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      • 친환경 건축의 통합설계를 위한 건축 계획적 접근방법에 관한 연구

        조성현,김철규 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2010 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구에서는 자연적 조절방법을 사용하는 건축물을 생태건축으로, 물리적 조절방법을 사용하는 건축물을 지속가능한 건축으로 나누어 보았다. 생태건축은 지역의 미기후를 분석하고 대지의 조건을 적극적으로 활용하며 채광과 자연환기를 통하여 실내 환경을 조절한다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 지속가능한 건축은 자원과 에너지의 재활용과 재사용을 통하여 건축자원의 순환과정을 통하여 실내 환경을 조절하는 것이다. 그러므로 자연적 순환 방식에 설비시스템 그리고 구조시스템이 유기적으로 통합디자인이 되는 경우가 많다. 특히 차양 장치와 이중 외피 시스템은 건축물의 구조시스템과 결합되어 형태적으로 특징 있는 외피를 가질 수 있다. 현대 건축물들은 구성요소들이 체계적인 시스템 통합과정을 통하여 요구되는 실내 환경과 외부 형태를 만들어 내고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 친환경 건축물도 자연적 조절 방식과 더불어 구조 및 설비시스템이 통합되어 발전하는 경향을 가지며 자원과 에너지를 절감할 수 있는 대안 건축으로 의미를 가진다고 할 수 있다.

      • 조선왕릉의 가정자각에 관한 연구 - 규범화 과정을 중심으로 -

        홍석주 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2013 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.4

        Uigwe is official reports of the Joseon dynasty. They published from early Joseon but remain from 17C. We can search many hidden informations in them. Ga-Jungjagak (temporary T-shaped house) is one of them. It is unique architecture of the Joseon dynasty but it doesn't exist now at all. We can see many drawings describing Ga-Jungjagak (temporary T-shaped house) located next to Jungjagak in Uigwe. Jungjagak (T-shaped house) was built in royal tombs for sacrifice. Ga-Jungjagak was built in royal tombs for sacrifice as Jungjagak but existed temporarily. In this study, I want to find the process of norms Ga-Jungjagak in old records, official reports and annals of the Joseon Dynasty. Results are as follows:Ga-Jungjagak is the sacrifice space for queens in royal tombs. It is need to avoid sacrifice of delight and sorrow at the same time. They sacrifice to represent sorrow after the death of kings and queens for three years. After three year, they sacrifice to represent delight for kings and queens became ancestral gods. Ga-Jungjagak was destroyed three years later to combined sacrifices. The shape of Ga-Jungjagak is similar to Jungjagak in the same tomb. But dimensions of Ga-Jungjagak are equal or smaller than Jungjagak and decorations are abstemious.

      • 루돌프 슈타이너 제1괴테아눔의 인지학적 특성에 관한 연구

        박윤준,Park, Yun-Jun 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2006 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        This paper is a study on the anthroposophic characteristics shown in the first Goetheanum. Rudolf Steiner promoted anthroposophy base on the critique of modem times. His philosophy has developed in various areas such as medical science, agriculture, education, and art. In particular, his thinking was well expressed in the first Goetheanum which was built for Anthroposophical Society. The anthrososophic architectural theory is defined here as application of cosmology, metamorphology and geometry. Steiner defined geometry as a unconscious awareness inscribed in skeletal system of human body as humans have evolved in the process of cosmological development. As a result, Steiner's architecture was able to create metamorphological spaces with harmonizing geometric and organic factors. In respect of decoration, the shapes of plants applied to the decoration still kept individuality because of being made manually, thus perfect symmetrical architecture was impossible. Moreover, the first Goetheanum placed an emphasis on formative dynamics. This was to wake an individual's self-conscienceless up, by enabling him to experience with all the senses without reasoning from the precedent.

      • 가정환경에서의 Interactive TV에 적합한 Cursor interaction 제안 -PC 마우스와 리모컨의 사례비교를 중심으로-

        김용기,김성우,유훈식 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2014 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Currently, various input devices such as the gesture, the touchpad remote controller and the 3D motion pointing remote controller are introduced for interactive TVs proposed by various TV providers including Samsung, LG, Google and Apple. As more complicated TV information structures and similar functions to PCs were provided, the cursor interaction has been selected as PCs to control TVs remotely. However, different measures have been selected for interactions so that such variety for input device is resulted. Furthermore, providers composed an interaction adequate for each input device. Such attempts have been natural approaches fully utilizing characteristics of input devices while having the limit of consideration started as being focused on input devices. This study compares interaction factors analyzed by selecting mouses, gestures, touch pads and 3D motion pointing devices and focusing on existing input devices and reviews if the identically applied factors differ according to the use behavior of Lean-Forward/Lean-Back. And the study sets the research direction for a proper cursor interaction to behaviors on using TVs.

