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      • The dynamics of social changes and family attainment norms: The effects of parental education, sibship structure, and gender differences on school transitions in Taiwan

        Chang, Huey-Chi The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        This dissertation studies the effects of family background on individuals' educational opportunities in Taiwan. It also investigates how the structure and the process of educational stratification have changed over time in response to a changing fertility regime and educational policy. Overall, the study finds that changes in the process of stratification are an ongoing process that may be unrelated to changes in educational policy. Other factors such as demographic change appear to be the driving forces. Data consist of a pooled cross-sectional sample of 20,918 individuals born between 1914 and 1973. Discrete time survival models in the form of logit regressions are used to estimate individuals' conditional probabilities of successfully making transitions across schooling levels. Several conclusions are drawn from this study. First, there are two dimensions of the effects of father's occupation, as well as parents' education. While the effects of one dimension (such as the effects of parents' years of schooling and father's occupational class) diminish from low to high transition levels, the effects of the other (such as the effects of having parents making the same transition and father's SEI) are constant. Second, parental education, especially mother's years of schooling, tend to modify the effects of other variables. For example, compared to other families, families with highly educated mothers discriminate less against daughters and benefit more from having a small rather than large family. Third, an analysis of intercohort changes finds that the implementation of compulsory education at elementary and junior high levels accelerates the ongoing educational expansion at these two levels, but there are no significant changes in the transition rates at higher levels (i.e., senior high and college). Also, the gender gap at all levels has experienced a secular decline, but education policy has no effect on the rate of change. The trend is linear over time. Fourth, because of the dramatic fertility decline, inequality between low and high SES family background has increased. The benefits of high SES are greater among small families, so educational disparity between socioeconomic groups is increased without there being a change in the allocation mechanism.

      • A study on changes in the vegetation and land surface dryness in present and future climate

        Chang-Eui Park 서울대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        Historical observations show various responses to global warming over the land surface, one of important elements of Earth’s climate system as well as living place of humanity. Among those responses over the land, both changes in vegetation and land surface dryness are regarded as two major phenomena. Vegetation, occupies about 70% of whole land surface, is a key element of both physical and chemical processes over the land surface. Exact understanding of the vegetation change and its feedback influences on climate is essential for both investigating observed climate change and projection of future climate. Changes in land surface dryness are invisible, but important for the hydrological condition over the land, largely influences on agriculture and water management. Thus, researches on changes in both vegetation and land surface dryness contribute to mitigate risks of climate change because of both vegetation and land surface dryness has numerous socio-economic impacts on society. The present dissertation provides remarkable results of three studies about changes in vegetation and land surface dryness. First, the potential impact of vegetation feedback on land surface dryness in summer season is examined in a condition of doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration over the contiguous United States (US) using a set of 100-year-long climate simulations integrated by global climate model (GCM) interactively coupled with a dynamic vegetation model. The Thornthwaite moisture index (Im), which quantifies land surface dryness on the basis of atmospheric water supply (i.e. precipitation, P) and atmospheric water demand (i.e., potential evapotranspiration, PET), is used to measure changes in the surface dryness. Warmer atmosphere and drier surface resulting from increased CO2 concentration increase land surface dryness over most of the contiguous US. This phenomenon is due to larger increments in PET than in P, regardless of the presence or absence of vegetation feedback. Compared to simulation without active dynamic vegetation feedback, the presence of vegetation feedback significantly alleviates the increase in land surface dryness. This vegetation-feedback effects is most notable in the subhumid regions such as southern, Midwestern and northwestern US, primarily by the increasing vegetation greenness. In these regions, the greening in response to warmer temperatures enhances moisture transfer from soil to atmosphere by evapotranspiration (ET). The increased et and subsequent moistening over land areas result in weaker surface warming (1–2 K) and PET (3–10 mm month–1), and greater P (4–10 mm month–1). Collectively, changes in temperature, PET, and P due to vegetation feedback result in moderate increases in Im, indicating decrease in land surface dryness. Next, the change in vegetation due to global warming is examined in detail focusing on its speed during twenty-first century using both a definition of plant habitat based on surface temperature and climate scenarios from multiple GCMs. The plant habitat changes are predicted by driving the bioclimate rule in a dynamic global vegetation model using the climate projections from 16 coupled GCMs. The timing of plant habitat change is estimated by the first occurrence of specified fractional changes (10%, 20%, and 30%). All future projections are categorized into three groups by the magnitude of the projected global-mean land surface temperature changes: low (<2.5K), medium (2.5-3.5K), and high (>3.5K) warming. During the course of the twenty-first century, dominant plant habitat changes are projected in ecologically transitional (i.e., from tropical to temperate and temperate to boreal) regions. The timing of plant habitat changes varies substantially according to regions. In the low-warming group, habitat changes of 10% in southern Africa occur in 2028, earlier than in the Americas by more than 70 yrs. Differences in the timing between regions increase with the increase in warming and fractional threshold. In the sub-tropics, fast plant habitat changes are projected for the Asia and Africa regions, where countries of relatively small gross domestic product (GDP) per capita are concentrated. Ecosystems in these regions will be more vulnerable to global warming, because countries of low economic power lack the capability to deal with the warming-induced habitat changes. Causes of changes in land surface dryness are not clear due to various attributions of climate variables on dryness changes. For exact understanding on complex spatial variability of land surface dryness changes, relative influences of five climate variables on dryness changes are quantified over continental East Asia, covering diverse hydro-climate regimes from humid to arid regions, by using observations from 189 stations for the period of 1961-2010. For the whole analysis period, the land surface dryness is decreased by both increasing P and decreasing PET, but the increasing trend is not monotonic. Since early 1980s, increasing trend of the land surface dryness is shown over monsoon climate area (> 100°E), but different climate variables drive the drying trend in each hydro-climate regimes. Dryness increases over the arid region are mostly explained by decrease in precipitation. In the humid area, increasing saturation vapor pressure following warming primarily contributes to dry surface despite continuous increase in precipitation. These results suggest increased evaporative potential, the secondary impact of atmospheric warming, plays a considerable role in changes in land surface dryness over the humid area even though sufficient atmospheric moisture exists at there. Conclusions of the present thesis suggest three meaningful implications. 1) Moistening by enhanced vegetation feedback may prevent aridification under climatic warming especially in areas vulnerable to climate change, with consequent implication for mitigation strategies. 2) The spatial distribution of plant habitat is projected to change quickly over countries of low economic power located on Asia and Africa. It is important to establish international collaboration via which developed countries provide assistance to mitigate the impacts of global warming. 3) The global warming sharply increases atmospheric water demands, inducing the risk of drying out over the land surface. Water management plans should consider the ongoing trend of drying accompanied by warming to mitigate the water scarcity in future.

