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        Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2012 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.2 No.-

        Resumo. Buscaremos reler o personagem emblemático Dom Quixote em sua preconizada insanidade ou idiotia, como possível analogia à passividade e subserviência do colonizado, a seu propalado silenciamento identificado ao temor ou à ignorância, ao seu idealismo avesso à praticidade do homem moderno, ao não exercício da consciência dos processos; e, em seu lugar, oferecer uma leitura pelo avesso que contemple a atitude como possibilidade de trânsito, modo de dizer, condição estratégica de andança, sobrevivência, errância. Europeu desalojado na própria Europa hispânica, personagem ibero-americano que continua se oferecendo a múltiplas leituras, transita nas fronteiras literárias e sociais; pretendemos ler a errância do cavaleiro como estratégia de sobrevivência. Analogamente, podemos expressar a condição paradoxal do discurso latinoamericano que inscreve em sua história tanto a dependência histórico-cultural pari passu à hegemonia da Europa Ocidental, quanto o modo de existência a que chamamos modernidade. A América Latina, ao mesmo tempo em que integra o projeto moderno, em grande parte fica alijada de seus frutos, integrando uma globalização com regiões pouco ou nada globalizadas. Traremos, numa visão interdisciplinar, a questão da tradição manchada da nossa literatura, e a saudável expansão dos gêneros impuros. Resumen. Buscaremos, releer el personaje emblemático Don Quijote en su reconocida locura o idiotez, como posible analogía a la pasividad y al servilismo del colonizado, a su propalado silenciamiento identificado al temor o a la ignorancia, a su idealismo contrario a la funcionalidad del hombre moderno, a escasez de ejercicio de la conciencia de los procedimientos; y, en su lugar, ofrecer una lectura al revés que contemple la actitud como posibilidad de tránsito, modo de decir, condición estratégica de caminante, superviviente, errante. Europeo desalojado en la propia Europa hispánica, personaje iberoamericano que continúa ofreciéndose a múltiples lecturas, transita en las fronteras literarias y sociales; pretendemos leer el caballero errante como estrategia de supervivencia. Análogamente, podemos expresar la condición paradójica del discurso latinoamericano que inscribe en su historia tanto la dependencia histórico cultural paralelamente a la hegemonía de la Europa Occidental, cuanto el modo de existencia que llamamos modernidad. La América Latina, al mismo tiempo en que integra el proyecto moderno, en su mayoría es excluida de los logros, integrando una globalización con regiones poco o nada globalizadas. Traeremos, en una visión interdisciplinaria, la tradición manchada de nuestra literatura y la saludable expansión de los géneros impuros.


        Francesco Panico Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2011 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.1 No.1

        Many of the conflicts that occur today in the world for the control of space and resources, seem to indicate that the topic of human and environmental rights, represent the discursive core surrounding which is being currently constructed historical ethos of modernity. However, more than one environmental issue, disputes through space seems to point towards a field which, since quite some time, has been almost totally abandoned by specialists: ethics. This article will explore the possibility to read the current politic and territorial Mexico reality on the lens of ethical analysis in order to overcome the ideological discourse around rights (both human and environmental) limitations, positioning in the field of concrete practices on which try to build different actors future projects.


        Viviana Masciadri Dominguez Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2011 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.1 No.1

        This paper reveals the need to take extreme sanitary measures as it is a river basin which is easily flooded with sewage, slightly less than half the population of Quilmes lives in this area, and it registers high percentages of the total deaths in the municipality. The lack of or scarce control of industrial waste, the inadequate and/or lack of water networks, and the wastewater disposal by citizen initiative in wells, ditches or streams, express a lack of officially planned actions, transforming the site into a place where respiratory illnesses, parasitic-infectious diseases, neoplasia and stress disorders post-traumatic are relevant problems to public health; as well as the gender inequities that naturalize women in their reproductive role and as care providers, which is reinforced by medical discourse that makes ?the mother? responsible for dealing with the child`s (the progeny?s) health. The official charities and state social programs link the women`s role to the traditional matrix: hence the neighborhood's dining rooms (canteens) are considered a second home by their organizers, while the activities revolve around their children. This does not happen in COLCIC where new practices are tested.

