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      • 조나단 에드워즈의 "은혜로운 정서" 연구

        송준화 호서대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247727

        The purpose of this thesis is to interpret and understand the “gracious affections” which is emerged in the book, Religious Affections(1746) written by Jonathan Edwards. To scrutinize the above, his religious idea has been conceptualized based on his literature. Edwards’ ancestors were puritans who were armed by the Words of God. So as he grew up, he was influenced by Puritan education and ideas. Influenced by the Puritans, he had looked back on his life in order to offer his entire life to God completely by contemplating the bible in which God’s divine revelation is recorded. He emphasized the faith in personal experience based on the Bible recorded by the word of God. Edwards initiated his theology with the perception that the all human beings are sinners. Since all human beings are sinners, he accentuated the Christ-centered faith, and insisted that sinners can achieve true salvation only through Christ, which is that sinners are able to have complete faith only when they have a spiritual experience that a faith in personal experience. Jonathan Edwards had conceptualized that affection is needed to possess the true faith. According to him, affection is connected with true belief. He asserted that the affection is the gift from God and through the true affection, human beings can reach to the true faith. Affection is the source of human deeds and essential spring to let human beings live their lives. The reason why God gives human beings the affection is to make us truly believe in him and worship him alone with the affection. Edwards suggested twelve affections among true grace when he explained the affection. He claims that the true faith can be achieved by the gracious affections. He also suggests that passion and love toward God can be fulfilled when the love of God is realized. Through this, Edwards argues that all of the Christians should expand the form of God-centered faith based on the faith in personal experience in terms of the church, and expand the form of God-centered faith in terms of the society so as to listen to, learn and practice the word of God. Through this gracious affection, he mentions the needs of God to both unbelievers and believers. Through this study, I really want all Christians to conceptualize the attitude of faith toward the word of God and mature not only doctrinally but spiritually. And through this gracious affections, I hope that the existential parts of God’s works will be dealt with and studied by Christian and unbelievers.

      • Genomic Prediction of and Relationships between Germination and Malting Quality in Spring and Winter Malting Barley

        Rooney, Travis Edward ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Cornell University 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247629

        Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) is grown worldwide for food, feed, and malt production. Malt is a primary input to brewing and distilling processes. Expansion of barley acreage has increased the demand for pre harvest sprouting (PHS) resistant barley varieties. Molecular and genome-wide breeding techniques can meet this demand rapidly. PHS resistance requires grain dormancy, which may have effects on malting barley quality parameters however these relationships are relatively uncharacterized. Malting quality is expensive to measure making genomic selection and secondary correlated traits attractive means of selection. The goal of this work was to characterize the genetic relationships between PHS resistance and malting quality in malting barley breeding lines to enable the selection of lines with excellent PHS resistance and malting quality parameters. In the first study, germination traits related to PHS resistance and malting suitability are shown to be highly predictable over time using logistic regression and functional principal components analysis. In the second, fine scale questions about the prediction of germination traits within breeding populations segregating for large effect dormancy loci are examined and several methods of improving prediction accuracy are tested. In the third, the relationships between the PHS resistance and malting quality traits are characterized, correlated response to selection against PHS is evaluated, and genome wide association for malting quality traits is performed to find common associations with PHS resistance loci. In the last, multi-trait genomic prediction models including germination traits to predict malting quality parameters are evaluated under a number of scenarios. The most important findings are that: 1) there are strong genetic correlations of PHS resistance to malting quality traits alpha amylase activity, free amino nitrogen, soluble protein, and soluble protein/total malt protein ratio; these are associated with the very non dormant HvMKK3 allele also associated with PHS susceptibility, 2) adjunct malting quality profiles are typically not compatible with PHS resistance, 3) there are informed ways of structuring prediction models to increase genomic prediction accuracy or ability in circumstances where single loci explain large amounts of genetic variance, 4) initial dormancy and how quickly germination changes over time is highly predictable within spring malting barley, and 5) using multi-trait genomic prediction models incorporating germination traits under sparse sampling techniques can increase prediction ability of malting quality traits by 16 to 62% over single trait, replicated models, and 0-12% over single trait sparse sampling models.

      • The relationship between depression and risk factors for insulin resistance while controlling for stress and social support: Secondary data analysis of the NHANES I

