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      • 환경안전사고 예방과 대응을 위한 GIS기반 통합안전관리 시스템 개발

        이선균 호서대학교 안전환경기술융합대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 252719

        Developing GIS - Based Integrated Safety Management System for Prevention and Reaction for Environmental and Safety Accident Prevention and Response As technology-intensive industries getting upgrade, various gases and chemicals are used in the industries. This caused getting increased environmental and safety accidents potential scale because of its larger scale of facilities. That environmental and safety accidents are increasing every year makes it doubtful that we made actually effective countermeasures of those accidents. Handling an accident needs to be quick so that the amount of the damage of the accident can be minimized. Semiconductor display industry is large scale equipment industry and each companies are currently running their integrated disaster prevention center. And each departments of the companies have their own emergency response team so that they can quickly manage a accident. But there is a limit on management for environment and safety of extra large scale facility. This study focus on management for environment and safety of extra large scale facilities based on location-based informations like MSDS, fire protect facilities, emergency response teams of a location. This GIS system will enhance the efficiency of management of environment and safety of the facility. Hope this GIS-based integrated safety management system helps semiconductor display industry and other large scale industries to reduce environmental and safety accident.

      • 제조업 사업장의 안전사고에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 설문조사 연구

        이동원 호서대학교 안전환경기술융합대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 252719

        ABSTRACT Survey study on the factors affecting the safety of the manufacturing plant Dong – Won Lee Department of Convergence Technology for Safety and Environment, The Gradute School Hoseo University Asan, Korea (Supervised by professor Jae-Hyun Kim) Modern society while entering a highly advanced industrial society in economic growth, rapid change and development of all living structure has lead to large and small accidents. Therefore, the fundamental solution is to raise more away from the point of view to solve the accidents, including industrial accidents simply a technical physical actions that are the foundation on accident prevention and response by building awareness and safety culture.

      • 국내 적용 가능한 수소스테이션 모델 개발 연구

        차민창 호서대학교 안전환경기술융합대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        The Biggest Problem of construction of Infrastructure for Hydrogen Station is hazard of hydrogen. In Korea, most vehicles are used in downtown. So, hydrogen station should be constructed in that area. But, most people think that hydrogen is dangerous and available land for construction is rare. Therefore, the first priority of solving problems for infrastructure construction is to assess the risk of hydrogen equipment. Only after assessment for hydrogen station has done, a model for installation can be developed. If there are not enough places suitable for setup a hydrogen station, another option is to build a fusion station with CNG, LPG stations or to make a new model for charging hydrogen. This study estimated safety distance and impact range in single or fusion station with PHAST. Based on the result, this study developed domestically applicable hydrogen station model.

      • 한국과 중국의 화학물질 관리법에 대한 비교 및 고찰 : 중국 위험화학품안전관리조례와

        유라 호서대학교 안전환경기술융합대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 252703

        중국은 2002년 ‘위험화학품안전관리조례(中华人民共和国国务院令, 국무원령 제344호)’을 실시한 이후 2015년 ‘위험화학품안전관리조례(中华人民共和国国务院令, 국무원령 제591호)’를 도입하였다. 특히 2015년 톈진항에서 발생한 톈진항 화학 폭발사고로 인하여 해당 조례 및 중국 내 화학물질 관리는 더욱 강화될 것으로 보인다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 중국 정부의 기조 및 중국법상의 특이점인 목적을 위해 법이 도입되고 이를 위해 전 부처가 협업함과 동시에 입법 과정 역시 공산당 정책의 실현이라는 특이점을 연구하여 향후 중국시장으로 진출을 꾀하는 기업들에 대해 도움이 되기를 바란다. 또한 중국의 유해화학물질 관리법의 강점과 약점에 대한 이해를 기반으로 국내 유해화학물질 관리에 도움이 되리라 기대한다.

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