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      • 행정사제도의 운영실태 및 발전방안에 관한 연구 : 행정사 교육프로그램을 중심으로

        김창현 한성대학교 행정대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        우리는 지금 21세기 글로벌 시대에 발맞춰 인간의 기계화와 인공지능이 주도하는 제4차 산업시대를 맞고 있는 가운데 인 터넷의 급속한 발전으로 급변하는 정보화 물결을 따라 여러 분야에서 행정의 수요도 양적, 질적으로 복잡하고 다양해져 가 고 있어 국민들이 행정기관에 기대하는 요구(need)나 욕구(want)도 다양화, 전문화되어 가고 있다. 이와 함께 헌법적 가치 인 개인의 기본권 존중과 권리의무 관계에 있어서 인·허가 업무 등 다양한 분야의 민원들이 행정기관, 국회, 지방자치단체 의 의회 등을 통해 날로 급증하고 있다. 이렇게 행정기관과 국민의 복잡한 민원관계의 문제를 해결하기 위하여 각종 민원행 정, 구제행정 등에 대한 효율적인 행정도우미 역할을 해 주도록 하는 국가의 제도가 바로 행정사제도이고, 그러한 행정업무 의 대행이나 대리행위를 수행할 수 있는 국가 공인자격을 가진 사람이 행정사이다. 따라서, 본 연구는 행정사제도가 행정사법 제1조에서 규정한 목적에 맞게 효율적으로 운영되고 있는지 그 실태를 파악하 고 행정사제도의 미래발전을 위한 정책대안을 제시하고자『행정사 교육프로그램을 중심으로 한 행정사제도의 운영실태 및 발전방안에 관한 연구』를 실시하였으며, 크게 3가지 측면에서 행정사제도의 문제점을 도출하고 개선방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 현행 행정사제도에 관한 문제이다. 1897년 대서소규칙 시행으로부터 대서업제도가 시작되었고, 1961년 행정서사법 제정으로 행정서사제도가 도입되었으 며, 그 당시에는 문맹률이 높았던 시대로서 행정서사가 하는 일들이 주로 행정기관에 제출하는 서류의 대필 작성이었다. 그 러다가 1995년 행정서사법에서 행정사법으로 명칭이 변경된 이후부터는 모든 행정기관에 제출하는 서류에 대한 작성·제 출, 인·허가 민원행정의 대리(代理), 번역, 행정에 대한 상담이나 자문, 위탁사무의 사실조사 및 확인 등의 행정업무 전반에 대하여 일반행정사, 기술행정사, 외국어번역행정사 3종류로 나누어 고급행정전문가로서 업무를 수행할 수 있도록 하면서 부터 행정사제도는 일대 변화와 혁신시대를 맞게 되었고, 당초 경력공무원에게만 자격을 부여했던 제도를 2013년부터 일 반인에게도 자격시험을 통해 행정사가 될 수 있도록 함으로써 완전한 행정사제도로 정착하게 되었다. 그런데, 행정사법이 시행 된지 얼마 되지도 않은 1999년에는 행정사 등록제를 폐지하고 신고제로 바뀌면서 지방자치단체 에 신고만 하도록 되어 있고, 행정사협회에 등록 권한도 주지 않고 있어 행정사협회가 활성화되지 못하고 있으며, 7개 행정 사협회로 분산되어 운영한 관계로 체제의 다양성, 업무수행의 폐쇄성 등으로 행정사 상호간 활발한 업무수행이 어렵고 일 관성도 없다는 문제점을 안고 있다. 본 연구에서도 행정사업을 하고 있는 120명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시한 결과 행정사의 92.5%가 행정사협회 등록 제 및 단일화를 요구하고 있고, 다수의 행정사들이 ① 행정사협회 등록제 부여, ② 행정사협회 단일화, ③ 행정심판 대리권 부여, ④ 행정사 법인설립 허용 등의 여러 가지 제도에 대하여 제도개선을 요구하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 행정사제도의 운영 실태에 관한 문제이다. 2018년 말 현재 행정안전부의 행정사 통계자료에 따르면 행정사 자격취득자는 총353,725명(경력행정사 351,875명, 시험합격 행정사 1,850명)으로 이중 일반행정사가 349,995명(99%)으로 가장 많고, 기술행정사 3,207명(0.9%), 외국 어번역행정사 523명(0.1%)으로 구성되어 있다. 그리고 행정사제도의 발전은 행정사업 활성화로부터 시작된다고 보는데 현재 353,725명의 행정사 중 실제로 행정기관 에 신고를 하고 행정사업을 수행하고 있는 행정사는 약 2.5%인 8,789명에 불과하고, 영업 행정사 중 60대 이상 고령자 가 64%를 차지하고 있으며, 40대 이하 젊은층이 16.7%인 1,467명에 불과하다는 점에서 행정사업이 활성화 되고 행정 사제도가 발전할 수 있는 기반이 매우 취약하고 환경이 열악하다는 것이다. 셋째, 행정사 교육제도 및 교육프로그램의 문제이다. 행정사 업무가 과거의 행정서사제도 시기에 수행했던 행정기관에 제출하는 서류의 작성만이 아니라 행정정안전부 민원처 리기준표상의 5,445종의 민원처리와 여기에서 파생되는 각종 인·허가 등 모든 행정분야의 다양하고 복잡한 행정관련 업무 들을 수행하는 고급행정전문분야로 확대 재생산되고 있어서 이에 대한 분야별 전문교육이 필요하다. 그러나 현재 행정사 교육제도는 실무교육 60시간과 자율적 연수교육제도를 두고 있지만 실무교육은 행정사업 신고를 위한 통과 의례적 수준 에 머무르고 있고, 자질향상과 역량강화를 위한 연수교육은 현재 시스템도 없고 실시하지도 않고 있는 실정이다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 행정사업을 하는 행정사를 대상으로 교육프로그램에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사결과 ① 행정사 실무교육 시간의 적정성을 묻는 질문에 적절하지 않다는 의견이 73%를 차지하고 있고, ② 실무 교육 시간을 200시간 이상으로 하자는 의견도 34.5%나 되며, ③ 연수교육 방법으로는 집체교육과 사이버 교육을 병행하 자는 의견이 59.8%로 가장 많았으며, 실무교육의 만족도는 77.5%가 만족하지 않고 있는 것으로 나타나 실무교육에 대 한 질적 향상을 위한 프로그램개발이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 앞에서 지적한 문제점과 연구결과를 토대로 행정사제도의 측면과 행정사 교육프로그램의 측면으로 나누어 개선 방안 및 정책대안을 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 행정사제도에 관한 개선방안 및 정책대안은 ① 행정사 운영부실에 따른 행정사협회 의무등록제로 개선, ② 행정사 협회 단일화, ③ 행정사에 대한 행정심판 대리권 부여, ④ 행정사제도 활성화 및 행정산업화로 일자리 창출, ⑤ 행정기관, 국회, 지방의회 등에 민원행정 상담관이나 전문 관제 운영 등이다. 둘째, 행정사 교육프로그램에 관한 개선방안 및 정책대안은 ① 행정기관의 업무효율성 향상을 위한 행정사 역량강화 교 육 실시, ② 행정사 교육시스템 개선, ③ 경력행정사와 시험합격 행정사에 대한 차별 및 심화교육 실시, ④ 행정사 실무교육 시간조정 개선, ⑤ 행정사 실무교육 및 연수교육 주관기관 개선, ⑥ 대학교나 대학원에 행정사 교육과정 개설, ⑦ 행정사 실 무교육 시기 개선, ⑧ 행정사 만족도 향상을 위한 교육프로그램 개선, ⑨ 행정사교육 강사 양성을 위한 제도개선, ⑩ 분야 별 행정사 교육과목 개발 등이다. 이와 같이 연구결과로 제시한 행정사제도 및 행정사 교육프로그램에 대한 15개 항목에 대하여 연구 과제를 검토하여 현 실에 맞도록 제도개선이 이루어져야 할 것이며, 급변하는 행정환경에 능동적으로 대처하고, 신뢰받는 제도로 거듭나도록 하여 행정사제도의 건전한 발전에 기여할 수 있도록 끊임없는 연구와 개선을 계속해 나가야 할 것이다. 주제어 : 행정사법, 행정사제도, 행정사, 행정사 운영실태, 행정사 교육프로그램, 행정사협회

