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      • 최적화 방법론에 기반한 화물열차계획 작성에 관한 연구

        박범환 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구는 화물열차계획에 관한 최적화 모형을 다룬다. 화물열차계획이란 수요를 최대한 만족시키면서 전체 운영 비용(operating cost)을 최소화하는 스케줄을 작성하는 것을 말하는 데, 운영비용은 다양한 부분에서 발생하고 결정해야 될 변수가 과다하여, 기존 대부분의 연구들은 단일한 하나의 최적화 문제로 접근하기 보다는 Blocking Plan, train scheduling,Block-to-Train등 단계별 세분화된 문제로 접근한다. 본 연구에서는 기존 연구 문헌의 화물열차계획의 다양한 개념 및 최적화 모형에 대한 정의를 좀 더 명확히 하고, 한국철도공사에서 추진 중인 화물 수송 최적화 시스템에서 계획중인 화물열차 계획 프로세스를 분석하여 최적화 모형의 도입 방향을 제시하고자 한다. KORAIL is going to introduce new decision support system which can help for efficient planning of freight transportation. The system is comprised of some optimization models, which is much focused on the operation planning based on the block. However, since the concept of the block is unfamiliar in Korea, the planning process based on the block should be designed with very considerable attention. Actually, anyone can not be sure that operation planning based on block concept would be effective. So we present the exact concept of blocking plan and the planning process based on the block using the state-of-the-art studies. And then we will suggest the point in designing the planning process, which would be to go over its effectiveness by means of the unified optimization model considering the all costs related with the operations of freight cars.

      • 철도차량 화재안전도 평가를 위한 연구

        전영석 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        Although the railway vehicle is exposed to the fire disaster, most country, only a advanced country, is sufficient to take a measure against the fire accident. Safety regulation modification, fire safety standard of materials and each material's fire resistance of the railway vehicle have been upgraded until the Daegu fire disaster in Korea. Currently, various interior materials are used to obtain the fire safety of railway vehicles. In this study, current techniques of fire safety evaluation are anlayzed and fire safety degree of railway vehicles are evaluated in accordance with the fire safety standard such as ISO 4589-2, BS 6853 Annex B2, ISO 5658-2 and ASTM E 662.

      • 최적화 모형에 기반한 화차 운용 계획 및 소요량 추정

        박범환 한국철도대학 2007 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        현재 한국철도공사는 화차 운용에 있어 중·장기적인 계획에 따른 화차 운용이 아니라, 일일 단위의 수요에 임의적으로 대응하기 위해 관할 사령의 경험적인 방법에 의해 화차 조회 및 회송을 시행하여 화차의 사용 효율이 저하되고 있다. 특히 수요의 비대칭성, 화주들의 화차 보유 시간의 증가 등으로 인해 회귀일이 상당히 높은 편이다. 또한, 화차 수급 계획 또한 기존 실적치에 기반한 회귀율을 이용하고 있어, 기존의 운영 방식이 비효율적인 경우, 필요한 화차의 수가 과도하게 예측되는 개연성이 존재하여, 회귀율이 아닌 보다 과학적인 방법론을 기초로 화차 소요량 계산 방법 및 운용계획을 필요로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 화차의 소요량 예측 및 운용 계획을 위한 기본적인 최적화 모형을 제시하고 그 모형을 기초로 2007년 컨테이너 수요를 입력자료로 사용하여 컨테이너 화차의 소요량 및 운용 계획을 시뮬레이션해본다. Currently, KORAIL does not use any decision support system which can help for efficient routing of freight cars. And there are so many empty ridings of freight cars due to asymmetric demand and deficiency of long-term routing plans of freight cars. Now, KORAIL is trying to introduce a new decision support system in order to make the management of freight cars more efficient. Our study is about evaluating in advance the performance of such systems. We present an optimization-based method for estimating the number of necessary freight cars, which depends on how to route the freight cars. Applied to the container freight cars, we can see the 9.3% improvement over the current number of necessary container freight cars.

