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      • 지황 및 더덕의 포제방법 및 증포횟수에 따른 주요 성분변화

        전세희 경상국립대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was conducted to observe the changes in antioxidant components and active ingredients throughout the 9 cycle steaming drying process of Rehmannia glutinosa radix and Codonopsis lanceolata radix. In addition, the optimal extraction method was also investigated through the analysis of the indicator ingredients of Rehmannia glutinosa radix. 1. Determination of optimal extraction method of Rehmannia glutinosa radix. To find the optimal extraction method for Rehmannia glutinosa radix, four different extraction methods were carried out. These methods were maceration extraction(ME), ultrasound-assisted extraction(UAE), reflux extraction(RE), and high-pressure hot water extraction(PHWE). The extraction yield was the highest in PHWE, followed by UAE, ME, and RE. There were no significant differences in total polyphenol and flavonoid content by extraction method. However, the ME method tended to have higher contents, and the RE method tended to have lower contents. The results of the ABTS and DPPH assays for antioxidant activity showed that ABTS activity was the highest in PHWE, and the DPPH activity was the highest in ME. Therefore, based on the antioxidant components and catalpol content results, the optimal extraction method for Rehmannaia glutinosa radix was the ME method. 2. Changes of major ingredients in Rehmannia glutinosa radix according to processing methods and steaming drying cycles. Investigating the antioxidant activity of ABTS and DPPH according to processing methods and steaming drying cycles in Rehmannia glutinosa radix showed that the ABTS activity was the highest in Rehmannia glutinosa radix. There was no significant difference ABTS activity according to the number of steaming drying cycles from 1 to 9 cycles, but there was high antioxidant activity similar to that of ascorbic acid, which was used as a control substance in all cycles. The DPPH activity also showed a similar tendency to the ABTS activity, and there was no significant difference according to the processing method or the number of steaming drying cycles. The content of total polyphenol showed no statistically significant differences according to the processing methods, but it tended to be the highest in nectar after 9 steaming drying cycles, followed by takju, spirit, and sugar. The polyphenol content tended to increase gradually as the number of steaming drying cycles incresed. Similar to the total polyphenol content, the content of total flavonoid tended to be the highest in nectar, followed bt takju, sugar, and spirit. it tended to increase gradually as the number of steaming dry cycles increased. The total flavonoids content tended to increase as the number of steaming drying cycles increasd, and it was confirmed that the total flavonoid content increased by two to three times as the number of steaming drying cycles increased from 0 to 9 cycles. The content of aucubin, one of the main components of Rehmannia glutinosa radix, showed a tendency to increase as the number of steaming drying cycles increased in all four processing methods. It showed a tendency to decrease with 1 cycle, and then increase after 2 cycles, showing a gradual increase. Of the processing methods, sugar had the lowest aucubin content. aucubin was the lowest in sugar, and in other treatments excluding sugar, In other treatments excluding sugar, the aucubin content tended to gradually increase as the number of steaming drying cycles increased, and takju showed the highest content in 9 cycles. The content of catalpol as an indicator ingredient in Rehmannia glutinosa radix was not significant according to the processing method or the number of steaming dry cycles. The content of 5-HMF , an indicator ingredient of Rehmannia glutinosa preparata, increased as the number of steaming drying cycles increased. Of the processing methods, nectar showed the highest 5-HMF content, followed by takju, sugar, and spirit. In summary, the content of antioxidant ingredients, aucubin, and 5-HMF tended to increase as the number of steaming drying cycles increased, but there was no significant difference in the catalpol content. In addition, it was confirmed that the sugar and spirit processing methods could lower the 5-HMF content of Rehmannia glutinosa preparata. 3. Changes of major ingredients in codonopsis lanceolata radix according to processing methods and steaming drying cycles. In C. lanceolata radix, the ABTS activity according to the number of steaming drying cycles showed a tendency to decrease somewhat with 1 cycle regardless the processing methods, then it increased again from 2 cycles onward. Fuethermore, there was similar activity given 3 to 9 cycles. DPPH activity decreased with 1 to 2 cycles in sugar, was highest with 3 cycles, and showed no difference with 4 to 9 cycles. The nectar, spirit, and takju processing methods showed high activity with 1 to 2 cycles, but tended to decrease slightly with 3 to 9 cycles. The content of total polyphenol increased rapidly with 3 to 4 cycles in the nectar and sugar processing methods, and then decreased slightly as the number of steaming drying cycles further increased. There was no significant trend in the spirit and takju processing methods based on the number of steaming drying cycles. The total flavonoid content was the highest in sugar at 9 cycles, followed by nectar, takju, and spirit. Takju increased rapidly at 9 cycles, and the content of total flavonoid in sugar, nectar, and spirit tended to increase as the number of steaming drying cycles increased. However, spirit increased as the number of steaming drying cycles increased, but then rapidly decreased at 9 cycles. The content of lancemaside A, one of the major saponin components of C. lanceolata radix, was the highest at 1 cycle in all treatments, and rapidly decreased after 2 cycles. In addition to lancemaside A, lancemaside B, lancemaside G, and aster saponin Hb all showed a tendency to increase rapidly with 1 cycle, but then decrease again after 2 cycles. Therefore, the content of lancemasides could be greatly increased by steaming and drying for only one cycle, In particular, using a single steaming drying cycle could increase the content of lancemaside A by about 20 times compared to the results of previous studies.

