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      • 精神健康의 基準

        任能彬 부산대학교 학생생활연구소 1976 硏究報 Vol.12 No.1

        Despite of the recent trend to emphasize the importance of mental health, the comic-ept of mental health is still far from being clear. In order to solve the mental health problem it is necessary to clarify the concept of mental health. Therefore, the purpose of the present article is to review the various effort made by writers to clarify the concept ofmentalhealth. The main points generally emphesized are as follows 1. Personal feeling of happiness is important so far as it doesn't interefere with social welfare. 2. Attitude toward self, such as accuracy of self-concept and consciousness of identity is generally counted as important. 3. Self-realization is important even if it is difficult to define it concretely. 4. Integrity of personality, such as balance of psychological forces, integrative perspective on life and the resistance to the stress is generally considered to be important. 5. The reality-oriented tendency, such as accuracy of reality perception and adapt is generaly stressed. 6. Meaning and value aspects should not be neglected for the integrity of personality. The criteria above listed are not mutually exclusive, but overlapped with each other to a certain degree. However, for the sake of convenience, the tentative classification is necessiated. The concept of mental health is not definable independent of the higher goals of mankind such as love, peace and freedom.

      • 意味와 相談

        任能彬 부산대학교 학생생활연구소 1977 硏究報 Vol.13 No.1

        There have been various attempts to develop the counseling in Korea. However, the logotherapeutic approach seems not to get its appropriate attention. Therefore,the attempt is made to review the theory and practice of logotherapeutic approach as formulated by Frankel in brief. Materialistic prosperity in the present age brings the human being to the problems of meaning of life itself. One of the psychological problems coming from this seems not to be solved by the current psycho-therapeutic approach such as psychoanalytic or behavioral approach. Logotherapy starts from three kinds of philosophical assumption such as freedom of will, will to meaning and meaning of life. The main techniques mainly used, is paradoxical intention. This technique consists in the transcending his own problems as if they viewed from objective position. Sense of humor and religion have certain similarity to the paradoxical intention. However, this approach also has its problematic aspects. A few of them can be mainly pointed out as follows: First, the extreme case of life situation such as death or guilty feeling is too much streesed that the general population may find it to burdensome. Second, Such terms as responsibility and decision making may bring too much weight for patient to bear. Third, the view point of the logotherapy is not that of the deterministic but that of free will. So that it has some aspects to be incompatible with current, deterministic approach of modern pschology. But aspects here-to-fore neglected in counseling are again emphasized by Logotheropy. So that the neglected aspect of counseling should receive its appropriate attention, even if in complementary way.

      • '持身'의 心理學的 意味

        任能彬 釜山大學校 學生生活硏究所 1980 硏究報 Vol.16 No.1

        이상에서 율곡이 말한 지신이나 구욕구사의 이론을 Paul이나 Allport의 현대심리학적인 이론과 관계시켜가면서 고찰하였다. 우리는 여기서 율곡이 강조한 행동적 측면이나 심리적측면이 결코 가공적인 사변에서 도출한 것이 아니라 구체적인 관찰을 바탕으로 한 성격형성 이론임을 알 수 있다. 율곡은 인간을 전체적이고 기본적인 입장에서 이해하려고 하였던 것 같다. 치종여일, 언행일치, 군자불기 등의 말은 이 전체성과 관계되는 말들이다. 상설이나 성겨과 같은 심리학적 영역은 문화적 역사적인 배경의 파악없이는 심층적 파악이 어렵다. 그렇게 볼 때 율곡의 이 이론은 시사적인 면이 크다는 것을 알 수 있다. 어떻든 율곡의 이런 이론에서 심리학의 대립적인 관계에 있다고 볼 수 있는 정신분석적인 경향과 행동주의적인 경향을 모두 흡수하고 통합하는 또 하나의 발전적 모델을 암시받을 수도 있을 것같다.

