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        평화의 영성을 향하여

        최승기 한국실천신학회 2016 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.52

        한국교회 안에 내적 평화를 추구하는 사람들이 자연스럽게 그 평화의 지평을 공공의 영역까지 확장하는 경우는 드물다. 반면, 외적 평화를 추구하는 사람들은 저항의 과정에서 내적 평화를 상실하고 저항의 대상처럼 되기 쉽다. 여기서 두 가지 질문이 발생한다. 첫째, 내적 평화를 추구하는 한국의 그리스도인들이 어떻게 평화의 지평을 공공의 영역까지 확장하여 내적 평화와 외적 평화를 통합적으로 추구하는 삶을 살아갈 수 있을까? 둘째, 외적 평화를 추구하는 한국의 그리스도인들이 어떻게 저항의 과정에서 내적 평화를 유지하여, 내적 평화에 기초한 외적 평화 추구를 할 수 있을까? 이 질문들에 대한 응답은 평화의 영성 형성을 위한 디딤돌을 제공한다. 첫째 질문에 대한 응답은 평화에 대한 인식의 확장, 내면성에 대한 새로운 이해, 기도와 행동에 관한 이분법적 인식의 수정에서 찾을 수 있다. 평화의 정의는 역사적 정황에 따라 동적으로 변화했으며, 내적 평화와 외적 평화를 통존적으로 이해하는 방향으로 발전해왔다. 내면성의 상징인 마음은 하나님과의 연대를 통해 온 인류, 피조세계와 연대가 이루어지는 곳이다. 기도와 행동은 분리될 수 없으며, 그리스도인의 영성생활은 신비적이면서 동시에 예언자적이어야 한다. 기도, 저항, 공동체의 필요성이 둘째 질문에 대한 응답이다. 기도는 먼저 사랑하는 하나님과의 교제를 통해 폭력의 원천인 욕구와 상처에 감염되지 않은 공간을 제공한다. 저항은 죽음에 세력에 “아니요”라고 말할 뿐 아니라, 더욱 중요하게는 생명의 세력과 움직임에 “그렇다”라고 말하는 것이다. 고백과 용서의 공동체는 폭력의 기반인 소외의 치료제이다. 평화의 영성을 촉진하는 영성훈련들이 있다. 특별히 의식성찰의 기도를 원용한 가칭 평화성찰 기도는 통존적 평화 추구에 큰 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. 평화의 영성은 무장해제 된 존재로서 평화를 위한 저항의 수행을 지향하는 것이다. It is not easy to find Korean Christians who are in pursuit of inner peace and naturally extend their concern for peace to public areas. Meanwhile, not a few Korean Christians who work for outer peace are apt to lose their inner peace and to become a violent in the process of resistance for the cause of peace. Here are a couple of questions that can be raised. First, how can those who seek for inner peace extend their concern to public areas and thus integrate the inner with the outer peace. Secondly, how can those who work for outer peace keep their inner peace while resisting for peace. By responding to these questions, this article aims at providing a stepping stone to a spirituality of peace. The response to the former question can be found in necessity of expanding the horizon of the concept of peace, retrieving the meaning of interiority, and amending a dichotomy between prayer and action. The concept of peace has been changed in accordance with historical contexts, and has moved toward the integration of the inner and the outer peace. The heart, a symbol of interiority, is the place where we can be in solidarity with God and thus others. Prayer and action are not separable, and Christians' spiritual life must be mystical-prophetic. The necessity of prayer, resistance, and community is the answer to the second question. Prayer as a communion with God can provide us with a place where we cannot be infected by inordinate desires and wounds, that is, the main sources of violence. Resistance is to say no to life-destroying movements and more importantly, to say yes to life-giving movements. A community with confession of sins and forgiveness can be an antidote to alienation which is a foundation of violence. Some spiritual exercises can facilitate a spirituality of peace. Especially the so-called the examination of peace drawing from the examination of consciousness can be helpful for peacemaking. A spirituality of peace promotes our resistance for the cause of peace without hate and resentment.

