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      • Agriculture in RTAs : the case of a Korea-chile FTA

        이주영 Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei U 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        The world trading system has been under many changes in recent years. One notably important development is that much attention has shifted away from the multilateralism-oriented WTO towards RTAs. These developments as well as ongoing intense debate about their contributions to the multilateral trading system have put various implications of RTAs in the forefront of research in international trade. Most analyses of most FTAs conclude that trade creation has dominated trade diversion. However, during RTA negotiations, the issues related to trade in agricultural products seem to be most sensitive and important. The success of RTAs depends on the appropriate treatment of agriculture within the Agreements. The ongoing negotiation of a Korea-Chile FTA is a model case in explaining the coexistence of regionalism and multilateralism. This thesis seeks to describe the relationship between RTAs and agriculture through the ongoing Korea-Chile FTA negotiations. Although Chile's economy has traditionally concentrated on agricultural sector, the expected impacts of a Korea-Chile FTA on Korean agricultural sector would be minor. However, considering the importance of Agriculture in Korean economy and Chilean concentration on fruit exports such as grapes and kiwis, it is necessary to analyze the expected effects of the FTA on agriculture and establish FTA strategy for the agricultural sector. The conclusion of a FTA will see import amounts of these fruits greatly increased. If lower priced fruits are massively imported, Korean consumer surplus increases, while domestic producer surplus decreases. In contrast, Chilean producers can benefit from an increase in agricultural exports to Korea. Therefore, in conclusion, from the treatment of agriculture in major RTAs and the above analysis of the expected impact of a Korea-Chile FTA on agricultural sector, I suggest Korean FTA strategy for the agricultural sector in order to minimize the damage on the industry concerned. In order to minimize the negative effects on Korean agriculture, Korea should consider how to proceed negotiations for a Korea-Chile FTA, what to include in the FTA and how to minimize the Agreement's the impacts on agricultural sector. In the process of negotiation, a balanced cross-cultural communication is the priority. In addition, Korea should effectively discuss with Chile in order to make the latter take Korea's interests into account, reconcile interests with Korea and improve its Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement in order to enhance negotiation power. With respect to FTA contents, Korea should negotiate to exclude grapes, kiwis, pears and apples from the immediate tariff reduction schedule and impose special tariff in order to reduce impacts on Korean agriculture and protect Chilean gains expected to result from the conclusion of the Agreement. In addition, Korea should also negotiate to support a fair and timely dispute resolution process and urge that special consideration be given to agricultural products. As an effort to minimize FTA impacts on agricultural sector, Korea should establish a temporary fund to damaged agricultural sector and maintain safeguard measures on agricultural sector. Korea should also increase investment in agricultural research in order to gain competitiveness in agriculture. In addition, Korea should foster a processed agrifood industry as a self-rescue policy of agricultural producers in the face of an increase in agricultural imports and reduction of income.

      • Faculty use of service: Learning within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University

        Price, Julianne Michigan State University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        Service-learning, a form of experiential learning, has been implemented among many disciplines in higher education; however, little research has been done on the development of service-learning in colleges of agriculture. Service-learning links meaningful community service to the course curriculum, combined with guided reflection to enrich the learning of the students and provide service to the community. It is a method for providing community outreach that can fulfill the outreach mission of higher education. Experiential learning has long been the foundation for the curriculum in agriculture education, and it would seem that service-learning would be a natural extension of the curriculum. However, there have not been any studies to assess the level at which service-learning is used in colleges of agriculture. This study was a census survey to ascertain the status of service-learning in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University. It was a descriptive study of the responses from the teaching faculty to determine their knowledge and use of service-learning. A total of 107 questionnaires were returned out of 272 possible for a response rate of 39.3 percent. The study examined (1) The factors that motivated faculty to use service-learning. (2) Factors that were important for integrating service-learning into their courses. (3) The knowledge of service-learning prior to the study by non-service-learning faculty, and (4) The factors important to non-service-learning faculty for integrating service-learning into their courses. This study contributes to the literature on service-learning and faculty development and motivation in higher education, specifically, it provides descriptive data on the faculty motivation, knowledge and use of service-learning in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University. The findings from this study indicated that a majority of faculty in the college used experiential learning methods (m = 3.36) and had heard of service-learning (52.5%); however, they were not using service-learning in their courses. The most important factors for use of service-learning by faculty were their personal interest (m = 4.32) and the needs of their students (m = 3.83) and community interest (m = 3.65). The non-service-learning faculty indicated that they needed more information on service-learning (m = 3.42), they lacked the time to prepare (m = 3.64) and implement service-learning (m = 3.49), and funding (m = 3.55) of service-learning projects was important. Non-service-learning faculty indicated that they would consider using service-learning if there was adequate student interest (m = 3.77), service projects could be relevant to Agriculture and Natural Resources course content (m = 3.60) and if there was community interest (3.55). As an outcome of the study, key recommendations for the implementation of service-learning were brought forward for consideration in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

