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      • 한·중 미각어에 나타난 개념적 은유 양상 대조 연구

        LI, XINYANG 이화여자대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        본 연구는 한국어와 중국어에 공존하는 다섯 가지 기본 미각어 '달다/甜','쓰다/苦', '맵다/辣', '시다/酸', '짜다/鹹'를 연구 대상으로 삼아, 한·중 사전 에 제시한 한중 다섯 가지 미각어 의미 해석을 바탕으로 인지언어학의 개념적 은유 이론을 이용해 한중 미각어에 나타난 개념적 은유 양상을 계통적으로 대조 분석하였다. 본 연구는 모두 다섯 장으로 구성하였다. 제1장 서론에서는 연구 필요성과 연구 대상 그리고 선행 연구를 고찰하였다. 제2장에서는 연구 대상인 미각어의 개념을 규정하고 한·중 기본 미각어의 사전적 의미를 정리하였으므로 한·중 다섯 가지 미각어의 기본 의미가 거의 동일하다고 확인하였다. 한·중 미각어의 확장 의미를 잘 이해할 수 있도록 확장 의미와 대응한 용례도 같이 제시하였다. 또한 개념적 은유 이론을 제시한 다음에 한·중 미각어에서 개념적 은유가 어떻게 실현되는지를 간단하게 살펴보았다. 제3장에서는 말뭉치 용례를 활용해 한국어와 중국어에서 다섯 가지 맛을 근원영역으로 추상적인 목표영역을 이해하는 데에 사용되는 '달다/甜', '쓰다/苦', '맵다/辣', '시다/酸', '짜다/鹹' 등 미각어에 나타난 개념적 은유 양상을 제시하고 살펴보았다. '달다/甜', '쓰다/苦', '맵다/辣'에 나타나는 개념적 은유가 상대적으로 다양하며 동일한 목표영역을 가진 경우도 많다고 보인다. 이와 비해 '시다/酸', '짜다/鹹'에서 동일한 목표영역을 가진 경우도 있지만 상대적으로 좀 드물긴 하다. 제4장에서는 한·중 미각어에 나타난 개념적 은유 양상을 대조하여 미각어로 은유할 수 있는 목표영역이 출현한 빈도와 비율 통계를 통해서 공통점과 차이점을 검토하였다. 한·중 각 미각어가 말뭉치 용례에 나타난 개념적 은유의 빈도와 비율에 의해 한국어와 중국어에서 모두 '쓰다/苦'는 첫 번째 가장 높은 비율로 나타나고 있으며 '달다/甜'는 두 번째 순위로 나타나고 '맵다/辣'는 네 번째 순위를 차지했다고 본다. '시다/酸'와 '짜다/鹹'에 나타나는 개념적 은유의 차이가 뚜렷해서 통계를 통해 얻은 빈도나 비율의 차이도 크다고 보인다. 한·중 미각어에 동일한 개념적 은유가 나타난 이유는 주로 인류 공통의 생리적 기초와 인지방식을 가지고 있기 때문이었다. 그러나 중국어와 한국어의 어휘 형태 차이, 나라의 문화 배경, 미각어 자체의 모호성 등으로 인해 한·중 미각어에 나타난 개념적 은유도 각자만의 특징을 지고 있음 역시 확인되었다. 제5장은 결론이다. 본 연구는 한국어와 중국어 미각어에 나타난 개념적 은유 사용 양상을 대조하여 그의 공통점과 차이점을 검토하는 데에 목적을 두고 있다. 본 연구를 통해 두 언어의 기본 미각어의 의미나 특징에 대한 인식을 깊게 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 두 민족의 역사문화, 생활습관, 사고방식의 성격 특징 등에 대해서도 어느 정도 인식할 수 있으며, 양국 언어 사용자들이 미각어를 이해하고 적절히 사용하는 데에 도움이 될 수 있기를 바란다. Choosing the common used taste perceptual words of the Korean and Chinese as the research objet, on the basis of paraphrase of taste perceptual words in the dictionary, using the theory and methods of conceptual metaphor, this paper made a systematical study on the taste perceptual words of the Korean and Chinese. The main body in this paper is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1 is an introduction of research purpose, object and precedent Study. Chapter 2 focuses on the taste perceptual words of the Korean and Chinese, as well as the definition of the taste perceptual word and paraphrase of taste perceptual words in the dictionary. And introduces the theory of conceptual metaphor. Chapter 3 is presented and looked at conceptual metaphor patterns in Korean and Chinese taste perceptual words such as '달다/甜', '쓰다/苦', '맵다/辣', '시다/酸', '짜다/鹹' using examples from corpus. Chapter 4 is analysis and comparison the conceptual metaphor usage patterns appeared in taste perceptual words of the Korean and Chinese. The similarities and differences were reviewed and the frequency and ratio of conceptual metaphor patterns were recorded. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. Through comparative studies between conceptual metaphor patterns in the taste perceptual words of the Korean and Chinese, we can not only deepen our understanding on the paraphrase of taste perceptual words but also get to know more on the culture, life custom, thinking mode. Hopefully, this paper can help users of Korean and Chinese languages understand and use the language properly.