      • 청과물 지정도매인의 산지출하선도금 운영과 집하실태 분석

        최승기,심일출 안성산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to increase the efficiency of shipping prepayment through analizing its operation in wholesaler of fruit and vegetable. The efficiency of it can be achieved by three factors. They are as follows. 1. More shipping prepayment should be given to wholesalers so that they can promote the gathering of products. 2. Individual farmers should be given preferential treatment so that balanced development of gathering place of products can be achieved. 3. In offering shipping prepayment, differential application of financing period should be taken into consideration as well as financing method such as financing by item.

      • 農嶪近代化를 爲한 農地制度와 農地所有資格에 關한 硏究

        崔承基 안성산업대학교 1967 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        This study dealt with the developing process of the farm land system which is essential to the modernization of the Korean agriculture and with the qualification of the promissing farmer linked closely to the landownership. 1. The foundation of the modern farm land system in Korea was completed after the Japanese capitalism invested her capital in the Korean farm land around 1910. 2. The land monopilization by a small number of land owers and their plundering deeds by means of high tenant duties inevitably lead to the farm reform on occassion to the country's liberation from the Japanese rule as social, political, and economical problom. 3. The farm reform was enforced in 1949 based on the principle of the landownership by the actual cultivating farmer. however, it resulted in the still smaller farming system in which the farmers found themselves unprogressing conditions. 4. Farm operation under the small landownership system was considered one of the major factors inhibiting the agricultual modernization. 5. The unfavorable farming conditions seemed to badly limit the oppertunities for them ownership and operation by farmers who were technically competent. 6. The methods of the agricultual modernization are searched in accordance with the present situation of Korea by confirming the specialization of agricultural technique and by errecting the available system maintaining the previllege of the agricultural technicians 7. As the conclusion, this study suggests that the ownership of farm land more than one Chungbo should be belonged to the graduates of the agricultural high schools or the higher educated persons, and the equivalents. The limitation of the landownership for the main crops such as rice and barley etc., should be decided under five Chungbos, and the up-bringing of the enterprising farm management excessing five Chungbos should be recommended to the agricultural technicians.

      • 農業經營과 農業簿記의 特性에 關한 硏究 : 自給物과 自家勞動의 評價 中心으로 With Special Referance to the Estimation of Self-Supplied Goods and Family Labor

        崔承基 안성산업대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The results of studies on the farm management and the characteristic of aricultural book-keeping are as follows; 1. With the development and reformation of agricultural structurs, the practical use of Book-keeping should be an essential unit for reexamination of productive formation and exact analysis and estimation of managemental results. 2. The form of circulation in which the capital in agricultural management of small-scale farming which has many elements of natural economy may be expressed <본문참조> in which the characteristics are to be found in the attachment of WB to the circulation G W---P---W'---G' of the capital in indivisual. Consequently it is necessary that WB and Wb should be woven into the modern accounting WB represents the intermediate products and family labor power, and Wb the self-supplied goods and home-consumed goods. 3. In order to grasp the general result from small-scale farming with book-keeping, it is necessary to add the product, obtained by multiplying the quantitative difference of each product by the market price, to the profit obtained through exchange economy, because of the intermediate economic character. 4. In the case of calculation of the result of the farm management as well as of each branch of the management, wage of family labor should be evaluated on the social standard such as the standard wage paid to temporary or regular employees of the country in which the farm is located, or wages paid to industrial workers in the city.