      • 패션 소재 컬러에 대한 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감의 비교 연구

        전세희 홍익대학교 문화정보정책대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to compare the sense and sensibility evaluation tendencies of visual texture and tactile texture that fashion materials have. Consumers evaluate and purchase fashion material with the accompanied visual information on colors and texture. Therefore, in this study, a comparative analysis was conducted on the difference of sense and sensibility evaluations in the methods for evaluating the visual texture and for the tactile texture (including visual texture) of fashion materials according to the characteristics of materials and colors, and evaluation tendencies were compared and analyzed when different colors were applied to equal materials. For the experiment of this study, basic colors (White, Black, Beige, Brown, Khaki, Navy) and a variety of textile materials which are basically used in the fashion industry were selected through theoretical background survey. As experimental samples, a total of forty eight samples classified on the basis of surface characteristics and weight were selected with color measurement and with the naked eye. Based on the previous research on fashion materials, eight pairs of evaluation vocabularies were chosen. This study had two experiments: the first experiment and the second experiment. The experimental results were evaluated with the seven-point Likert Scale. In the first experiment, material samples were evaluated visually. In the second experiment, the tactile texture based on visual and tactile senses was evaluated. Both of the experiments were conducted with equal study subjects. For better discrimination, samples were shuffled randomly in each one of the experiments. The study results drawn from the experiments are presented as follows: Firstly, the surface characteristics of materials was found to influence sense and sensibility evaluations. Regarding the evaluation tendency of equal materials according to visual and tactile texture evaluation methods, equal materials showed a similar evaluation tendency mostly. Some materials showed a different evaluation tendency in the sensibility evaluation of visual texture and tactile texture. Secondly, the sense evaluation for visual texture and tactile texture was almost consistent. The sense evaluation results were drawn according to material characteristics and sense evaluation tendency. Thirdly, a sense of gloss, a sense of ruggedness, a sense of thickness, a sense of density, and a sense of luxury were statistically and significantly different in the visual texture and tactile texture evaluation. Fourthly, in the visual and tactile texture evaluation according to color characteristics, there was relatively similarity. Aside from that, the sense and sensibility evaluation tendency was defined according to basic color characteristics. Fifthly, a sense of gloss, a sense of ruggedness, and a sense of thickness were statistically and significantly different in the visual and tactile texture evaluation. With regard to a sense of gloss, tactile texture tended to be recognized more strongly; regarding a sense of ruggedness and a sense of