      • 중국 농업분야에 대한 FDI 의 경제적 효과에 대한 연구

        곡흠 전북대학교 일반대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        1. Since the reform and opening up, FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) inflow to agriculture in China has made great achievements, has become an unignored strength of agricultural economy development FDI inflow to agriculture in china experiences three periods, which are rules and regulations making, emancipating the mind and scientific development. FDI inflow to agriculture in China has played animportant role in making up for the investment insufficiency, promoting agricultural science and technology progress, promoting the industrialization of agriculture, increasing employment, improving agricultural trade, promoting agriculturalre for min the rural development. Benefiting from the positive policy of introduction of foreign capital in China, FDI inflow to agriculture in China amounted to 1.91 billion US dollars in 2010 and was among the best in the world, whichis consistent to the position of China as the biggest developing country and a large agricultural country. FDI inflows would help to promote Chinese modern agricultural development, and would have important strategic significance. China should increase its efforts to attract FDI inflow to agriculture, improve the level of FDI utilization, and give full play the positive role of FDI in agricultural investment increase, agricultural science and technology level improvement, agricultural trade and other aspects. Based on the international and domestic development of FDI, this paper combs the situation and problems of FDI inflow to agriculture in China, and develops empirical research on the impact of FDI on the development of Chinese agricultural economy, the development to fcrops, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries, the development of agricultural economy in different region, agricultural trade, and farmers' income by establishing the linear regression model. This study also estimates the elastic coefficient of FDI inflow and the above indexes. This study does the research on the control degree of FDI on Chinese agriculture and the empirical research on the influence factors of agricultural FDI inflows. Finally, this study puts forward the policy suggestions for using the agricultural FDI on the scientific basis. The results shows that the FDI inflow to agriculture has a positive impact on the national agricultural economy, crops, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries, agricultural economy indifferent regions, agricultural trade, and farmers'income. Some related regression models pass the stationary test, co-integration test and Granger causality test and the most reliable Model Parameters are selected by this study. This study finds that the control degree of FDI on Chinese agriculture is relatively low by making analysis on indexes which include the proportion of FDI inflow to agriculture to the whole industry, comparison with other industry, control level of the foreign part on foreign investment enterprises, fixed assets occupancy of foreign investment enterprises in the agriculture sector, registered capital occupancy of foreign investment enterprises in the agriculture sector, and the distribution of FDI in terms of source .Regression models about the factors which impact the FDI inflow are established to estimate the elastic indexes of these influencing factors. The result shows that the agricultural GDP, agricultural labor number and agricultural trade are the positive impact factors and the domestic investment hasa Crowding-out Effect. Finally, this study summarizes the whole study and makes conclusions and put forward some pertinent policy suggestions on FDI inflow to agriculture.

      • 키르기스스탄 농업발전전략

        캄츠벡 전남대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        Agriculture is the most important sector in the Kyrgyzstan’s national economy, employing 31 percent of labor and this sector has accounted for only 15.2 percent of the gross domestic product in 2014. An agricultural development strategy plays an important role in developing the national economy and reducing rural poverty. Therefore, establishing an agriculture development strategy would be one way of ensuring food security. The purpose of this study is to obtain a clear understanding of the current Kyrgyz agriculture conditions. As it is known to all, Kyrgyzstan has made significant progress in transformation from a central command economy to a market economy. During these two and a half decades, the old state and collective farms have been reorganized and converted into numerous individual private farms. Progress has been inconsistent, though, as farmers and institutions require additional adaptations to cope with a market economy. A number of challenges and strategies provide ways to overcome the constraints faced by farmers, agriculture related organizations as well as foreign investors. From 2015, Kyrgyzstan has been a member of the Eurasian Customs Union. Thus, Kyrgyzstan’s small individual producers are forced to compete on a much larger scale in vast markets. Prosperity in this new environment requires additional development. Adaptation to these big new markets demands trained and efficient farmers. Alongside, recent global climate change has led to increasing natural disasters, including floods, due to massive snow melting, severe winters and drought. Such factors affect agriculture in a number of ways: low agricultural productivity and poor food consumption. As a result, food insecurity, affecting the rural population leading to poverty, are increasing.