      • 發達障碍兒童을 위한 行政서비스 改善方案에 관한 硏究 : 서울시 영등포구를 중심으로

        최미경 漢城大學校 行政大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Basic concept of social welfare, from the narrowest perspective, is a carrying on the consultation and action programs for the public charges. From the broader point of view, it is a planning and executing of the laws, systems and policies regarding the income security, medical security, leisure and others for the public charges including the people in the lowest class. It is right to take social welfare, based on the broadest meaning, as the pursuit of happiness of the entire people of a country. In this study, public services was tested on the children with developmental disability whose age were under 18. Survey questioning parents who have children with developmental disability, living in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, on what kind of welfare services are needed was conducted. Major issues of the questionnaire were about economic burden, psychological burden and administrative aids that they needed when they brought up their children with developmental disability. Although Yeongdeungpo-gu researched for this study has been providing children with developmental disability with many administrative aids in diversified fields, actual number of children who receive benefits is small compared to that of total disabled children. Additionally, such benefits as monetary aid and health and medical care are not for them only but for entire disabled children and the children with developmental disability, therefore, is merely a part of them. In this case, it is not reasonable to say that the aids are for the children with developmental disability only. As shown, administrative services of Yeongdeungpo-gu for the children with developmental disability has basic programs but they seem to be quite limited and still lack of professionality in execution and the extent of the aid. What the study intended to is to propose an improvements in administrative services by suggesting legally, systematically and politically better idea needed to operate effective administrative aids for the children with developmental disability. Improvements in administrative services provided by Yeongdeungpo-gu for the children with developmental disability are as follows; First of all, in terms of finance, budget for social welfare and that for health and medical services of the local government should be put together same as in the United Kingdom and Sweden. Secondly, in psychological aspect, psycho-sociological approach as well as that of material service should be applied to supporting the children with developmental disability. Also are needed professional manpower and sharing of informations about administrative services for the children with developmental disability. And reinforcement of case management too. Thirdly, regarding the improvements in administrative aids, those in three areas are needed. Importance of the social welfare delivery system should be recognized more clearly by the government. And Ministry of Public Administration and Security has to alter their perception toward public service personnel for the administrative aids for the disabled children. It needs professionals in this field rather than general public service officials. The last one is that integrated service system of social welfare and health and medical administration should be established.(*)