thickness, visual texture tended to be recognized more strongly. Sixthly, when a diversity of color characteristics were applied to equal fashion materials, visual texture and tactile texture tended to be evaluated differently according to material and color characteristics. A difference in basic colors of fashion materials led to different evaluations of visual texture and tactile texture. In this study, visual texture and tactile texture including visual texture were classified according to material and color characteristics, and a comparative analysis was conducted on the difference of sense and sensibility evaluations. Evaluation tendencies were diverse according to material and color characteristics. The result was meaningful in the point that sense and sensibility evaluation tendencies of materials work in a complicated way and are applicable to fashion material planning. It is expected to predict consumers’ sense and sensibility and plan the harmony of materials’ texture and colors in the fashion product planning step. 본 연구는 패션 소재의 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감의 감각 및 감성 평가 경향을 비교 분석하기 위해 진행되었다. 소비자가 패션 소재를 평가하고 구입할 때 색채와 질감과 같은 시각적 정보가 동반되어 구매가 이루어진다. 따라서 패션 소재의 시각적 질감과 시각을 배제하지 않은 촉각적 질감의 평가 방법에 따른 감각 및 감성 평가 차이를 소재 특성과 컬러 특성에 따라 비교 분석하고 동일한 소재일 때 컬러가 다르게 주어짐에 따라 나타나는 평가 경향을 비교 분석하였다. 본 실험은 이론적 배경 조사를 통해 패션 산업에서 기본적으로 사용되고 있는 베이직 컬러(White, Black, Beige, Brown, Khaki, Navy)와 다양한 직물 소재를 선정하여 진행하였다. 실험 샘플은 표면 특성과 중량감을 기준으로 분류된 총 48개의 샘플로 측색과 육안검사를 통해 선발하였고 패션 소재 선행 연구를 통해 8쌍의 평가 어휘를 선정하였다. 본 연구의 실험은 1차 실험과 2차 실험으로 진행하였고 7점 리커트척도(Likert Scale)로 평가하였다. 1차 실험은 시각으로만 소재 샘플을 평가한 시각적 질감 평가이며, 2차 실험은 시각과 촉각을 동시에 사용한 촉각적 질감 평가를 의미한다. 1차 실험과 2차 실험에 동일한 피험자를 대상으로 진행하였고 실험 순서는 변별력을 높이기 위해 각각의 실험마다 샘플을 무작위로 섞어 진행하였다. 실험을 통한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소재의 표면적 재질 특성이 감각과 감성 평가에 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감 평가 방법에 따라 동일한 소재의 평가 경향은 대부분 유사한 평가 경향을 나타났으며 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감 감각 평가 방법에서 서로 다른 경향을 보인 소재를 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감에 대한 감성 평가는 거의 일치하였으며 소재 특성과 감각 평가 경향에 따라 나타나는 감성 평가 결과를 도출하였다. 셋째, 광택감, 요철감, 두께감, 밀도감, 편안함, 고급감이 소재 특성에 따른 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감 평가에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 나타났다. 넷째, 컬러 특성에 따른 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감 평가는 상대적으로 유사하게 나타났다. 더불어 베이직 컬러 특성별 감각과 감성 평가 경향을 정의하였다. 다섯째, 광택감, 요철감, 두께감은 유채색의 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감 평가에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 나타났다. 광택감은 촉각적 질감이 더 강하게 인지되며 요철감과 두께감은 시각적 질감이 더 강하게 인지되는 경향을 나타났다. 여섯째, 동일한 패션 소재에 컬러 특성이 다양하게 주어졌을 때, 소재와 컬러 특성에 따라 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감의 평가 경향이 다양하게 나타나는 것을 확인하였다. 패션 소재에서 나타난 베이직 컬러의 차이가 서로 다른 시각적 질감과 촉각적 질감의 평가 차이를 만든다는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 시각적 질감과 시각을 배제하지 않은 촉각적 질감을 소재 특성과 컬러 특성으로 분류하여 감각과 감성 평가 차이를 비교 분석하였다. 소재와 컬러 특성에 따라 평가 경향이 다양하게 나타났으며, 이는 소재에 나타난 감각과 감성 평가 경향이 복합적으로 작용하고 패션 소재 기획에 적용할 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 패션 상품 기획 단계에서 소비자들의 감각과 감성을 예측하여 소재의 질감과 컬러를 조화롭게 기획할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • 아동학대 신고의무자에 대한 보육교사와 장애통합교사의 인식

