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      • 보험손해사정사의 역량모델링, 척도 및 교육프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 : 협상역량 제고를 중심으로

        임채훈 한국기술교육대학교 테크노인력개발전문대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study is a study on insurance claim adjusters and is largely divided into three areas, but each area is configured to be interconnected. The first research area was job analysis and competency modeling using the DACUM methodology. As a result, 9 duties and 92 Tasks were derived. Afterwards, through the behavioral event interview(BEI) method and verification through high performers, five competencies were derived: ① negotiation competence, ② work fairness, ③ customer orientation, ④ resilience, and ⑤ document writing ability. For the derived competencies, competency prioritization was conducted through AHP analysis, t-test, Borich's need and The Locus for Focus analysis. As a result, the competency rankings of insurance claim adjusters were confirmed as 1st in negotiation competence, 2nd in resilience, 3rd in customer orientation, 4th in work fairness, and 5th in document preparation. The second area of ​research was to develop a scale for negotiation competence. For this purpose, the study was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, literature research and expert workshops were conducted to discover the components of insurance claim adjusters' negotiation competence and the first preliminary questions. In the second stage, content experts conducted content validity verification to complete the second preliminary questions. Finally, reliability and validity were verified through factor analysis. As a result, 4 factors and 12 questions were finalized. Finally, an educational program for negotiation skills was developed. To this end, the theoretical background of negotiations was organized through literature research, and a program was developed afterwards. In the theoretical background, the concept of conflict, major theories related to negotiation strategies, methods to improve negotiation performance, types of negotiators, the concept of modular class, and the concept of role play were described. The negotiation program consisted of five modules. Each module was separated when necessary to enable education, and the learning effect of trainees was maximized through role play. The academic implications of this study can be seen in three major ways. First, extensive research was conducted on insurance claim adjusters, from job analysis that had not been studied to the development of educational programs. Second, if the roadmap of this study is used well, it will be possible to apply it to various jobs. Finally, the scale developed for negotiation competence can provide a logical basis for studying various structural relationships with factors related to negotiation in the future. The practical implications of this study are: First, in the process of job analysis, work improvement areas with high organizational acceptance were derived. Second, the derived job competency could provide a basis for a fairer evaluation in the future competency evaluation. Third, if the competency scale of this study is further supplemented, it can be used as a tool for talent selection. Finally, through the developed scale, it became possible to periodically check the negotiation level of insurance practitioners and trainees. 본 연구는 보험손해사정사에 대한 연구이며 크게 세 영역으로 나누어 연구하되 각 영역들은 상호 연계되도록 구성하였다. 첫 번째 연구영역은 데이컴(DACUM) 방법론을 적용한 직무분석 및 역 량모델링이었다. 그 결과 9개의 책무와 92개의 과업들이 도출되었다. 이후 고성과자들을 통한 행동사건면접법 및 검증을 통해 ① 협상력, ② 업무공 정성, ③ 고객지향성, ④ 회복탄력성, ⑤ 문서작성력 등 5개의 역량을 도 출하였다. 도출된 역량에 대하여 AHP분석, t-검정, 보리치(Borich) 요구 도 및 The Locus for Focus 분석을 통해 역량 우선순위화를 실시하였다. 그 결과 보험손해사정사의 역량순위는 1위 협상력, 2위 회복탄력성, 3위 고객지향성 및 업무공정성(동일 순위), 5위 문서작성력으로 확인되었다. 두 번째 연구영역은 첫 번째 연구영역에서 1순위로 도출된 협상역량에 대하여 척도를 개발하는 것이었다. 이를 위해 3단계로 구분하여 연구를 진행하였다. 1단계에서는 문헌연구 및 전문가 워크숍을 실시하여 보험손 해사정사의 협상역량에 대한 구성요인 및 1차 예비문항을 발굴하였다. 2 단계에서는 내용전문가들의 내용타당도 검증을 통해 2차 예비문항을 완성 하였다. 3단계에서는 요인분석을 통해 신뢰도 및 타당도를 검증하였다. 그 결과 4개 요인, 12개의 설문문항이 최종 확정되었다. 마지막 영역은 협상역량에 대한 교육프로그램을 개발하였다. 이를 위해 문헌연구를 통해 협상에 대한 이론적 배경을 정리하였고 이후 프로그램 개발을 하였다. 이론적 배경에서는 갈등의 개념, 협상전략 관련 주요이론 협상성과를 제고시키는 방법들, 협상자의 행동 유형, 모듈식수업의 개념, 역할극의 개념에 대하여 기술하였다. 협상프로그램은 5개의 모듈로 구성 하였다. 각 모듈들은 필요 시 분리하여 교육이 가능하도록 하였으며, 역할 극을 통해 교육생들의 학습효과를 극대화하도록 하였다. 본 연구의 이론적 시사점은 첫째, 현재까지 보험손해사정사에 대하여 연구되지 않은 직무분석에서부터 교육프로그램 개발에 이르기까지 상호 연계성을 가지도록 연구하였다. 둘째, 본 연구의 로드맵을 잘 활용하면 다 양한 직무로 접목이 가능할 것이다. 마지막으로 협상역량에 대하여 개발 된 척도는 향후 협상과 관련된 요인들과의 다양한 구조적 관계를 연구하 는데 있어서 논리적 기저를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구의 실무적 시사점으로는 첫째, 직무분석 과정에서 조직 수용성 이 높은 업무 개선영역이 도출되었다는 점이다. 둘째, 도출된 직무역량은 향후 역량평가를 함에 있어 좀 더 공정한 평가를 위한 기초를 제공할 수 있었다는 점이다. 셋째, 본 연구의 역량척도를 좀 더 보완하면 인재선발을 위한 도구로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 개발된 척도를 통해서 보험실무자 및 교육생의 협상수준을 주기적으로 확인할 수가 있게 되었다 는 점이다.

