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        건강보험 본인부담률의 인상이 건강보험재정에 미치는 영향

        박지연,채희율 한국보험학회 2003 保險學會誌 Vol.64 No.-

        본 연구는 건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이에 관한 이론적 논의에 기초하여 국민건강보험 본인부담률의 인상이 건강보험재정에 미치는 직간접적 영향을 실증분석하였다. 본인부담률의 인상은 직접적으로는 초진횟수를 감소시키는 반면 재진횟수를 보다 크게 증가시켜 전체적으로 내원일수를 증가시킴에 따라 진료강도의 지표인 내원일당 진료비의 감소에도 불구하고 종합적으로 건강보험재정에 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 이 연구결과는 본인부담률의 인상에 따른 건강보험 재정절감 효과를 극대화하기 위해서는 공급자들의 재진 유인행위를 적절하게 통제하는 것이 필요함을 시사한다. Based on the theoretical discussions on moral hazard in health insurance, this research aims to test empirically the direct and indirect effects of an increase of outpatient co-insurance rate on the financial status of the National Health Insurance. Directly, an increase of co-insurance rate lessens the financial burden of the National Health Insurance by lowering the benefit rate. Indirectly, an increase of co-insurance rate is expected to increase the number of medical visits despite the reduction of first examinations by consumers. Consequently an increase of co-insurance rate is found to have negative indirect effect on the financial status of the National Health Insurance despite a slight reduction of the costs of medical services per visit. This empirical findings imply that it is necessary to monitor and control the supplier induced medical demand in order to maximize the budget saving effect of an increase of outpatient co-insurance rate.

      • KCI등재

        Lessons of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis for East Asian Monetary Integration

        ( Hee-yul Chai ) 한국EU학회 2015 EU학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        What are the lessons of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis for East Asian monetary integration? For some, the Eurozone experience reinforces the skepticism about pursuing monetary integration in East Asia. For others, Europe’s lesson should not be that a monetary union among sovereign countries is impossible. This paper tries to evaluate these contrasting views by reviewing Eurozone’s experience with special reference to the following four areas: labor market flexibility, fiscal integration, financial market integration, and finally banking union. After analyzing the issues related to those four areas successively, the paper concludes that the monetary unification in East Asia is indeed a goal hard to achieve in the near future. But the paper maintains at the same time that East Asia should not discard definitely the goal itself for a number of reasons.

      • Financial and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia in Light of the European Experience

        ( Hee Yul Chai ) 한국EU학회 2005 Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Vol.3 No.1

        This paper attempts to carry out an appraisal of the financial and monetary cooperation in East Asia from a comparative perspective with the European experience. It is argued that there would be several difficulties in East Asian process of financial and monetary cooperation in light of the European experience. The motivation and rationale for financial and monetary integration are weak in East Asia. It is difficult to expect Japan and China to establish key bilateral relations that might see them leading the regional financial and monetary cooperation. East Asia did not have the opportunities of accumulating experience through negotiations of trade integration, in solving the issues of contrasting interests, and establishing institutions facilitating collective actions for issues of common interests. It is however noteworthy that the citizens in East Asia have become more conscious of Asian culture and identity and that scholars and policymakers in East Asia are exchanging more frequently their ideas with one another. To keep this integration momentum going, this paper emphasizes a clear definition of the necessity for cooperation as well as the establishment of an institution that can deal with the redistribution of collective benefits.

      • KCI등재

        A Roadmap of Monetary Cooperation in East Asia: Some Lessons from the European Experience

        ( Hee Yul Chai ) 한국EU학회 2008 EU학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Finance ministers of Korea, China and Japan announced recently that they would take steps to introduce a common currency in East Asia. This news makes one to suspect that the monetary cooperation will become an important policy agenda in East Asia. This paper provides a reflection on the necessity, feasibility, and modality of East Asia`s monetary cooperation process. The paper starts with some preliminary but fundamental questions about monetary cooperation in East Asia. It is argued that, despite a number of obstacles, the time is ripe to pursue the monetary integration in East Asia. This paper proceeds to propose a roadmap of monetary cooperation in East Asia, from a loose cooperative stage with many symbolic actions and weak political commitment to the introduction of more formal and constraining institutions requiring stronger political commitment. The European experience provides a lot of lessons to East Asia`s monetary integration through its success and failure stories as well.

      • Roles of Regional Monetary Unit for Financial Transactions in East Asia

        ( Hee Yul Chai ),( Woo Sik Moon ),( Yeong Seop Rhee ),( Deok Ryong Yoon ) 한국EU학회 2008 Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Vol.6 No.1

        The creation of RMU is a good way to coordinate policies and assure exchange rate stability in East Asia. This study conducts research on the RMU`s official role for transactions from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Once the creation of the RMU is agreed, the RMU can be used as an official instrument to monitor exchange rates of Asian currencies between themselves and against the US dollar or the euro, and also can be used as a settlement currency for official transactions. Drawing a parallel with the ECU, this paper suggests the establishment of an Asian exchange rate system like the European exchange rate system, and the creation of the Asian Exchange Stabilization Fund to facilitate a monetary union in Asia. The RMU can be developed into a parallel currency as well. In this regard, we suggest that the long-term vision of a monetary union in East Asia is essential and this should be presented in the form of a common declaration.