      • LA COMUNICACI?N E INTERACCI?N DE LAS PAREJAS QUE TRABAJAN EN M?XICO [NACI?N] Y NUEVO LE?N Una versi?n preliminar de este art?culo fue presentada en el VII Coloquio Internacional sobre Pol?ticas Socia

        Blanca E. Cavazos Cisneros,Sagrario Garay Villegas Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2013 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.3 No.1

        Resumen. En los últimos cincuenta años México ha experimentado grandes transformaciones políticas, económicas, sociales, culturales y demográficas. Uno de esos cambios ha sido la creciente incorporación de las mujeres al mundo del trabajo extradoméstico, mismo que ha implicado importantes modificaciones en las formas tradicionales de vida familiar y laboral. Los cambios a nivel macro social de las últimas décadas impactan en la estructura de los hogares considerados tradicionales en México, donde el hombre jugaba el rol de único proveedor y la mujer de ama de casa, modificándose la dinámica de las familias y las parejas conyugales, esto último puede tener su expresión en los procesos de comunicación e interacción. Estos aspectos se revisarán en este trabajo a través de la comparación y análisis descriptivo de la información obtenida en dos encuestas, una a nivel nacional y otra a nivel estatal, mismas que proporcionan detalles sobre las relaciones intrafamiliares y de pareja. Entre los principales resultados encontrados se observa que no hay diferencias importantes en la comunicación entre las parejas donde trabajan ambos cónyuges y en donde solo trabaja uno solo, pues la tendencia en términos de expresar sus preocupaciones, problemas y tomar en cuenta la opinión del otro son muy parecidas entre los distintos tipos de parejas en los dos contextos analizados. Otro de los resultados es el asociado con la satisfacción de la vida en pareja, mientras que en Nuevo León los hombres y las mujeres perciben su relación más satisfactoria, a nivel nacional dicha percepción es menor. Abstract. In the last fifty years Mexico has experienced political, economic, social, cultural and demographic changes. One of these changes has been the increasing incorporation of women to the extradomestic work; it has implicated important modifications in traditional forms of work and family life. The macro changes of the last decades have impacted the traditional structure of households in Mexico, where man played the role of provider and woman of housewife, altering the dynamics of families and marital couples, this last can be expressed in the processes of communication and interaction of couples. These aspects will be reviewed in this paper through the comparison and descriptive analysis of the information obtained in two surveys; one at national level and another at the State level, both provide details on intra-family relations and couple relation. The main results are: there is no important differences in communication between couples where both work and where only works one, because the expression of their concerns, problems and opinions are very similar between different types of couples in the contexts analyzed. Another result is the associated with the satisfaction of life as a couple, while in Nuevo Leon men and women perceive their most satisfying relationship, at the national level this perception is less. Palabras clave: parejas conyugales, trabajo, comunicación, interacción y satisfacción. Key words: cohabiting couples, work, communication, interaction and satisfaction.


        Raul Vazquez Lopez Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2011 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.1 No.1

        This article assesses the commerce evolution among the most important Latin American countries in the 1995-2008 periods, using as reference the existing theoretical debate on economic integration literature in terms of static versus dynamic competitive advantages. It is highlighted in particular, the historical role of the transnational enterprises as a barrier to build a project configured according to the ECLA (Economic Commission for Latin America ?CEPAL is the Spanish acronym?) theoretical propositions. Our main findings shows that the consolidation of global value chains promoted by large corporations accentuates the existing asymmetries between the nations and opposes to the development of a real complementarity among the productive structures of the Latin American economies. We also characterize the growing commercial deficit on service trade of the stronger economies as a new form of dependence. The article concludes then, by estimating the viability of an alternative economic integration project for the region.


        Arun Kumar Acharya Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2012 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.2 No.-

        Abstract. Currently, in the informal economy analysis predominant two theoretical views: one that explains; that this economy is supportive of the crisis in the formal economy and the other indicates that it is inherent in the labor market processes. Amid to this controversy and the application of a own methodology, the present article presents the existence unemployment in informal economy, which could be represent a signs of insecurity in the labor market and this we have explained taking into consideration the state of Nuevo Leon, a highly industrialized state of Mexico. Resumen. Actualmente en los análisis sobre la economía informal prevalecen dos visiones teóricas: una que explica que esta economía es paliativo de la crisis de la economía formal: otra que señala que la misma es parte inherente de los procesos del mercado de trabajo. En medio de esta polémica y con la aplicación de una metodología propia, en el artículo se muestra la existencia de desempleo en la economía informal, lo cual puede representar mayores signos de precarización en los mercados laborales y eso hemos analizado en el caso del estado de Nuevo León, una entidad altamente industrializada de México.