      • 국제해양법에 따른 한·중 해양환경보호 입법 비교 분석 및 협력 방안 연구

        LI XINYANG 한국해양대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        The Yellow Sea is located between Korea and China, which is adjacent to each other without exceeding 400 nautical miles apart. As the Yellow Sea is a semi-closed sea, its self-purification capacity is poor and very slow. Therefore marine environmental pollution is getting worse. Moreover major and big cities are located around the Yellow Sea, such as Incheon in Korea and Dalian and Qingdao in China. There are a lot of people living in these cities, and they cause the land-based marine pollution. Not only that, but the rapid coastal development and industrialization of Korea and China are increasing the number of pollutants, resulting in intensifying destruction of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. During the operation of ships in the Yellow Sea, waste, dumping, and contamination by ships have occurred. Therefore, to protect the marine environment of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, a coastal State’s efforts cannot solve the issues of protecting the marine environment. Joint cooperation between China and Korea is the most effective way to solve the marine environmental problems of the Yellow Sea. Korea joined the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (hereinafter referred to as the UNCLOS) on January 29, 1996, and China joined the UNCLOS on May 15, 1996. As State parties to UNCLOS, the two States have the right and obligation to protect the marine environment. Therefore, Korea and China have formulated and implemented their own domestic laws in accordance with the UNCLOS. However, there is no agreement between Korea and China to protect the marine environment of the Yellow Sea, and so far the two States have not delimit the maritime boundary in this area. As I mentioned the above, the Yellow Sea is very vulnerable to environmental pollution, such as pollution from land-based source, waste, dumping, and contamination by ships. resulting in intensifying destruction of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. Therefore, Korea and China cooperation is of great significance to the protection of the marine environment of the Yellow Sea. So in this paper, I attempts to compare the relevant legislation of Korea and China on marine environmental protection, and put forward suggestions on the cooperation program of the two States on marine environmental protection in the Yellow Sea. Chapter Ⅰ is an introduction. Chapter Ⅱ is a general review of the development process and related agreements of marine environment protection system under the international law. As the development process of marine environmental protection system, this paper analyzes The United Nations Conference on the human environment in 1972, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992,World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002 and United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012. Then it analyzes 1958 Geneva Conventions on the law of the sea and 1982 UNCLOS. Chapter Ⅲ analyzes the legislation of the marine environmental protection between Korea and China based on UNCLOS. Following the analyses, it analyzes on the legislation of marine pollution sources in Korea and China comparatively, according to the classification of marine pollution sources in the UNCLOS. Chapter Ⅳ touched the cooperation plan for the protection of the Yellow Sea. Firstly, it analyzes the Barcelona agreement and protocol of the semi-enclosed Mediterranean marine environment project, and the basic system of marine environmental protection cooperation. Secondly, with the Northwest Pacific Action Plan as the center, analysis of the Northeast Asian marine environmental protection system. And then this thesis analyzes the Yellow Sea Wide Area Ecosystem Management Project (hereinafter referred to as YSLME) which is the cooperation program between Korea and China. Finally, from the perspective of the semi-closed Mediterranean model and Northwest Pacific Action Plan, it proposes a cooperation plan between Korea and China in the Yellow Sea marine environmental protection. Especially in the overlapping waters not delineated by the border between Korea and China, the necessity of cooperation between the two countries in marine environmental protection was analyzed. Chapter Ⅴ summarizes the issues of the thesis and suggests the preemptive measure. keywords: Korea and China, semi-closed Yellow Sea, marine environment protection, legal comparison, cooperation.

