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      • 공학적 추정법에 기반한 신재생발전소의 유지보수 비용 추정에 대한 연구

        신윤오 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        As the spread of new and renewable power generation facilities, the fixed investment cost CAPEX(Capital Expenditure) of solar power generation facilities decreases due to continuous technological development, and the impact of O&M costs that determine investment success has increased. For this reason, the importance of technologies such as accuracy of O&M cost calculation through ICT(Information & Communications Technology), failure prediction, and predictive maintenance have emerged. In the above paper, based on the cost-breakdown structure design and failure rate model design of the solar power generation facility using engineering estimation method, the maintenance cost of the solar power generation facility, which is a renewable power generation facility, is predicted and the maintenance cost used was compared and confirmed. In addition, the cost-breakdown structure and failure rate model of solar power generation facilities were designed and developed by incorporating them into a new program of economic evaluation of new and renewable power generation facilities. A comparative verification was conducted between the accounting analysis of the standard calculation service of power generation facility maintenance cost that is currently used in the O&M cost calculation by the power generation company and the new program for the program (Price) used to calculate the O&M cost of military facilities in the United States. Through this, the cost-breakdown structure, failure rate model, and the reliability of economic evaluation are secured to estimate the exact O&M cost of the solar power plant. It will be possible to secure economic feasibility through optimal operation such as preventive maintenance through securing O&M cost calculation solutions optimized for the new and renewable energy industry and failure prediction core technology.

      • 系統連繫 營農形 太陽光 最適 設置 方案

        김민석 경상대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        This study, based on the publications and prior researches relating to Solar PV system as well as the case studies on Agro-photovoltaic system, proposes an optimal method to install Grid-tied Agro-PV system in Korea. International community has been committed to developing and expanding new and renewable energy in line with the shift of energy paradigm—backed by the Paris Climate Agreement which induces a reduction of green house gas. In Korea, Agro-PV system, which enables a mutual growth of agriculture and Solar PV, has become more prospective, considering the issues such as damaging forest to secure more lands for Solar PV installation, speculative investment in real estates and conflicts in agricultural industry arisen from KOR-US FTA as well as a potential of Solar PV system thanks to the government’s renewable energy initiatives. Agro-PV system is currently at a stage of substantiation. It has shown a potential of winning in the global market by owning a technology for module arrangement and structure designing that minimize a reduction in rice yield while benefiting from power generation business, which can play a huge role in increasing a farmer’s income and expanding Solar PV system. I’d like this study to help provide farmers with Grid-tied Agro-PV system to which one-stop service through big data is applied for an optimal operation. In addition, it is believed that business model co-developed by a public corporation and a generation company will secure both publicness and profitability.

      • 해상 풍력발전 에너지 생산량 실증 연구

        강성호 경상대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        Efforts are being made to implement the Paris Agreement globally, and in December 2017, the government announced the "Implementation Plan for a Renewable Energy 3020 Plan" to increase the proportion of renewable energy generation to 20% by 2030. The government plans to supply a total of 63.8 GW of accumulated renewable energy capacity by 2030, and supply more than 95% of new facilities with clean energy such as solar and wind power. In order to achieve 20% of renewable energy generation by 2010, 13 GW of offshore wind power should be supplied. The offshore wind power has some advantage of having not only better wind quality but also being able to be constructed in large scale with compared to the onshore wind power. On the other hand, it has high cost of construction and maintenance, limited access besides risk of erosion of facilities by sea water. Considering above tough conditions in offshore wind power, the verification of the energy output of the offshore wind farm is essential factor. For this purpose, this study aims to conduct an empirical study on 'Tamra offshore wind farm', the first offshore wind farm in Korea. In this paper, we estimate the annual generation of wind turbines, examine the layout of the turbines to increase the maximum power generation efficiency, measure and evaluate the output performance after installing the power generation facilities. As a result of comparing the estimated amount of power generation with that of actual one year, The amount of actual generation exceeds 113 % of estimated power generation amount. These results confirm the commercial success of the offshore wind power project in Korea and will be used as basic data for the development of large offshore wind farm.

      • 지역상생협력을 위한 수상태양광 활용방안에 대한 연구

        윤종석 경상대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This study highlights the necessity of expanding Floating PV system using idle water surface, and proposes an alternative to co-development of Korea Energy (KOEN) and the local community. For that, Various research data were utilized to verify the efficiency of the national territory use and a need of shifting to future-oriented distributed system as well as the benefits of the system such as high generation efficiency and algal bloom control. In addition, by looking in to the results of Safety Verification on the adverse environmental factors, the necessity of Floating PV system has been identified. In order to revitalize Floating PV system, while overcoming the challenges lying in the renewable energy industry and achieving the target of the government’s Renewable 2030 Policy, an improvement of installation-related laws and relaxation of the regulations are required. Viewed in this light, I’d like to suggest an installation of Floating PV system in Jinyang Lake, which enables to relieve imbalanced development of the community and promote win-win growth between KOEN and Jinju City. This study, based on a research on the favorable climate conditions and external environment of Jinyangho Lake, analyzes possible generation capacity according to inclined angle in case of installing 10MW Floating PV system with PV System Software.