      • 消防公務員의 福祉向上에 관한 硏究

        오용규 漢城大學校 行政大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        It is very important to personally increase fire officers' personal safety when performing on-site activities and give them a sense of calling and responsibility for the performance of their jobs. It is also important to socially raise their sense of mission and morale in addition to their job consciousness by improving the welfare environment of fire officers. firstly, concerning this sector of public administration performance evaluation should be made more equitable and the promotion system should be improved. The promotion system should also be improved; examinations for promotion to fire sergeant or fire lieutenant should be composed of 50 % investigation and 50 % testing. besides the assignment of fire officers to their respective positions should be made efficiently. Favoritism causes an unnecessarily frequent number of new assignments and favoritism towards specific officers should be stopped. When assigning employees to new positions or transferring them, health conditions should be considered. For the purpose of education training in work should be solidified. Frequent invitations of lecturers and the purchase of training equipment essential for education training should be budget any concerns that deserve support. The law stipulates that the status of fire officers is unique and different from that of other general public officers. Fire officers are specially designated officers. This means that the government admits the administrative demand for fire officers is different from that of other general officers. Therefore, the quota of fire officers should be separated from the total quota available to local government, and managed as a special, an external quota . Secondly, concerning the area of economic compensation the system of payment and allowances should be improved. The short budget and finance hinder the rationalization of payment. In this situation, most fire officers are interested in minor matters like various kinds of allowances rather than in demanding a change of the payment system. Policy makers and local governments should pay attention to and improve this matter. also a hospital specializing in the medical checks and treatment of fire officers should be set up. Fire officers who have to face and cope with fires find it hard to predict and detect on-site harmful environments require special approaches to medical examinations. There is a lack of a system that specializes in helping fire officers with rare diseases resulting from burns and injury of the respiratory tract. Special treatments such as plastic surgery cost too much, but under the current health insurance, the system of treating an injury sustained while on duty is not well established, and a complete treatment of such an injury is hard to obtain. Even after finishing the treatment of an injury sustained from on-site activities, fire officers suffer for a long time from post-injury stress syndrome. They are vulnerable to bacterial infection and exposed to a much higher risk of infection. The recognition of this fact makes it more necessary to establish a hospital specializing in the treatment of fire officers and secure a system for stable treatment. at the same time Government promoted lots of solutions for improvement of work environment and raising the morale such as development of working system, construction of health care and medical system, possibilities of an overtime allowance, expansion of applications to be buried in national graveyard with minimizing burial process, and substantial compensation for a surviving family of died officials, but still insufficient. For instance, in case of a surviving family receive pension and compensation by 「Law of compensation for died officials on dangerous jobs」, and can lay the dead below the national graveyard by the 1st term of the 5th article of 「Law of establishment and operation of national graveyard」. Injured officials can charge for medical expenses and fees by 「Law of pension of official」. However, there are 4 problems of these laws. First, 「Law of compensation for died officials on dangerous jobs」 only states damages got from putting out a fire or saving the life on a disaster calamity spot. Second, there is no standard to verify if it's a disease from work by inhalation of toxic gas or other harmful substances. Third, laws relevant limits the application of 'died person while duty' comparative to police or soldiers. Last, there are still in short of systematic medical process and rehabilitation program for injured officials. Thirdly, concerning the area of physical working conditions with the three-shift system introduced, more fire officers are needed and should be secured. What is particular about the organization of fire fighting is that it should always be in readiness for unpredictable occurrences. As emergency responses are common for this organization, it is greatly different from other administrative organizations whose universal and usual jobs can be treated in a leisurely manner. The system of a five-day workweek has been enforced since July, 2007. The system applies to almost all areas of society such as outdoor workers, police officers, prison officers, subway employees, and communication service employees who are all similar to fire officers. In order to comply with the regulation of a 40-hour work week, a system of three or four shifts is in operation. Though fire officers are gradually working on three shifts, current fire officers are reassigned without new ones, which is a self-providing method, not a real three-shift system. Most fire officers still work 24 on and 24 off for 84 hours a week, suffering from overwork. The national government and local governments should hire more people and improve the working system of fire officers. also safety equipment for individuals should be prepared and deteriorated fire engines should be replaced. To create a good work environment for fire fighti