        Gangwisch, James Edward Columbia University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        Many individuals have been found to alter various behaviors in an attempt to adapt and cope with stressors and negative affective states. These behavioral changes often include poor health practice behaviors such as increased consumption of sweets, increased consumption of alcohol, reduced exercise, and fewer hours of sleep. These same behaviors are known risk factors for insulin resistance. Release of cortisol in response to chronic stress originating from both environmental and intrapsychic sources, has been shown to have deleterious effects upon both insulin sensitivity and mood. An index for insulin resistance was created by adding measures of risk factors for insulin resistance. Logistic and linear regression analyses examined the relationship between depression and the subject's likelihood of being insulin resistant. Subjects likely to be insulin resistant were 9% (Odds Ratio = 1.09; 95% confidence interval = 1.02 to 1.16) more likely to be depressed than subjects unlikely to be insulin resistant after controlling for stress, social support, age, gender, and diagnosis of diabetes. Subjects with the highest possible insulin resistance index score of 15 were 222% more likely to be depressed than subjects with the lowest score of 5. The subject's number of hours of sleep per night, physical activity level, and to a lesser extent, alcohol consumption contributed toward the positive association between the insulin resistance construct and depression. BMI and sweets consumption either played very little part in this association or else detracted from it. These results are consistent with findings that individuals with diabetes and cardiovascular disease are at greater risk of suffering from depression. The relationship between depression and insulin resistance is likely to be bidirectional. Individuals suffering from depression are more apt to engage in poor health practice behaviors that are risk factors for insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can contribute toward depressed mood by impairing insulin's ability to promote brain serotonin synthesis and to suppress the reuptake of norepinephrine and by increasing the pervasiveness of hypoglycemic reactions.

      • The molecular systematics of the superorder Elopomorpha and order Anguilliformes

        Obermiller, Lewis Edward Arizona State University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        The superorder Elopomorpha, a grouping which includes all teleost fishes that possess a specialized leptocephalus larva (true eels, bonefishes, tarpons, and their relatives), constitutes over 800 species for which there is no definitive classification scheme. This is mainly due to a lack of valid apomorphic morphological characters within these assemblages that are essential in developing a true phylogeny. This study utilizes a molecular systematics approach, based on the mitochondrial ribosomal (12S and 16S) DNA sequences of 45 independent taxa encompassing all of the previously proposed orders of Elopomorpha, 9 of the 15 currently recognized families of Anguilliformes (true eels), as well as outgroup representatives from the superorders Osteoglossomorpha and Clupeomorpha, in order to address the relationships among the ordinal members of the superorder Elopomorpha and familial members of the order Anguilliformes. Maximum parsimony and Neighbor-Joining trees were generated employing the Branch and Bound and Jukes-Cantor distance methods of PAUP 4.0b, respectively. Trees generated through this study suggest that the superorder Elopomorpha, as currently recognized, is not a valid monophyletic assemblage. Such a finding conflicts with the majority of morphological evidence presented to date, suggesting that several ordinal and perhaps superordinal revisions among the Elopomorpha may be warranted. Conversely, the order Anguilliformes does appear to be a valid monophyletic assemblage in line with previous assumptions. Moreover, the molecular data define a basal split between members of the order Anguilliformes that corresponds to the presence of fused versus divided frontal bones. This characteristic is an important morphological character used to separate the more primitive anguilliforms (divided frontals) from the more advanced forms (fused frontals). However, several of the previously proposed familial groupings into superfamilies and suborders are not supported by the molecular data, suggesting that these may need to be revised. In summary, the present study has demonstrated the utility of employing molecular techniques to provide new insights into the phylogenetic relationships and evolution of a particularly problematic group of primitive fishes.

      • Discovering three new solo works for trumpet: A guide to the history, analysis, and preparation of Anthony Plog's Sonata, Martin Rokeach's "Running at the Top of the World", and Charles Reskin's Sonata for Trumpet and Piano

        Futer, Paul Edward ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Temple University 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        This monograph will serve as a guide to musicians for the preparation and performance of three new works by three living composers: Trumpet Sonata (2010) by Anthony Plog, Running at the Top of the World (2012) by Martin Rokeach, and Sonata - for trumpet and piano (2007) by Charles Reskin. Included will be sections or chapters on the history and background of each work, biographical information about each composer, detailed theoretical analysis and exclusive interviews with the composers. Each individual interview will provide insight into the music, including information on personal inspiration and imagery, a strong focus on timbre, tips and pointers on putting everything together with piano, thematic elements, and theoretical insights. The detailed analysis included in this dissertation will examine these three works further for their idiomatic use of instrumentation, phrasing, articulation, muting, tempi, and dynamics. Suggestions are given for each of these topics viz. interpretation and performance. With regard to my theoretical approach in this monograph, I will be using a variety of methods developed by important theorists including Hugo Riemann and Paul Hindemith. The work of the latter will be expanded upon substantially because Charles Reskin pays special homage to Hindemith in the third movement of his sonata. In my three analytical studies, I will argue that each composer chooses specific chords for a particular structural or semiotic reason. I will also draw important connections between various types of motivic material and discuss other techniques that each composer uses to provide cohesion among movements.