      • 친환경 제품 구매 활성화 요인에 관한 연구

        임채훈 호서대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 친환경제품을 구매에 따른 소비자의 인지여부, 관련 정보습득 경로 구매경험, 구매 및 비 구매 이유, 구매종류, 구매 만족도, 관심도, 향후 구입의향, 가격 수준의식, 소비자의 환경보존 도움도등에 차이를 설문 사례조사를 통해 실증 분석을 하고, 이를 통하여 친환경제품의 구매활성화 방향을 위한 효과적인 유통방안을 모색하고자 하는 목적으로 수행되었다 첫째, 친환경 제품을 구입하는 소비자는 건강과 안전을 위해서 구매한다는 소비자는 59.3%높았고, 기혼이면서 나이가 많은 30대~50대로 선호도를 보인만큼, 나이에 맞는 효과적인 구매활성화를 유도해야 한다. 둘째, 선호도가 있는 친환경 독점제품을 취급하여 온라인 상거래 홈페이지에 지속적인 방문을 유도하고 다른 제품도 구매할 수 있는 동기를 만들어야 한다. 또한 상품의 체험기를 공유하고 실제 사용자간의 솔직한 후기를 통한 제품의 긍정적인요소를 반영할 수 있는 구성을 지속 마련하는 등의 신뢰성 있는 운영이 구매활성화에 크게 기여할 수 있다 셋째, 한국인 대부분 친환경상품의 인지 율이 낮은 만큼, 친환경 제품 활성화를 위해서는 공급자가 소비자 인식을 위한 다양한 정보 및 서비스를 제공해야 한다. 본 연구에서 친환경 제품의 구매활성화 목표달성을 위해서는 친환경제품에 대한 유통자와 소비자 인식의 전환과 정부차원에서의 정책적 지원과 다양한 프로그램운영을 통해서 친환경 제품의 구매로 인한 긍정적 요소를 지속 발굴해야 한다.

