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        김기종 Trinity International University 2002 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        The subject of Revival and Revivalism has been one of the most controversial issues in American religious history. This study focuses on the public ministries of George Whitefield and Charles Finney in American religious history. Early in the 1990s, two notable studies were published focusing on the interpretation of George Whitefield: The Divine Dramatist by Harry Stout and "Pedlar in Divinity" by Frank Lambert. Stout and Lambert agree that Whitefield was "the prototype for future mass evangelists" or "the father of modern revivalism" with a similar historiography, namely, the methods of social history. The public ministries of George Whitefield and Charles Finney, however, can be only partially evaluated by Lambert's method of concentration on their similar revival methods. Moreover, Stout's focus on dramatic presentation produces interesting but disappointingly uni-dimensional and nondemonstrable results. The thesis of this study, therefore, is that one must take into account their consciously stated views of revival and their distinctive theologies of conversion in order to evaluate properly their historical relationship. Chapter 1 establishes the issues for this dissertation. The work of Lambert and Stout will be investigated in order to raise the main question and state the thesis. Chapter 2 investigates the educational backgrounds of both Whitefield and Finney, their respective conversion experiences, and their theological backgrounds. Chapter 3 focuses on the theologies of conversion of both Whitefield as a Calvinist and Finney as an Arminianized Calvinist. Chapter 5 investigates the differences of Whitefield and Finney as well as their similarities in the organization and delivering of their public ministries. Chapter 6 summarizes and evaluates the findings of this dissertation.



        RANK : 3599

        본 연구의 목적은 현상학적 종교 연구를 위해 종교적 상징들을 해석하는 방법론을 제시하기 위한 것이다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 해석 방법론은 터어키의 코냐라는 도시에서 현장 조사를 하는 가운데 수집한 데이터를 분석하고 그 타당성을 검증하면서 최종적으로 제시된 것이다. 이 해석학적 모델은 먼저 종교적 상징들의 해석이나 현상적인 종교 연구가 우선 묘사적 현상학으로 시작될 수 있음을 주장한다. 이 점은 평가적인 분석을 하기 전에 종교적인 현상들이 말하는 바에 대해 주의를 환기시킨다. 이 과정에서 이 연구 모델은 지배적 상징들(dominant symbols)에 초점을 맞추는데, 그 이유는 모든 상징들은 어떤 체제 속에서 존재하고 그 체제는 지배적인 상징들이 더 잘 표현하기 때문이다. 둘째, 이 해석삭적 모댈은 지배적인 종교 상징들의 집합에 대한 사람들의 이해와 반응이 종교적 상징들의 내부적 관계들을 나타낸다는 것을 주장한다. 이 모델은 상징들 간의 내부적 관계를 석의함에 있어서 세계관의 내부적 체제에 대한 이해를 추구하면서 공시적이고 통시적인 방식의 분석을 제안한다. 셋째, 이 해석학적 모델은 종교적 현상에 대한 중층기술(thick description)은 묘사로만 끝날 수 없음을 주장한다. 묘사를 넘어선 철학적 숙고는 정당할 뿐만 아니라, 마땅히 추구해야 할 바다. 이 점은 문화 해석학에 있어서 현상학과 존재론 사이의 연결점을 확인해 주는 것이다. 이 차원에서 해석자의 과제는 내적인 온전성과 문제 해결의 효과성이라는 관점에서 세계관을 검증하는 것이다. 다만 이 평가에 있어서 내부적인 카테고리를 사용하는 내부자적 관점(emic view)이 유지될 필요가 있다. 이 연구의 의의는 해석학, 현상학, 종교학의 연구 체계를 제안한 데 있다. 구체적으로 이 모델은 한 종교적 공동체의 세계관(worldview)을 체계적으로 연구하는 방법을 제시하고자 한 것이다. 타 종교와 문화의 세계관을 깊이 이해하게 될 때 복음의 순수성을 보존 하면서도 문화적 상황에 적절하게 전달하기 위한 상황화(contextualization)가 가능하게 된다. 상황화의 과제는 보통 사람들이 가슴 속에 품고 있는 해결되지 않은 실존적 질문들(existential questions)에 대해 응답하는 것을 포함한다. 본 논문에서 다루는 이런 문제들은 단순히 현상학적이거나 존재론적인 논의일 뿐만 아니라 구체적으로 선교 현장에서 효과적으로 전도하는데 필요한 실질적인 준비 작업이 된다. 종교적 상징들의 분석을 통한 이러한 문화 해석의 과정이 성경 해석의 과정과 함께 반복적으로 순환될 때 복음의 멧세지가 상황화 될 수 있으며, 그 결과 영원한 복음이 문화적 경계를 넘어 능력있게 전해질 수 있을 것이다.


