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        엄기진,이철규,박장평,이광재,문병용,홍관이,노성규,오수일,박기동 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所 1985 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.10

        This study conducted for analyze the process of physiological variation during shooting, and produce the basic data for training prescription to the performance improvement in Air Rifle Shooting, 9 Elite Rifle shooters )College 3, High School 3, Middle School 3) in GangWeon province were tested the physiological parameter which are Electrocardiograph(E.C.G), Heart-rate(H.R), Respiratory pattern, and Trigger time by polygraph system 8 channel from Sept. 1st to Sept. 10th, 1985. Analyzed experimental results are as follows; 1. Firing at T-P wave in E.C.G, 77.68bpm in H.R)16.68% by resulting H.R), the deep size of inspiration-expiration was low, and 8.34 sec of trigger interval were appeared when the shooter acquired high score. 2. The most effective factor among physiological parameters for excellent shooting score is the inspiratory volume with decresc breathing pattern. 3. Shooting performances correlated with stability and static-dynamic balance, but flexibility effected on negative correlation.

      • 평생체육을 향한 효과적 체육수업에 관한 기초 조사연구 : 강원도 중ㆍ고등학교를 중심으로 -Focussed on the Middle and High School in Kangweon Province-

        엄기진 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1991 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.16

        The purpose of this survey by questionaire is to provide the basic data for effective administration of Gym class. All data were answered by 1,900 hmiddle and high school student's (1678 : 86.0%) from Nov. 1st to Nov. 30, 1911. The contents to analye were The Targer of Gym Class (Ⅰ) and Set the Conrete Object of Physical Education in 5 categories (Health, Fitness, Motor Skill, Social Attitude, Life-long Physical Education). All categories were analized with in sex (M= 893, F=745)and age (M=803, H=835). According to the analyzed data, The results are follows; (1) On the apects of the Target of Gym class : The student's tendency of present feeling were showed positive, but their attitudes to participate in sports activities were presented as pritty negative. The tendency of positve response in The Objects of Physical Education towards the aspects of acknoweledgyment, but that of negative was presented as the trends of practical. (2) On the aspects of the effects of Gym class : Generally answered they were positive in the effects of Gym class, but partoal tendency (Intentionality, Developeness)were presented as negative. (3) "The answerered results of the tendency of positive-negative response acconding to sex included with age were follows : ①"Physical-Mental Health understanding of importance of Health", "Understanding of importance of Fitness", "The intention of practice sports to improve his/her Physical Fitness in the future", "Evaluation of the skill leval of sport", "Cooperation and responsibility of sport activity", "Interest and concerning in Physical Education and sport", "Actual Participation to interclass athletic meeting in the future" were showed the positive response in the category of the「Target of the Gym class」. ②Positive responses on the category of the「Effects of Gym class」were Presented with "The effect of the presentation and imporovement of Health", "The effect of the preservation and impovement of Physical Fitness", "Effect of the evaluation of the skill level of sport", "The effeet of cooperration and responsibility of sport activing", "The effects of the interesting of watching the sport game", "The effect of Life-long Physical Education through school Physical Education".

      • 체육교육 개선을 위한 강원지역 특성 조사 연구(I)

        엄기진 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1995 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.19