      • 지방화시대에 따른 사회복지행정에 관한 연구

        김태식 漢城大學校 行政大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Local autonomy is called usually political, legal, administrative character of decentralization. Local autonomy is a administrative process and systematic apparatus which perceives the desire for the welfare by local residents and embraces such desire in broad spectrum. One of primary objectives for implementing local autonomy is to vitalize the special nature and uniqueness of given locality and furnish welfare services. This dissertation is designed to review on the status and problems related to local autonomy aiming for the protection of lives of the local residents and administration for social welfare and provide alternatives in policies. In the 2nd Chapter, the significance of the age of localization and local autonomy have been perused and the functions of administration for social welfare being performed by administrative agencies of the local autonomy have been studied. In Chapter 3, the status and issues related to administration for social welfare have been studied and in Chapter 4 the measures for improvements for the issues emerged have been discussed. And included in this study are firstly, the methods for securing finance for public welfare agencies, the system of raising joint fund from the given region, financing for private welfare organizations and means for securing financial supports through local taxations were analyzied. Secondly, as measures for improving the specialists for welfare agencies and organizations the need for enhancing the environmental factors so as to provide pride and boost in morale of the people being engaged in the field of social welfare has been suggested and the emphasis has been placed upon special educations and employment of specialists by social welfare organizations and furnishing motivations to these people has been discussed. Thirdly, the need for more positive delegation of responsibilities for the operation, conferring the right for autonomy for the welfare administration and the local social welfare organization should be more reinforced and vitalized. Fourthly, as to the question for the system of exclusive agency responsible for transmitting social welfare functions it is required that the agency in charge of such responsibility should be independent and more expanded and shall engage in the welfare service coinciding with the purpose of the local autonomy. Further more the roles of private social welfare organizations should be increased so that they can assume expanded functions in terms of accessibility and operations. Moreover more ideological and practical ideas for service by the families should be expanded. Social welfare administration should be provided to the people eligible in consideration of uniqueness and independence of the region rather than implementation of centralization. From this sense, the welfare administration befitting to the era of localization should be based on responsiveness and democratic principles and the rationality and effectiveness should be more improved and it should be geared to the protection of physical welfare of the residents and contribution for the assured conditions for better life style.

      • 幼兒敎育制度의 變遷과 그 發展方向摸索에 관한 硏究

        김미래 漢城大學校 行政大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        This study was aimed to theorogical consideration and transition of infants education system and to find out its developmental direction... The result and summary of this study are : Firstly, to be public education of infant school was still insufficient because of low enterence rate and Inequality of educational opportunity for infants. Thus the public education should be extension of infants school such as it included in regular education system and practice of compulsory education without expensis 5 years infants. Increase a number of public infant school and verify private school to public to reconsideration of entering rate increase. For the equalization of education opportunity, the government should support education expensis for low-income citizens and country folk, also the womens who got in job. Furthermore, it need to increase of monetary support to infant school to advance the quality of education. Secondly, currently educational environment such as facilities of infant school, difference of quality between regional and public of private, the scale of each infants school and operation of all day class were appeared as insufficiently. For the reform of these insufficient environment, the government budget must be more increased and infants school must be increased, depend on regional situation, to permit enter the school anybody who want. Thirdly, another problem to reform were there haven't any education development organization for infants school curriculum, out of harmony between infant education and protection function with simplicated curriculum and program, it also have less connectiveness with elementary school curriculum. Both of teaching and lesson method was just simplicated and cramming method and evaluation about infants education curriculum was insufficient. As one of way of reform for these troubled curriculum, it was necessary to structure of responsibility organization to develop and operation of advanced infant curriculum. The curriculum of infant education must be consists of reasonable education to fuifil of infant's growing level and their interested, valuable education in social organization and it should be democrative citizens education. And the education program had to developed with variety as reasonable for local society. It must be adjusted of protection and educational function also different educational direction each age level and should be more powerful relationship with elementary school curriculum. Teaching method should be respect of infant's personality with approaching of variety and synthetic. And be more strengthen of valuation system about infant education curriculum. Founthly, to reform of currently infant school, it should be more spread of public education, to reform of inferior educational environment and contineously financial and administral support from local and cenral goverment. Together with these support, it asked to correct acknowledgement of importance for infant education and positively supporting attitude from whole concerned goveners, parents of infants and concerned people in infant education fields.