        전세희 중앙대학교 교육대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 특수보육시설로 지정된 장애통합어린이집에서 보육교사와 장애통합교사를 대상으로 아동학대 신고의무자임을 알고 아동학대의 문제점과 이에 따른 인식과 대처방안을 제시하는 목적에 의의를 두고 있다. 본 연구의 목적에 따라 아래와 같이 연구 문제를 선정하였다. 연구문제 1. 아동학대 신고의무자에 대한 보육교사와 장애통합교사의 인식은 무엇인가? 연구문제 2. 보육교사와 장애통합교사의 아동학대 신고의무자로서 아동학대 해결방안은 무엇인가? 이에 본 연구에서는 2019년 4월 한 달간에 걸쳐 서울시 특수보육시설로 지정되어 장애통합반을 실시하고 있는 국공립어린이집 4개 기관 중에 근무하고 있는 장애통합반 보육교사와 장애통합교사 6명을 대상으로 일대일 면담을 통한 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 인터뷰의 분석 결과와 주요 내용을 연구 문제별로 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보육교사와 장애통합교사의 아동학대 인식을 살펴본 결과, 영·유아들은 하루 일과 속에서 오랜 시간동안 교사와 밀접한 상호관계를 맺고 있다. 보육교사와 장애통합교사는 각 다른 교육방식에 따른 의견 차이를 갖고 있으며 다양한 아동발달 특성에 따라 성향, 기질로 인하여 잘못된 훈육방식과 보육환경이 직접적인 영향을 미치기 때문에 아동학대가 발생한다고 인식하였다. 둘째, 보육교사와 장애통합교사의 아동학대 신고의무자에 대한 인식을 살펴본 결과, 보육 및 교육을 할 때 장애영·유아와 비장애영·유아의 문제행동에 따라 교사는 예민한 감정과 태도가 나타나면서 위험한 학대로 확대될 수 있다. 그렇기 때문에 보육교사와 장애통합교사는 아동중심적인 사고전환이 필요하고 영·유아의 발달성향, 기질, 행동 등을 공유하여 협력하는 것이 중요하다. 또한, 교사는 영·유아의 문제행동을 해결하는 행위와 과정 속에서‘학대’라고 판단하는 기준이 교사 간의 의견차이가 있다. 그러나 ‘동료’라는 관계를 맺고 있기 때문에 아동학대 신고의 어려움을 겪고 있다고 하였다. 셋째, 아동학대 개선방안을 살펴본 결과, 아동학대가 증가함에 따라 사회적으로 어린이집 교사에 대한 비판적이고 교사 행동에 대한 불신과 불안감을 조성하기에 유아교육기관(유치원, 어린이집)교사의 인권보호와 사회적·법적지원이 필요하다고 하였다. 또한 아동학대와 관련된 교사교육과 교육프로그램이 체계적으로 시행되어 교사들의 참여도를 높여야 한다고 하였다. 이에 따라 교사의 심리적·정서적·신체적으로 강화되어 영·유아를 대하는 태도가 안정성을 띄울 것이며 신고의무자로써 아동학대에 대한 적절한 대처방안을 인지할 것이다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 아동학대 신고의무자에 대한 인식과 해결방안을 살펴보았다. 이러한 인식과 해결방안에 따라 아동학대를 예방하는데 도움이 되기를 바라며, 무엇보다 아동의 발달 특성을 이해함에 있어서 교사의 올바른 교육방침을 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to explore the awareness of mandatory reporters related problems, perceptions and actions of the teachers from the inclusive childcare institutions. To accomplish the research purpose, the following research questions were established: Research problem 1. What are daycare and inclusive childcare teachers' experiences in mandatory reporters of child abuse? Research problem 2. What ought to do as a mandatory reporter to prevent child abuse? This study performed individual interviews in April 2019 with six daycare teachers of inclusive classes and inclusive childcare teachers in four public daycare centers, which were designated as special care facilities in Seoul. The analysis results and details of the interviews are summarized as follows: First, as a result of examining daycare and inclusive childcare teachers’ perceptions of child abuse, it was found that infants and children have a close relationship with teachers for a long time in their daily life. Having different opinions according to different education methods, the teachers perceived that child abuse occurs because the wrong education method and environment have direct effects due to tendencies and temperaments based on various characteristics of child development. Second, as a result of examining the daycare and inclusive childcare teachers’ awareness of mandatory reporters of child abuse, it was revealed that teachers' sensitive emotions and attitudes can turn into dangerous abuse according to the problem behaviors of disabled and non-disabled infants and children during childcare and education. As such, it is important for daycare and inclusive childcare teachers to develop child-centered thinking and cooperate by sharing the developmental tendencies, temperaments, and behaviors of their young students. In addition, there was a disagreement among the teachers in the criteria for determining “abuse” in the behavior and process of solving the problem behaviors of infants and children. Being in the relationship of “colleagues,” however, they answered that it was difficult to report child abuse. Third, the investigation on measures to improve child abuse prevention revealed that it is required to provide protection of human rights and social and legal supports for childcare teachers in kindergartens and daycare centers, since the society has criticized and developed distrust and anxiety toward childcare teachers’ behaviors due to the increase in child abuse. In addition, they said it was necessary to systematically provide teachers with training and education programs related to child abuse to increase the participation of teachers. This will lead to the psychological, emotional, and physical development in teachers, treating their young students with more stable attitudes and recognizing appropriate measures for child abuse as mandatory reporters. Based on the above results, this study explored the awareness of mandatory reporters of child abuse and solutions. It is hoped that such awareness and solutions will help prevent child abuse; most of all, the right educational policy for understanding the characteristics of child development is expected from teachers.