        본 연구는 강원도내 중·고등학교 학생 1,875명을 대상으로 체육에 대한 의식정도를 파악하여 체육교육 개선에 도움을 줄 수 있는 자료를 얻고자 시도하였다. 본 연구를 위한 자료 수집은 1994년 12월 중에 연구자에 의해 제작된 질문지로 실시하였으며 수집된 자료 1,875부를 분석한 결과를 요약 정리하면 다음과 같다. 1) 응답자의 일반적 특성 성별로 본 응답자의 분포는 남학생 960명(51.20%), 여학생 915명(48.80%)이었다. 학년별로는 1학년 665명(35.47%), 2학년 760명(40.53%), 3학년 450명(24.00%)이었으며, 학교급별로는 중학교 905명(48.27%), 고등학교 970명(51.73%)이었다. 학교가 소재한 지역단위별로는 면지역 301명(16.05%), 읍지역 466(24.85%), 시지역 1,108명(59.09%)으로 시지역 소재 학교가 과반수 이상을 차지했다. 2) 체육교과에 대한 일반사항 (1)체육교과의 중요도 응답자의 35.47%가 '중요하다' 49.65%가 '중요한 편이다'라고 인식하고 있어 85%이상이 체육교과가 중요한 편이다라고 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 성별 차이는 남학생(44.06%)이 여학생(26.45%)의 경우보다 높게 나타났다. 학년별, 학교급별, 지역단위별에 따른 인식의 차이도 통계적으로 차이가 있었다. (2) 학교체육의 필요성 체육교과의 학교교육 필요성에 대해 '그렇다' 52.37"%, '그런 편이다' 33.33%, '그렇지 않다' 14.29%로 역시 85% 이상이 학교교육에서의 체육의 필요성을 인식하고 있는 것으로 응답하였으며, 학년별에 따른 차이는 없었으며, 변인별에 따른 차이도 의미있게 나타났다. (3) 체육교과의 선호도 '체육은 제일 좋아하는 교과이다'에 24.37%, '그런 편이다' 35.20%로 응답하였고, '그렇지 않다'에 40.43%가 응답하였다. 남학생(34.27%, 38.02%)이 여학생(13.99%, 32.24%)보다 선호도가 높게 나타났으며 시지역 학생(20.04%)이 읍·면지역 학생(31.55%, 29.24%)에 비하여 체육의 선호도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. (4) 체육교과서 내용의 인지 정도 교과서 인지 정도는 6.67%만이 '잘 알고 있다'고 응답하였고, 36.48%가 '그런 편이다', 56.85%가 '잘 알고 있지 못하다'라고 응답하였다. 여학생(67.98%)이 남학생(46.25%)에 비하여, 고등학생(인문계 66.81%, 실업계 60.38%)이 중학생(48.07%)에 비하여, 읍지역(56.44%)이나 시지역(60.65%)이 면지역(43.52%)에 비하여 학생들이 교과서의 내용을 잘 알고 있지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 3) 체육의 목표 및 내용에 관한 사항 (1) 체육을 하는 이유 전체 응답자 중 '건강을 위해서'가 57.92%로 가장 많이 응답하였고 '체육을 좋아해서' 22.88% '운동을 잘하고 싶기 때문에' 16.05%의 순으로 나타났으며, 여학생(66.56%)이 남학생(49.69%)에 비하여 '건강을 위해서'한다고 조사되었으며, 기타 변인에 따른 차이도 의미있게 나타났다. (2) 체육시간에 주로 경험한 내용 '운동기술이나 체력단련'이 77.97%로 가장 많이 응답하였고 '운동할 때 지켜야 할 규칙, 예절' 13.44%로 나타나 학교체육에서 기술과 체력에 중점을 두고 있는 것으로 조사되었으며 기타 배경변인과 응답내용은 통계적으로 차이가 있었다. (3) 체육교과에서 경험하고 싶은 내용 '운동기술이나 체력단련' 49.92%, '운동을 하면서 친구를 사귀고, 사회생활을 하는데 좋은 점을 알고 싶다' 34.19%가 응답하였고, 남학생(61.35%)은 '운동기술이나 체력단련', 여학생(42.30%)은 '운동을 하면서 친구를 사귀고, 사회생활을 하는데 좋은 점을 알고 싶다'에 많이 응답한 것으로 나타났다. (4) 체육교과에서 학습하고 싶은 내용 "체육교과에서 어떤 내용을 배우고 싶은가?"라는 질문에서는 '게임이나 경기중심 운동' 46.19%, '자신의 힘을 시험해 보고 자신의 신체발달을 알아보며 생활에 이용할 수 있는 운동' 43.20%로 대부분이 응답하였고 기타 '지금과 같은 운동기술을 배울 수 있는 운동' 6.35%, '운동을 탐구하고 이해할 수 있는 내용' 4.27%로 나타났다. (5) 학교체육에서 경험하지 못한 내용 학교체육에서 거의 해보지 못한 운동 종목을 조사한 결과는 전체 응답자중 수영 43.63%, 무용 39.79%, 체조 9.23%등의 순이며 남학생(53.23%)은 무용, 여학생(57.49%)은 수영에 가장 많이 응답하였다. 4) 체육교사-학습에 관한 사항 (1) 체육시간에 대한 기대감 전체 응답자 중 '체육시간이 기다려진다'고 응답한 학생은 51.84%, '비가 왔으면 좋겠다' 32.16%, '보충수업시간과 같다' 9.01%, '기다려지나 무섭다' 6.99%로 응답하였다. 성별로는 남학생(65.83%)이 여학생(37.16%)에 비하여 '체육시간이 기다려 진다'고 응답한 반면 여학생 47.32%는 '비가 왔으면 좋겠다'고 응답하여 남학생이 여학생보다 체육시간을 선호하는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 중학생(58.34%)이 고등학생(인문계 45.53%, 실업계 46.42%)에 비하여, 면지역(63.12%), 읍지역(57.94%) 학생이 시지역 학생(46.21%)에 비하여 체육시간이 더 기다려진다고 응답하였다. (2) 체육수업에 대한 만족도 학생들의 수업에 대한 만족도 조사에서는 전체 응답자 중 36.75%만이 '만족한다'고 응답하였고, '한 두가지 운동만 하여 불만이다' 30.30%, '수업을 자주 못하여 불만이다' 22.88%, '선생님이 무섭게 하여 불만이다' 10.03%로 63.25%가 불만족스럽게 인식하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. (3) 체육수업에 대한 무관심 이유 체육수업에 별관심이 없다면 그 이유를 묻는 조사에서 전체 응답자 중 38.77%가 '배운 것을 반복하기 때문'으로 나타났으며 그 다음 이유로는 '단순하기 때문에' 30.93%, '현실생활과 관계가 없어서' 22.56%, '배울 것이 없기 때문에' 7.73%로 응답하였다. 