      • Agricultural extension educators' perceptions regarding the teaching and learning processes as related to sustainable agriculture: Implications for agricultural extension education

        Jayaratne, Koralalage Sunil Upali Iowa State University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        Development of sustainability in conventional agricultural systems is a challenge that agricultural scientists and educators have to face. Review of related studies indicated that extension educators were skeptical of the application of sustainable agricultural practices. However, none of these past studies focused on extension educators' perceptions regarding the teaching learning process related to sustainable agriculture. The purpose of this study was to determine extension educators' perceptions regarding the teaching-learning process pertaining to sustainable agricultural practices, and identify the relationship between extension educators' perceptions and their motivation for learning about sustainable agriculture. This was a survey research study conducted with a stratified random sample of 415 individuals selected from the agricultural extension educators in the North Central region of the United States. Findings were based on 323 completed questionnaires. Non-response error was controlled enabling findings to be generalized over the population. Findings indicated that agricultural extension educators in the North Central region of the United States were mainly middle-aged and predominantly male. Agricultural extension educators had positive perceptions toward sustainable agriculture. Their perceptions of sustainable agriculture did not vary with their demographic characteristics. However, sustainable agriculture was a confusing term for many agricultural extension educators. Experiential learning, problem solving and a systems approach were effective delivery mechanisms in teaching concepts related to sustainable agriculture. One-on-one instruction, demonstrations and group discussions were considered the most effective teaching methods and field trips study tours and workshops were considered most effective teaching tools in educating farmers about sustainable agriculture. Availability of time was the most limiting factor for agricultural extension educators to learn about sustainable agriculture. Lack of farmers' demand, negative attitudes toward sustainable agriculture and confusion about the definition of sustainable agriculture were considered significant constraints to learning about sustainable agriculture. Agricultural extension educators perceived that they were highly motivated for extension work. This study revealed a strong relationship between perception about sustainable agriculture and extension educators' motivation for learning more about sustainable agriculture.

      • The diversity of dissimilatory nitrate reducers in an agroecosystem

        Huizinga, Kristin Michelle Michigan State University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        Microbial communities are essential to nutrient cycles in agricultural soils, since their activity helps regulate the availability of nutrients to crops. Despite this important role, factors affecting microbial community structure are just beginning to be uncovered. As well as identifying factors affecting microbial communities, it is important to determine the links between particular communities and their ecosystem functions. Therefore, the focus of the work presented is on microbial communities known to be involved in soil nitrogen cycling (denitrifiers) or with the potential for involvement (Planctomycetales). Statistical modeling determined how much of the variability in N 2O and two other greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2 and CH4 ) could be explained from treatments varying in history of agriculture. The amount of explained variation was generally low, with CO2 flux having the greatest amount of explainable variation. It was concluded that the high amount of explainable variability in CO2 flux was due to the fact that it is a byproduct of heterotrophic metabolism in soil, making its production responsive to any factors affecting microbial metabolism. Nitrous oxide and CH4, conversely, are produced or consumed by microorganisms with specialized metabolisms, causing environmental variables alone to be insufficient for explaining amounts of flux from these gases. Denitrifier community composition and diversity was assessed in three soil treatments varying in average annual N2O flux and history of agriculture. Comparisons of nirK sequence libraries indicated that community composition of successional sites abandoned from agriculture 15 years ago still showed impacts from agriculture. Productivity did not have a significant relationship with measures of denitrifier diversity, but there was a weak, positive relationship between relative disturbance and diversity. In addition, a significant, positive relationship between ribosomal RNA (rrn) operon copy number and growth rate of dissimilatory nitrate reducers was found, indicating that denitrifiers with low and high rrn operon copy numbers differ in ecological strategies. There was a significant effect of soil treatment on evenness, and there are nirK OTU's in the never tilled and historically tilled treatments that may play an important role in minimizing the amount of N2O flux from sites currently not used for agriculture. Since members of the order Planctomycetales may play important roles in nitrogen cycling, a phylogenetic survey of 16S rRNA gene sequences was undertaken to assess soil planctomycete diversity in soils differing in history of agriculture. Sequences clustered with the four-recognized genera of planctomycetes as well as in clusters outside those genera. Three sequences were similar to 16S rDNA sequences from organisms capable of anaerobic ammonia oxidation. Comparative analyses indicated that two soil treatments that have been used for agriculture are more similar in community composition and diversity to each other than to a treatment never used for agriculture. However, there were no significant differences between the three communities, suggesting that Planctomycetales are marginally affected by agricultural practices.

