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        이홍화 연변대학 인문사회과학학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 251679

        摘 要 1957年發生的整風運動是中國共產黨在探索社會主義道路中的一次重大事件,整風運功的初衷是積極的,但是它的擴大化深深的影響了建國之後中共的政治走向,而且也嚴重的影響了一代黨員和知識份子的命運。 本論文通過研究延邊地區整個整風運動發展過程,分析作為少數民族地區在整個運動過程中社會各界的反應與態度,揭示出延邊地區進行反地方民族主義整風的根源以及給延邊地區政治、經濟、文化等各方面造成的影響。 本論文由緒論、本論和結論部分組成。 第一章緒論部分主要介紹本論文的研究目的、意義、相關領域研究的現狀以及研究方法。 第二章介紹主要的是延邊地區整風運動的背景。主要介紹建國以後到1957年整風運動開始,延邊地區發展狀況以及延邊州的黨組織與幹部隊伍狀況,通過分析少數民族幹部比例以及社會結構和政治、經濟、文化教育等各方面發展的狀態,揭示延邊地區進行整風運動的歷史背景以及可能影響整風運動發展的各種因素。 第三章作為本論部分主要闡述的是延邊地區整風運動的開展情況。延邊地區根據上級指示於5月份真正開始整風運動。在運動發展為反右派鬥爭以後,1958年4月,根據黨中央的指示,由於少數民族地區出現的地方民族主義的現象,將整風運動的主要內容由反官僚主義、宗派主義和主觀主義轉為反地方民族主義。當全國整風基本結束之後,1959年,延邊地區又進行了新一輪的反地方民族主義整風運動。文教系統作為延邊整風最重要的領域,此次運動一定程度上阻礙了朝鮮族文化的發展。 第四章總結延邊地區整風運動的歷史教訓。運動的擴大化致使不少幹部和知識份子被打成了右派或是民族主義分子,特別是誤傷了部分民族幹部,使他們長期蒙受冤屈。總之,整風運動在一定程度上阻礙了延邊地區社會主義民主政治的發展,使得延邊地區民族文化的健康發展受到挫折。 第五章為結論部分,主要是對延邊地區整風運動進行總結,反思作為一個少數民族自治州,怎樣在維護國家統一的同時,促進朝鮮族社會各項事業的迅速發展。 Abstract The rectification movement in 1957 is an importent event on explore the socialist road by the Communist Party of China. Though it’s original intention was positive, the supersize of the rectification movement was influence the Communist Party of China after nation-building deeply. This paper studies on Yanbian area through the rectification movement, the process of development as ethnic minority areas in the motion and the community's response, the analysis of Yanbian area in a place at the root of the nationalist movement, and the area of Yanbian political, economic and cultural aspects of the impact, and reflective as one of China's ethnic autonomous areas, how to correctly understand the state of the minority nationalities policy and a correct view of the motherland. This paper is consist of introduction, main tenet,and epilogue. The first chapter of this paper mainly introduces the study purpose, and related fields of research and work methods. The second chapter is about the background of Yanbian area in the rectification movement. It’s mainly introduces: after the founding of the rectification movement began in 1957, Yanbian regional development and Yanbian party organizations and cadres, by analyzing Yanbian the state of nationality, the ratio of cadres and social structures and political, economic and educational development in all aspects of the state of Yanbian area, the historical background of the rectification movement, and may affect the rectification movement of the development of various factors. This part also deals with the reason of central committee and Chairman Mao to the party. Chapter three of the theory part of Yanbian area are mainly expounds the rectification movement. local-nationality chauvinism yanbian area, in accordance with the higher levels really began to the rectification movement and sport for the development of the struggle, from April 1958 and the central committee's instructions, the minority nationality areas in the place of nationalism, the rectification movement is the main contents of the bureaucracy, sectarianism and subjectivism to the place of nationalism. when the rectification movement was over in 1959, Yanbian area and a new round of the place of nationalism is the rectification movement. in the entire sports, cultural and educational system is yanbian the rectification movement the most important sector, greatly affect the Chaoxian nationality and cultural development. Chapter four is a summary of Yanbian area where the rectification movement of the nationalist movement extend. many of our cadres and intellectuals have been made in the right or ethnic nationalism, especially harming the part of the ethnic minority cadres, they suffer under the long term. in short, the place of nationalism is the rectification movement has the Chaoxian nationality social development process and impeded the Chaoxian nationality the healthy development of national culture, and seriously harmed the Chaoxian nationality’s national feelings. Chapter five is for the conclusion of Yanbian, in particular the rectification movement against local-nationality chauvinism review and reflection and analysis to the other is the rectification movement of the ethnic minority areas. finally, as a minority nationality autonomous prefectures and how to safeguard national unity and promote Chaoxian nationality various social undertakings developed rapidly.