성별에 따른 이유로는 남학생이 '단순하기 때문에' 40.73%, 여학생은 '배운 것을 반복하기 때문에'에 41.97%로 가장 많이 응답하여 차이를 보이고 있으며, 기타 변인별로도 의미있는 차이를 보였다. (4) 체육시간에 대한 미실시 선호 이유 체육시간을 하지 않았으면 좋겠다는 이유에 대한 조사 결과는 '흥미가 없어서'라는 이유에 38.92%가 응답하였고 '운동하기가 너무 어려워서' 25.26%, '다른 공부를 하여야 하므로 '19.92%, '선생님이 무섭기 때문에' 15.90%의 순으로 조사되었다. 성별로는 남학생은 그 이유가 골고루 나타난 반면 여학생은 '체육에 흥미가 없어서'에 50.35%가 응답하여 높은 비율을 보였다. 학교급별에 따른 차이는 중학교(31.47%)보다 실업계 고교 학생(45.50%)이 '체육에 흥미가 없어서'에 높게 응답하였다. 5) 체육수업의 이행에 관한 사항 (1) 주당 수업 시수의 이행 여부 일주일에 배당된 체육수업을 잘하고 있는가를 조사한 결과는 전체 응답자의 46.67%만이 '선생님의 지도로 충실하게 수업을 한다'고 응답하였고 '체육시간에 노는 경우가 많다' 31.36%, '다른 과목 시간으로 대체' 11.47% '행사시간으로 대체' 10.51%로 응답하여 체육수업 시간이 철저하게 지켜지지 않는 것으로 조사되었다. 다른 배경변인에 따른 차이는 여학생(54.86%)의 수업이 남학생(38.85%)에 비하여, 3학년(36.00%), 2학년(47.37%)에 비하여 1학년(53.08)이, 실업계 고요(32.08%)에 비하여 인문계 고교(50.64%)가 그리고 시지역(43.05%)보다는 읍(48.50%), 면(57.14%)지역의 학교에서 수업이 비교적 교사의 지도아래 잘 진행되고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. (2) 수업 진행 방법 수업 진행 방법을 조사한 결과 전체 응답자의 42.72%가 '반드시 선생님의 지도아래 수업을 한다'고 응답하였고 48.85%가 '선생님이 지도할 때도 있고 하지 않을 때도 있다'고 응답하였으며 8.43%는 '주로 학생끼리 수업을 한다'고 응답하였다. 성별에 따른 차이는 남학생(35.63%)에 비하여 여학생(50.16%)의 수업이 교사의 지도아래 이루어지고 있고, 학년별로는 1학년(49.32%), 2학년(42.24%), 3학년(33.78%)의 순으로, 학교급별로는 중학교(38.67%), 인문계 고교(44.82%), 실업계 고교(50.94%)의 순으로 교사의 지도아래 수업이 이루어진다고 응답되었다. 지역단위별 차이는 시지역(38.72%), 읍지역(42.92%) 보다는 면지역(57.14%)의 학교가 더욱 교사의 지도아래 수업이 잘 진행되고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 6) 체육 평가에 관한 사항 (1) 체육 평가 결과에 대한 만족도 체육 시험 결과에 대한 만족 정도의 조사에서는 전체 응답자 중 36.69%가 '만족한다'고 응답하였고 '불만이다' 25.23%, '그저 그렇다' 38.08%로 응답되어 평가에 있어서도 학생들의 만족 정도는 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 인문계 고교(28.37%)에 비하여 실업계 고교(47.92%) 학생들이 평가에 따른 불만이 적게 나타났으며, 기타 변인과 응답도 통계적으로 의미있게 나타났다. (2) 체육 평가 결과의 불만족 이유 체육시험 결과에 대한 불만 이유를 조사한 결과 전체 응답자 중 58.80%가 '자신이 잘 못하는 운동만 보니까'에 응답하였고 '잘하는 학생을 못했다고 하고, 못하는 학생을 잘했다고 하니까' 20.89%, '한가지 운동만 시험을 보니까' 12.64%, '이론시험만 보니까' 7.67%의 순으로 응답하였다. 기타 배경 변인별로는 학년별에 따른 응답의 차이는 없으나, 성별, 학교급별, 학교 소재지역 단위에 따른 차이는 통계적으로 의미있게 나타났다. This study was performed to grasp essence of school physical education through examination of student's thinking level. Conclusions from the analysed answers by 1.875 numbers of middle and High school boys and girls in Kangwon province were follows. 1)Most of students thought that physical education is important. necessary and preferable They did not understand textbook very well and parents of students have a low concern about physical education. Also,boy students have a morm conern in comparison with girl students. 2) In the cognition of the goal and contents,students thought that physical education's purpose is to keep a good health. And they had learned physical training and sports technique in the most class hour.And they want to learn sports centering around game of competition. While they did not learn dancing and swimming. 3)In the cognition of instruction-learning,students(51.84%)placed their hope on physical education class,and were not quite satisfied with it because of simplictity,repetition and little interest. 4) Lesson hours were not keeped noprmally and teachers have a low teaching progress. 5) Students were not quite satisfied with the result of the examination. Because teachers evaluated an event which theirself was not good at.

