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      • 敎育의 效率化를 위한 敎育媒體 活用에 관한 硏究

        南明子 아주대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of the study was to find the effective methods of utilizing the educational media to evevate the quality of education. It is found that there are four ways to utilize the educational media which are as follow: 1. Total teaching method - Curriculum is designed to teach the class with educational media as a main part of teaching. In this method, teacher's aid and the other materials are becoming as the supporting part of teaching. 2. Supplementary teaching method-Educational media is utilized to support the important points of the lectures. 3. Enrichment program method - Educational media programs do not have direct relationship with the lecture. However, it has indirect connection with the lecture and it enriches the education in general. 4. Individualized instructional method- Educational media programs are utillzed to help the students for their individual studies out of the classroom. In order to utilize the educational media for its maximum effectiveness, the curriculum design should be organized as the following steps: 1. Establishment of instructional objectives 2. Pre-assessment of students. 3. Selection of instructional procedures and materials 4. Conduction the evaluation It is essential to use educational media for the effectiveness of education in this rapid changing era. It can bring fresh and new ideas into the classroom without any delay and also it can bring benefit to the large number of students. However, the follwing points are need to be considered: the development of quality software, conducting in-service training programs, and having training programs, and having supports from The Ministry of Education..

      • 텔리비전의 폭력적인 프로그램이 어린이에게 미치는 영향

        남명자 亞州大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore the impcat of televised violence on children.The method of this study is to analyze mainly the related research materials according to the purposse of this study. The effects of televised violence can be divided into four big categories which are expressed as observational learning theory,catharsis theory,desensitization toward violence,and paychological predisposition of children. Proponents of the observational learning theory hold that children learn to behave aggressively from the violence they see on television in the same way they learn cognitive and social skills from watching their parents,siblings,peers,teachers,and others.Laboratory studies have demonstrated many times that chidren imitate aggressive behavior immediately after they have seen it on film of television. Contrary to the observational learning theory is the catharsis theory,which predicts that aggression will be reduced after watching violence on television. Supposdly through catharsis,the need of desire to be aggressive is dissipated by looking at violence on television. In terms of desensitization toward violence,a disturbing possibility exists that the television experience has not merely blurred the distinctions between the real and unreal for steady viewers, but that by doing so it has dulled their sensitivities to real events. For when the reality of a situation is diminished,people are able to react to it less emotionally,more as spectators. Howecver,children's reaction toward violence can be differntiated according to the predisposition of the children. In the process of socialization every child confront with different environment and that will formulated individual differences. Through watching the televised violence some children would imitate aggressive behavior and imprint it in their mind,on the other hand some children would not affected negatively at all. Research on televised violence continues and researchers still disagree but there has been fairly wide spread agreement that TV violence should be decreased. Even if the great majority of the children are unaffected by televised violence,and even if only a small fraction is negatively affected,it is necessary to determine how the negative effects can be alleviated.

      • 텔레비전 효과가 어린이에게 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : Emphasis on Learning, Reading, and Brain Function 어린이의 학습과 독서와 뇌의 기능에 미치는 영향을 중심으로

        南明子 亞洲大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore effects of television on children, emphasis on learning, reading, and brain function in relation to television. The method of this study was to analyze mainly the related research materials according to the purpose of this study. The study was discussed as follows; The first section compared TV instruction and regular classroom instruction. The comparisons are to show no differences in learning from the two sources. Then a question arises why it is useful to employ the TV instruction which involves much of effort, time, and economic matter. The answer to this question is that the characteristics of TV medium are good to elevate the quality of education, especially it can take over the life long education for audience. In the second section, the negative roles of television in children's intellectual development are discussed. Children in the era of TV are not likely to engage in reading and writing because they require complex mental manipulations. TV watching does not prevent normal children from acquiring reading skill but it seems to compound the problems of with reading disabilities. In the last section, the different tasks of the two brain hemispheres in relation to watching TV are discussed. The left hemisphere operates most of verbal and logical activities while the right hemisphere is specialized for visual, spatial and emotional activities. Recent largescale early education programs for infants and very young children are begining to demonstrate that early and persistent enrichment can lead to permenent gains in mental ability. And conversely, social evidence suggests that the defects of an environmentally impoverished early childhood cannot be filled up later by remedial programs and opportunities for mental stimulation. To a young child in his lanuage-learning years, any extended regression into nonverbal mental functioning such as the television experience offers must be seen as a potential setback. It is no doubt that the impacts of TV on children are enormous. However, it is important to approach this problem of what do children do with the medium rather than what does the medium do to children.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        야간보육아동의 보육시설 경험과 그 의미 탐색-동대문 상업지역 야간보육시설의 사례를 중심으로-

        남명자 한국아동권리학회 2007 아동과 권리 Vol.11 No.3

        The purposes of this study are to understand the experiences of children and their parents who use a night-care center and to explore the meaning of their experiences. The study compares the experiences of children who use the night-care center in terms of time, space and peer relationships with those of children who use day care center. The subjects in this study were nine children who were at the ages of six and seven and had received night-care services over six months. Their lives were observed during day and night, and pictures drawn by them were gathered. This researcher had a talk with them and interviewed their parents and night caregivers. Then, an observational journal and interview data were interpreted from a phenomenological perspective to explore the meaning of the children's experiences.In terms of time-related experiences, the children have limited yet flexible experiences at the night-care center during the fragmentary period of time. Their spacial experience can be defined as vague and ambiguous though they were in the space that had a definite boundary. As for experiences related to peer relations, they were in a rivalry relationship with children of the same age and in a cooperative and family-like relationship with children who isn't their age. Those phenomena can be said to be desirable in that the children get relaxed, suffer from less conflicts and formed a family-like relationship with children of mixed-ages, while daycare centers have children in control by strictly fixing time and spatial boundary. However, based on the study results, we conclude that the night-care services are provided primarily to meet the needs of parents and society that encourages more women to work, and children's voices are highly likely to be disregarded. ◈본 연구는 부모의 야간 경제활동이 불가피한 지역의 한 어린이집에서 이루어지고 있는 야간보육아동의 보육시설 경험과 그 의미를 이해하고자 하였다. 야간보육시설에서 겪은 아동의 시간과 공간, 또래관계 경험을 주간 보육의 경험과 비교하여 그 의미의 복잡성과 풍부함 그대로 일상적인 생활의 맥락 안에서 포착하려고 하였다. 이를 위해 6개월에 걸쳐 야간보육을 경험하고 있는 6세와 7세 아동 9명의 낮 생활과 저녁 생활을 관찰하였고 그들과 대화하고 그들의 그림을 수집하였다. 그리고 그들 부모와 야간보육을 담당하는 교사와 면담을 하였다. 관찰일지와 면담 기록 등을 현상학적 접근으로 해석하여 그 의미를 탐색하고자 하였다.야간보육시설에서 생활하는 아동의 시간 경험은 분절된 시간에서 제한적인 융통적 시간 경험으로, 공간 경험은 경계가 확실한 공간에서 경계가 모호해지는 경험으로, 또래관계 경험은 단일연령간의 경쟁적 관계에서 혼합연령의 협동적, 가족적 관계로 경험되는 것으로 해석되었다. 이는 주간보육에서 이루어졌던 시간과 공간의 엄격한 경계지우기를 통해 통제받았던 아동의 긴장과 갈등을 완화시켜 주고 혼합연령에서 오는 가족적인 형제관계를 경험할 수 있는 기회를 준다는 점에서 바람직하다. 그러

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