      • Impact of climate change on tropospheric ozone

        Lang, Chang The Johns Hopkins University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247806

        Tropospheric ozone (O3) is one of the most important trace gases in the atmosphere as it plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry, climate and air quality. The changed climate and stratosphere O 3 have great potential impact on tropospheric O3 which could lead broad environmental impacts. We carried out modelling study to investigate: (1) The tropospheric O3 response to past changes in GHGs and ODSs, (2) The tropospheric O3 response to stratospheric O3 change through UV and STE pathway and (3) The response of summer cyclone to climate change. The impact of changes in the abundance of GHGs and ODSs on the evolution of tropospheric O3 between 1960 and 2005 is examined using a version of the Goddard Earth Observing System chemistry-climate model (GEOSCCM) with a combined troposphere-stratosphere chemical mechanism. Simulations are performed to isolate the relative role of increases in methane (CH4) and ODSs on tropospheric O3. The 1960 to 2005 increases in GHGs (CO 2, CH4, N2O and ODSs) cause increases of around 1-8% in zonal-mean tropospheric O3 in the tropics and northern extratropics, but decreases of 2-4% in most of the southern extratropics. These O3 changes are due primarily to increases in CH4 and ODSs, which cause changes of comparable magnitude but opposite sign. Simulations with a chemical box model and the GEOSCCM are used to estimate the impact of changes in UV from stratospheric O3 depletion on tropospheric O3. Steady-state simulations with the box model indicate that an increase in UV, resulting from a decrease in stratospheric O 3, leads a decrease in O3 throughout the troposphere. For 1960 to 2005 decreases in stratospheric O3, changes in UV is an important component of how stratospheric O3 changes impact the troposphere, contributing around 46% of total global tropospheric. The potential impact of increasing GHGs on the frequency of northern hemisphere summer cyclones is examined using daily-averaged mean sea level pressure from climate models used in the latest IPCC assessment report. There are much smaller changes in the frequency of summer cyclones, and little consistency among the models in contrast to strong decrease for winter cyclones.

      • A Study on Missiological Alternative Strategy in the Context of Postmodernity and 'NGO Revolution' : A New Apostolic Reformation and NGO Based Mission = 포스트모던과 'NGO 혁명' 상황에서의 선교학적 대안 전략에 관한 연구 : 신사도적 개혁과 NGO 기반 선교를 중심으

        김창효 Berea University Of Graduate Studies 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247806