      • 국어 문장 의미 연구 : 사건과 발화상황을 중심으로

        임채훈 경희대학교 대학원 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper is that I studied meanings of Korean sentences. One way I study these is that I make sentence's meaning a unit and inspected closely it's semantic construction. Many existing studies have the viewpoint that sentence meaning was put together its parts, namely composition principle. Particularly, verb is the core of sentence meaning and sentence meaning is constituted by meaning structure of verb and combinations of parts. But, contrary to this opinion, I have the viewpoint that the sentence meaning is constituted by the interrelation of whole and parts, namely holism. So we must make clear what the sentence meaning is as a unit. Also, we must make clear what each constitutes of the sentence predicate. Following event semantics (Davidson (1967), Parsons(1990) etc), I assumed that sentences represent events. But I don't treat that the sentence meaning is completely equivalent to event's existence. Because in relation to the utterance situation, an event is re-constituted. This is reflected by 'pososa(semantic particles)', connective endings etc. So, to inspect closely meanings of Korean sentences, an utterance situation must be hypothesized with an event. I treat meanings of sentences meaning as events on utterance situations. In other words, the event is figure and the utterance situation is ground. With this viewpoint and methodology, I made clear following. In chapter 2, I studied what the sentence meaning is, and to which the sentence meaning is paraphrased. As I claimed previously, sentences represent events that re-constituted in utterance situations. In this chapter, I verified the validity of this viewpoint. In 2.1, I verified the validity of viewpoint that the sentence represent the event. At first, I discussed the nature of event's ontology. According to Kim(1967, 1976, 1993/1994), an event is the exemplification by 'a concrete object' of 'property' or relation at 'a time'. I basically followed Kim, but I treated that events in real world is not same to events in sentences. In sentences, each constitutes represent event's properties. Second, I argued that introducing the event argument can explain many phenomenons of Korean with existing evidences and new evidences. Third, event conception is useful of explanation of syntactic structure, too. In Travis(in prep.), within the context of making a clear link between aspect (outer and inner) and phrase structure, she proposed the extended projection of V, namely 'EP(event phrase)' and 'AspP(aspectual Phrase)'. EP is relative to outer boundary of an event, AspP is relative to the telicity of event. Forth, I look about sentences that represented event repetitions. I studied how sentence constitutes represented these. In my viewpoint, constitutes of the sentence have not proper, fixed meanings but unspecified meanings. So these meanings and functions were specified in relation to sentences as whole. Since constitutes that don't have the semantic function of repetitions can also represent event's repetitions through interactions. In 2.2, I verified the validity of utterance situation's introduction. Previous endings and connective endings of Korean hold up a true mirror to the role of utterance situations in sentence meaning constructions. In particular, because the grammatical person is relative to the construction of the event and the utterance situation, we can know the relation of these through the grammatical person. In this study, I proved the necessity of introducing the utterance situation through semantic function of '-deo-'(previous ending) and '-kilrae, -nika, -keodeun'(connective endings). These represent event perception of the speaker. In chapter 3, the meanings of predicates also were specified by whole sentence meaning, namely the event. In previous researches, the lexical aspect is an inherent property that the verb has. But if we take notice of status that 'yaksok-ul jikida[keep one's promise]' or 'yaksok-ul eogida[break one's promise]' exhibited, we can't speak that the verb or the verb phrase always has inherent properties. Also, we can't explain this status with aspectual shift, coercion or re-interpretation etc. This study has called type like 'yaksok-ul jikida[keep one's promise]' event-dispositional predicate. It appears to report two actions or events in one predicates. The 'yaksok-ul jikida[keep one's promise]'-type reports activities that promise content represented as well as judgements that keep a promise. I rightly examines event-dispositional predicates which are not generally discussed in the aktionsart literature. It is shown that event-dispositional predicate constructions are restricted not by inherent aspectual property, but by dependent property. They are restricted by aspectual property that content of the promise represented. Therefore, event-dispositional predicate's constructions are aspectual object not that they themselves have aspectual property but that they inherit other VP's aspectual property. These phenomenon shows that the predicate's meanings also were specified by the interactions with meaning of whole sentence. In Chapter 4, I inspected closely the semantic functions of the adverbials in sentences. In previous studies, adverbials play roles that modify VP. But I consisted that all constitutes of the sentence play roles that predicate the event. So the adverbials predicate an event that sentence represents. In chapter 4.1, I studied about semantic functions of 'adjective+ge' adverbials. Since 'adjective+ge' adverbials have various semantic functions at sentence meaning constructions, we must take notice of them. We have the view that sentence meanings were generated and interpreted through interaction between events and constitutes. So semantic functions of constitutes are determined by interactions of event. In accordance with this view, 'adjective+ge' adverbials have following semantic functions. First, since these adverbials support their predications, they have two functions according to whose theme arguments they have. Possible theme arguments are events and constitutes of the event. Second, in case 'adjective+ge' adverbials have theme argument as the event, they represented manners of the events. Third, in case 'adjective+ge' adverbials have theme argument as the constitute of event, they represented a state that have causal relation of the event. So only constitutes that have causal interpretations can be theme arguments of 'adjective+ge' adverbials. Fourth, according to precedent studies, 'adjective+ge' adverbials that have resultive interpretations can appear at sentences on condition of particular verbs and adjectives. But this is not fact. The causal relations between event that the sentence represented and state that the 'constitute+adjective' represented are the true constraint condition. In 4.2 and 4.3, I inspected closely semantic roles of the temporary adverbials. The temporary adverbials also do not have semantic functions to themselves but be specified by interactions with the event or the utterance situation. For example, adverbials such as 'eoje'(yesterday), 'oneul'(today), 'naeil'(tomorrow) etc, were specified through relation to the event time and the utterance time. In 4.4, I inspected closely semantic functions of the comparative adverbials. In Korean, the comparative adverbials were appeared by particles such as '-cheorum', '-mankeum' etc. These do not compare semantic properties of NP but compare the event that is constituted to the NP. These show that the sentence meaning is constituted by the interaction of the event and the constitutes of the sentence. In chapter 5, I inspected closely the independent constitutes. Because these are alien from other constitutes, the status of the independent constitutes was the controversial issue. But at holistic viewpoint, these aren't alien from other constitutes. That is, as other constitutes, these describe what is event and utterance situation. First, the exclamations take all the event argument and the utterance situation argument and judge the value of the event in the utterance situation. Second, the vocatives take only the utterance situation argument and specify who is the hearer. Third, the connectives take only the event argument and specify the semantic relations of events.

