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        스트리밍 시대 미디어를 통한 한국인의 음악청취행태 분석

        재록 서울대학교 음악대학 2023 음악이론연구 Vol.40 No.-

        In South Korea, people listening to music through streaming service apps on their smartphones is increasing. According to diffusion of innovations theory, there should be differences in gender, age, education, and income among those who adopt this new technology early. This study investigates the differences in music listening behavior by these demographic attributes during the period of popularization of the new technology of streaming through smartphones, For this purpose, the Media Panel Diary data provided by Korea Information Society Development Institute was analyzed. Analyzing data from 2011 to 2022, some interesting changes during this period were found. Overall, music listening rates were found to increase in all gender, age, education, and income attributes. Within each demographic, women were more likely to use smartphones and streaming than men. In the early 2010s, younger people listened to more music, but by 2020, teenagers listened to less music than 20s, and 30s listened to less music than 40s and 50s. The higher the education level, the higher the music listening rate. There was little difference in music listening by income level. The difference between listening to music on smartphones and streaming also showed little difference by income level. Smartphones and streaming have different properties as media, but there is little difference as media used for listening music. While there are some limitations and unsatisfactory parts in this article, the significance of this study is that it tracked changes in music listening behavior as the media environment has changed since 2011, and makes meaningful findings across demographic attributes. 한국에서 스마트폰의 스트리밍 서비스의 앱을 통해 평소 음악을 듣는 사람들의 비율이 높아지고 있다. 혁신확산이론에 따르면 이런 새로운 기술을 먼저 채택하는 사람들의 성별, 연령, 학력, 소득에 따라 대체로 채택율의 차이가 있다고 한다. 본 연구는 주요한 문화콘텐츠 중 하나인 음악이 스마트폰을 거쳐 스트리밍이라는 새로운 기술이 대중화되는 시기에 인구사회학적 속성에 따른 음악청취행태의 차이에 대해 연구하였다. 이를 위해 한국정보통신정책연구원의 한국미디어패널 다이어리 데이터를 분석하였다. 2011년부터 2022년까지의 데이터 분석을 통해 이 기간 동안 일어난 흥미로운 변화들이 발견되었다. 전체적으로 모든 성별과 연령, 학력, 소득 변수에서 음악청취율이 증가하는 현상이 발견되었다. 각 인구통계학적 변수별로 보면 성별에 있어 여성은 남성보다 스마트폰과 스트리밍을 더 많이 사용했다. 연령에 있어서는 2010년대 초반에는 연령이 젊을수록 더 많이 음악을 청취했지만 2020년이 되면 10대는 20대보다 적게 음악을 들었고 30대는 40대와 50대보다 음악을 적게 듣는 계층이 되었다. 학력의 경우 학력 수준이 높을수록 음악청취율이 높게 나타났다. 소득의 경우 소득 수준에 따른 음악청취율의 차이는 거의 나타나지 않았다. 스마트폰과 스트리밍을 이용한 음악청취율의 차이도 소득 수준에 따라 차이가 거의 나타나지 않았다. 스마트폰과 스트리밍은 매체로서의 속성은 다르지만 음악청취를 위해 사용되는 매체로서는 차이가 거의 없었다. 몇 가지의 한계점과 아쉬운 부분들이 있지만 2011년 이후 음악청취에서의 미디어 환경이 변화되는 과정에서 음악청취행태의 변화를 추적했고 인구통계학적인 변수별로 의미 있는 발견들을 했다는 점에서 본 연구의 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것이다.