      • 韓·日 體育科 敎育課程 變遷 比較硏究(Ⅱ) : Focused on the Curriculum of Korean physical Education after liberation from Japan 解放 以後 韓國의 體育科 敎育課程 變遷過程

        嚴基晋 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1984 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.9

        The Korean transitive process of physical Education Curriculum from the time of liberation to the present are as follows 1. Just after the liberation, the Curriculum of physical Education was Converted into the "new system of Democratic Education by military administration in Korea, and developed the Democratic physical Education according to the time table of yearly Educational Program and the Course of study Constructed in oct. 9th 1946 2. In Aug. 15th 1948, Educational standard law was established when the beginning of the government of Republic of Korea, So the new movement of Democratic Education was initiated. But the disturbance of the war delayed the growth of Education greatly in June 25th 1952. 3. A Standard of assigned time for the Course of study was promulgated in April 20tn 1954, thus this promulgation represents a original firm standard of School Curriculum was determined. 4. Aug. 1st 1955, the Course of study for all level school which is n accordance with formalities of Curriculum was promulgated for the first time. 5. Feb. 15tn 1963, a large amendment of the Course of studg for all level School was operated. 6. Feb. 14tn 1973, a large reamendment of the Course of studg for all level School was operated. 7. Dec. 31th 1981, full Scale reamendment of the new Curriculum was operated under indices of government affair which Called for educational reform and Cultural advancement.