      • 2.45GHz대역 PLL 주파수 합성기의 저잡음 설계에 관한 연구

        임채훈 서울시립대학교 산업대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        2.45GHz 대역 PLL 주파수 합성기의 저잡음 설계에 관한 연구 A Study on Low Noise Design of the Frequency Synthesizer at 2.45GHz 임 채 훈 서울시립대학교 산업대학원 전자전기공학과 지도교수 : 노 승 용 2.4GHz 주파수 대역은 ISM(industrial Scientific Medical)대역으로 무선 LAN, Home RF(radio frequency), Bluetooth 등의 발전으로 주파수 합성기와 같은 무선 통신용 부품에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다. 주파수 합성기는 무선 시스템의 조건을 만족하며 여러 가지 노이즈에 대한 영향을 최소화하기 위하여 낮은 위상잡음. 우수한 주파수 해상도등을 요구한다. RF와 같은 높은 주파수 특성을 갖는 Analog 시스템을 산업현장에서 제품을 설계해 상용화 시키는 과정에는 많은 고려되어야 할 사항들이 있으며, 본 논문은 이러한 관점에서 기술 한다. PLL의 개요와 동작원리를 설명하고 PLL의 핵심 기술인 주파수 합성기의 종류와 직접 PLL 설계하고자 할 때 고려되어야 될 사항들과 각 선택 방식의 장단점을 기술하였으며 다음으로 펄스 스왈로 방식의 PLL을 직접 설계해 보고 제작된 보드의 측정 결과는 동일조건에서 위상잡음 특성은 -82.25dBc/Hz이며, 스퓨리어스 잡음특성은 2.40GHz대역에서 -69dBc, 2.45GHz대역에서 -70dBc, 2.48GHz대역에서 -71dBc이며 본 연구에서 제안한 PLL 설계방법과 회로는 블루투스, 홈 오토메이션 및 무선 LAN에 응용이 가능하다. Abstract A Study on Low Noise Design of the PLL Frequency Synthesizer at 2.45GHz Bandwidth Supervised by : Prof. Seung-Ryong Rho, Ph. D. Presented by : Chae-Hoon, Lim Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School, University of Seoul wireless communication system are developed tremendously. wireless communication system require PLL chip to be low-cost and high integration. in this paper, A PLL designed a 2.4GHz frequency synthesizer for use in various ISM band applications, which is in great demand, in practical products, the frequency synthesizer must generate high frequency of 2.4GHz band and satisfy its strict noise specifications and fast phase locking. Also this paper describes the characteristics of each components of pulse-swallow based frequency synthesizer and low noise design. layout the PLL circuit by CAD tool. measured phase noise of -82.1dBc/Hz as opposed to predicted vale of -82.25 dBc/Hz and measured spur noise at 2.4Ghz output frequency of -70dBc. the 2.4GHz frequency synthesizer for ISM band application is designed for Bluetooth, home automation, and wireless LAN communication system. Keyword : wireless communication. phase locked loop. low noise design.