      • 론 파금 작품 에서 조선의 이미지 급격한 유행 의 변화 : The Ba Jin works in the image of the rheology : 안계영

        안계영 연변대학교 인문사회과학학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        论文试图以巴金战争时期作品中的朝鲜形象为中心,通过对巴金在抗战时期以及抗美援朝两个不同时期对于朝鲜形象的不同理解和认识进行对比研究,运用比较文学形象学方法,分析和研究巴金作品中的“朝鲜形象”以挖掘朝鲜形象本身的内涵及启示意义,进而考察巴金作品中朝鲜形象的生成及两国文化、政治、历史、作家自身等因素对此“异国形象”产生的影响。巴金的抗美援朝作品中涉及到很多朝鲜的人物、方物、景物描述和观念等,这是存在于作品中的相关的主观情感、思想、意识和客观物象的总和,就比较文学形象学的角度来说是很好的研究对象。 基于以上原因,论文意在以两个不同时期的朝鲜形象为研究对象,分析归纳和研究巴金作品中的朝鲜形象。全文共分为五个部分: 第一章:简要说明论文的总体脉络,阐述论文的主题、结构、理论方法和相对于前人的研究有哪些创新点,从论文的研究目的及意义、国内外研究动态、研究内容及方法这三个部分进行论述。 第二章:首先,分别阐述巴金文学作品中的朝鲜的人物形象。其次,阐释自塑形象。最后,对抗战时期巴金对朝鲜的认识进行阐述。 第三章:首先,论述朝鲜的人物形象。其次,分析中国人民志愿军的形象。再次,分析这一时期巴金作品中的自然景物形象和方物形象。最后,对抗美援朝时期巴金对朝鲜的认识进行说明。 第四章:研究和论述两个时期朝鲜形象间的承继关系和发展关系。从比较文学形象学角度出发,通过巴金对抗战时期和亲自参加抗美援朝战争后两个不同时期,对朝鲜形象截然不同认识的对比研究,进一步对比分析巴金眼中的朝鲜形象在两个不同时期里的变化。 第五章:结论,对论文的总体思路进行简要梳理,提出论文的研究成果,研究不足,并提出研究设想。认真阐明论文创造性的成果在比较文学形象学领域及抗美援朝文学研究领域中的意义,对存在的问题和不足做出客观陈述。