      • 리모델링 선호집단의 형태 분석 연구 -인터넷 리모델링 상담 사이트를 중심으로

        박현옥,이종숙,Park, Hyun-Ok,Lee, Jong-Suk 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2003 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        Remodeling has improved through many interests of people and governmental positive support. Accordingly, this study precedes definition and typology of remodeling. As well, it analyzed the type of remodeling preference group who asked consulting on internet following items and researched a special feature of construction case. - Area, Age, Size and Type of Building, Prospective Cost, Constructing Period, Range of Remodeling- Then, remodeling will have a big effect and be needed lasting evaluation.

      • 공간통사론의 수학모델과 분석도구의 개발에 관한 연구

        이종렬,Lee, Jong-Ruyl 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2006 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.6 No.2

        This study is investigates space syntax theory, developed by Bill Hiller, used for physical analysis and visual access of space and role of spatial configuration based on social logic. it mean computer program analyze physical structure of space and represent by mathematical logic. it used for predict space use and Descriptive of spatial configuration. This method and theory is incompletion for design, but it enough useful tool for architecture and urban design and will be improved. And development of a simple computer program - SSA(Sspace Syntax Analysis) for space syntax analysis and study. SSA is based on convex map analysis and using VISIO software for easily using and development.

      • 들뢰즈․가타리의 ‘생성’사유를 바탕으로 한 대학교 예술관 계획연구

        강훈 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2009 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study on university Art Center Design based on the Deleuze Gattari's ‘devenir’ thought. So, this paper studies the concept of Deleuze Gattari's ‘devenir’ thought. Expressing the potential constantly is to actualize the ‘Devenir Architecture’, and planing by using the digital design method of utilizing the digital media. Above all things, raising the virtual through the digital method, it creates devenir space that it try to make sustainable moving space. This trial can be one actual example as form generation in digital architecture, it is significant to be presented the one way to design architecture.

      • 역사도시 경주의 경관정체성에 관한 연구 II - C.G.를 이용한 통일신라시대 경주의 경관요소 특성 연구를 통한 경관정체성 규명을 중심으로-

        홍사철 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2011 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        Urban scape of Gyeongju is overlapped by periods. So, a study of each Periodical urban scape is required to understanding the present urban scape. All it requires study is on account of different a characteristic and the meaning of the scape. Especially, unified Silla period was most flourished in all time, has Abundant image of urban scape, heavily influences present urban scape. The research was proceeded through the classifying the concept of Urban form and the basic ideology and adopting the representative landscape at that time with the literatures and maps, on Unified Silla Period. And then tried to find out the identity of landscape with the link between the concepts of the representative landscape and that of Urban form in chronological order. The identity of historical landscape in Gyeongju on Unified Silla Period from the result of research has been influenced on by the connection with natural environment, urban form revealed by grid, space organized by vigorously heading up the inside, and Buddhistic ideology and esthetics

      • 뮤지컬 예배로서 청소년 문화선교 활성화 연구

        이장원,Lee, Jang-Weon 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2011 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.4

        Activation of Youth Culture Mission For Activation of Youth Culture Mission Is classified into four classes. The concept of youth and youth culture, Cultural tools, Feasibility and effectiveness of open worship, Practical effect of this practice, It Said method. One of those ways will have an interest in musical as a young missionary tool. Young people might like that have been pomp and popularity, and the diversity of characterized. Utilized as a musical worship need to know what will be it. Current musical worship will be of interest which the potential. Them will be able to achieve what you want in terms of open worship it solve the problem. Entirely worship for youth Is come up their gaze and posture. that In terms of you have it musical worship is called public and intimacy. Difficulties with religion think it come up with tools that musical.

      • 내재해성이 우수한 비닐하우스 부재의 단면형상 및 구조시스템에 관한 연구

        심종석,한덕전 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2012 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.12 No.4

        The damage of greenhouse has been increasing due to frequent collapse of frame in greenhouse caused by the heavy snow and strong wind. But, greenhouses are constructed by steel tube members of pipe style and pin connection of them, so these greenhouses are very weak. Therefore, this study was carried out to find the type of member section and structural frame system in stress tolerant greenhouses. The modeling types for analysis were designed in accordance with structural frame configuration and member section in greenhouse. These types of models, which are existing type,diagrid type, symmetric and asymmetric section type of frame member in greenhouse were classified. Displacement analysis varying the vertical and horizontal loads for a series of models was carried out. As a result of this paper, it was verified that the structural frame configuration of diagrid type and asymmetric type of member section is better than existing type in the frame of greenhouses against snow loads and wind loads.

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