        선교학의 본질은 교회가 지혜롭고 효과적으로 다양한 문화에 대처하기 위해서 주변 공동체의 변화를 인식하도록 도와주는 것이다. 교회는 세상의 소금과 빛이 되고 세상에 영향을 끼치기 위해서는 적절한 방법으로 문화에 대응해야 하고, 선교신학을 효율적으로 개발하기 위한 과정에서 교회의 임무를 잘 이해해야 한다. 그러므로 선교신학은 교회의 정체성에 대한 자기 이해의 결과이다. 이러한 결과로 말미암아 교회는 그 방향을 잘 설정할 수 있다. 오늘날의 문화의 변화가 너무 빠르기 때문에, 잘 대처하지 못하는 사람들은 이러한 변화에 은신할 곳을 찾으려는 경향을 보인다. 깁스(Gibbs)는 주류 교단들이 40년 동안 신속하게 변화하는 문화 환경 속에서 그들이 고백한 원리들을 수행할 수 없었기 때문에 쇠퇴의 길을 걸었다는 점을 주목한다. 그러나 신사도적 교회들 때문에 교회 전체적으로는 교회 출석 인원은 감소하지 않았다. 이러한 것들은 깁스가 큰 규모의 문화적 변동이라고 부르는 것의 일부 효과일 뿐이다. 그것은 현대주의에서 탈현대주의(포스트모던)으로의 변화이다. 그것은 너무 복잡한 변화여서 그 변화 추이를 모르는 교회들은 중풍병에 걸린 것처럼 약화될 수 있다. 그러므로 교회는 사회 모든 분야와 모든 연령 그룹에 복음을 전파하기 위해서 변화하는 시대 안에서 그 변화를 인식하고 적절하게 대처해야 한다. 이러한 문화적인 패러다임의 전환은, 보통 사람들이 전통과 현대와 포스트모던의 세 가지 패러다임 중 어느 한 가지의 패러다임 안에서 마음을 정하고 살 수 없을 정도로 영향이 크다. 전통적인 사고에 머물고 있는 교회들은 사회 속에서 지니고 있는 특권적인 입지를 유지하고 싶기 때문에 예언적 자세를 완화시키는 경향을 보인다. 반면에 현대주의적 사고를 가진 교회들은 인간 이성의 시대에 갇혀 있어서 복음의 계시와 신령성이 들어설 여지가 거의 없다. 세 번째 사조인 포스트모던 사조는 매우 비관적이고 회의론적이며 실용적이고 개인주의적이다. 그런데 이러한 문화적 패러다임의 전환의 가장 도전적인 측면은 이 세 가지의 형태가 순차적으로 나타나지 않고 병존한다는 점이다. 물론 문화의 변화는 선교신학의 변동을 초래한다. 문화가 빠르게 변화하는 것을 인지하는 사람은 교회가 변화해야 하는지 또는 주변 문화의 변화 속에서 머물러 있어야 하는지를 생각하지 않을 수 없다. 이러한 고민은 포스트모던적이고 다원적인 서구 세계의 현재 사회 상태를 볼 때 불가피하다. 현 시대의 문화적 패러다임의 전환을 인식하면 할수록, 교회는 교회가 이전에 처했던 문화와는 다른 타문화적 상황에 처해 있음을 알게 된다. 그러므로 현 시대의 교회는 빠르게 변화하는 시대에 대처하기 위해서 선교학적 타문화 대처 훈련을 필요로 하고 있다. 문화는 사람들에게 주변의 문화를 인식하는 렌즈를 제공한다. 그러므로 교회는 현재의 문화에 대처하기 위해서 문화가 사람들에게 어떻게 스며드는지를 알아야 한다. 교회가 주변의 문화를 모르면 결과적으로 교회가 문화적 소경 상태에 이르게 되어 선교적 사명을 효과적으로 감당할 수 없게 된다. 오늘날의 교회를 위한 선교 훈련은 이 시대의 주류로 자리를 잡고 있는 포스트모더니즘의 도전에 교회를 노출시키는 것이다. 교회는 ‘전통주의와 율법주의’를 전파하기보다는 은혜의 복음을 전해야 한다. 그런데 실상은 교회가 은혜의 복음을 제대로 전하기는커녕 교회와 문화 환경 사이의 간격이 더 넓어지고 있어서 복음을 전파하는 것이 점점 더 어려워지고 있다는 점이다. 사회의 변화는 불가피한 반면에, 교회는 그 변화에 대응하려 하지 않고 도리어 마치 변화가 전혀 없는 것처럼 꼭 같은 가정들을 바탕으로 활동을 계속하려 할 뿐이다. 지금 필요한 것은 교회가 적절한 방법으로 문화의 변동에 대응하기 위해서 전략적인 결단을 해야 한다는 것이다. 문화의 변동에 따라 교회의 대응전략이 적절하게 변화되지 않으면, 교회는 전통적인 구조와 패턴 때문에 도리어 성령의 인도하심을 변화시키려는 위험에 직면하게 된다. 포스트모던 시대의 X세대와 밀레니엄 세대는 진리의 절대성보다는 상대성과 다양성을 추구한다. 그들은 모더니즘에서 포스트모던으로의 패러다임의 전환을 대표하는 세대이고, 이전 세대와 비교할 때에 문화적으로 다른 코드를 가지고 있다. 이를 고려해 볼 때에, 지금의 선교는 이와 같은 포스트모던 사람들을 복음화시키기 위해서 적절한 접근을 필요로 하고 있다. 한 가지의 적절한 접근은 포스트모던 사람들이 체험을 통해서 진리를 알게 하는 것이다. 절대적 진리를 인정하지 않는 X세대와 밀레니엄 세대에게는, 확실한 영적인 체험을 하도록 하는 것이 그들이 절대적인 진리를 알도록 하는 훌륭한 전략이 될 수 있다. 이것은 21세기 서울성락교회와 같은 신사도적 교회들로 분류될 수 있는 교회들이 사용하고 있는 전략이다. 그 교회들은 전도된 사람들이 성령을 받고 방언을 말하며, 귀신을 쫓아내고 병을 고치는 체험을 하도록 인도하고 있다. 이것은 예수와 그의 사도들이 사용한 이른바 ‘사도적 접근’에 가깝다. 사람들은 이러한 체험을 통해서 진리를 확신하게 된다. 그러므로 패러다임 전환으로서의 신사도적 개혁 혹은 선교전략은 포스트모던 시대에 적절하다고 생각된다. 이러한 접근은 포스트모던 시대의 사람들과 10/40 창과 북한과 같은 제한 접근 지역 사람들에게 복음을 전할 수 있는 적절한 방책이 될 것이다. 더 좋은 것은 성령의 역사를 바탕으로 하는 신사도적 선교전략과 더불어, 교회가 현 시대의 흐름인 NGO를 기반으로 하여 선교적 파트너십을 형성하는 것이다. ‘NGO 혁명’은 포스트모던 시대의 하나의 현상으로 볼 수 있다. 포스트모더니즘과 마찬가지로, ‘NGO 혁명’과 NGO의 활동은 어떠한 정부나 조직이나 교회 등에 의해 거스려질 수 없는 현 시대의 흐름이기 때문에, 우리는 NGO를 없는 존재인 것처럼 무시할 것이 아니라, NGO들을 활용하여 NGO와 선교적 파트너십을 가져야 할 것이다. 교회들은 NGO를 기반으로 한 선교 전략을 적극적으로 고려해야 한다. 교회의 평신도에 해당하는 일반 시민들이 NGO에 참여하고 있는데, UN과 정부들과 같은 세상의 조직들은 그들의 자원성을 적극적으로 활용하고 있다. 교회도 선교의 영역에서 평신도의 자원적 활동을 활용할 필요가 있다. 일반시민들이 NGO의 활동에 적극적으로 참여하는 것은 포스트모더니즘의 특징 중의 개인주의와 다양성의 표현이다. 교회는 이러한 포스트모던 사람들의 특징을 복음 전파의 장애물로만 여길 것이 아니라 역으로 교회의 선교를 위해서 활용해야 할 것이다. 또한 NGO는 국가와 종교와 이념의 경계를 쉽게 극복하는 경향을 보이는 것이 오늘의 현실이다. 그러므로 NGO는 위에서 언급한, 10/40 창 지역이나 북한과 같은 제한 접근 지역과 같이 선교사나 목사들이 들어갈 수 없는 지역에도 예수 그리스도의 생명수를 전하는 통로로서 그 효용성이 높은 선교의 도구로 사용될 수 있을 것이다. 이는 평신도들의 자원성을 사장시키지 않는 선교전략도 될 것이다. 포스트모던 상황과 ‘NGO 혁명’ 상황에서 신사도적 선교전략과 NGO 기반의 선교전략을 입안하여 실행하는 길은, 세계에서 가장 큰 여의도 순복음교회가 평신도들을 활용하여 ‘좋은 사람들’이란 NGO를 창설하여 전 방위의 선교활동을 벌이고 있는 것과 21세기 선교 서울성락교회의 베뢰아운동을 모범으로 삼는 것이 그 지름길이 될 것이다. ‘좋은 사람들’은 세계 최대의 교회가 평신도 인력으로 전 세계적인 NGO 기반 선교를 하는 훌륭한 모델이 된다. 또한 베뢰아운동은 절대적 진리를 수용하기를 꺼려하는 포스트모던 사람들에게 귀신을 쫓아내며 병을 고치는 등의 체험을 갖게 하고, 평신도들의 자원성을 활용하는 운동으로서, 신사도적 선교전략에 부합한다고 볼 수 있다. It is the Church's missionary nature that helps her to see the changes in the surrounding community in order to wisely and effectively engage the varied cultures with which she encounters. However, the Church must engage cultures in relevant ways in order to make an impact and be the salt of the earth and light to the world (Mt 5:13-14), and in the process understand what she is doing, in order to efficiently develop her theology of missions. The theology of mission will then be the result of the Church's self understanding of what the Church is, which will also guide her in understanding her missions. Changes in today's culture are so rapid that people tend to look for places to hide in order to prevent these changes. Gibbs notes that mainline denominations have declined in four decades because they have not been able "to implement the principles they profess." However, there is no decline in church attendance because of the rapid growth of New Apostolic Churches. These are only the effects of what Gibbs calls "a cultural shift of seismic proportions." This shift affects all areas of society, which the Church must notice in order to be relevant. It is a change from modernity to Postmodernity. It is a change so complex that churches that fail to see the transition may become paralyzed. Therefore, the Church must reach all areas of society and all age-groups in order to remain relevant in and through changing times. These cultural paradigm shifts affect the Church to the point that some cannot find a consensus of mindset and live within the three paradigms: "traditional, modem, and postmodern." Churches that live in the traditional mindset tend to loose their prophetic stance because of the need to maintain "their privileged place in society." On the other hand, churches that have the modern mindset become stranded in the age of human rationality, thus they do not have a place for revelation and the mystery of the gospel. The third mindset, that of Postmodernism is very pessimistic and skeptic, pragmatic, and individualistic. However, the most challenging aspect of these cultural paradigm shifts is that all three "phases are not sequential but exist side by side." Of course, changes in the culture are what produce changes in the theology of missions. In looking at the rapid changes in culture, one cannot stop thinking whether the Church should change or should it stay the same through changes in the culture around. A clear example is the present state of society in the Western world that is both postmodern and pluralistic, as a result, the Church finds herself in a cross-cultural setting. Therefore, the Church in this present state, in order to be relevant, is in need of missiological training. In order to be relevant to the present culture, the Church must also be aware of how culture permeates people, because culture provides people with a lens to perceive the culture around. If the Church is unaware of these cultural challenges, the results in cultural blindness in the Church. The missionary training for today's culture presents the Church with the challenge of Postmodernism. The church must preach the gospel of grace, rather than that of "traditionalism and legalism." In reality what is happening is a widening of the gap between the Church and the environment. While social change is inevitable, the Church never responds to that change, but "simply continues to work on the same assumptions" as if there was no change. The only hope is that the institutional response to cultural changes adjusts in order to begin the closing of the gap. Therefore, what needs to happen is that the Church must make strategic decisions towards change to respond in an adequate matter to cultural changes. If the Church does not change as culture changes, then the Church faces the danger of changing the lead of the Holy Spirit for the traditional structures and patterns. The Gen. X'ers and millennials of the postmodern era pursue relativeness and diversity rather than absoluteness of truth. They represent the paradigm shift from modernism to Postmodernism and they have different cultural codes compared with previous generations. Considering this, missions nowadays need an approach that is suitable for evangelizing these postmodern era people. One such approach is to let them know the truth through experience. However, as for the Gen. X'ers and millennials who do not acknowledge the absolute truth, having concrete spiritual experiences can be a good strategy to make them know the absolute truth. This is a strategy being employed in New Apostolic churches like 21C Mission Seoul Sung Rak Church, where evangelized people are led to receive the Holy Spirit, speak in new tongues, drive out demons and heal disease, which is close to the approaches of Jesus and his apostles. And through these experiences, people become sure of truth. Therefore, it is thought that this New Apostolic strategy of missions as a paradigm shift of mission is truly appropriate in the postmodern era. This movement is suitable to evangelize Gen. Xers and restricted access regions like the Window 10/40 and North Korea, in the context of Postmodernity and 'NGO Revolution.' Our hope is to make use of the NGO Based Mission within our Holy Spirit vision. It is seemed that 'NGO revolution' is a phenomenon of Postmodernity. We should make use of NGOs and mission partnership with it, for NGO revolution and its activity are the contemporary trend over the world, which can not be gone against by any government, organization and church etc. Churches should take NGO based mission strategy into positive consideration. It is worthy of note that secular organizations like UN and governments, are deploying citizens who participate in NGOs, who correspond to the laity in the Christian sense. Churches should exploit the voluntary activity of the laity in the area of missions. It represents the diversity and individualism among characteristics of Postmodernity that general citizens are willing to participate in the activities of NGOs. Churches should not regard those characteristics as obstacles of mission, but need to make the most of them for diverse mission strategy. I think that a shortcut way to churches' making partnership with NGO or making the best use of the laity in missions, is to follow the good examples of the GPWF-church based NGO, which was established by Yoido Full Gospel Church, which is the largest church in the world, and the Berea Movement. The Berea Movement corresponds to 'New Apostolic Reformation,' giving experiences to the postmodern people who are reluctant to accept the absolute truth, making them acknowledge the gospel, by casting out demons, healing diseases etc and deploying the laity. By NGO Based Mission, we can make the best use of NGOs as the channels of living water to the region of Window 10/40 and North Korea, which are so called 'restricted accessed region.'