      • 고르바쵸프의 改革政策에 관한 硏究 : 蘇聯事態 以前까지의 政治ㆍ經濟改革을 中心으로

        최문영 한성대학교 행정대학원 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        1985년을 계기로 고르바쵸프 공산당 서기장은 레닌 이후 경직되어온 소련체제를 새로운 안목에서 근본적으로 변혁하려는 개혁정책이 행해지고 있었다. 고르바쵸프는 침체된 경제건설을 우선적 목표로 설정하고 있었으며, 이를 위해 대내적으로 신사고를 통해 국내개혁에 집중하고 국내개혁에 필요한 서방의 경제협력을 얻을 수 있는 외적환경 조성에 노력하고 있었다. 여기에는 내적으로 소련경제개발에서 참여를 유도하기 위한 법령에 개정, 또는 제정과 경제특구의 지정이 포함되어 있었으며, 외적으로는 군축제안과 해외주둔, 소련군의 철수 등의 평화공세와 주변국가들과의 갈등요인을 해소하고자 하는 노력이 포함되어 있었다. 고르바쵸프의 개혁정책에서 가장 핵심적인 내용은 경제적 효율성과 생산성을 제고시키고, 과학기술개발을 촉진하고자 하는 경제개혁이었다. 경제개혁의 목적을 달성하기 위해서는 다야한 사회주의적인 소유형태, 즉 사적 소유를 위한 소유의 다원화, 다양한 소유형태들 간의 동등한 경쟁, 소유의 탈국가화 등이 보다 폭넓게 실현되어야 하는데, 현재 소련에서는 농업과 기타의 영역에서의 협동조합적 운영을 장려하고 있었으며, 임대제와 청부제, 개인기업을 부활시켰다. 또한 임차법, 소유제법, 국가기업법 등의 제정은 사회주의적 소유에 관한 시장사회주의 진전의 일면을 보여주고 있다. 그러나, 소유제도의 개혁은 필연적으로 소속절차의 확대 및 불로소득의 중대, 급격한 인플레이션등의 문제를 낳을 것이다. 사회적 소유의 테두리를 벗어나는 자본축적으로 이어지는 많은 문제를 발생시킬 것이므로 이에 대한 대안이 제시되어야 한다. 고르바쵸프의 개혁정치는 계속되는 경제부진과 민족문제, 그리고 보수파의 저항과 급진개혁파의 불만 속에서, 복수후보제 및 비밀투표제 도입 등의 개혁, 대통령제의 도입등 정부의 개혁, 그리고 다당제의 도입과 신정치강령의 채택등, 당의 개혁을 추구하였다. 28차 당대회에서는 개혁안의, 강령선언이 관철되지 못하였지만, 당 지도부 개편에 있어서 보수파의 등장을 좌절시키는데는 성공을 했다. 한편, 고르바쵸프는 개혁정책을 소비에트 체제의 전반적인 개혁과 재편을 겨냥한 혁명으로 파악하면서 이는 또한 “위로부터 혁명”과 “밑으로 부터의 혁명”의 성격을 동시에 가지는 특성을 가진다고 했다. 개혁정치의 유형별 형태에 있어서는 장기간 계속되는 목표를 변화시키는 정책개혁, 정책결정이 절차를 변화시켜 능률화하는 것을 목표로 하는 조직 및 행정개혁이 있으며, 그리고 기존의 근간이 되는 정치, 경제구조를 변화시키는 구조 및 제도개혁이 있다. 고르바쵸프의 개혁정책은 시장과 자본주의의 경제매카니즘을 그들의 사회주의 계획경제에 접목시키려고 애쓰고 있으나, 국유화된 사회주의경제가 다양한 경제모델과 결코 타협 불가능한 것은 아니다. 즉, 경제적 합리성은 증대될 수 있으나 경제적인 정책결정이 항상 정치력의 행정 및 경영적 통제에서 벗어날 수 없는 것이 그들이 갖는 한계이다. 그리고 고르바쵸프정권의 체제개혁 방향에 대한 논쟁에 있어서는 소련사태 및 소연방해체 이후 민주개혁세력이 주도하는 러시아에서는 더 이상 큰 문제가 되지 않으며 그보다는 정치민주화와 시장경제개혁을 추진해 나가는데에 따르는 실천적 문제들이 논쟁에 초점이 모아지고 있다. 따라서 옐친정권의 경우 이들 목표를 위하여 정치.경제 등의 사회 각 부문에서 구체적으로 어떤 제도들을 유기적으로 연결시키면서 창출해 나갈 것인가 하는 것이 주요과제로 되고 있다. At the 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev, a political leader in the Soviet Union, had been reforming fundamentally its political and economic structure which had been sturdy after Lenin with a new eye. Mikhail Gorbachev made a first target which rebuild a depressed economy and for this on the one hand domestically push political and economic reforms foward such as Perestroika and Glasnosti, on the other hand concentrated on the domestic reforms and tried to make a favorably external circumstances which was useful to the domestic reforns by the new thinking. The corest matters in his reforms are economic efficiencies and economic reforms to improve low productivities and to stimulate the developement of the science technologies. For the purpose of achieving the target of economic reforms, various socialistic possession styles had to be widely realized such as multilateral possessions for the private ones and equal competetion between various possession styles and denationalization of possessions, so the Soviet Union encoraged a cooperative association in the agriculture and other spheres and revived private usiness, a contract for work and lease. Enacting the law of lease, possession law and national business law show one side of progress toward market socialism in the socialistic possessions Gorbachev drived party reforms such as plural candidates, a reforming of the secret vote, accepting a presidential system, introducing a multiparty system and adopting a new platform in the continual economic inactivity, ethnic problems and between the conservities resistance. On the 28th party convention a new platform of the reform was not passed by Gorbachev frustrate a raising of the conservatives in the reorganization of of party's direction committee. Mikhail Gorbachev grasped the meaning of the reform polies as a revoution for the nationwide reform and reorganization of the Soviet Union so this have simultaneously two features like " a revolution from the above " and " a revolution from the below. Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms tried to graft market and capitalistic economic mechanism to the Soviet Union' planned economy and a nationalized socialistic economy is possible to match with various economic models. Nevertheless economic efficiencies, the limitation of the reforms is that political administration and management always control the economic policy decisions.

