依한 「理→情→氣: 陰陽」 連發說을 支持한다. 3) 同 人性觀에 있어서 「理→情→氣: 陰陽」連發說은 西洋醫學에 있어서의 「大腦皮質→邊綠系→視床下部 : 自律神經系」의 生理에 一致된다. 4) 理·情·氣 : 陰陽說에 있어서 情과 氣는 「氣」하나로 統合될 수 있다. 그러므로 理·情·氣는 理·氣로 簡約될 수 있다. 따라서 理氣陰陽說은 大腦皮質·自律神經生理에 該當된다. 5) 人體에 있어서는 大腦皮質의 體性神經系(運動 및 知覺神經)와 植物性神經系의 活動을 主宰하므로 性理學에 있어서도 理가 氣를 主宰한다고 말할 수 있다. 따라서 著者는 性理學의 人性觀에 있어서 理一元論이 가장 妥當하다고 생각하는 바이다. 6) 東洋醫學에서의 陰陽體質分類論은 西洋醫學에서의 自律神經體質分類論에 合致되며 東洋醫學에서의 七情發病論은 西洋醫學에서의 精神身體(心身)醫學論에 合致된다. 7) 東洋醫學의 主軸은 心身醫學인 同時에 自律神經醫學이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 東洋醫學은 그 學理에 中樞神經과 自律神經을 結付시켜야 하며 西洋醫學은 末端分析的 醫學槪念을 脫殼하고 心身兩面에서 全體性 考察을 게을리 말아야 할 것이다. 8) 「東洋性理學에서의 理氣陰陽說에 對한 現代醫學的 考察」은 東洋醫學의 基本原理를 西洋醫學的으로 解明한 것이다. 9) 現代醫學者는 西洋醫學의 長點인 局所性, 分析性, 末端性 醫學槪念에 東洋醫學의 長點인 全人性, 綜合性, 中樞性 醫學槪念을 倂合함으로써 包括的인 "全體性醫學"을 樹立, 發展시켜야 한다. 10) 西洋醫學은 東洋醫學에서의 理氣陰陽體質論의 槪念을 導入하여 하나의 "全體性醫學"으로서의 "自律神經體質醫學"을 發展시킴으로써 未知의 새 分野를 開拓하여야 한다. 11) 東·西醫學의 共通原理는 理氣陰陽說 또는 大腦皮質-自律神經 生理이고 이 原理에 立脚한 全體性醫學(皮質-內臟病理學, 心身醫學, 自律神經體質醫學 等)은 兩醫學의 共通路가 된다. 이 길을 通하여 東·西醫學은 接近 統合될 수 있다고 믿는 바이다. The main objects of this research are firstly to elucidate the basic principle of the oriental medicine and thereby provide an bridge for the unification of the oriental and occidental medicines, by connecting Li-Ki : Yin & Yang theory which has been tradition ally regarded as a macrocosmology as well as microcosmology in the oriental Neo-Confucianism with the human physiology of the oriental medicine, secondly, by using feedback method, the establish the true relationship between Li and Ki, the essence of the Neo-Confucianism, in the light of the human physiology of the occidental medicine, and finally to analyze the merits and demerits of the Oriental and Occidental medicines and to bring forth a new system of medical science which fully supplements the conceptual defects of both medical fields. 1) The characteristics of Yin & Yang in the oriental philosophy and in the oriental medicine accord with the functional patterns of the autonomic nervous system of human body in the occidental medicine. That is, Yang corresponds to the function of the sympathetic nervous system and Yin to that of the parasympathetic nervous system. 2) The author supports the "Li-Jung-Ki : Yin & Yang Succession Theory" based on the assumption in the human Neo-Confucianism that Li activates Jung which then activates Ki. 3) The "Li-Jung-Ki : Yin & Yang Succession Theory" in the human Neo-Confucianism corresponds to the physiology of "cerebral cortex-limbic system-hypothalamus : autonomic nervous system" in the occidental medicine.

