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      • 한글의 본문용문자체와 그 가속성에 관한 연구 : 사진식자체를 중심으로

        황진희 숙명여자대학교 대학원 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 232287

        In our modern era of international informationized situation, we require the new and Various typefaces as the means of Communication more than any other time in the past. Recently, among the overflowing printed matter, as the books especially influence us, the visual aspect of books is important. As the books are not mere Communication of information, but require the rapid and accurate comprehension of complete contents, the typefaces of high legibility are required. Therefore among the typeface design of Hangeul different from the foreign letter visually, as the study on the body typeface of books being important, it is urgently closed up to the problem of study. On that ground, this thesis contains classification and process of transition of typefaces of Hangeul and, in connection with this, those of typefaces of Alphabet. Also, in the course of study by the present condition of typefaces of Hangeul and the characteristics of individual syllabigraphs for the comparison and analysis on the visual characteristics of present typefaces of Hangeul, the difficulty of typeface design of Hangeul could be found. The factors of checking the development of Hangeul typefaces are square assembly writing methods, change of shape and size of the same phoneme according to the position of combination, and that the phonemes of Hangeul are much more and more complicate than those of Alphabet. But as Alphabet has a little phonemes which are simple, it has grown through a long history, and the typeface design of Alphabet achieved remarkable development and the adequate typefaces are being used to the right man in the right place. Compared with this, the Hangeul typefaces are not various and their legibility is a few lower than that of Alphabet. Therefore I stated in this thesis that, after investigating legibility on the five typefaces used for developing the new body typeface, the condition of body typeface design could contributed to the reasonable development of new Hangeul body typeface by comparing and analyzing the visual characteristics of Ming typeface and the other typefaces from the following three viewpoints, based upon the result of legibility order, that is to say, Ming typeface, Graphic typeface, Gothic typeface, Senaru typeface and Denaru typeface. First, outward shape of typeface and outside space of shape: the typeface of small outward shape in a right-angled tetragon externally abutting to the Senaru type-face and of large outside space has a high legibility, it is appeared. Second, the counter of typeface by visual elimination: the typeface of small counter has a high legibility. Third, thickness of stroke(in the case that a horizontal stroke and a vertical stroke are the same and no, and the thickness of the same stroke is different): the typeface of not too thin and thick, of a little thin horizontal stroke than vertical stroke and of different thickness of the same stroke has a high legibility. According to the result of analysis above, it is present situation that the condition of result should be used for the new Hangeul body typeface design, as being activated by overcoming structural difficulties of Hangeul.

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