      • 學校保健事業위 制度 改善方案에 關한 硏究

        추미호 漢城大學校 行政大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        This is a descriptive study on systematic improvements of efficient school health service for us to realize the present condition of school health projects and its problems. The social environment of education is revolutionarily changing. So the school health service must be changed. Thus we have to find out its problem through the past years of process and make a system out of many designed devices. The purposes of this study are : ① We should find out the present situation and the problems of health management, health education, health environment, health food supply. ② We should emphasize the importance of health education more than any other school health service, and think over health subjects and teachers' qualities. ③ There need to be a new foundation and improvement for new laws regulation concerning to school health in school health policy. While seeing many school health nurses less motivated by passive services such as drug management, vaccination, health education, health examination, etc., I have to inform you of some descriptive and standard methods by related theses or books in order to realize improvements of school health service. In this way, I'd like to suggest some conclusion of this study of school health parts as follows. First, school is not the place which some groups or parts take advantage of mass examination (urine test, chest X-ray check, physical examination, etc.) management of health problem, management of an infectious disease but the place serving as efficient school health education. Second, I suggest the health education must be conducted with much force and that school health nurse should to be health educator. Finally, we must continuously study these things without doubts to make health subjects through the school curricula.

      • 中國의 改革.開放政策에 關한 硏究

        김덕성 漢城大學校 行政大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        1976년 9월 毛澤東이 사망한 후, 2년의 과도기를 거치고 나서, 중국은 1978년 12월 공산당 第十一期 三中全會 이후 개혁정치라고 하는 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화등 모든 분야에서 큰 전환점을 맞이하게 되었다. 이것은 개혁·개방정책하에서 농업·공업·과학기술 및 국방부문의 4개 현대화를 통한 경제성장을 국가의 최고목표로 삼음으로써, 1949년 이후 중국의 낙후된 경제발전을 위하여 생산력 향상에 전력을 기울이고 있으며, 그 결과 중국은 경제적인 면에서 현저한 성장을 가져왔다. 이와 같은 개혁노선은 정치·사회·문화 및 대외정책 등의 분야에서도 상당한 변화를 보이고 있는 것이다. 본격적인 개혁·개방을 실시하기 위해서는 이데올로기와 정치체제의 대담한 개혁을 실시하지 않을 수 없다는 것이다. 사실 개혁론자들은 과거 이데올로기와 정책, 제도를 실랄하게 비판하면서 나름대로 개혁논리를 개발하려고 하였는데, 그것이 바로 「社會主義 初級段階論」인 것이다. 그리고 鄧小平의 개혁·개방정책은 「4개 현대화」를 통하여 중국의 경제건설을 이룩하려하고, 中國式 社會主義를 건설하려고 노력하고 있다. 이러한 鄧小平의 개혁·개방정책의 내용을 간추려 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경제체계의 개혁에 있어서는 실용주의 노선의 본격적인 추진아래 일어난 농업부문, 공업·기업부문, 및 가격체계와 시장경제체제의 도입 그리고 유통체계와 금융제도를 개혁하고 행정수단에 의한 관리방식을 탈피하여 기업자신이 독자적으로 경영문제를 처리하는 방식의 기업경영자주권의 확대등이 있으며, 둘째, 정치체계의 개혁은 당과 정부의 업무, 당업무와 기업업무가 적절하게 분리되어야 한다는 당·정 분리, 권력을 분산하여 중앙과 지방의 관계를 해결해야 하는 지방분산, 당과 정부기구의 개혁 및 혁명화, 연소화, 지식화, 전문화 등 당의 개선방안인 간부체제의 개혁이 있으며, 무법천지상태를 개선하여 인민들의 행위를 규제하고 정상적인 사회질서를 바로 잡으려는 사회주의 민주와 법제 등이 있다. 셋째, 군부의 개혁에는 중국의 특색을 가진 현대화된 혁명군대를 건설하자는 국방의 현실화의 방향과 강력한 현대화와 정규화의 혁명군대가 되어야 한다는 군개혁의 실현 등이 있다. 넷째, 중국 개방정책에 있어서는 ① 經濟特區가 있는데 최우선적으로 개발된 深수經濟特區, 마카오 인접지역에 위치한 15.183㎢의 珠海經濟特區, 廣東省에 인접한 52.6㎢의 汕頭經濟特區, 福建省 중부연안에 위치한 13㎢의 厦門經濟特區가 있으며, 14개의 개방도시(大連, 泰皇島, 靑律, 煙臺 靑島, 連雲港, 南通, 上海, 寧疲, 溫州, 福州, 廣州, 諶江 및 北海와 海南島)와 珠江 델타, 揚子江 델타, 南厦위泉 델타, 遼東半島, 山東半島의 5개의 개방구가 있다. ②외화도입, ③무역제도의 개혁 등이 있다. 등소평은 개혁정치 가운데 경제개혁을 가장 으뜸으로 생각하고 있었으며, 개혁·개방정책을 추진해 나가는데 통화팽창과 물가상승, 분배의 불균형 당간부의 부정부패, 실업문제와 사회적불안 등 경제적인 부작용이 심각한 문제를 불러 일으키며, 개혁·개방정책은 보수·개혁파세력이 강한제동을 걸면서 급진개혁파들을 비판·견제하며 정치적 압박을 가해왔다. 민주화를 요구하는 학생시위는 결국 천안문사태로 발전하였던 것이다. 