        우정계 연변대학교 인문사회과학학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        黃真伊一生富於傳奇,據史載她色藝雙全,彈琴、書法、詩歌、繪畫等方面都極具天賦。她創作了大量時調和漢詩作品,可惜流傳至今的只有時調六首與漢詩八首。她的作品藝術手法奇特、情感豐富細膩,不僅展示了其個人的命運,在很大程度上也反映了當時的時代背景,她肯定自我價值、感悟人生和積極追求真正的愛情,委婉而細膩地表達了備受封建社會歧視的婦女渴望爭取幸福愛情的內心世界。 本文以黃真伊時調詩歌為研究物件,在吸收前人研究成果的基礎上,運用美學、文學等多種理論,通過對其在特定歷史環境下的生活以及作品的內容與藝術特色等方面進行客觀的描述和評析,從美學的角度考察和分析黃真伊時調詩歌的審美價值,進而更好地把握黃真伊時調詩歌的文學思想價值,解讀和理解朝鮮時期女性時調詩歌的社會文化價值。 全文分為五個部分:第一部分,交代論文研究的目的、意義,以及研究方法等。第二部分,交代黃真伊的生平,通過介紹她的出身、經歷,以及所處的社會環境來解析黃真伊顯性和隱性的性格特徵。第三部分,簡要介紹黃真伊時調詩歌的內容特點。第四部分,通過對美學等相關資料的分析,概括總結時調詩歌文學的審美概念與形式。第五部分,對黃真伊的時調詩歌文學進行審美價值的分析,主要從三個方面進行闡述,他們分別是相思和等待的情懷、離別的痛恨、懷古的抒情三個特徵。 結論部分對黃真伊及其時調詩歌的審美價值及其歷史意義進行評價。 關鍵字:黃真伊 時調 詩歌 審美價值 Huangzhenyi is a legend in her lifetime for her acquirements. She is most talented in the factor of Calligraphy, poetry, painting and so on. She created a lot of popular songs and Chinese poetry. But, unfortunately, there are only six popular songs and eight Chinese poetry have spread. The artistic technique of her works is exotic, the emotion is delicate. It not only shows her personal destiny, but also reflects the special background to a certain extent. She was certain self-worth Feeling life and pursuitof true love actively can express the inward world of the women who was discriminated in feudal society eager to strive for happiness. Based on the research achievements of every research stage, using relevant theory of aesthetic value, the paper analyzes Huangzhenyi’s works and the specific historical environment she lived, and then gives impersonal description and judgment from aesthetic point. In order to unscramble cultural and social value about popular songs and Chinese poetry of female in Korean period better. The Paper is divided into five parts. the first part explain the purpose, significance, and research methods of this research, The second part, introduce the life of Hwang Jin Yi, including her background, experience, and the special social environment in order to analyze the resolve the dominant and recessive character of Huangzhenyi. The third part, briefly analyze the features of Chinese poetry and popular songs of Huangzhenyi. The fourth part summary the aesthetic concept and form about the literary of popular songs and poetry through the analysis of aesthetic and other relevant information. The fifth part, analyze the aesthetic value of the popular songs and poetry of Huangzhenyi from three main aspects. There are Emotion of missing and waiting, hate of parting and lyrical nostalgia. Conclusion does a brief locating about the Chinese poetry and popular songs of Huangzhenyi. Key words:Huangzhenyi aesthetic value Chinese poetry popular songs