      • 韓國市場發達과 構造에 關한 硏究

        朴載錄 圓光大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        If we point out the special side in the economic development course, it is the market. The economic life was done around the market in the early peiod of the economic condition. Accompanying with the deveolopment of culture, it is natural that the power of market is shrunk and the commerical power of the city is growon, but the commercial development of Korean had not been any special change through many centuries, and though they use the money theold market exists contiunually till now. Though the middle period of the Rhee Dynasty attained fully matured period, the commerce was restrained by stading for agricultural policy. As the commerce is the social, adn historical result, it is changed and developed by the economical development levelo of the period. It is proved that the first recorded market of Korea appeared in Shin Ra Dynasty. As the markets of theree Kingdoms' period were not many records, they were according to the administrative district. If we see the exported and the imported goods of that period, it is thought that the inernational trade was stimulated each other and the home market was somewhat flourished. The home markets of Rhee Dynasty existed three kinds of market together in the capital and the town markets were flourished inthe country. So the regional economy around the town markets was the special quality of the regional economy of Rhee Dynasty. The great pedlar organization connected the town markets by regional districts. This organizaiton had been flourished well in the end of Rhee Dynasty. The capital market was grown by errand merchant for the court, developed around the office and represented the city commerce. The rulers wanted the protessional merchants who lived inthe capital and they gave them the privilege and guaranteed the protectioin of commercial business. Otherwise the kingdom imposed them the compulsory service for the nation, the interests and property of merchants began to be infringed after this thing. Ran Junws appeared according to the privilege of Yuk Eh Junand the chonge of interanl and external condition. Though the commerce was ignered under Rhee Dynasty, but it was desired the necessity of commerce for the revenue and the expansion of political power, so it was only partly limited. The nearly 1000 town markets of all the country were the the center of business. As the economic structure of that period was the low level, the exchange of goods was done around the town market. It is also characteristic that the business was done under the government authority including home and foreign business. In the distribution of market, the number of market was increased or decreased according to each period. As the demand was incresed by the industrial economy, the number of market was changed. From the latter part of 18th century, the collapse of Yuk Eh Jun was caused by the result of counter-measure to the development of commercial industry, and the effects made the privileged merchants the unemployed. The Yuk Eh Jun which could only exist under the feudal society could not continue its existence in the market system of Rhee Dynasty which could not check the import of chief goods of foreign country. The causes which interrupted the development of commerce can belisted as follows. They are the consistent national isolation policy, the thought of social rank, the lack of the assistant commercial organization and the shortage of teh industrial technique. Today the distribution of market is being more densely by the benefit of civilization of science. It is necessary to make the way how to decrease the regular market and to increase the standing market in the markets which are scattered in the country when we consider the character of the country. Considering the special products, a problem which will be transformed into the special system to be circulated all around the country is still remained as researching work. Considering the market of Rhee Dynasty synthetically, in spite of the fact that the market business becomes to be shrunk adn the commercial power of the city grows accompanying with the development of cultrue, the market could not export and its own power and conrinue its own life because of the power of foreign country, as the condituion of market was under the protection of government.

      • 社會의 成立과 發展

        朴載錄 圓光大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        In this thesis, research direction of a company history spread out in European and American academic circles as a condition precedent tried to systematize and to arrange a company history in these days 100 years has passed since Korea's modern enterpr-ise occured was introduced and a reason why enterprise was specialized and organized was made clear. Period request was occured in respects of wages and funds. A form of enterprise was restricted by a management method, and its development is one of the more important matters than a management history. Development of a commerce brought a new development of enterprise organization. This was used until a stock company comes out, Organization of partnership was necessary according to a remote trade and a standard of basis classification of a kind of Gesellschaft organization, and its type is Partherhship in England and Societas in-Italy It is to try to mobilize fund of the general masses that a joint company is begun according to the need of a private enterprise and a family company is changed into a stock company.What plays an important role in establishment of company in Eng-land is guild, and what is directly connected with a stock company is regulated compa-ny. Regulated canpany became a real example of a stock company later. Today, the origin of a stock company is being found in East Indian company (Vereenigole Oost-Inoliche Compagnie) which represents the colonial Inperial power of Netherland. Later, this exploited commercial empire and developed a joint stock company to a stock com-pany. It was the first that Campagnie Van Verr was established in Amsterdam in 1594, became pioneer of a stock company and East Indian campany, securities market early came into existence, and a unlimited liability company was abolished and became limited company, and then this first become a stock company. A company history by Treue professor attempted a research of a company histo-ry, emphasizing a definition of company history about a general history as well as economic history. soa company history was important component of economic history and literature on the Social history, but it is natural that formation of company history showed be-came a new research before long. The formation is not from scientific element and establishment of a matter, but mostly from publicity department. He regulated a company history by indicating exhibited matters of a company history. Value about a record of enterprise gradually generalize after reserved terms, regula-ted by law has passed, but it is necessary to have such a attitude of mind on the part of enterprise, and has to do so, in order to develop a scientific company history, so far as this can be taken care of by professional. Record of a company history is continued to develop in America, which made the greatest progress in the industrialization, and most great universities are preserving a number of records, publishing professional magazines and investing a huge sum of fund. Its importance is emphasized as much as a general historic record can't take a historic value. The significance of the great factories' existence can't correctly be valued without a concern of company history. Here,as a precondition, representatives of enterprise must answer with a steady attitude of mind to scholars' questions and a record of enterp-rise would have to be opened to the public not for a politic study, but for a scientific study. Particalarly in German's campany history, it is described with remarkable kno-wledge and spirit, and the working staff makes them have a deep concern about a pleasure of labor, a development of enterprise by reviving a previous life new with a senior's effort, grant, and experience to a jounior of his. The nation who doesn't have pride about ahistoric consciousness a nd history itself is the dead nation. As a campany history is necessary, on the part of a historian, they must have an attitude of mind that they can be engrossed in study of a campay history,and on the part of an enterprising man, they must show an attitude of apporving and welcome about this kind of study heartily for its more advance.