      • 기후변화에 따른 가지과실파리 (Bactrocera latifrons)의 국내 잠재적 지리 분포 예측

        전세희 고려대학교 생명환경과학대학원 2024 국내석사

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        기후변화와 해외여행, 무역 등 국제 교류의 증가로 인해 침입외래생물의 유입이 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 MaxEnt 모형을 활용하여 아직 국내에 침입하지 않았지만 침입 위험도가 가장 높은 1급 금지 과실파리에 속하며 주로 가지과 작물에 피해를 주는 해충인 가지과실파리(Bactrocera latifrons)의 전 지구적, 현재 및 미래의 잠재적 지리 분포를 예측하였다. 전 지구 수준의 출현자료와 생물기후변수들을 활용해 모형을 구축한 결과, Training AUC 와 Test AUC 모두 0.8 이상으로 매우 예측력이 높았다. 활용한 환경변수들 중에서는 BIO06(가장 추운 달의 최저기온), BIO02(평균 일교차의 월평균), BIO05(가장 따뜻한 달의 최고기온), BIO14(가장 건조한 달의 강수량)이 주요한 환경변수로 분석되었다. 예측된 가지과실파리의 전 지구 분포는 열대 및 아열대 지역과 해안 지역을 중심으로 대부분의 출현 국가들인 동남아시아 및 남아시아, 남아프리카에서 높은 분포 확률을 보였으며, 아직 분포하지 않은 남아메리카의 일부 국가에서 출현 확률이 매우 높게 나온 것으로 보아 잠재적 침입 위험이 크다고 판단되었다. 국내의 경우, 현재 기후 하에 제주도와 전라남도, 경상남도 일부 해안지역에서 가지과실파리의 분포 확률이 매우 높았다. SSP 시나리오를 적용하여 미래 잠재 분포를 예측한 결과, 기후변화가 진행됨에 따라 전라남도 서해안과 부산 일부 지역, 동해안의 포항 및 삼척 해안까지 확장되었다. 10MTP 임계치를 적용하여 가지과실파리가 현재 기후 하에서 잠재적으로 발생 가능 면적은 6,001km2로 예측되었으며, SSP370 시나리오에서는 최대 10,408km2까지 확장될 가능성이 있다고 예측되었다. 그러나 내륙지방으로의 분포는 어려울 것으로 예측되어 주로 해안지역을 중점적으로 검역을 철저히 할 필요가 있다고 사료된다.

      • 코로나19(COVID-19)시대 방학 중 대학생의 식생활 및 생활습관

        전세희 대진대학교 교육대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) on the diet and lifestyle of college students and using patterns of home training and meal kits. An online survey was conducted with 208 students from a university located in northern Gyeonggi Province. More male students answered to exercise 'more than 3 days a week' than females (50% vs. 23.1%, P<0.001), and to practice home training 'more than 3 days a week' (40.2% vs. 18.6%, P<0.05), compared to female counterparts. The most often practicing type of home training was ’strength exercise’ (59.8%) for male and ’stretching’ for female students (34.3%). The principle route through home training was 'Youtube' (90.9%) without gender difference. About half of the subjects ate lunch that prepared by other family members 47.6%, 29.8% cooked their own lunch, 12.5% ate delivered or takeout foods and 6.3% ate out without gender difference. While more female students experienced of using meal kit than males (26.8 vs. 42.1%, P<0.05), 68.0% used it ’less often once a week’ and 73.3% answered that they use it because for ’conveniency’. The six lowest dietary behaviors were 'regular meal', 'eating green and yellow vegetables', 'milk·dairy intake', 'seaweed intake', 'breakfast meal', and 'regular exercise'. The associations of dietary scores were not consistent with the degree of watching mukbang and cookbang. The results of this study can provide basic information to develop nutrition education program to help college students improve their eating habits and lifestyle, especially in a disaster situation such as the COVID-19 period.