      • 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성 및 수용성이 학습몰입과 학습만족 및 건강인식에 미치는 영향 : TV 매체 건강 프로그램 중심으로

        임채훈 웨스트민스터신학대학원대학교 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 멀티미디어 보건교육이 학습몰입과 학습만족 및 건강인식에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해서, 최근 3개월 이내 TV 매체, 멀티미디어 보건교육을 시청한 270명을 대상으로 연구 표본에 이용하였다. 자료의 수집 기간은 2018년 3월 5일부터 4월 5일까지, 1개월 동안 온라인 설문을 통해 자료를 수집 하였으며, 설문지는 총 270명을 대상으로 배포 조사하여 오류를 제외한 263부가 회수 되었다. 자료의 분석은 SPSS Ver.21 Windows 프로그램을 활용하여 인구 통계학적 특성, 요인분석, 기술통계, 상관관계 및 회귀 분석을 통하여 아래와 같은 결과를 도출 할 수 있었다. 첫째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성 및 유용성, 흥미성은 학습몰입에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으나 기대성은 유의적인 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성 및 유용성, 흥미성, 기대성은 학습만족에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성 및 유용성, 흥미성, 기대성은 건강인식에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 넷째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성이 학습만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서 학습몰입은 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 다섯째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 수용성(유용성, 흥미성, 기대성)이 학습만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서 학습몰입은 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 여섯째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성이 건강인식에 미치는 영향에 있어서 학습몰입은 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 일곱째, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 수용성(유용성, 흥미성, 기대성)이 건강인식에 미치는 영향에 있어서 학습몰입은 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 위에서의 결과를 바탕으로 종합적으로 정리해보면 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있다. 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성 및 유용성, 흥미성은 학습상태인 학습몰입을 높일 수 있다고 확인 되었고, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성 및 유용성, 흥미성, 기대성은 학습의 성과인 학습만족과 건강인식을 향상 시킬 수 있다고 확인하였다. 한편 멀티미디어 보건교육의 특성이 학습만족과 건강인식에 미치는 학습몰입은 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었고, 멀티미디어 보건교육의 수용성 또한 학습만족과 건강인식에 미치는 학습몰입은 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구를 통해 보건교육과 학습자간의 인터페이스 역할을 하는 멀티미디어 특성 및 수용성(유용성, 흥미성, 기대성)이 학습자에게 학습몰입과 학습만족 및 건강인식에 대한 유의한 영향력을 미치는 매개인지 검증하고자 하였으며, 인터페이스 영역 중 가장 크게 유의한 영향력을 주는 매개는 흥미성이라는 점을 도출 할 수 있었다. 이것은 곧 멀티미디어 학습을 효과적으로 수행하기 위해서는 흥미성을 반드시 고려해야 한다는 의미로 볼 수 있겠다. 또한 향후 멀티미디어 보건교육의 프로그램 개발 시, 본 연구결과를 참조하여 교육프로그램 개발 등에 적용 한다면 학습효과를 증진 시킬 수 있는 기초자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Keyword : 멀티미디어 교육, TV매체 보건교육, TV 매체 건강교육, 몰입도, 학습만족, 건강인식