      • KCI등재

        草堂 金基運의 製藥會社 創業과 經營理念

        朴載錄 韓日經商學會 1998 韓日經商論集 Vol.16 No.-

        Chodang Kim Kee-Woon was born in a poor farm family and made his own fortune without any financial support, based on his self-examination, self-reform, struggle with himself, continuous studies, tenacity, diligence, reliability and honesty. His firm faith in 'nonavarice against avarice' is significant evidence for us to reflect on ourselves and gain confidence in our success. Chodang, born in 1921 at Muan, was endowed by nature with business ability, like his grandfather and father who were engaged in commerce and farming at the same time. He studied Chinese classics at a village schoolhouse for two years and then received elementary education for seven years. When he was sixteen years old, he entered Japanese-run 'Ito Samhwa Office', as an apprentice at a salary of 3 won a month. His sincerity, honesty and energetic researches make it possible for him to be a regular member of the company. Meanwhile, he studied night and day to obtain a pharmacist's license and passed an examination for pharmacist, but he was disqualified by reason of his age under 20. He once had a narrow escape from death, struggling against his lung trouble in the second stage, caused by strains of hard work and study. After the 1945 Liberation, he passed an examination for pharmacist and established a drugstore in 1946 at Mokpo, Chonnam, under the name of 'Baekje Yakbang.' Thereafter, he went through all sorts of hardships to be the biggest wholesale drugstore in Korea. Meanwhile, devoting himself to educational work, he offered private educational institutions of high reputation to his country and hometown, by establishing 'Baekje Commercial Girls' High School' and then opening 'Chodang University' in March, 1994. This study investigated the formative process of Chodang's ideas as his business management philosophy, that is, 'three nonexistences against three existences':'nonresentment against resentment', having no resentment against resentful things;'nonavarice against avarice,' having no false avarice, without investment in worthless things, though a necessary one for a businessman, and' 'infinity against finiteness,'since the founder's life is limited but the company established by him is prosperous permanently as a going concern.

      • 販賣廣告와 消費者保護

        朴載錄 圓光大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        According to the development of the capitalistic economic system, it is prerequisite for business to advertise its goods and services in order to promote sales. There are some mutual relations between Gross Natinal Income and Advertising cost, The amount of Advertising Costs of Korean business has grown up annually, too. Sales Advertisement give much profit to business, but it may give many damages to consumer, They are price evaluation and ill-commercial practice and so on. Now, Consumerism has been growing up in Korea with the boom of world consumerism. For Protecting Consumer from the sales Advertising, Including radio and TV. broadcasting, newspaper, and magazine advertising, following suggestions must be made; (1) Modern marketing concept should be established among businessmen induding ad-men If business men are well aware of the genuine role of business enterprise and the marketing concept that must contribute to social welfare, they can not be untruthful (2) Consideration should be given to the education of Consumer for protecting from the persuading advertisement. (3) Consumer Groups are more positive in boycotting the goods and services of the ill-commercial company.

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