      • 中国古代现实主义诗歌理论对丁若镛的影响

        이영자 연변대학교 인문사회과학학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        中國可以說是一個詩的國度,詩歌為中國古代文學史創下了不朽的一頁。現實主義詩歌和浪漫主義詩歌可謂是齊頭並進,成為詩歌這條大河中分開而奔流不息的兩大支流,並自成系統,而作為中國文人本有的憂患意識,現實主義詩歌備受詩人們推崇,並不斷地將現實生活濃縮在詩歌中,將對現世的情感囊括於詩歌中。現實主義詩歌成為中國古代詩歌史的一類奇葩。這種秉承現實主義精神的理論也逐步得到發展,並一度達到鼎盛時期。 隨著中國與鄰邦朝鮮的交往,無論是政治,還是經濟、文學、醫學等等都影響到朝鮮,現實主義詩歌理論也倍受朝鮮文人喜愛,因為有類似的大環境和內心的憂患意識,現實主義詩歌成為朝鮮漢文學的重要組成部分。特別是18世紀末期、19世紀初期朝鮮在思想文化界形成了一種實學的思潮,也促使中國古代現實主義詩歌理論在朝鮮這片國度上得到了接受和發展。 隨著詩歌大量流入朝鮮,現實主義詩歌被朝鮮有識之士大為效仿,現實主義詩歌理論也隨之成為朝鮮文壇備受喜愛的詩歌理論。丁若鏞作為朝鮮18世紀末至19世紀初朝鮮實學的集大成者,對現實主義詩歌理論的接受尤為突出,並且深受其影響。 而這種接受和影響,首先是因為丁若鏞所處朝鮮社會正值壬辰、丙子兩亂之後,政治、社會、經濟百業俱廢,百廢待興的局面,而就在這種社會背景下又形成了不同階級之間的強烈反差,對從小接受儒學思想的丁若鏞來說極為震撼;其次是實學思想在此大環境下盛行,這也促使了丁若鏞對現實主義詩歌理論更好的接受。 丁若鏞接受自《詩經》而始的“風雅精神”的影響,促成他大量的寫實詩篇;杜甫的民本思想正符合他愛國、愛民的本性,他作為實學大家,民本思想最能觸痛他的神經,也是他關注民生、體恤百姓的主旋律;清初實學思想與丁若鏞的實學思想有異曲同工之妙,他深受清初實學思想的影響,主張實事求是,主張經世致用。 丁若鏞深受中國古代現實主義詩歌理論的影響,創作了大量具有現實主義思想的詩歌,並且可以細劃分為三類:第一類是具有諷喻批判類的詩歌,第二類是具有民本思想的詩歌,第三類是具有經世致用思想的詩歌。這三類詩歌是他現實主義詩歌的主要代表,這三者之間相互聯繫又相互貫通,成為他尊重現實、注重民生、經世致用的代表,而他也因為實學思想成為朝鮮實學界的典範。 本文從中國古代現實主義詩歌理論對丁若鏞的影響切入,看丁若鏞對現實主義詩歌理論的接受和在詩歌上的應用。 關鍵字:中國古代;現實主義;詩歌理論;丁若鏞;影響 China can be said that it’s a country of poem. Poetry wrote its immortal page for the Chinese ancient literary history. Realistic and romantic poetries may well be termed advancing side by side, and both of them formed their own systems. However, due to Chinese scholars with worried awareness, Realistic poetry was praised highly among Chinese poets, who took the real life and feelings into the poetry. Realistic poetry became a particular art in the Chinese ancient poetry history. The theory to taking realistic spirit was also gotten development step by step and achieved a period of full bloom for some time. With the contacts of China and its neighbouring country,Korea, no matter politics,or economic,literature,medical science,etc, all had the influence on Korea. The theory of Chinese realistic poetry was also enjoyed great popularity by Korean scholars. Realistic poetry became the important part in Korean Chinese literature because of similar social environment and inner worried awareness. Specially at the end of eighteenth century and at the begainning of nineteenth century, in the field of thought and literature of Korea, a trends of thought of real literature was formed, which also promoted that Chinese ancient realistic poetry theory had gotten the acception and development by Korean people. With a large number of Chinese poetyies being taken into Korea,Realistic poetry was followed widly by Korean scholars.Then,realistic poetry theory became a very popular poetry theory in the Korean literary world.Ding Ruoyong,as an overall outstanding scholar of Korean real literature at the end of eighteenth century and at the begainning of nineteenth century, not only accepted realistic poetry theory, but also was affected deeply by this theory. There are two main reasons for acception and affection. Firstly, it was because at that period, Korea just suffered Renchen and Bingzi chaos. All neglected tasks were being undertaken in policity,society and economic.Under the society,striking contrast was formed among different classes, which shocked Ding Ruoyong extremely who had been educated by Confucianism since young; Secondly,real literature thought was very popular in the whole social environment,which also made him accepted the theority easier. From the literary pursuits of The Book of Songs to Dufu’s thought of loving their people, Ding Ruoyong accepted them and finished his own large number poetries with wrting real.As a outstanding real literature sholar, he paid more attention to the thought of loving the people. The real literary thought of the early Qing dynasty was the same with Ding Ruoyong’s. Ding was deeply affected and also favoured being realistic and practical statecraft. Ding Ruoyong was affected deeply by Chinese ancient realistic poetry theory and created a lot of realistic poetries. And they can be classified into three kinds. The first one is the allegorical and critical poetry. The second one is the poetry of people thought. The third one is the poetry of practical statecraft thought, These three kinds of poetries are his main works for his realistic poetries. There is a thorough knowledge and contact among them,which also makes him be a typical character with respecting reality,paying attention to people’s life and practical statecraft.And because of his reality learning ideology, he becomes an example in the field of real literature in Korea. The paper goes deep into the influence to Ding Ruoyong from the Chinese ancient realistic poetry theory to show him how to accept and use this theory in his poetries. Kerywords: Chinese ancient ;Realism; poetry theory;Ding Ruoyong;influence

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