      • Regional Economic Cooperation in Europe under Capital Flows and Implications for Asia

        ( Hee Yul Chai ) 한국EU학회 2010 Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Vol.8 No.1

        The European experience shows that regional solutions can play an important role in promoting as well as managing capital flows. However, this paper shows that regional financial cooperation is neither a simple technical process nor a panacea. First, to be feasible, a program of regional economic cooperation should be compatible with national interests. Second, a regional economic cooperation cannot solve all the problems. In spite of a closer cooperation to maintain the stability of the ERM, the financial crisis finally broke out. This episode shows that the cooperation cannot beat the fundamental economic logic. On the other hand, the regional financial cooperation should be based on adequate national policy actions towards structural reforms, well-functioning regulatory and supervisory system and sound macroeconomic policy because regional policy coordination by itself cannot guarantee those objectives. Third, the regional economic cooperation entails necessarily tensions around the governance of economic policy. Whether the objective of policy coordination is structural policies, or financial regulation and supervision, or fiscal policy, the effectiveness of the coordination would be better guaranteed by a centralized framework, while the respect of the national sovereignty might dictate a decentralized and weak form of coordination. These lessons extracted from the European experience can be used as a useful guide to other regions including Asia. The regional cooperation can serve as an important policy tool for promoting integration of regional financial markets and better management of capital flows.

      • KCI등재

        금융감독의 국제화 : EU 의 경험과 시사점

        채희율 (Hee Yul Chai) 한국EU학회 1997 EU학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        The European financial supervisory authorities try to minimize the potential negative effects of the European financial market integration by regulatory harmonization or supervisory cooperation. Even though these efforts seem to be largely beneficial, it remains to be reexamined in some regards. The regulatory harmonization should not be considered as an effective way to level playing field, in view of the national differences in accounting system, financial products and nature of sanction. The supervisory responsibility of the host country should be enhanced, In line with the Basel Committee`s supervision guidelines, to minimize the supervisory loophole. The constitution of a supranational supervisory body can help to ameliorate the effectiveness of the supervision in the EU. This paper examines these issues one by one. Also, this paper draw some implications of the EU`s experience for the Korea`s financial supervisory policy.

      • KCI등재

        유로와 한국경제 유로화와 국제금융시장의 변화

        채희율(Hee Yul Chai) 한국EU학회 2001 EU학연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This study overviews the changes in the international financial markets initiated by the euro and demands whether such changes can challenge the international monetary and financial hegemony of the US dollar and dollar-denominated markets. To see this, the paper divides the financial markets into five segments (exchange markets, short-term financial markets, bond markets, stock markets and banking) and identifies the changes therein. First, the euro contributes to accelerate the integration of European financial markets and intensify the competition. This does not mean, however, that the European financial markets will become completely integrated in the near future nor that the euro-denominated markets are to threaten the international financial hegemony of dollar-denominated markets. Much should be done including the facilitation of the issue, circulation, clearing and settlement of international securities, the harmonization of financial regulations and practices in the euro-zone. Second, the European continental financial system becomes more market-oriented. This is due to the fact that the euro changed the securities markets more than the traditional banking. Third, the role of euro as international medium of exchange diminished with regard to the deutsche mark whereas euro plays an important role in the international store of value function. The role of euro as international medium of exchange is expected to grow in the future, especially with the EU enlargement. The credibility of the ESCB and the development of the euro financial markets will also contribute to the international use of euro.

      • KCI등재

        미테랑 대통령 재임 14 년간 프랑스 경제정책의 평가

        채희율(Hee Yul Chai) 한국EU학회 2000 EU학연구 Vol.5 No.1

        Based on the historical survey of the evolution of the French economic policy, this study identifies its main characteristics and tasks for the future. The period covered is centered on Mitterand`s 14 years presidency. Among diverse policies, the focus is given to the industrial policy. During socialist presidency, France was able to overcome the economic crisis and expect to enter into a stable growth path. This study argue that such an outcome have to do with the fact that the economic policies of the government were largely appropriate and timely. In particular the state played an important role in establishing market economy order and corporate governance mechanism. Nonetheless, French state have yet a lot to do in order to establish a democratic and effcient corporate governance mechanism. Finally, French state have to overcome a leadership crisis due to the dismissal of statist pattern of economic policy making caused by both ongoing europeanization of economic policy and loss of policy tools along with privatization and deregulation.

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