      • Effect of increased temperature and decreased precipitation on phenology, physiology and growth of Korean pine seedlings

        Hanna Chang 고려대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247806

        The surface temperature has been increasing globally since the 1950s, and is expected to increase by 0.3–4.8°C in 2081–2100 than in 1986–2005. Also, the frequency and intensity of heat wave and drought have increased under climate change. Increased temperature and decreased precipitation play critical roles for the changes in functional and structural traits of trees such as phenology, physiology, growth and mortality. The seedling stage is suitable to determine these detailed tree responses to climate change because of its sensitivity to environmental changes and low individual variation. This study aimed to investigate the ecophysiological responses of Pinus koraiensis seedlings under experimental increased temperature and decreased precipitation. In May 2016, ninety P. koraiensis seedlings (aged 2 years) were planted in each plot (n = 20), and exposed to a combination of +3°C increased temperature by infrared heater and -30% decreased precipitation by transparent rain–out shelter, with 5 replicates. In the first study, the responses of abnormal shoot and spring phenology under the increased temperature and decreased precipitation were investigated. The occurrence of abnormal shoots was measured in October 2017 and 2018. Spring phenology was observed and phenological parameters were calculated in 2018 and 2019. The occurrence rate of abnormal shoots under the increased temperature treatment increased by 37.8% in 2018 but decreased by -14.3% in 2019. The occurrence rate of abnormal shoots initially increased and decreased with mean August temperature based on the 29.2°C temperature threshold. Spring phenology advanced by 8.1 days in 2018 and 9.4 days in 2019 and the rate of phenological development increased by 14.6% in 2018 and 11.9% in 2019 under the increased temperature treatment, respectively. The state of chilling decreased (2018: -39.1% and 2019: -49.1%) and the state of forcing increased (2018: 15.9% and 2019: 15.3%) under the increased temperature treatment in both years. Despite low chilling, which could delay spring phenology, phenological stages under the increased temperature treatment advanced by rapid and early forcing accumulation. Since the phenological development of abnormal shoots were similar between the control and the increased temperature treatment, it seemed that the increased temperature treatment did not change the date of growth cessation, resulting in no change in spring phenology in the following year. Meanwhile, the decreased precipitation treatment did not influence the abnormal shoots and spring phenology of P. koraiensis seedlings. In the second study, the responses of physiological characteristics and mortality under the increased temperature and decreased precipitation were investigated. Net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), and maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were measured from April to August 2017 and from May to December 2018. Seedling mortality was measured eight times during the study period at irregular intervals. A, gs, and E decreased by -22.0%, -34.6%, and -33.6% under the increased temperature treatment, and by -5.8%, -11.0%, and -8.6% under the decreased precipitation treatment, respectively, in response to decreasing soil water content and increasing soil and leaf temperature. There was no significant difference in the overall Fv/Fm by the increased temperature and decreased precipitation treatments. The long–term reduction in photosynthesis by the increased temperature treatment might occur carbon starvation, resulting in a 7.4–fold increase in seedling mortality. Moreover, under the decreased precipitation treatment, seedling mortality was unaffected since its effects on A were occasional and small as compared to the increased temperature treatment. Due to the unusually high temperature in summer of 2018, leaf temperature was 38.3°C and seedlings were exposed to temperature above 45.0°C for 10.7 hour under the increased temperature treatment. Fv/Fm in August 2018 decreased sharply by -11.8% and seedling mortality increased by 15.3–fold during summer, under the increased temperature treatment. Thus, leaf damage by severe heat stress may have triggered a rapid increase in seedling mortality. In the third study, the responses of growth, biomass and leaf traits under the increased temperature and decreased precipitation were investigated. Root collar diameter (RCD) and height in 2018 and 2019, length of abnormal shoots