      • KCI등재

        自己變化와 精神衞生

        任能彬 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 1975 교사교육연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of the present article is to review the problems neglected in the current writings on mental hygiene. Tobay, behavioral and psychoanalytic approaches are generally adopted for the mental hygiene and psychotheraphy with scant attention to human aspects such as conscience, moral value etc. Therefore, some of the religeous and philosophical factors being considered as important in mental hygiene are reviewed. The factors reviewed here are styles of environmental perception identification, anxiety, personal encounter, deepth perception and meaning problems. Anyway, it seems far more promising to approach the mental hygiene problems from the viewpoint of wholeness rather than from that of part. So that the factors unique to human being such as conscience, moral value, etc, should be given due emphasis as well as behavioral factors common to all animals in problems of mental hygiene. Anyway, the self-change is necessary for the mental health of human being

      • 學生相談과 社會變動

        任能彬 부산대학교 학생생활연구소 1974 硏究報 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of present article is to review the response pattern of young students in this changing society. The main trends in students hehavior are suggested as follows. First, Young people seem to have more critical view on social phenomena, mainly because of ideal attittude as well as unique background of their growth. Second, because of specialization in disciplines they often lose the concerte connection between the academic work and social reality. So that they are very eager to be involved in practical matters beside their school work. Third, the identify formation of students cannot be separated from national identity. Therefore, more intensive study on youth identity on a broader scale is needed. Fourth, Students are apt to lose meaning in life because of the abrupt and inceassant change of society. So that the problem of meaning is very important for younger people. Conclusively, counseling is not helping young people adapt to the given society mechanically but helping them for becoming masters of social change.

      • 克服 行動에 관한 一硏究

        任能彬 釜山大學校 學生生活硏究所 1985 硏究報 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of the present paper is to investigate the coping behavior in the context of moral and transcendental dimension of human behavior. Heretofore, moral and transcendental dimension, being. found only in humankind, is generally neglected in modern psychology because of the difficulties ensued from. the experimental approach, Morality is deep-rooted aspect of human personality that it gives one a vital force in stress coping behavior. Especially, the Korean, being brought up under the influence of Confucianism, seems to be very sensitive to the morality. Therefore, according to a study of semantic differentials, Koreans are said to have moral factor in addition to potential, evaluative, and active factors. Sung-Ri-Hak seams to emphasize moral identity in order to actualize the moral judgment. Transcendental dimension employed in logotherapy and humanistic psychology is very important in stress coping behavior. This dimension helps one to integrate the conflicting tendencies into a higher unity. And the same stressful events aye interpreted from new and enlarged point of view so that one comes to have fresh meaning in an extended time-and-space. This fresh meaning is likely to bring about more efficient coping behavior. This transcendental dimension may be originated from human cognitive ability to objectify himself and the wish to become a creator. To, our surprise, Sung-Ri-Hak, widely known as concrete and practical, also paid attention to the transcendental dimension in. its system. Morality would lose much of its potential force if it doesn't take account of transcendental dimension of behavior. Jae-Rae (ritual behavior), a transcendence-related. behavior,. has been an important medium through which Koreans come to identify themselves with ancestors, build up sincere personality, and change ordinary rhythm of, life into transcendental one. This ceremony contributes to homogenize the characters of family members so that the family comes to function smoothly. As summarized above, moral and transcendental dimension of human should be given its appropriate attention hereafter.

      • [개관논문]性理學의 心理學的 一考察

        임능빈 서울대학교 심리과학연구소 1984 심리학의 연구문제 Vol.- No.1

        본 고찰의 목적은 성리학에서의 적용 개념을 알아 보고 현대 심리학의 성격론과 비교하고자 한 것이었다. 이러한 고찰 및 비교를 통해 성리학의 기본지향이 긍정적인 인간관을 바탕으로 도덕적 성숙 인격을 성취하기 위해서 일생을 노력하는 것이며, 이것은 오늘날의 인본주의 심리학에서 말하는 자기 실현이나 건전 인격이론에 상응하는 면이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 경의 이론도 역시 종교심리적 차원으로서 외경지심을 바탕으로 성숙 인격의 형성을 시도하고 있는 것이다. 한편 성리학은 전체적인 것과 행동적인 것, 지식과 행동, 심리적인 것과 신체적인 것, 무의식적인 것(未發而全體)과 의식적인 것(己發而妙用)을 병행시켜 처리하는 체계를 갖추고 있기 때문에 어느 한 쪽에 치우칠 때 오는 문제점들을 극복 내지 보완 할 수도 있을 것이다. 성리학적 관점에서의 이상적 인격은 평안과 즐거움이 바탕이 된 생동감이 있고 대단히 생산적인 인간형이라고 할 수 있을 것이다.

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