      • 體育科 授業에 對한 意識 調査硏究(Ⅰ) : 江原道 中高等學生을 中心으로 Focussed on Middle and High school boys and girls in Gangweon Province

        嚴基晋 江原大學校附設體力硏究所 1981 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.6

        To acquire the basic materials for the instructional method of Physical Education class, the opinions of Middle & High school boys and girls in Gang Weon province were gained by questionais, from Mar. 1st, 1980. to Dec. 30. 1981. 1280 students were given the Questionairs, and 100% responded. Results from the data are as follows : 1. The quantity of physical exercise was not exessive. The quantity of physical exercise was absolutely deficient, especially in vocational High school, in apportionment of weekly Physical Education class. 2. It seems that an interest in Sports, and the concern for Physical Fitness and Health were changed by Physical Education Lesson. 3. It seems that the tendency to do Sports, to increase Sports Skill and Friendship were changed in boys, but were not in girls. 4. The responses of Boys in middle and high schools for merits of Physical Education are shown in the following order : "Pleasant school Life" "Change of Air" "Harmonious Physical and Mental Development", on the other hand, the responses of girls are shown as follows : "change of air" "harmonious physical and mental development" "good appetite" "pleasant school life""slandering". 5. The responses for demerits of physical education are given in the following order by them : "not to be able to demonstrate their individual skills", "impossible to have co-class between boys and girls" "indifference to entering into schools of high grade" "lack of sociality due to high competition" "no contribution to activities of sports club". 6. Dissatisfaction of physical education class are responded in the following order : "insufficient time for sports" "the limit to choice of sports events" "narrow range of practical application "teaching method". 7. The favorite field in physical education of boys and girls alike is Ball game, the dislike is Dance among boys and on the contrary, track and field among girls. 8. Boys show the response that they voluntarily take part in sports regardless of physical education class or whether it is obligatory subject or not while girls show negative responses in sports. 9. They all understand the aim of physical education in general and they think that organization of yearly teaching program and evaluation are made by teachers them-selves.

      • 강원도내 소규모 국민학교 체육 교육 실태조사 : -복식수업을 중심으로- -Centered on double-grade classes-

        최수호,엄기진 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1992 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.17

        This reasearch, which is inquired of teachers and students in small-size elementary school, examines and analyzes the actual condition of the physi-cal education. The results is summarized as follows 1. Teachers' thoughts about the course of school physics are more centered on social education for improving democratical citizenship than exercise or health education, and the higher is the understanding degree of the purpose of 5th physical education curriculum, the more their careers are. 2. Teachers consider as proper the contents-degree of present physical edu-cation curriculum, and students do not have normal physical education for losses of lessons and parital field of instruction of teachers, so it is required that they should have a new appreciation of physical education. 3. Psycho-motor, affective and cognitive fields are instruction fields of education curriculum that teachers have difficulty in teaching accorsing to order. Psycho-motor fields, which they think the most difficult to teach, is largely caused by lacks of their interest or physical ability and by diffe-rence between student years that double-grade classes bring about, affective fields by the problems in instructing and grading and conitive fields by lack of materials. 4. Physical education with double-grade classes has considerable problems. In this case, teachers have to reconstruct teaching contents and to practic tham, but they, though they acknowledge the necessity for reconstruction, do not so. therefore, physical education should be reviewed because physial education with double-grade classes losses of lessons and partial fields of instruction. 5. Students insufficiently learn about season, culture and thythm and expr-ession physics that teachers have difficulty in teaching. Therefore, it is required that instructional ability and educational environments shoud be improved and the respective subjects system be fixed also in double-grade classes, especially for the normalization of physical education. 6. It is difficult to apply research studies to double-grade classes where abnormal lessons, such as lesses of lessons, are frequent, because basic capacity of students be previously developed in order to accomplish resear-ch studies that centers on solving problems in physical study instruction manners. 7. Problems in grading physical practice are those it is difficult to esta-bilish a clear standard in practice examination and it has many problems to select grading contents. Besides, students say that they often have only theoretical examination without practice. Therefor, it is required to res-earth on grading manners of teachers. 8. These are required to develop rational instruction manners in lessons and to reduce teaching charges of teachers, because problems in physical education with double-grade classes are caused by too heavy teaching charg-es and by difficulty in instruction.