      • Essays in fiscal centralization and economic development

        Edwards, Ronald Alan University of Minnesota 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        In 1400 A.D. China's per-capita output in 1985 dollars was $500 and in 1950 A.D. it was $450 according to estimates by Maddison. In sharp contrast, Western Europe's per-capita output grew from $430 to $4900 over this same period. Why was there such a dramatic difference in economic development between the East and West? In this thesis, a theory of development is proposed that analyzes China's five centuries of economic stagnation. Our hypothesis is that government fiscal institutions played a critical role. In particular, China had a centralized fiscal government arrangement that stifled growth with high effective tax rates while Western Europe had a decentralized fiscal government arrangement where competition across states encouraged growth with low effective tax rates. A centralized fiscal arrangement is characterized by a central government that sets tax policy for all of the regions. A decentralized fiscal arrangement is characterized by a large number of regional governments that set their own respective regional tax rates. There is a mobile factor input that is the key to economic growth. Using an endogenous growth model framework, we consider centralized and decentralized fiscal government arrangements and show that the equilibrium outcomes are different under the two arrangements. In the model environment, under the decentralized fiscal arrangement regional the equilibrium entails low effective tax rates and growth. Under the centralized fiscal arrangement, the brium is characterized by high effective tax rates and stagnation. The key to the different equilibrium outcome lies in a time consistency problem. In the centralized fiscal arrangement, the central government faces a time consistency problem. Under the decentralized fiscal arrangement, regional tax competition acts as a commitment device.

      • Late Pleistocene to Holocene geomorphic and structural evolution of the Camarillo Fold Belt, California

        DeVecchio, Duane Edward University of California, Santa Barbara 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        The Camarillo Fold Belt (CFB) is composed of several south-verging anticlines, which comprise the western extent of the west-trending highly segmented Simi fault zone that extends from the northern Simi Valley to the city of Camarillo. Geologic mapping, GIS-based topographic analyses, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating, and subsurface well logs are integrated to bracket the relative timing of deformation on active faults, to develop a chronology of deformed surfaces, and to better constrain the age of the Saugus Formation in this part of the Western Transverse Ranges. New geochronology of the Saugus Formation exposed in the study area indicates that the strata are an order of magnitude younger than previously thought (∼20ka vs. 200ka). This chronologic revision has significant implications for the timing and rates of deformation, as well as for the seismic hazard in the study area. Many of the Quaternary transpressional faults are reactivated Miocene high-angle (70-80°) transrotational faults. Where the age of deformed sediments is well-known, minimum vertical uplift rates on several of the active faults are ∼1.5 mm/yr, which is 3-times greater than most previous estimates based on paleoseismic investigations. Discrete structural domains are characterized by west-plunging anticlines, changes in the orientation and loci of active structures, and they are bound by fault segment boundaries that are often characterized by orthogonal north-striking faults. Structural relief and the age of deformation decrease from east to west across each successive north-striking fault. We interpret these relations to suggest that westward propagation of the fold belt occurred by punctuated lateral growth of the Simi fault due to the presence of north-trending faults. This style of deformation may be common in the Western Transverse Ranges and has important implications for seismic hazard assessment. Geochronology of geomorphic surfaces indicates that the landscape evolution in the CFB was modulated by global climate change. A regionally extensive erosion surface in the study (45 km2) in the study area was cut during Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS2; 19-24 ka). Incision from 19-12 ka resulted in deep canyons cut throughout the study area, which were back-tilled following the Pleistocene Holocene transition (12-4 ka).

      • Transient transport in reactive barrier membranes

        Nuxoll, Eric Edward University of Minnesota 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        By adding chemical scavengers to a membrane, we can increase the lag time of the membrane by over two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate this experimentally in multiple systems with various applications. This improvement in lag time can be analytically derived by multiple pathways, and has been shown to be independent of the rate at which the solute is scavenged. The amount of solute which crosses the film prior to steady-state does change with reaction rate, however, and can strongly impact the suitability of the membrane. Poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes containing ZnO of various particle sizes were used to demonstrate this phenomenon during acid breakthrough. We have defined two parameters to quantify this transient solute transfer: the ‘leakage’ and the ‘kill time’. We constructed computer models which simulate solute breakthrough and used them to correlate the leakage and the kill time to known physical parameters of the system. These correlations appear to be robust, applying equally well to systems with different kinetic expressions. Finally, we look at two extensions from this work: Transient transport through layered membranes and dissolution-controlled drug delivery.

      • Scalability of haptic systems with non-passive virtual environments

        Miller, Brian Edward Northwestern University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247614

        Haptic systems comprising of a human operator, haptic device (robot) and discrete-time virtual environment are examined to guarantee stable interaction when the virtual environment experiences energy growth. The energy growth or non-passive behavior is attributed to characteristics often found in practical implementation; such as nonlinearities, discretization and real-time constraints. Therefore, it is important to model this behavior to derive an accurate stability result that guides system design. This document relies on the storage function form of nonlinear passivity theory to characterize each of the components of the haptic system in terms of energy. Coupled stability theory is then used to examine the energy transfer between the components. An important result is identified in which energy growth in the virtual environment is allowed as long as the haptic device provides sufficient dissipation (damping). The latter part of this document presents the three case studies of nonlinear mass-spring-damper environments, impulse-based rigid body simulation and remote haptic interaction. The insight gained by applying the theory helps guide system design that guarantees stable interaction. The key is the ability to bound the energy growth in the virtual environment, and then determine how much energy the haptic device can dissipate. In general, the concepts developed in this document can be applied to human/machine interface applications. In particular, the field of bilateral teleoperation can benefit from the emphasis placed on force feedback. This work has also paved the way for future applications concerned with the stability of network-based haptic interaction.

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