      • Improved Poisson-Gaussian Denoising Method Based on Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization

        전세희 이화여자대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        The objective of this study is to develop an algorithm to remove Poisson-Gaussian noise. The algorithm is implemented in three-steps. First, we exploit the Generalized Anscombe Transformation (GAT) [4], which is one of the Variance Stabilization Transformations. Applying the GAT algorithm, we can transforms a Gaussian-Poisson noise to a Gaussian noise with unity variance in the entire image. As a second step, after GAT, we apply the technique of Improved Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization [8] to remove the transformed noise which is treated as Gaussian noise. The motivation of using ImpWNNM is to use the gradient information when finding locally similar patches, such that it yields improved results. Also, we maintain the image structure by using Laplacian values. By doing so, the edge information is well preserved in the denosed images. After applying the Improved WNNM as Gaussian filter, we use an exact unbiased inverse [7] as a last step. Some numerical results are demonstrated to display the perfomance of the proposed denoising algorithm for Poisson-Gaussian noise. 이 논문에서는 Generalized Anscombe Transformation과 WNNM을 사용하여 Poisson-Gaussian Noise가 있는 이미지 denoising 방법을 소개한다. 보통, Poisson-Gaussian noise를 제거하기 위해 Variance Stabilization Transformation 중 하나인 Generalized Anscombe Transformation(GAT)을 사용하는데, GAT후의 이미지를 Poisson noise가 아닌 전체 이미지에서 하나의 Variance를 가진 Gaussian noise를 가졌다고 가정하고 Gaussian denoising filter 중 하나인 WNNM을 개선한 Improved WNNM을 이용하여 노이즈를 제거하고 다시 Inverse GAT를 적용한다. Gaussian filter로 Improved WNNM을 사용할 때 Edge의 손실을 방지하기 위해 gradient와 Laplacian 정보를 이용하여 similar patch를 찾는 방법을 사용해 성능을 높인다. 흔히들 approximation에서 사용하는 Moving Least Squares(MLS)을 이용하여 정보를 얻는다. 그럼으로써, edge 정보를 더 잘 유지시키며 노이즈도 제거하는 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 여러가지 테스트 이미지에 이 알고리즘을 적용하여 Poisson-Gaussian noise를 제거하는 결과를 확인할 수 있다.

      • Microbiota composition of fermented alcoholic beverages products including beer, Cheongju, fruit wine, Makgeolli, Yakju consumed in Korea