      • 小農經濟에 있어서 農業經營組織改善의 方向摸索

        崔承基 안성산업대학교 1984 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to inquire into the direction of improvement in a farm managing system keeping in mind complication of the farm management and a peculiarity of Korean Agricultural under Peasent Economy. Korean agriculture has changed in many ways since 1960's. Among them, the most important thing is the decrease of the farm labour. But, in spite of the amazing decrease of the farm labour, a farm size per each farm is within a small size, about 1.08ha. So a small farm size will be likely to continue. We can think two ways to improve the income of a farm under the Peasant Economy. One is to improve it though the compound farming, the other is through the rotionalization of a farm managing system. A farm managing system is decided in thinking about many situations that farmers meet, therefore unification of a farm managing system may not be in accord with the managementing aims of each farm. Increase of the Commercial farm in Korea will be likely to continue. Then farm that are engaged in the farm purely will be able to increase, a farm managing system will be important, a farm will be developed with the economic growth. A farm managing system will be more and more important, and this development will be linked with a farming growth.

      • KCI등재후보

        풍동 도시모델에서 OP-FTIR 스펙트럼의 CT방법을 이용한 영상 재구성 2부: 적용을 위한 시스템 구성

        최승기,나성웅 한국풍공학회 2007 한국풍공학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        OP-FTIR(Open-path Fourier Transform Infrared)을 광학적 센서로 활용하여 혹은 유독가스의 옥외 누출 및 농도분포를 신속하게 파악할 수 있는 유해가스 검색시스템을 가상환경 상에 구성하였다. 유해가스의 확산환경은 풍동실험과 유사하도록 CFD 모델을 사용하여 구성하였다. 신속한 연산이 가능하도 록, 1개의 가우스 함수를 사용한 SBFM 기법을 토대로 CT 프로그램을 만들었다. 캐노피 층보다 높은 고도 면에서 CFD 농도장 시뮬레이션으로부터 OP-FTIR 광로 통합농도 신호를 구성하였다. 이 신호를 CT 프로그램에 적용하여 CFD 농도장을 역추정한 후 CFD 결과와 비교해 봄으로써, OP-FTIR을 이용한 관 측시스템의 성능을 평가하였다. 단순한 시스템임에도 불구하고, 비교적 만족스러운 성능을 보였다. A hazard gas monitoring system using OP-FTIR was constructed in a virtual environment for detecting out-door spread of hazard materials quickly. Hazard material spreads were simulated using a CFD model. CT program was made SBFM method using single-Gaussian function for calculations promptly. After CFD fields carried out simulations in the upper canopy layers, constructed OP-FTIR PIC signals, its signal applied CT program. Also, CFD fields re-predicted, its data compared with CFD results and prediction system evaluated performance using OP-FTIR. Simple as it was, the system was shown to function satisfactorily.

      • 農産物競賣制度의 發展方向

        崔承基,趙興洙 안성산업대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        In agricultural products wholesale market, a functional reliance that an auction system contributes to the adjustment of demand and supply of agricultural products and fair price decision have to be supposed. Especially, they have it is more reasonable and ideal that agricultural products are gathered in a fixed place and the price is decided under the open bidding in level that adjustment of demand and supply is possible. The most important problem in auction of agricultural products wholesale market is to increase the economic efficiency through increasing the quantity to be supplied goods. Beside total scale of the quantity of sending out goods, there are wide difference in items, degree of standardization and grading, types of sending out goods between two types of agricultural products wholesale market. Generally, except the total quantity of sending out goods, agricultural products wholesale market of medium and small cities are placed at a disadvantage more than that of big cities in an condition to operate auction system. All of agricultural products wholesale markets adopt auction system. The following problems have to be solved auction system to be efficiently realized in agricultural products wholesale market. Firstly, scale of sending out goods per unit of a shipper should be increased. Secondly, standardization and grading must be accomplished. Thirdly, expansion and modernization of equipment should be accomplished. Fourthly, economic incentive according to the mass transaction should be given to producer and legal trader. Fifthly, to make producer send out goods in agricultural products wholesale market, financing must be expanded. Lastly, all that take part in agricultural products marketing should established ethical value judgement to accomplish a commercial transaction on the ground of reliance and honesty.

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