      • 새로운 의학개념 "스트레스 병"

        朴錫璉 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1993 원광한의학 Vol.3 No.1

        The Western medicine tends to be more analytical, local and peripheral, while the concept of the Oriental medicine philosophy more comprehensive, central and wholistic. Therefore the combination of both medical concepts can create a new paradigm of medicine, that is "Holistic medicine". Recently the author has hit upon "Stress Disease" created from the viewpoint of "Holistic medicine". In conclusions: 1. I clarified that essential hypertension and Type Ⅱ diabetes are caused by a common pathophysiological mechanism, that is "stress" 2. I advocated the creation of "Stress Disease", as a new medical concept. 3. "Stress Disease" is a disease entity which comprises essential hypertension and Type Ⅱ diabetes. 4. Stress reaction can be divided into the hemodynamic changes and metabolic ones, the former induces essential hypertension and the latter induces TypeⅡdiabetes. 5. Stress induces hyperlipidemia which causes atherosclerosis and accentuates the occurrence of cerebral infarction and coronary artery diseases. 6. The stress reactions are exaggerated in persons possessing sympathico-dominant constitution. This constitution will be inherited. 7. The creation of the stress disease will initiate a new chapter for the development of human diseases, esp, psycho-somatic medicine.

      • KCI등재후보

        빈혈성 운동승압시험 및 및 본능성 고혈압증의 발생기서에 대한 역학적 고찰

        박석련 ( Syuk Ryun Park ) 대한내과학회 1968 대한내과학회지 Vol.11 No.5

        The pressor responaes to exerclae of an iachemic arm were studied in 200 normotansive and 100 essential hypertensive subjects by means of the maximal ischemic exercise pressor test to esxamine the in dividual difference of cardiovascular responses, with special reference to the pressor components of hypertensive subjects were carried out. Thus an epidemiological approach to the pathogenesis of essential hypertension was investigated. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) The pressor responses to similar ischemic exercise were qualitatively identical but quantitatively different among subjects while the pressor response in each individual was quite reproducible. 2) The blood pressure increased in tow phases, The initial rise was associated with the mental tension and concentration at the beginning of exercise, and the second on the intensity of muscular work as well as on the pain sensation. Therefore the total pressure rise represents a summation of the multiple reflex sympathetic activities. 3) The ischemic exercise pressor test (submaximal ) consisted of complex pressor components-mental tension, concentration, muscular work, muscular fatigue and muscular pain-represented an episode of moderate mental and physical stresses of the ordinary daily life. 4) Diastolic pressure rise in this test may serve as an index to indicate the degree of peripheral vasoconstriction, that is the activity of vasomotor nerves. 5) This test can be used as a clinical method fortelling an individual pressor response to the moderate life stress. 6) Most of the patients with essenial hysystolic as well as in diastolic pressure, which may reflect an overaction of the vasomotor nerves. Such an overaction of the vasomotor nerves may play an important role in the initiation of essential hypertension. 7) Among normotensive subjects, those who had over 40/30 mmHg (△ syst. Pr./ △ diast. Pr.) in the pressor response and simultaneously over 160/95 or 150/100mmHg in the absolute blood pressure to the submaximal exercise test were considered to be hypertensive response. According to WHO criteria, about 22% of noirmotensives exhibited hypertensive reponse. They may be considered as the owner of neurovascular predisposition susceptible to the development of essential hypertension. Accorrdingly, this technique may be adopted for differentiating the subjects with hypertensive diathesis from the normotensives. In addition, these values may be used in clinical test as criteria for the diagnosis of pre-, early or latent essential hypertension. 8) Excitable or short temper, worrying, highly chivalrous, fretful and tenacious temperaments, timidity and fear or aggressive character were considered as hypertension inducing characters. These characters, more or less, were found in about 97% of the patients with essential hypertension. 9) It is proposed that essential hypertension is a product of the combination of intrinsic or genetic factors, mainly biological neurovascular pressor responsiveness and personal character, and extrinsic or environmental factors, mainly emotional stress and excessive intake of salt. In addition, other contributing fators such as gain of body weight, physical overexertion or alcohol drinking habit may help the development and progress of essential hypertension. Accordingly, essential hypertension is a by-product derived from disharmony, resulting from the interrelation among the multiple factors, of the biological hemodynamic response to life stress. 10) The ischemic exercise pressor test (submaximal) developed by the author can be recommended as a simple technique for an epidemiological approach to the pathogenesis of essential hypertension.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        본태성 고혈압증의 성인설

        박석련 ( Syuk Ryun Park ) 대한내과학회 1972 대한내과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        These studies were undertaken to examine the individual differences of biological pressor responses to a life stress, temperaments and emotions, emotional stresses and other contributing factors relating to the cause of essential hypertension. Thus the ear

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

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