      • 고속철도차량(KTX) 추진제어장치 유지보수에 따른 방안 연구

        김재문 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        Nowaday, the maintenance schemes of a system are increasingly important issues at a point of view of engineering. In this paper, it is studied about maintenance schemes of motor block of KTX using power conversion unit with thyristor semiconductor device. it is examined a technical trend and market situation of home and abroad to solve for maintenance schemes of KTX, and then core component technical skill with concentrated power train is analyzed to make our country system of motor block. using novel semiconductor device. In case of KTX, it is increasingly problems which are core device insurance, cost interchange on components, etc. Therefore it should be localized on motor block of KTX to secure basic technical skill and to decrease maintenance cost. But before development it must study interface relation between sub-systems and motor block.

      • 도시철도차량 수명주기비용 모델 개발을 위한 연구

        김철수 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        This paper is concerned with the life-cycle cost(LCC) analysis of the urban transit vehicle. LCC is the core part of analyzing the total cost of acquisition and ownership of a system. LCC in railway industry has been focused on the prediction of investment for railway vehicles. Therefore, to investigate future cost for operation and maintenance in detail, it is necessary to evaluate the LCC of the vehicle systematically. This study is focused on making a fundamental model for estimating the LCC of the urban transit vehicle. To develop a appropriate LCC model, we broadly analyzed specs and standards and compared the LCC model developed in other country. Moreover, this paper proposes strategies to develop an unique LCC model for the urban transit vehicle.

      • 철도교량의 최적사전유지관리에 관한 연구

        정경희 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        Civil infrastructure structures are deteriorating with times and civil engineers are developing the technology which delays or minimizes deteriorations of the structures. And in order to use effectively the limited maintenance cost or budget the maintenance cost, the load carrying capacity of the structures must be reported correctly. In this paper, the life time functions are used to predict the remaining life of the railway bridge. Two policies for preventive maintenance is used to compute optimal preventive interval. Finally optimal maintenance costs of corrective and preventive are compared.

      • 철도수송원가계산제도에 관한 연구Ⅱ

        김충수 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        Intensified global competition and radically new production technologies have made accurate product/service cost information crucial to competitive success. An Information system is therefore a framework by which resources are coordinated to convert inputs into outputs, in order to achieve the objectives of an enterprise. The objective of this study is to analyze the cost accounting systems of the Korean Railroad(KR). The efficient cost accounting systems can build up the foundation of rational railroad management. The cost accounting systems will produce more useful cost information. The reason is that setting up the subsystems and multiple cost objects properly will provide more accurate cost information.

      • 도시철도에서 전식방지시설이 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        김양수 한국철도대학 2008 한국철도대학논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        Currently, big-city subway line that plays a critical role as public transportation, and in metropolitan cities, including small and medium-sized cities in eager to Lightweight electric railway as a pillar of public transportation, and construction planning or construction, the development of public transport In addition to the city and the city's rapid population growth, based on Facilities city gas pipeline, pipeline, including a constant conduit to the underground explosion is increasing the a metal tube. Most of these facilities close to the subway tracks along with the inevitable underground the city, railway (subway), the tracks that are drawn from the leakage current (Stray Current) is due to an Illuminations, Most of these facilities close to the subway tracks along with the inevitable laying the city, railway (subway), the tracks that are drawn from the leakage current (Stray Current) is due to an Illuminations, an underground pipe line management in order to avoid the subject every Illuminations prevention facilities (Current state law to send the device) are installed and operated, but because it is expected to raise another issue Illuminations prevention facilities (Current state law to send the device) operation is expected to consider the issue of the appropriate measures proposed.

      • 철도 안전설비 감시 시스템 소프트웨어 설계구조에 관한 연구

        유광균 한국철도대학 2005 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        In this study, the database system software design structure was reviewed for using the centralized traffic control system as a railroad safety monitoring system. The data that is collected from the control system database for the use of the conflict detection and solution system was discussed. We expect an increase of the efficiency and consistency of the train control and monitoring system from the study.

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