      • Evaluation of Students’ Motivations and Career Perceptions in Learning Agriculture Science: A Case Study of College Students Majoring in Agriculture Course in Central Visayas, Philippines : 농업과학을 전공하는 학생들의 동기부여와 진로 인식의 평가 필리핀 중부 비사야

        Margrette Yungod Magsanay 경북대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        The Philippines’ agriculture sector is continuously facing the critical challenge in addressing the shortage of human capital, which includes the ageing workforce and the declining participation of the youth in the sector. Aspiring young farmers have limited access to agricultural knowledge and skills gained through skills development and technology transfer programs. A study has shown that the youth favor advanced technologies and are unceasingly interested in coping with current trends set up by the more developed countries, however, many organizations do not comprehend their aspirations. The aim of this research study was to identify motivations in learning agriculture science and assess the student’s perception with regards to career preferences among college agriculture students. The study was conducted in the 3 major universities in Central Visayas, Philippines and was participated by 295 college students currently enrolled in agriculture and agriculture-related courses. A descriptive-correlational research design was utilized in the evaluation of students’ motivations. Intrinsic motivation and grade motivation were found as the highest motivation constructs to the students while lowest on the self-efficacy constructs. Student’s motivation to learn agriculture science fluctuates depending on their college year level, however, their interest in learning agriculture science will continue to show across all year levels. All of the motivational statements have a very weak correlation between gender and year level. A descriptive analysis was also used to assess students’ career perceptions. Results suggested that students’ innovations learned in agriculture science will help their community/country. Ordinal Regression Procedure, also known as PLUM (Polytomous Universal Model), was used to analyze the influence of demographic factors such as gender, permanent residence, college level and course/program of study on the students’ preferred career paths. As a result, rural area as permanent residence and course/program of study were significant indicators that can influence the students’ career choices while gender and college level were nonsignificant indicator as to their career preferences. Students preferred to be working in government offices as Agricultural Extension Workers (AEW) and as a self-reliant Farmer-Entrepreneur. This study recommends improved and strengthened collaborations of agricultural enablers to meet the needs of agriculture students and aspiring young farmers. A future related study can also be conducted to identify the factors that influence students’ motivations and the youth’s participation and involvement in the agriculture sector. 필리핀의 농업은 노동력 고령화와 청년층의 농산업 참여 감소로 인적 자원이 부족한데, 이를 해결해야 하는 지속적이고 중요한 도전에 직면해 있다. 젊은 농민 지망생들은 기술 개발과 기술 이전 프로그램을 통해 얻은 농업 지식과 기술에 대한 접근이 제한되어 있다. 한 연구에 따르면, 젊은이들은 선진 기술을 선호하고 선진국들의 발전 추세에 대처하는 것에 끊임없이 관심이 있지만, 많은 조직들은 그들의 열망을 이해하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 농업분야 대학생의 농업과학 학습동기를 파악하고, 진로선호도에 대한 학생의 인식을 분석하는 것이다. 이번 연구는 필리핀 중부 비사야스 소재 주요 3개 대학을 대상으로 진행됐으며, 현재 농업 및 농업 관련 과정에 재학 중인 대학생 295명이 참여했다. 학생들의 동기평가에는 서술적 상관관계 연구설계를 활용하였다. 내재적 동기부여와 성적동기부여는 학생들에게 가장 높은 동기부여 구성으로 나타났다. 자기효능감 구성은 가장 낮았다. 학생들의 농업과학 학습 동기는 대학 학년에 따라 변동이 있으나 농업과학 학습에 대한 관심은 1년 내내 지속적으로 나타나고 있다. 모든 동기부여 진술은 성별과 학년 간의 상관관계가 매우 약하다. 또한 학생들의 진로인식을 분석하기 위해 서술적 분석을 사용하였다. 결과는 농업 과학에서 배운 학생들의 혁신이 지역 사회/국가에 도움이 될 것이라고 제안했다. PLUM (Polytomous Universal Model)으로도 알려진 순서 회귀 절차는 성별, 영주권, 대학 수준 및 학습 과정/프로그램과 같은 인구통계학적 요인이 학생들이 선호하는 진로에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 데 사용되었다. 그 결과, 농촌지역은 영주권과 학습과정/프로그램은 학생의 진로선택에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 유의한 지표였으며, 성별과 대학수준은 진로선호도에 유의하지 않았다. 학생들은 농업 지도 노동자(AEW)와 자립적인 농부-기업가로서 관공서에서 일하는 것을 선호했다. 본 연구는 농업분야 학생과 청년농업인 지망생들의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 농업가능자들의 협력을 개선하고 강화할 것을 권고한다. 학생들의 동기부여와 청년들의 농업분야 참여 및 참여에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하기 위한 향후 관련 연구도 필요하다고 사료된다.