        오태균 Trinity International University 2002 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        The issue of mentoring relationship has been popularized recently in diverse areas, such as business, education, health care, and religious institutions, even if it is an ancient concept originating in Homer's book The Odyssey. The purpose of this research was to describe the perceptions of various mentoring experiences among the Korean seminary students in the United States. The research was a descriptive study that utilized the methods of ethnographic interviews. This interview was conducted with twenty-nine seminary students. The findings of this study indicated that most seminary students lacked the confidence in their ability to define mentorship exactly. The role modeling appeared the most important function of the mentoring relationship according to their perceptions. Generally students benefited from their mentors in areas such as career development and emotional release. This study revealed that Confucianism, as a cultural factor, was one of the main factors hindering the effective mentoring relationship in both seminary and church in Korea. The implications of this study include (1) the necessity of intentional mentoring program in theological institutions for Korean Christian leaders of the future: (2) the utilizing the required internship for seminarians: (3) utilizing mentoring programs to help new-comers make a rapid adjustment in the local church.

      • Traditional medicine, modern medicine, and christianity : a study on the realities of sickness as described by balinese christians in the gereja kemah injil Indonesia in Bali

        이장호 Trinity International University 2001 해외박사

        RANK : 3599

        By examining the responses of thirty-seven Balinese converts in the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia with regards to their pre-Christian and current perceptions of sickness, this research explores Balinese traditional medicine and the changes that have taken place because of their encounter with modern medicine and their conversion to Christianity. Subjects were selected from ten independent congregations and seven gospel-preaching posts. Five key informants were selected for in-depth analysis of interview data. Semi-structured ethnographic interviews were primarily used for gathering data. Participant-observations and observations served as complementary methods to increase the validity of the interview data. Traditional Balinese label sicknesses by referring to a dichotomy between ordinary and extraordinary. The dichotomy is based on their interpretations of causes. The former includes obvious causes, such as unbalanced food, masuk angin, and overwork. These are associated with humoral imbalance between hot and cold. The causes for extraordinary sicknesses lie beyond the immediate experiences of the senses. Among them are violation of time order, violation of space order, violation of a taboo, an inappropriate transitional rite, black magic, capricious spirits, and angry deities. Multiple causes are often acknowledged in an extraordinary sickness. Modern medicine has significantly replaced Balinese traditional medicine for ordinary sicknesses, but not for extraordinary ones. The Balinese acknowledge the need for coexistence of modern and traditional medicine. Modern medicine has raised several issues, such as high costs, uncomfortable procedure, and the separation of treatment from religion. After conversion, the Balinese reject traditional healers and some traditional explanations. They expect their church to heal extraordinary sicknesses. Most converts show elevated awareness of self-reflection, highlighted personal prayer, and acknowledgement of church as a new family. They commonly attribute extraordinary sicknesses to evil spirits or Satan, with or without their being unfaithful to God. Some converts secretly keep magical devices and turn to traditional healers. Some converts use Christian practices in magical ways. This research evaluates the above findings by using "the critical holistic model" and makes missiological implications, such as recommendations for healing ministries and reflections on the theories of illness. Further researches are suggested in the end.

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