      • 중학교 체육과 정의적 영역의 평가척도 구안

        안두환,엄기진 江原大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1998 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.22

        Ⅰ.Preface The aims of physical education are defind as competence of physical activities. reinforcement of physical functions. knowledge of atheletics. and the interaction for social development. The evaluation of physical education os divided into three domains as follows : 1)the evaluation psycho-motor domain 2)the cognitive domain. and 3)the affective domain And it natural for me to evaluate these three domains with harmony extending over the broader scope. It is easy to evaluate the psycho-motor domain and cognitive domain because these latter domains are visible. and so can be measured correctly. But it is difficult to evaluate the students on the basis of the affective characteristics because this domain is vague in concept and includes the deliate pasychological factors. The affective domain evaluates the students' desirable attitude toward the physical performances and social attitude. which we lay more emphasis on these area than ever,. So I feel the need for making items we can evaluate the students' attitude toward physical education. So I made devies which can measure the students' attitudes toward the affective characteristics as follows : 1)To make items for measuring the students' affective domain 2)To make checklist applied for affective domain Ⅱ.Procedure 1.Making items 1)To sample the affective educational objectives which were written in the physical education curriculum and teacher's guide book. 2)To make 45items on the physical educational objectives. and then classify the objectives into 13 categories. 3)To select the behavioral traits and classsify thsese traits into 7 categories in order to express the affective behavior more clearly 4)To classify 7 behavoral traits in reference to the affective behavior 5)To classify the content of the affective behavior in order to develop the evaluation of items 6)To make items by means of the teacher's observation 2.Checklist for evalution the Affective Domain 1)To make 14 devices for bsic evaluation and giver 2 marks per items 2)To make checklist in the affective domain which can evaluate the students' affective characteristics. and then try to apply to th checklists 3)To make rating scale-degree according to guideline of Ministry of Edijucation and Kanhwon-Do Board of Education Ⅲ.Conclusion 1)I drew the affective in the field of physical performance. and selected the suitable items for the affective domain. 2)I have been able to associate the students' anmes with their features and to make rapaport with them.

      • 자기수업 관찰을 통한 체육 교수-학습 행동의 분석 연구

        우광수,박기동,엄기진 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所 1997 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.21

        The purpose of this study has been practiced for obtaining the basis data for searching the direction of an effective teaching behavior and the reform measure, analyzing the teaching behavior and the student's learning behaviors through the Self-Teaching Observation. In order to achive the purpose of this study, the investigator's teaching has been taken pictures two times by Video camera, and observed and wrote down the teaching-behavior that was by Video camera, and observed and wrote down the teaching-behavior that was translated Stewart's(1977) Observational Recording Record of Physical Educator's Teaching Behavior by Kim Yong-whan(1991) and the learner's behavior which was translated William and Taggart's Academic Learning Time-Physical Education Improved at Ohio State university by Yun Myeong-Hee(1991), at intervals of five second's observation and record. In the analyzed observation data, the following conclusion was obtained by comparing the interval mean value of each variation of the teaching behavior and percentage about the forty-five minutes study of converting the percentage about the forty-five minutes teaching. First, the investigator's teaching was analyzed the lower degree of effeciency when comparing 43.9%, 46.1% of the body activity with Kim yong-Whan's(1991) Study conclusion 46.2%, Son sin-Ho's(1992) 53.09%, Stewart's(1997)49.9% Second, the time percentage of the investigator's teaching behavior variation appeared in the order of the managerial teaching 33.8%, 32.9%, the lecture 16.8%, 16.2%, the direction 14.3%, 16.4%, the confleuence with the students 8.0%, 9.1%, the reform feed back 4.9%, 5.3%, the fitting technical feed back 3.8%, 4.4%, the unfit technical feed 2.6%, 2.5%, the student's setting an example 2.3%, 1.4%. Third, the interaction with the teacher and the students mainly get accomplished by the action with the whole rather than the interaction with each individual considering the learner's characteristic and learning ability. Fourth, the analyzed behavior time appears in the waiting time that have no correlation with physical exercise learning 19.6%, 18.8%, the 21.19%, no assignment learning time appears in about 27.3%, and the self teaching is analyzed to be accomplished in condition that doesn't have the thoroughly planned investigator's teaching arrangements.

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