        전세희 Graduate School, Korea University 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        Microbial ecology in the fermented alcoholic beverages associated with hygiene and safety problems has not been investigated. Only a few studies were performed to search microbes contributing to fermentation and spoilage in only a part of them. In the present study, a total of 636 samples (211 fruit wine, 167 makgeolli, 124 yakju, 106 beer, and 28 cheongju) were selected regarding manufacturing scale and geographic distribution, and microbiological analyses were performed (quantitative: aerobic plate counts (APC), lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria (AAB), Fungi, coliforms, Bacillus cereus; qualitative: B.cereus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Yersinia enterocolitica). The makgeolli has the highest number of microorganisms (MO) among the samples (mean values of APC: 8.0, LAB: 7.9, AAB: 3.5, Fungi: 7.7 log CFU/ml), followed by the non-sterilized beer (mean values of APC: 4.5, LAB: 3.6, AAB: 4.1, Fungi: 4.5 log CFU/ml) and yakju (mean values of APC: 1.2 log CFU/ml, LAB and fungi: < 10 CFU/ml, AAB: not detected (ND)). Mean value of fruit wine and cheongju were less than 10 CFU/ml. The greater parts of MO were LAB for improvement of flavor and preservation or fungi for production of enzymes used in saccharification and alcoholic fermentation. The AAB producing acetic acid was the highest in the non-sterilized makgeolli (87.1%) followed by microbrew (61.9%), draft beer (33.3%), and sterilized makgeolli (8.5%). Although coliforms counts were 'ND' or '< 10 CFU/ml' level, average 2.2 log CFU/ml of coliforms were represented in 10 (23.8%) of microbrew manufactured in relatively small scale manufacture environments. Contamination level of B. cereus in 34 (36.6%) makgeolli was 1.5 log CFU/ml. Any of foodborne pathogenic bacteria was not detected from all the tested samples except B. cereus (detection rate in makgeolli and microbrew: > 50%). When microbiota in a final product (beer and makgeolli) were compared depending whether they were sterilized or not, MO in the sterilized beer were totally controlled up to 'ND' or '< 10 CFU/ml' level, while relatively higher number of MO were remained in the sterilized makgeolli (mean values of APC: 4.6, LAB: 4.3, AAB: 1.2, Fungi: 4.1 log CFU/ml) than sterilized beer. Especially for B. cereus contaminations in makgeolli, quantitative values were not much reduced by sterilization. In addition, microbiota levels in makgeolli, yakju, and fruit wine except grape wine varied depending on the scale of manufacturing environment. Therefore, it is required to validate conventional methods for makgeolli sterilization and seek a strategic plan to decontaminate pathogens and control microbiological ecology in the fermented alcoholic beverages with regard to manufacturing environments and characteristics of each of them. Conclusively, this study obtains comprehensive database for microbiological ecology in the fermented alcoholic beverages including MO related to hygiene and safety issues. This result will contribute to establish reasonable standard and regulation from the microbiological respect and to draw strategic management plan to improve microbiological safety of the fermented alcoholic beverages. 발효주류 내 미생물 연구는 일부 주종의 발효 및 부패미생물을 중심으로 단편적으로 수행되었을 뿐 다양한 주종 내 균총 분포 및 위생안전 지표세균을 고려한 종합적 분석 사례는 전무한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 생산 업체 규모 및 지역 분포를 고려하여 국내 유통 발효주류 총 636건(과실주 211, 막걸리 167, 약주 124, 맥주 106, 청주 28)을 선정하여 미생물 정량(총세균, 젖산균, 초산균, 진균류, 대장균군, Bacillus cereus) 및 정성(7종 위해세균: B. cereus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica)분석을 실시하였다. 정량분석 결과 주종 중 막걸리의 균총이 가장 풍부하였으며(평균 총세균: 8.0, 젖산균: 7.9, 초산균: 3.5, 진균류: 7.7 log CFU/ml), 그 다음으로는 생맥주(평균 총세균: 4.5, 젖산균: 3.6, 초산균: 4.1, 진균류: 4.5 log CFU/ml), 약주(평균 총세균: 1.2, 젖산균 및 진균류: < 10 CFU/ml, 초산균: 불검출) 순으로 나타났다(과실주 및 청주: 평균 < 10 CFU/ml). 발효주의 균총 중 대부분이 풍미 증진 및 저장성 향상에 기여하는 젖산균과 원료 당화 및 알코올 발효 효소를 생성하는 진균류였으며, 초산을 형성하는 초산균은 생막걸리, 자가생산맥주, 생맥주, 살균막걸리에서 각각 87.1, 61.9, 33.3, 8.5% 수준으로 검출되었다. 위생지표세균인 대장균군은 대부분 10 CFU/ml 이하 또는 불검출로 낮은 검출률을 보였으나 비교적 규모가 작은 환경에서 제조되는 자가생산맥주 10건(23.8%)에서 평균 2.2 log CFU/ml의 오염도를 나타냈으며, B. cereus는 막걸리 34건(36.6%)에서 평균 1.5 log CFU/ml 수준으로 나타났다. 7종 위해세균 정성분석 결과 B. cereus 외 위해세균은 검출되지 않았으며, 막걸리 및 자가생산맥주는 B. cereus 검출률이 50% 이상 검출되었다. 막걸리와 맥주의 살균 여부에 따른 미생물 균총을 비교한 결과 살균맥주의 미생물은 10 CFU/ml 이하 또는 불검출 수준으로 제어된 반면 살균막걸리는 살균맥주보다 높은 수준으로 잔류하였다(평균 총세균: 4.6, 젖산균: 4.3, 초산균: 1.2, 진균류: 4.1 log CFU/ml). 특히 B. cereus의 정량적 오염 수치가 살균 여부에 관계 없이 비슷한 수준으로 유지되어 기존의 막걸리 살균기술에 관한 검증 및 저감화 방안 모색이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 생산업체 규모가 다양한 막걸리, 약주, 과실주 최종제품의 미생물 균총을 분석한 결과 업체규모가 작을수록 미생물 수준이 높게 나타나 생산 규모별 특화된 전략적 가이드라인 제시가 필요할 것으로 보인다. 종합적으로 본 연구는 국내 유통 발효주류의 미생물 균총 및 위해세균 오염도를 종합적으로 분석한 최초의 연구로 향후 다양한 발효주의 미생물학적 안전성을 확보하기 위한 주종별 관리기준 규격 마련 및 전략적 미생물 관리 방안 도출에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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