in 2018, and biomass and leaf traits in 2017 and 2018 were measured. RCD was not changed by the both treatments, and the increased temperature treatment decreased height by -15.8% in 2018 and -22.1% in 2019, respectively. Total biomass and root biomass was decreased by -13.4% and -19.4% under the increased temperature treatment in 2018, respectively. Stem biomass decreased -21.9% in 2017 and -29.4% in 2018 by the increased temperature treatment, respectively. The reduction of growth resulted from decreased photosynthesis by the increased temperature treatment. In contrast, there was no change in growth under the decreased precipitation treatment. Root mass ratio in 2018 increased by 15.5% under the decreased precipitation treatment in responses to low water supply. The increased temperature treatment decreased stem mass ratio in 2017 (-8.4%) and 2018 (-19.5%), and increased leaf mass ratio in 2018 (+6.3%). Seedlings allocated biomass more to leaves to overcome the reduction of photosynthesis per unit leaf area. The increased temperature treatment decreased number of leaves, but leaf length increased by 11.89% as the biomass allocated more to leaves under the increased temperature treatment. These results can contribute to enhancing the understanding of the responses of tree species, especially for fixed–growth and isohydric species, under future climate change. Moreover, it can be used for the management of seedlings in the nursery or afforested area under climate change. 전지구적 표면 온도는 1950년대 이후 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며, 1986–2005년 대비 2081–2100년에 0.3–4.8°C 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 그리고 혹서 및 가뭄의 빈도와 강도는 기후변화에 따라 증가하고 있다. 온도 증가 및 강수 감소는 식물계절, 생리적 특성, 생장 및 고사 등 수목의 기능적, 구조적 특성 변화에 중요한 역할을 한다. 한편, 묘목 단계는 환경 변화에 민감하고 개체 변이가 적기 때문에 기후변화에 대한 수목의 반응을 파악하기에 적합하다. 본 연구에서는 온도 증가 및 강수 감소 처리에 따른 잣나무 묘목의 생리생태적 반응을 구명하고자 하였다. 2016년 5월에 2년생 잣나무 묘목 90본을 각 조사구에 식재한 후 온도 증가(+3°C) 및 강수 감소(-30%)의 복합 처리를 하였다(n = 20). 적외선등을 이용하여 온도 증가 처리를 수행하였으며, 투명 패널을 이용한 강수 차단으로 강수 감소 처리를 수행하였다. 첫 번째로, 온도 증가 및 강수 감소에 따른 이상생장과 봄 식물계절의 반응을 구명하였다. 2017년과 2018년 10월에 이상생장 발생률 및 식물계절 단계를 측정하였다. 2018년과 2019년 봄에 식물계절을 측정하고 관련 변수를 계산하였다. 이상생장 발생률은 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 2018년에 37.8% 증가하였으나 2019년에는 -14.3% 감소하였다. 29.2°C 의 한계 온도를 기준으로 이상생장 발생률은 8월 평균 온도 증가에 따라 초기에 증가하다가 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 봄 식물계절은 2018년에 8.1일, 2019년에 9.4일 앞당겨졌으며, 식물계절 단계 발달 속도도 2018년에 14.6%, 2019년에 11.9% 증가하였다. 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 저온기간은 감소하였고(2018: -39.1%; 2019: -49.1%), 적산온도는 증가하였다(2018: 15.9%; 2019: 15.3%). 낮은 저온기간에 하에서 봄 식물계절은 지연되는 것으로 보고되어왔으나, 본 연구에서는 앞당겨졌다. 이는 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 고온이 대조구보다 먼저, 빠르게 축적되었기 때문으로 판단된다. 이상생장의 식물계절 단계는 대조구 및 온도 증가 처리에서 유사하게 나타났으므로, 이상생장의 발달로 인한 생장 중단이 지연되지 않았고 이에 따라 다음해의 봄 식물계절도 변화하지 않은 것으로 보인다. 한편 강수 감소 처리는 이상생장 및 봄 식물계절에 영향을 주지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째로, 온도 증가 및 강수 감소에 따른 생리적 특성 및 고사 반응을 구명하였다. 2017년 4월부터 8월, 2018년 5월부터 12월까지 순광합성률(A), 기공전도도(gs), 증산속도(E) 및 최대양자수율(Fv/Fm)을 월별로 측정하였고, 묘목 고사율은 연구기간 동안 총 8회에 걸쳐 측정하였다. 토양 수분 감소와 토양 및 잎의 온도 증가에 따라 A, gs 및 E는 각각 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 -22.0%, -34.6%, -33.6% 감소하였고, 강수 감소 처리에 의하여 -5.8%, -11.0%, -8.6% 감소하였다. 반면, Fv/Fm은 처리에 따른 유의한 변화가 없었다. 묘목 고사율은 온도 증가 처리에서 7.4배 증가하였는데 이는 장기간의 광합성 감소에 따른 탄소 기아에 의한 것으로 보인다. 강수 감소 처리에 따른 고사율의 변화는 나타나지 않았는데, A에 대한 강수 감소 처리의 효과가 미비하고 지속적이지 않았기 때문으로 판단된다. 2018년 여름에 이상 고온으로 인하여 온도 증가 처리 하에서 잎 온도는 38.3°C이었으며, 묘목은 10.7시간 동안 45.0°C 이상의 온도에 노출된 것으로 나타났다. 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 Fv/Fm은 2018년 8월에 -11.8% 감소하였고, 묘목 고사율은 7–8월에 15.3배 증가하였다. 여름동안 묘목 고사율의 급증은 극심한 고온의 의한 잎의 손상에서 야기된 것으로 판단된다. 세 번째로, 온도 증가 및 강수 감소에 따른 묘목 생장 및 잎의 형태적 특성 반응을 구명하였다. 2018년과 2019년의 근원경 및 묘고, 2018년의 이상생장 길이, 2017년과 2018년의 생물량 및 잎의 형태적 특성을 측정하였다. 두 처리 모두 근원경에 영향을 주지 못하였으나 묘고는 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 2018년에 -15.8%, 2019년에 -22.1%씩 각각 감소하였다. 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 2018년의 전체 생물량은 -13.4%, 뿌리 생물량은 -19.4% 감소하였다. 줄기 생물량은 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 2017년에 -21.9%, 2018년에 -29.4% 감소하였다. 이러한 생장의 감소는 온도 증가 처리에 의한 광합성 감소에 의한 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 강수 감소 처리에 따른 전체 생장의 변화는 나타나지 않았다. 강수 감소 처리 하에서 2018년의 뿌리생물량비는 15.5% 감소하였는데, 이는 수분 공급의 감소에 의한 것으로 보인다. 온도 증가 처리에 의하여 줄기생물량비는 2017년에 -8.4%, 2018년에 -19.5% 감소하였고, 잎생물량비는 2018년에 +6.3% 증가하였다. 단위 면적 당 광합성 감소를 극복하기 위한 적응으로 묘목의 생물량이 주로 잎에 분배된 것으로 판단된다. 이에 따라 온도 증가 처리에서 잎의 수가 감소했으나, 잎의 생물량 증가로 잎의 길이는 11.8% 증가하였다. 이러한 결과는 미래 기후변화에 대한 수목의 반응, 특히 고정생장 및 등수성 특성을 가지는 수종의 반응에 대한 이해를 향상시키는데 기여할 수 있다. 아울러 기후변화 하에서 양묘장 및 조림지의 묘목 관리에 활용될 수 있다.