      • A method for diagnosis of multistage fracture treatments in horizontal wells using temperature modeling

        Li, Xinyang Texas A&M University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        Downhole temperature measured by distributed temperature sensors shows distinct response during multi-stage fracture treatments. A forward model is needed to interpret the measured dynamic temperature data during injection and shut-in of a well in complex flow systems to quantitatively diagnose fracturing treatments and characterize created fractures. In this study, a forward thermal model predicting temperature distribution along a wellbore is established considering formation, wellbore, and fracture heat transfer. The fracture model can predict fracture propagation, fluid distribution, and fracture temperature based on mass and energy conservation equations. Temperature distribution in the reservoir can also be obtained by coupling a reservoir model with fracture model and wellbore model. For multi-stage fracture treatments, a sequential simulation method is applied by introducing real time control. Using the algorithm from single-stage treatment, a work flow for multi-stage fracture simulation is created by performing a single-stage stimulation, shutting in the stage, and moving along the wellbore to the next stage. Warm-up of the entrained fracturing fluid during shut-in periods is simulated by removing the fluid injection term and implementing different boundary conditions. Due to the large temperature difference between the injection fluid and the surrounding formation, simulated results show temperature signal change occurs at fracture locations during the injection period. Warm-back behavior is also obvious at fracture locations after shut-in the well. The effect of injection flowrate, fluid distribution, fluid properties, and reservoir characteristics on temperature behavior are investigated. At first initiation of the fracture, injection flowrate plays an important role on fracture half-length and leak-off front. Heat conduction is the dominant mechanism governing temperature response during shut-in. For a shale formation, the time to reach thermal equilibrium is on the order of weeks. Sensitivity of observed temperature to fluid distribution, and reservoir parameters in the simulation allow for fracture diagnosis using distributed temperature data during stimulation operations.

      • 한·중 동물 속담 대조 연구

        이신양 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 231965

        A Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese Proverbs of The 12 Zodiacal Animals: Focusing on The Dog, The Horse, The Tiger, The Cattle and The Chicken This article is a comparative study of proverbs related to animals, and seeks to compare‘The dog, The horse, The tiger, The cattle, and The chicken' among the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and to find their common denominators and differences and then to clarify the cultural backgrounds through their symbolic meanings. Furthermore, through this, the study is expected to offer some help to those who want to learn Korean and Chinese as second foreign languages. First, in chapter 2, we looked at the definitions and the characteristics of the proverbs in Korea and China. Next, we selected the range of the animals to be researched in this study, and examined the methods of analysis and comparison of the proverbs related to the selected animals. We selected these animals of great importance based on a selection criterion constructed by referring to the distribution chart of the 12 animals of Chinese zodiac in Kim, Myong Hwa (2011). In chapter 3, we specifically presented the symbolic meanings of these 5 animals. We found dogs faithful in that they liked to follow around their human masters and keep their houses well. It was also found that they had a sacred ability to predict the weather. In the mean time, people attached their own ideas to dogs, and thus, they were even considered lowly and insignificant.‘Horses’were fast and used as a major means of transportation in ancient times. In addition, they were very faithful and anciently symbolized wealth. However, they were often belittled and their characteristics were likened to foolishness and recklessness.‘Tigers’were fearless and often likened to combat fighters and the military. However, they were sometimes compared to heinous and greedy persons.‘Cattles’were recognized as docile and hardworking animals. However, they also had stupidity. Chickens cock crowed at dawn everyday and were hardheaded. However, they were belligerent and brave. In chapter 4, we examined the cultural backgrounds and the common denominators & differences between the two countries through the comparison of the symbolic meanings of the above 5 animals. We reviewed the cultural backgrounds of these proverbs which were found mainly in material, institutional, and psychological cultures. Through the comparative research, it was confirmed that these animals had a major influence on the lives of the people in the two countries. Since these animals have taken a great portion of the lives of Korean and Chinese people for a long period of time, it was found that proverbs related to them showed the histories, institutions, customs of the two countries and even the ways of thinking of the two peoples. In addition, it is thought that a better understanding of these proverbs will provide a great help in the language and culture education. Moreover, it is hoped that this study will offer some help, though small, in looking out the future of the two countries. Key word: Contrastive study(대조 연구)

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