        María Cristina Osorio Villegas Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2012 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.2 No.2

        Resumen. El siguiente ensayo pretende dar cuenta de la forma en que la política y la cinematografía se relacionaron durante el primer gobierno de Juan Domingo Perón en la Argentina, con el fin de entender la importancia que tuvo la función simbólica en la construcción de una identidad política que le permitiera al peronismo instalarse en la sociedad. El objetivo es analizar cómo las imágenes proyectadas en los filmes producidos durante este periodo contribuyeron al sistema simbólico que proyectó construir el peronismo para organizar las relaciones sociales, tomando como caso puntual la construcción de la idea de mujer durante estos años a partir de algunos de los personajes más importantes recreados en el cine de ficción de la época. Abstract. The purpose of this essay is to give account of the manner in which politics and cinematography were related during the first presidency of Juan Domingo Perón, in order to understand the function of symbolism in the construction of a new political identity that enabled Peronism to be embedded in Argentine society. The objective of this work is to analyze how the images portrayed in the films during this period contributed to this system of symbolism which facilitated the creation of Peronism and the organization of social reform. A specific example was the creation of the idea of the woman as a one of the most important figures in fictional cinematography during this period. Palabras clave: Peronismo, Industria Cinematográfica, Historia Política, Función simbólica, Mujer. Key words: Peronism, Film Industry, Political History, Symbolic function; Woman.


        Natalia C. Del Cogliano Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2012 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.2 No.-

        Resumen. El estudio de la materia discursiva en las praxis políticas contemporáneas tiene una vigencia particular en el escenario político actual argentino, en el que la disputa por el uso de la palabra devino foco de atención. Centrándose en dicho terreno, este trabajo aborda un discurso del ex-presidente argentino Néstor Kirchner. Para ello se retoman los enfoques de dos grandes teóricos: Bajtín y Laclau. Ambas perspectivas confluyen en la forma en que el lenguaje opera como terreno primario para la constitución de lo político. Esto se manifiesta de dos modos: por el carácter dialógico propio de la enunciación y por una dinámica de fuerzas que pujan por la determinación del sentido. El discurso puede entenderse como un complejo de elementos en el que las relaciones juegan un rol constitutivo por estar la totalidad implicada en cada acto individual de significación. El mismo se despliega en un ámbito de luchas por la definición y la apropiación de los signos, que en Bajtín aparece como una batalla ideológica por la fijación de significados, y en Laclau, como una operación hegemónica que un particular intenta trasladarse a una instancia de representación de un universal tendencialmente vacío, proceso del cual Néstor Kirchner fue cabal representante. Abstract. The study of discourse in the current political practice is of particular importance in Argentina’s present political scenario, where the dispute over the use of the word became centre of attention. Focusing on this field of inquiry, this paper studies a speech given by the former Argentinean president Nestor Kirchner. In order to do so, two major theoretical approaches will be considered: those of Mikhail Bakhtin and Ernesto Laclau. Both perspectives converge in the sense that language operates as a primary site for the constitution of politics. Discourse can be understood as a complex compound of elements in which relations play a constitutive role for being all involved in each individual act of significance. This is displayed in a field defined by the struggle for the definition and ownership of the signs, which according to Bakhtin appears as an ideological battle for the fixation of meanings, whereas at Laclau, it consists of a hegemonic operation where a particular tries to move to an instance of representation of a tendentially empty universal, a process of which Kirchner was fully representative.


        Daniel Villafuerte Solis Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2011 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.1 No.1

        This article analyzes the fundamental contents and purposes of the Mesoamerica Project and its transformation from a development initiative centered on Mexico and Central America, to a geopolitical instrument that incorporates two countries that play a key strategic role for the interests of the governments of the United States, Colombia and the Dominican Republic. In the context of this project, the Colombia is seen as a hinge-state between Central America and the Andean countries, opting for a more autonomous development, and the second is called to play a key role because of its strategic location in the Caribbean, crucial to protecting the so called Third Border of the United States. This analysis highlights the security component that the Mesoamerica Project is taking on more explicitly.


        Sandra Milena Franco Patino Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2011 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.1 No.1

        This article provides some background, conceptualizations and methodological tools on the work of care, analytical category used by the economy of care in the last thirty years. The text focuses the discussion on the work of care proposed by the feminist economics, and the epistemological turn / theorist who have suffered studies on women's work and its contribution to social development. It further stresses the methodological tools used by scholars and technicians to incorporate part of these developments in the design of public policies conducive to more equitable gender relations in the public and private spheres. With these referents, problematizes the category of care, work to consider other activities such as feeding practices family, which are characterized by the overlap of the productive and reproductive work and have subjective and affective signification which define relations family and link social, little explored in macro social studies have addressed care or relationships in the analysis of domestic work from which traditionally had been addressed processes of food in the families.

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