      • Invisible Farmers, Invisible Farms: Gender and Agriculture in Two Northern California Counties

        Filan, Trina Robin University of California, Davis 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        The primary purpose of this dissertation is to begin to answer the questions "In what ways and in what places does gender have salience as an analytical category in the context of California agriculture?" and "Is gender problematic or beneficial to the success and longevity of California farmers and their operations?" This research is grounded in a feminist geographical framework. It employs mixed methods to assesses how well census data capture women farmers' lived experiences, professional goals and needs, and general success in agriculture and how qualitative data used in conjunction with census data might enrich analysis of these questions. Results indicate that gender offers a useful analytical lens for examining the utility of quantitative data in understanding the material experiences of California farmers. Results also challenge the assumption that in an agri-food system dominated by market imperatives, sociocultural positionalities are neither problematic nor important in valuing and practicing agriculture. The case study counties diverged at many levels and represent the variety of California agricultural practice. Both contain large- and small-scale farms, commodity and specialty production, and export and local market foci, but one type of agriculture is particularly visible in each county. In Yolo County, this visibility lies in capitalist agriculture at all scales, and women are invisible for the most part in this space. In Placer County, this visibility is beginning to emerge with locally focused, small-scale, artisanal producers, and women are visible and share some power in this space. I argue that California agriculture must acknowledge and accommodate women and other underrepresented farmers. Capital must flex and move, allowing the desires, practices, and needs of agricultural "others" to become visible and legitimate. They are already changing agriculture and the places it is practiced throughout California. Men are leaving agriculture, and acreages are shrinking, even as more food, fuel, and fiber are produced upon remaining land. Women are entering agriculture but are not taking men's places in the same productivist settings. They are entering, primarily, in the interstices and finding ways to make use of land in different ways. Ultimately, agriculture is an unequally gendered enterprise in California.

      • Agriculture development in Myanmar : with special reference to irrigation

        Aung Kyaw Moe 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        Agriculture is critical to achieving global poverty reduction targets. It is still the single most important productive sector in most low-income countries, in terms of its share of Gross Domestic Product and in terms of the number of people it employs. Agriculture sector plays a very important role in the economy of Myanmar. Agriculture sector contributes 34% of the country‟s GDP. Two third of the total population of the country reside in rural areas and their livelihoods mainly depend on agriculture. By analyzing official data released by the respective government institutions and reports of the international organizations such as FAO and UNDP, this paper found that irrigation development can contribute to promoting agricultural productivity and production and thus enhances farmers‟ income levels and growth of national economy. Reviewing the previous papers on the development of agriculture sector in Myanmar, this paper concludes that there are two major policy constraints such as agricultural marketing policy and agricultural land use policy and two important constraints with regard to agricultural inputs such as access problems to chemical fertilizers and agriculture loans. This paper also found out that major responses to low agricultural productivity such as development and utilization of modern rice varieties, agricultural mechanization, and rice technology transfer can help to promote agricultural productivity and production. It is learned through this research that the government must initiate some policy adjustments to ease the major constraints to development of agriculture and priority should be given to the sustainable development of irrigation, implementation of important measures to increase agricultural productivity that can contribute to national economic growth.

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