      • Cu-TiN 복합분말의 선택적 산화에 의해 제조된 CuO-TiN-TiO2의 CO 센싱 특성연구

        임채훈 전북대학교 일반대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, Cu-TiN composite powder as a precursor of CuO-TiN, CuO-TiN-TiO2 and CuO-TiO2 p-type sensing materials was synthesized via the ball milling under N2 pressurized atmosphere. These sensing materials were prepared by control of oxidizing process of Cu-TiN composite and their CO gas-sensing properties were investigated. The structural analysis of as-milled and oxidized powders were carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The grain sizes of CuO nanoparticles were calculated by a scherrer's equation. Oxidation behaviors of Cu-TiN composite powders were investigated in temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) and XRD. Cu-TiN composite powders had the oxidation processes of three types depending on initial composition. CO sensing properties of the powders prepared by oxidizing of Cu-TiN composites were measured. The change in resistance of the sensing material in presence of CO was measured using a high resistance meter. The device was examined in different temperature ranges at various concentration of CO (200 - 1000 ppm) in a temperature controlled environment. The Cu-TiN composite powders were synthesized by ball milling for 25 hours under the N2 pressurized atmosphere. TEM images of the Cu-TiN composite powder synthesized via milling for 25 hours showed that Cu particles were dispersed in the TiN matrix. Fast Fourier Transformation(FFT) patterns indicate that the region consisted of fcc Cu and showed a clearly-resolved crystal lattice fringe of plane (111), (011) and (001) of Cu (JCPDS-Cu). High resolution transformation electron microscope (HRTEM) images taken from the dark region were approximately 4 ∼ 17 nm in size at Cu-TiN powders of all compositions. The N2 contents of the Cu-TiN composites synthesized by milled for 25 hours from innitial compositions of Ti67Cu33, Ti76Cu24, Ti85Cu15 and Ti92Cu8 were 36.5at%, 40.9at%, 42.9at% and 44.6at%, respectively. The oxidation process of Cu-TiN composite which was synthesized from Ti67Cu33 composition consisted of two steps (Type-Ⅰ). The first step was that Cu-TiN was oxidized to CuO-TiN at 400℃. The second step was that CuO-TiN was changed to CuO-TiO2 at 600℃. The oxidation processes of Cu-TiN which were synthesized from Ti76Cu24, Ti85Cu15 composites consisted of three steps (Type-Ⅱ). The first step was that Cu-TiN was oxidized to CuO-TiN at 300℃, the second step was that CuO-TiN was changed to CuO-TiN-TiO2 by partial oxidizing of the TiN at 400℃ and third step was that CuO-TiN-TiO2 was changed to CuO-TiO2 by oxidizing of residual TiN at 600℃(CuO-TiO2), respectively. The oxidation process of Cu-TiN composite which was synthesized from Ti92Cu8 composition powders consisted of two steps. The first step was that Cu-TiN was oxidized to CuO-TiN-TiO2 at 400℃ and second step that CuO-TiN-TiO2 was changed to CuO-TiO2 by oxidizing of residual TiN at 600℃. The sensing properties were tested in the temperature range from 100 to 300℃. The CuO-TiN composites prepared from Ti67Cu33 initial composition showed higher response for CO than that of CuO-TiO2 composites. The three phase composites of CuO-TiN-TiO2 prepared by oxidizing of Cu-TiN powders synthesized from Ti76Cu24, Ti85Cu15 initial composition, showed higher response for CO than those of the CuO-TiO2 composites. It is believed because the surface areas of the three phases composites were larger than those of CuO-TiO2 composites. The CuO-TiN-TiO2 and CuO-TiO2 composites prepared by Ti92Cu8 initial composition, showed n-type semiconductor characteristic. It is because the TiO2 is n-type semiconductor, and Cu content in the initial composition included very small amount. On the other hand, the responses of CuO-TiN-TiO2 and CuO-TiO2 composites prepared by Ti92Cu8 initial composition were increased with increasing the operating temperature.

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