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      • 조직 경쟁력 향상에 대한 전략적 접근 : 대학조직에 기업경험을 적용한 연구 Exploratory Study Applying Business Experience to Colleges

        정미숙 부천대학 1997 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The goal of this study is to find the direction in achieving the competitive advantage of universities and colleges. To do this we can apply the business experience to colleges. Especially the study of strategic management and the critical success factors of visionary companies are important constructs to do this study. Three steps are used for this purpose: First, through previous study of visionary companies seven success factors were found by James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras. And we can apply these success factors to college situations. Second, through theoretical study of the strategic management, we can find some implications to visionary company study and college situations. In this process, the focus is on the resource-based view. According to the theory of strategic management and visionary company study. we can make the framework to do this study. Third, applying management strategy to colleges. we can make use of management strategy as the change strategy that helps colleges to achieve competitive advantage. Applying the approach of strategy to college situations if we approach "college evaluation" proactively. we can gain useful informations to achieve the competitive advantage. Both self-evaluation and the evaluation by outside organizations should be accepted as a tool to grasp internal strength and weakness of the college. Especially if the result of the evaluation can be used proactively not reactively. the core competence of each other's college can be extracted. Seven success factors of visionary companies are very simple, but it is very hard work to achieve both immediate high goals and investment for the future. Visionary companies didn't choose the immediate success or the honorable future. They tried to gain both the present success and the future admiration. In case of college situations, two extreme factors are requisites for continuous competitive advantage. Two factors are the high quality in the present evaluation and the continuous investment for the future.

      • 지역문화관광축제로서 PiFan 활성화 방안

        김익중 부천대학 2002 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구는 국제적 이벤트이자 문화예술축제인 PiFan(부천국제판타스틱영화제)의 의의와 문제점을 고찰한 것이다. PiFan은 부천지역과 국가의 문화예술 수준을 한 단계 더 높이고 예술인재를 배출하는데 많은 기여를 하였다. 그러나 지역주민의 참여도가 낮고 지역축제적인 기능이 다소 낮다고 인식되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 PiFan 운영현황 분석을 통해 문화관광축제로서의 활성화 방안을 모색하는데 그 목적을 두었다. PiFan 운영현황 분석을 통해, 조직위원회에게는 전문축제조직으로의 구조개선과 전문인력 확충, 축제프로그램의 다양화, 재원확보를 위한 사업개발, 지역주민 대상의 홍보전략 개발 등의 개선방안을 제시하였다. 또한 지자체에게는 지역 이미지 고양, 문화예술의 발전, 주민의 공동체 의식 향상을 위해 영화제와 타 축제와의 연계, 영화 관련 기반시설의 개발, 영화제 관련 관광상품 개발, 문화관광 기본 인프라 구축 등의 지원이 필요함을 지적하였다. This study intends to show the meaning and the problem of PiFan (The Puchon International Fantastic Festival), which is a great event and a festival for global culture and art. This festival has contributed to improve the cultural and artistic level in Buchon and all around the nation, and produced many men of artistic ability from this event. But it is perceived that this festival has confined itself to the minor participants and has a weak function as regional festival. Therefore, this study is to find the activation plan of PiFan, to amend it and to reconstruct it as a festival of culture and tourism through the analyses about the present condition of the PiFan's management. PiFan's organization committee is required to make up for the weak points in the current system through such plans as the structural improvement, the expansion of experts, the various programs, the security of revenues by new business development and the various public information towards the regional inhabitants. Connected with this conditions, the regional government must enhance the regional characters, develop its culture and art, raise the inhabitants's identities through the connection with other festivals, develop the existed facilities in relation to the festival, produce the items connected with the festival, and construct the infra-system in connection with the cultural tourism.