      • The monitoring of food web and coastal zooplankton community in a eutrophic-brackish reservoir, Saemangeum

        Sho Nakano Kyung Hee University 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247757

        The Saemangeum dyke construction created huge brackish reservoir having strong eutrophication impacts from the two rivers (Mangyung and Dongjin River) as well as limited seawater inputs from the open sea through the sluice gates of the dyke simultaneously. The Saemangeum coast provides chances to study the relation of aquatic ecosystem and environmental changes in coastal area particularly the impacts of eutrophication and salinity changes In the present study, dynamics of zooplankton community, of which composition and distribution shows significant responding to environmental changes sensitively was analyzed in accordance with environmental changes. The distribution of zooplankton community with special emphasis on copepods community which is dominant species in Saemangeum coast, and the relationship with environmental factors were analyzed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and Generalized liner model (GLM). Further, the food web analysis using staple isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) was carried out for quantitative estimation of the ecosystem structure and function of Saemangeum coast. Dual δ13C and δ15N composition indicate the origin of organic matter and nutrients flows (i.e. distribution of food sources and pollutants) and trophic relation. The sample collection including particulate organic matter (POM), zooplankton, fish and sediment for food web analysis were conducted in each season (July, October 2013, February, April, August, October 2014 and February 2015) at 17 sites in the Saemangeum coast including two river water input points with water quality monitoring. As results, the brackish and coastal copepod species, Acartia spp., Oithona spp. and Paracalanus spp. appeared as dominant species during the study period and their distribution pattern showed strong seasonality. Especially, frequent appearance and high density of Oithona spp. which prefer the eutrophic environment can suggest eutrophication is progressing in Saemangeum coast. In addition, the results of CCA analysis suggested that copepod species responded to salinity, COD and water temperature significantly. As a result of food web analysis, the isotope ratios indicated complicated food web structure of the Saemangeum coast during survey period. Especially, the δ13C signals of POM showed bifacial patterns of environmental changes, desalination by freshwater accumulation in summer season and restoration of original oceanic status in winter season. Zooplankton and fish communities showed seasonally different distribution patterns and consequently different food web structure considering the feeding patterns according to environmental changes. Therefore, it can be suggested that desalination and eutrophication are main environmental factors determining the species composition and distribution patterns of zooplankton and fish communities.

      • (The) effects of bilateral capsulotomy on neuronal oscillation in treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder with magnetoencephalogram

        장진구 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247711

        Bilateral capsulotomy with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) is a novel treatment option for patients with treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, no previous study has explored the effect of the procedure on cortical oscillatory activity and electrodynamic connectivity. We investigated changes of cortical oscillation after capsulotomy using resting-state magnetoencephalogram (MEG) along with clinical symptoms. Eight treatment-resistant OCD patients underwent resting state MEG recording repeatedly before, 1 month, and 6 months after the procedure. We compared the clinical symptoms, oscillatory power, and phase coherence among cortical sensors between each recording. Finally, we investigated the relationship between coherence and changes in obsessive-compulsive symptoms. After the procedure, obsessive-compulsive symptoms improved gradually over 6 months of follow-up. Significant decrease in power of high beta (20-35 Hz) band was observed with a tendency to decrease over time, mostly in the frontal and centro-parietal regions. The coherence results showed a gradual decrease in connectivity in all frequency bands, except theta (4-8Hz) band. Obsessive-compulsive symptom change was associated mostly in the regional frontal connectivity change right after the procedure (until 1 month). However, delayed change (between 1 month and 6 months) was associated with interregional connectivity change between the frontal and occipital area. These MEG findings indicate that the effect of bilateral capsulotomy is associated not only with local neuronal activity but also global brain network reorganization. Overall, our results advance the understanding of the neuronal mechanism of capsulotomy on treating OCD. 양측 전피막 절제술은 치료저항성 강박증의 안전하고 효과적인 치료법으로 알려져 있지만, 현재까지 시술 전 후 뇌의 전기생리학적 변화를 관찰한 연구는 매우 적다. 본 연구는 고집적 자기공명영상 유도하 초음파를 통한 양측 전피막 절제술 전 후 대뇌 피질 진동의 파워와 연결성의 변화를 확인하는 것에 그 목적이 있다. 양측성 피막절개술 임상연구에 참여하는 환자 8명에게 치료 전 과 시술 후 1개월, 시술 후 6개월에 휴지기 뇌자도를 촬영하고, 촬영 전 강박증상과 우울증상을 평가하였다. 152개의 전극을 위치에 따라 좌우 전두엽, 측두엽, 두정엽, 후두엽으로 분류하고, 시술 전 후 주파수별 파워와 위상 일관성을 시간에 따라 비교하였다. 또한 강박증상의 변화와 위상 일관성 변화의 상관관계를 계산하였다. 주파수별 파워분석 결과 전두엽과 두정엽의 고베타파 (20-35 Hz)의 파워가 수술직후 감소하였고, 이 변화는 6개월의 관찰기간 동안 지속되었다. 위상일관성 분석결과, 쎄타파(4~8 Hz)를 제외한 모든 주파수의 연결성이 시간이 지남에 따라 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 시술 후 1개월 동안 강박증상의 변화는 전두엽 부위의 위상일관성 변화와, 시술 후 1개월부터 6개월사이의 강박증상의 변화는 전두엽과 후두엽 사이의 부위간 연결성의 감소와 연관이 있었다. 양측 전피막 절제술의 치료효과는 전두 피질의 활성을 감소뿐 아니라, 전반적 뇌 연결성의 변화를 통해 나타난다는 것을 시사한다.