천안문사태를 계기로 趙紫陽을 비롯한 개혁파 다수가 제거 되었으며, 姜擇民을 중심으로한 새로운 지도체제하에서 민주화의 요구를 부분적으로 수용하면서 사회주의 체제의 위기를 극복하고자 노력하였다. Passing 2 year transition period upon Mao's death on Sep.1976, China faced a tremendous turning point called reform politics in all fields of politics, economy, society and culture since 11th People's Congress of the 3rd Party Convention on Dec. 1978. Under this reform politics, China put its primary national goal at economic growth by modernizing agricultural, industrial, scientific technologies, and national defence and exerted all possible efforts to increase the productivity of its under developed economy since the establishment of Communist Goverment in 1949. As a result of these efforts. China achived an outstanding development in economy and this reform line affected a big change in other fields such as political, social, cultural and foreign policies as well. They came to realize that radical reforms should be made in ideology and political system for better reforms and open policies. In fact, reformists used to try to develop their own reform theories by criticizing severely established ideology, policies and institutions. We can call this "theory of Early Stage in socialism." Deng Xiaoping's reformative open Policies characterize both economic construction and establishment of Chinese socialism through modernization in 4 fields as stated above. His reformative open policies feature followings; First, Reforms of Economic System include agricultural and industrial reforms which already inspired by the promotion of real practicalism. They include introduction of price and market economy with the reforms in distribution structure and financial sustem Larger allowance of enterprise ownership is also indluded to enable the management to deal with their own matters for themselves without the control of administra five structure. Second, Reforms of Political System target the separation of party and the Executive based on the proper division of their affairs. Separation of powers between central and local governments, restructuring of party and government organs are equally required. They also try to reshuffle party executives through revolutionization, orientation toward younger generation of party leadership, intellectualization, and specialization. Socialistic emocracy and laws are needed to control the people's state of extreme disorder, to improve the public order and to maintain social stability. Third, Reforms of the Military aim realization of national defense for modernization of Revolutionary Forces with Chinese character and military reforms for strong Revolutionary Forces with modernization and regularity. Fourth, Chinese open policies diversify economic special district, introuduction of foreign capital and reforms of trade system Economic special dstricts have such five open zones as Simchun Special District that was developed with priority. 12,183 square kilometers of Juhae Special District near Macao, Wumun Special District with 52.6 square kilometers near Canton and 13 square kilometers near central seaboard of Fukien, 14 open cities (Daeyun, Jinwhangdo, Chungjin, Yundae, Tsingtao, Yungunhang, Namyong,Shaoghai, Yungpa, Onju, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, gikang, Pukhae, Haenamdo) and 5 open areas of Jukang Delta, Yangtzechiang Delta, Namha Changcuh Delta, Yodong Peninsula and Shantung Peninsula. Among above open policies, Deng Xiaoping's priority was on the economic reforms. But these reforms caused various serious problems like currency inflation, price rise, disproportion of distribution, illegality and corruption of party executives, unemployment, and social stability, Accordingly, reformative open policies faced a strong counter-attack from conservative who pressed the radical refornmists to stop or slow down these policies and who took advantage of these economic side effects politically. The last, student demonstration demandng democratization escalated into Tianmun incident. Many of reformists including Chochiyang were removed from the power after Tiannva incident China, under the new dip of Chianzemin, accepted a portion of democratization demands and tried to overcome the crisis of socialistic system.