      • 營農形太陽光 普及에 관한 硏究

        김영오 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        본 연구의 목적은 태양광 발전설비를 농지에 공동으로 위치시켜 태양광 발전과 농업생산을 동시에 수행할 수 있는 영농형태양광 발전사업의 보급을 위해 경제성분석을 통한 사업성 있는 최적의 영농형태양광 사업모델을 찾고자 하는데 있다. 영농형태양광 경제성 분석을 위한 프로젝트명을‘영농형태양광 1 MW 발전사업’이라고 하고, 본인의 토지에 설치하는 경우, 토지 임대를 통하여 설치하는경우, 농어촌상생협력기금을 활용하는 경우를 순현재가치(NPV), 내부수익률(IRR), 비용편익비율(B/C Ratio)의 분석방법을 통해 경제성 분석을 하였다.본인의 토지에 영농형태양광을 설치하는 경우에는 순현재가치(NPV)는 71,494천원으로‘0’보다 크고, 내부수익률(IRR)은 5.15%로 기준 할인율인 4.7% 보다 크며, 비용편익비율(B/C Ratio)은 1.037로 사업성 판단 기준인‘1’보다 크므로, 세가지 모든 조건에서 사업성이 있는 걸로 나오고, 토지를 임대하여 영농형태양광을 설치하는 경우에는 순현재가치(NPV)가 –212,481천원으로‘0’보다 작고, 내부수익률(IRR)은 3.31%로 기준 할인율 4.7% 보다 작으며, 비용편익비율(B/C Ratio)은 0.889로 사업성 판단 기준인‘1’보다 작으므로, 세가지 모든 조건에 부합하지 못해 사업성이 없는 걸로 나왔다.또한, 농어촌상생협력기금을 활용하여 영농형태양광을 설치하는 경우에는 자기자본금 2억원을 제외한 나머지 18억원을 상생협력기금에서 지원을 받으므로, 순현재가치(NPV)는 1,618,314천원으로‘0’보다 크고, 내부수익률(IRR)은 78.95%로 기준 할인율인 4.7% 보다 크며, 비용편익비율(B/C Ratio)은 1.847로 사업성 판단기준인‘1’보다 크므로, 세가지 모든 조건에서 사업성이 있는 걸로 나와, 농어촌상생협력기금을 활용한 영농형태양광 사업모델이 영농형태양광의 보급을 위한 최적의 사업모델임을 확인할 수 있다.영농형태양광 발전사업의 확산을 위해 농어촌상생협력기금을 활용한 사업모델을 먼저 한국남동발전을 비롯한 6개 발전공기업을 중심으로 2021년 현재까지 출연된 721억원의 상생협력기금을 적극 활용하여 공기업별 연간 300 kW씩 10년사업을 했을 경우 현재 2.7 MW 대비 667%나 증가한 18 MW를 달성할 수 있을것으로 본다.향후에는 영농형태양광 발전사업의 전국적인 확산을 위해서는 사업 수익성 제고노력과 영농형태양광 기술개발 뿐만 아니라, 인허가 등의 제도정비 및 주민참여형 사업모델 개발 등 다양한 측면에서의 사업화 노력이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to find the best agro-photovoltaic generating business model that can fulfill sunlight generation and agricultural production at the same time through economic analysis. The title of campaign for the economic analysis is 'Agro-Photovoltaic 1 MWProject.’ In case of installing on one’s own land, leased land and using farming and fishing village’s cooperstion fund are analysed by net present value (NPV), internal return rate (IRR), and cost-benefit ratio (B/C Ratio). In case of installing a agro-photovoltaic equipment on one’s own land, NPV would be 71,494,000 won which is greater than ‘0’, IRR would be 5.15% which is bigger than the base discount rate(4.7%) and B/C Ratio would be 1.037 which is larger than business feasibility criteria ‘1’. There is business feasibility in all three conditions. In case of installing a agro-photovoltaic equipment on leased land, NPV would be -212,481,000 won which is less than ‘0’, IRR would be 3.31% which is less than the base discount rate(4.7%), and B/C Ratio would be 0.889 which is less than business feasibility criteria ‘1’. Since it does not meet all three conditions, it is not businessable. In case of setting a agro-photovoltaic equipment up by farming and fishing village’s cooperation fund, about 1.8 billion won excluding equity capital (0.2 billion won) can be supported from the fund. By analysis, NPV would be 1,618,314,000 won which is greater than ‘0’, IRR would be 78.95% which is larger than the base discount rate(4.7%) and B/C Ratio would be 1.847 which is bigger than business feasibility criteria. We can figure out that the business model, utilizing the farming and fishing village’s cooperation fund is the most optimal option.By using the agro-photovoltaic generation project supported from the Rural Win-win Cooperation Fund, higher energy generation could be achieved. If each of six power generation public enterprises including KOEN(Korea South-East Power Co.) produce 300 kW for 10 years while utilizing the fund(about 72.1 billion won), 18 MW can be generated, which is 667% higher than current 2.7 MW. In the future, to spread out the agro-photovoltaic generation projects, numerous efforts need to be made in various ways, including enhancing business profitability, developing agro-photovoltaic technologies, reorganizing and improving the system such as licensing, and developing residentparticipatory business models.