      • 식품영양분야의 심화교육 수요조사 : 부천 및 인천 지역을 중심으로 Focusing on Bucheon and Inchein Area

        소명환,조신호,변기원,백재은,이수정 부천대학 2002 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        식품영양분야의 심화교육을 실시하기 위하여 부천 및 인천지역의 식품관련 업체에 근무하는 사람을 대상으로 교육수요에 대한 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사에 성실하게 응답한 126명중에서 전공심화교육을 긍정적으로 평가하고 기회가 되면 교육을 받겠다고 응답한 사람이 101명(80.2%)이었고, 부정적으로 평가하거나 심화교육을 받을 의사가 없다고 응답한 사람이 25명(19.8%)이었다 심화교육을 희망하는 주된 이유는 전문분야의 부족한 실력을 향상시키고 학점은행제에 의하여 학사학위도 받을 수 있기 때문이었다. 전공심화과정에 개설되었으면 좋겠다고 생각하는 전공과목은 영양상담, HACCP실무론, 식생활과건강, 외식산업창업및경영, 식당경영론, 급식전산실무, 식품및조리원리, 식품재료학, 식품관능검사, 식품품질관리 등이었다. 학정은행제에 교양관련과목으로 개설되면 좋겠다고 생각하는 과목은 PC활용, 재태크론, 전자상거래론, 소자본창업경영, 대인관계심리학, 상담심리학, 운동과 건강 등이었다. The aim of research was to investigate the demand for deepened education of the subjects who work in food related jobs in Bucheon and Incheon area, and to establish the deepened education in field of Food and Nutrition. Subjects were 126 persons, and the results were as follows: 101 persons(80.2%) evaluated positively the deepened education, and answered to be willing to take the course if they have an opportunity for study. 25 persons (19.8%) responsed negatively, or answered not to take the course. The main reasons to select the deepened education are not only to be able to improve the knowledge in major but also to obtain the degree of Bachelor in food and nutrition. The courses they wanted to be opened were as follows: nutrition education, practice in HACCP, food and health, restaurant management, practice in computer related to food service, food science, principles of cookery, food materials, sensory evaluation of food, quality control, etc. The general courses they wanted to be opened were as follows: PC practice, theory of property management, electronic commercial transaction, establishment and management of the small sized capital enterprises, psychology in human relation, psychology in counseling, physical activity and health, etc.

      • 대학 도서관 열람실 사용자에 대한 환경심리학적 고찰

        양극영 부천대학 1980 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라 대학도서관의 사용자에 대한 환경심리학적 고찰을 중심으로 물리적 환경에 따른 독립성과 사용자들의 공간행위에 대하여 변화도를 조사하였다. 특히 사용빈도 수가 많은 연세대학교 중앙도서관 일반사무실과 사용자를 대상으로 관찰과 설문을 통하여 자료를 수집 하였으며 이상의 상황에 대한 자료는 Chi-Test 검증법에 의하여 사용자들의 착석행위 및 프라이시의 변수들의 상이점을 분석 확인하였다. 결론에서 사용자들의 공간행위 및 프라이버시와 환경인자에 대한 인간의 반응에 관한 문제점 해결 방안과 실내환경 디자인의 이상적인 계획을 제시하였다. The study aims to investigate environmental design factors such as psychological aspects of reading room users in University libraries in Korea. With particular reference to a general reading room in Yonsei University library, observational metnob and structured questionnaire were made to collect data on users spatial behaviour and their attitudes towards the immediate environment. The data were analysed by using chi-squared test in an attempt to find out users seating pattern and their realationship to various environmental conditions. Finally, it has been suggested that the pattern of spatial behaviour of users in relation to privacy and human responses to the environment should be considered in designing an optimum environment.

      • 정보화 시대에 요구되는 실무적응력 향상을 위한 비서실무실습실 운영방안에 관한 연구

        정미숙 부천대학 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        In order to survive in this turbulent environment, professional secretaries need to be able to adapt to this change. And the role of professional secretaries has been more important in our information society to support an executive with office skills and administrative judgement. So secretarial procedures as vocational education in colleges have to be more practical and be able to enhance the ability to adapt. For this purpose especially the importance of practical laboratory training should be acknowledged and emphasized. This study is focused on developing the operating model for the secretarial office simulator and three steps can be suggested in developing simulating programs. As a first step, basic categories of secretarial procedures should be selected. Second, case job procedures must be selected and classified. Finally as a third step, the job sheet is to be completed with details in each case procedure. Because the secretarial office simulator should be multipurposed and synthetic in its functions, developing the operation programs is somewhat time-consuming and requests constant concentration. Especially, differentiation from other colleges' simulating programs can be a strong point to obtain and maintain a competitive advantage. Specializing in informatization training and human-relationship is the essential point of our operating model program of the secretarial office simulator. The purpose of this study is to develop specialized simulating program and enhance students' comparative advantage.

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