      • 우리나라 영·유아 보육시설 운영제도상의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        최인영 한성대학교 행정대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        As the infancy is a fundamental period having a significant effect on one's whole life, the infant nursing is very important. This infant nursing aims at taking care of infants for their maturer life. Comprehensive diagnosis and prescription of the existing activities are required to improve the nursing work, This diagnosis can discover problems of the existing works and give opportunities to find ways to settle them. To build more efficient nursing programs, parents' needs and human, physical, and institutional resources to meet the needs must be provided. When the parents' needs, resources of nurseries, and legal and administrative devices are in harmony, more rational nursing programs will be provided. Therefore, this study aimed at suggesting activation schemes to provide genuine welfare service institutions giving infants in nurseries good nurture and inducing parents to participate in economic activities by comparing infant nursing system in advanced countries with that in Korea and especially examining problems of governmental support and various equipments of nurseries. To improve administrative system of infant day care centers, first, considering that it is a social welfare work required of positive governmental support contrary to other fields including schools, annex preschools, private preschools, religious facilities, and welfare centers, private nurseries need support for all the administrative costs at the same level of national and public facilities and check for substantial administration to elevate the quality of nurture; second, personal expenses and operational costs for facilities among nursing costs as the finance of nurseries must be paid with public finances in that they nurture members of society for the next generation, and graded nursing costs must be applied according to household circumstances; third, nurture appropriate for infancy and more concrete and systematic curricular programs built by experts are required, for which operational policies for nurture must be consistent; and fourth, programs to elevate the quality of teachers are required and their pay and career approval system must be improved in order to allow those working in nurseries to have more enhanced participation consciousness. Most of all, since financial problems of nursing facilities are the greatest reason that qualitative nursing service can't be provided, nursing teachers must be improved qualitatively and given better treatment. As the infancy is a critical period for one's physical, emotional, linguistic, cognitive, social, and personal development, proper nurture in this period can form the basis of the most important human development in one's whole life. This nurture in the infancy is an important issue that can influence one's lifetime. Therefore, it is urgent that welfare policies which enable anyone to be benefited by various and superior nurture service must be provided for child welfare.

      • 韓國敎會의 새신자 敎育 改善 方案에 관한 硏究

        김상기 漢城大學校 行政大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        There have been growth in the Korean church quantatively by faithfully fulfilling the missionary work rather than fulfilling the educational mission in the Korean church. Thus it brought a marked lowering and dullness in the growth of Christian education because of lowering the qualitative growth. Especially, I thought the reason is the absence of the new believers' education, so I placed the focus on the theory of the new believers' education first in this study and tried to seek a substantial phase of the new believers' education in the Korean church. The new believers' education in the Bible is simplified by learning the method and content from the ancient code of law and various ceremonies etc. that are to be learned in our living by participating with the whole family. The education centers were composed of home, church, and tabernacle in early church and the prophets, rabbis, and elders mainly educated the adults for the new believers' education. The children's education were made by their parents. The contents of the new believers' education in the past church were simplified by the gospel of God and the kingdom of God as the teachings of Jesus Christ using the Bible as teaching aids. The educational method is adopted by using a man to man education as the small scale missionary work with the preaching of St. Paul as the central figure, and thus there have been formed the Korean church of today. But the contents of the new believers' education in the Korean church are complicated in the following study of comparison. The teaching aids such as teaching program of the Bible study and other teaching aids are used by the missions other than using the Bible of the past church. It is impossible to teach the new believers without having the good teaching aids and trained Sunday School teachers. Without reformation of the teacher in charge, it is impossible to teach the new believers in our Korean church completely because the heart of all the education in the Korean church is concentrated upon the teacher in charge of Sunday School class. As a starting point of the 2nd century of missionary work, it is necessary to make a definite decision of the teacher in charge of Sunday School class to have the 2nd revival era. First of all, to give the right of preference of the pastoral direction to the new believers' education, referring to the contents and methods of the new believers' education in the Bible, our Korean church must produce a large number of Sunday School teachers as laymen and entrust this missionary work to them, and thus we can achieve our purpose of the new believers' education by running parallel with the past church(a small scale missionary work centering around the preaching of St. Paul) and the modern church(a large scale missionary work centering around the preaching of St. Peter).

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