      • 전력최적화기를 이용한 태양광발전 시스템 실증 연구

        전태연 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This study focuses on investigating equipment failures in photovoltaic systems and conducting a practical study on photovoltaic generation by developing a panel level Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking(DMPPT) system. As solar energy gains popularity as a renewable energy source, it is important to ensure that the photovoltaic systems are maintained and operated effectively. The study explores the common problems associated with photovoltaic systems and the importance of developing new system in preventing and addressing these issues. The study uses a qualitative approach, drawing on literature review and new technology development. The results indicate that common issues with solar power systems include wiring faults, module damage, and inverter failures. To prevent these issues, regular maintenance is essential. System performance monitoring is essential for maintenance activities. The developed system enables remote monitoring of individual panels, allowing for more precise and efficient operation compared to traditional string level monitoring. The findings of this study can be useful to facility mangers, PV system owners.

      • 육상태양광과 해상태양광 발전의 비교분석에관한 연구

        이희구 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The purpose of this study was to compare and review the installation of solar power systems on land and water, and to maximize the installation of solar power generation facilities in line with the government’s new and renewable energy basic plan and use them as part of the “Energy Carbon Neutral” strategy. The main contents of this study were compared to each other by analyzing the overall structure and principle of solar power facilities, the structure and installation method, and the advantages and disadvantages of water-type solar power facilities and land-type solar power facilities. In addition, the installation cost and the output power of the two types power plants are compared by analyzing the actual solar power plants. The results of this paper can be used to find the best way to install the solar power facilities to maximize the efficiency

      • 풍력발전단지 입지선정을 위한 발전량 예측에 관한 연구 : 풍력발전단지 입지선정 계획은 풍속이 우수한 지역중심으로

        최창용 경상국립대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This paper deals with the prediction of generation output essential for verifying the feasibility of installed offshore wind power generators. So it is derived a new probabilistic output expression that combines a wind generator output with a generator output characteristic curve. It also explains how wind speeds measured on the ground can be corrected to wind speeds at the height of the wind generator, as the wind speed change depending on the location. This derived output prediction method is applied to the planned wind farms in Joguri and Dapori areas in southern Geoje Island to predict the output. The results and methods in this study are expected to be useful for profitability evaluation of planning new wind farm.

      • 확률론적 시뮬레이션 방법을 이용한 탐라해상 풍력발전단지의 신뢰성과 경제성 및 CO2 절감 기여도 평가

        이기백 경상대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This study is described an algorithm for probabilistic production cost and reliability credit evaluation of wind turbine generators(WTG) with multi-state and aims to analysis the reliability of wind power generator in Jeju Island power system in order to maintain the operational state of power system at the reliability criterion level. An analysis on generated capacity of wind power generator with Tamla offshore wind farm, which owned by KOEN(Korea South-East Power Co.Ltd.) and without Tamla offshore wind farm has been done in terms of Effective Load Carrying Capability(ELCC) and Capacity Credit(C.C.) in power system from the perspective of Loss of Load Expectation(LOLE). This paper proposes that case studies in this paper demonstrate how it changes the ELCC and the C.C. in addition of economic feasibility according to the Tamla offshore wind farm probabilistic in Jeju island also depending on variation of wind speed, is studied the total production cost, average production cost, CO2 emission and CO2 emission cost reduction. These are also evaluated in view point of contribution of economics and environment.

      • 次世代 SOFC(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) 技術에 관한 硏究

        박창학 경상대학교 융합과학기술대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        This paper is to study Solid Oxide Fuel Cell("SOFC") technology which is becoming increasingly more important in recent power development market. It will further discuss the most suitable fuel cell type for South Korea through economic and efficiency analysis by type of fuel cell in operation. Fist of all, the government's new and renewable energy policy outlook, starting with a recent survey on the domestic and foreign fuel cell market trends, is used to determine the feasibility of the fuel cell business. In this paper, I analyzed the characteristics of SOFC development, theoretical study of the system technology and the level of progress in SOFC technology for each generation. Finally, the efficiency and the economics of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cel("PAFC") and SOFC were analyzed based on actual operational data. In particular, this paper will discuss the true value of SOFC through a projected business feasibility study over the next 30 years, taking into account sales including REC market trend and operating costs.

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