      • The institutionalization of growth and decline in government employment : economics, politics, and imitation

        이창길 Cornell University 2001 해외박사

        RANK : 247709

        This dissertation examines factors that determine organizational downsizing in government, a practice that has spread across OECD countries since the 1980s, from the perspective of two competing theories: contingency theory and institutional theory. Contingency theory views government downsizing as a response to economic or political contingencies that countries confront in pursuit of efficiency or productivity. Institutional theory views it as a taken-for-granted, imitated strategy far innovation intended to reduce uncertainty and achieve legitimacy. Analyzing panel data from 26 OECD countries across 18 years from 1980 to 1997, the results show the strong significance of institutional forces in determining annual changes in government employment. Any change in government employment in a given focal country during a given year was significantly influenced by changes in the previous year made in other countries with which it held strong trade connections, to which it was closer in geographical distance, and with which it shared a border. More importantly, imitative effects of other countries that implemented downsizing during the previous year are strongly significant while those of other countries that implemented upsizing during the previous year are not significant. By thus spilling over from downsizing countries into upsizing countries but not in the opposite direction, downsizing in government employment has diffused rapidly since the 1980s. Another important finding here is that imitation effects were more significant in the 1990s than in the 1980s. During the 1980s past changes in a focal government's own employment was the most significant factor, while during the 1990s changes in other countries became more significant in determining changes in that focal country. During the 1990s, then, focal countries paid more attention to other countries' previous behaviors than to their own. This suggests that, while 'incrementalism' as usually applied to budgetary decision-making prevailed in the 1980s, institutionalism sensitive to other countries' behaviors prevailed in the 1990s. Thus, this dissertation provides significant evidence of the imitative diffusion of organizational downsizing, supporting the institutional perspective and responding to recent arguments underscoring the role of institutional forces in downsizing-as well as the lack of empirical studies supporting those arguments. It is especially important then to continue research on 'global' diffusion as an organizational strategy across nation-states.

      • (An) analysis on climate ODA for sustainable agriculture in Vietnam

        장지원 Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei U 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247694

        Vietnam is seriously considered as one of the countries, where it is vulnerable to climate change. Changes of climate in Vietnam are severe, when seeing changes in sea level rise, precipitation and temperatures. Hence, it is critical for this country to be prepared for the effective strategies tackling climate change for sustainable agriculture in Vietnam. The study tests with factor analysis whether aid flow for infrastructure or Technical Assistance (TA) made Vietnam to have resilience in climate change area. Finally, the study come up with conclusion that German ODA flow has shown performance to help Vietnam to have climate change resilience with spending on agricultural R&D and investment in technology sector in particular. Japan’s ODA flow performed well in Technical Assistance (TA), mainly due to the spending on agricultural R&D, and investment on agricultural researchers. And France’s ODA flow has shown performance in building infrastructure in Vietnam, but not performing well in Vietnam in technical assistance and agricultural assistance, compared to the other donor countries.

      • DeCoNSTRuCTioN? ReCoNSTRuCTioN? : Radical Changes in Isaiah 40-55

        김창주 Chicago Theological Seminary 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 247694

        Isaiah 40-55 shows that the concept of "suffering" changed drastically during exile. What was Deutero-Isaiah's contribution to the change? Before Deutero-Isaiah, the place of suffering within biblical theology was largely understood in terms of retributive theory. Suffering as the result of sin received a negative connotation. For Deutero-Isaiah, however, suffering is considered a part of Yhwh's redemptive work (Isa. 45:7). The notion of suffering, especially innocent suffering, has a positive meaning attached to it for the first time. In fact, that the righteous one suffers is contrary to traditional teaching. The conflict between tradition (retribution) and reality (innocent suffering) was often questioned by some authors of the Hebrew Bible, however. According to retributive justice, the vicious cycle (sin and punishment) persists unchanged. Deutero-Isaiah might recognize why the tragic pattern of sin and punishment occurs. Thus, breaking the stranglehold is required: how could the recurring pattern of sin and punishment be broken? This is the first question that the prophet tries to answer through the idea of innocent suffering. Yet the issue of innocent suffering is set side by side with the theory of reward and punishment. The notion of compensation theory was not ignored completely. Rather, the prophet builds his idea of vicarious suffering on the traditional retributive theory. This is a new theological scenario expressed most clearly in Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Second, Deutero-Isaiah suggests a new thing, something "unheard" of and totally beyond all retributive justice: vicarious suffering. Yhwh forgives the culprits and transfers their culpability onto an innocent party. The hint of the vicariousness can be seen from the fact that Yhwh clears Israel 's sins and iniquities for his name 's sake (Isa. 43 :25 ; 48 :9-11. cf. Ezek. 20:9, 14, 22, 39). According to Ezekiel, however, there is no other way to be saved but by being righteous (14:14). Deutero-Isaiah goes so far as to state that the suffering of the righteous can save others: the sinful one could be made pure by a third party who suffers innocently for the sake of Yhwh's name. This substitution would be outrageous were it not for the fact that the innocent party is God's servant. The role of innocent suffering is considerably expanded to entail an efficacious sacrifice. There is a surplus of righteousness that spills over and benefits the unrighteous. Obviously, the circumstance in Babylon demanded a breakthrough that would free the exiles from the stalemate of the sin and punishment cycle. Paradoxically, the experience of the Babylonian captivity drove all Israel to the depth of hopelessness in which the new idea of vicarious suffering is germinated (Isa. 53:4-5).

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