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      • 해양레저관광 활성화를 위한 목포시를 중심으로한 해상교통망 개발에 관한 연구 : 요트 항로 개발을 중심으로

        최운규 목포해양대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Recently, the marine tourist industries are realized a high value industry and while the demands of the marine tourism is increasing. However, Mokpo has naturally good environmental conditions for the marine tourism Regardless of their the program of the marine tourism in Mokpo area still clearly lacks capacity for consumers. Therefore A Study on Development of the Maritime transport route in Mokpo area for the Marine Leisure Tourism Activation (Focused on the Yacht Route ) In this paper, the plan to invigorate regional marine tourism is discussed. The southwest area including Mokpo province is famous for its beautiful islands and seashore line which has richness and variety of marine life. A solution of tourists increment by leisure program utilizing islands and coastline will be proposed Yacht Route held at islands that has historic backgrounds and scenic beauty and its to draw the ways of utilization for tourist were tracked first. Next to create Activation Plan for 'The Marina of the Marine Leisure' These activities will contribute to development of marine tourism and increase of income for regional people.

      • 해양레저마리나 최적입지 선정을 위한 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구

        송병화 목포해양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        Recently, marine tourist industries are realized a high value industry and demands of the marine tourism is increasing. However infrastructure of the marine tourism in our country still clearly lacks capacity for consumers. Therefore the Government plans to develop marine tourist attraction for development of marine leisure industry. Additionally most local autonomous entity proceed rapidly to create 'The Marina of the Marine Leisure' that the advanced base of the marine leisure industry in oder to increase local economy. Determination of the location for the marina of the marine leisure is very important. Because it is the complicated facility with the various function. This study is able to do the various function. According to make the evaluation index in order to determine an optimizes location for the marina of the marine leisure. The location was evaluation the natural environmental factors with social environmental factors. Especially, the natural limited factors apply to evaluation on account of that the marina of the marine leisure constructed on the sea and more weighted factor apply to social environmental factors associated with the economics and the development possibility. Hereafter this study will make progress to evaluate the location by regression analysis.

      • 목포권의 환경변화에 따른 목포항의 개발전략에 관한 연구

        장용기 木浦海洋大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        The 21st Century is the period when the economic bloc of the Pacific rim becomes the axis of world economy and the economy of northeast Asia including China becomes flourished to the full. In the changes which are made mainly in this northeast Asia, the major changes that are visualized centered on the Mokpo circle located in the southwest area of the Korean Peninsula, may include opening to traffic of the Western Coastline Expressway, removal of the Jeonnam Provincial Office to the Namak-li, double-tracking of the Honam railroad, restoration of the Gyeong-eui railroad, opening a nonstop shipline between Mokpo and Sanghai, and designation of the Daebul National Industrial Complex to the free-trade zone. In these environmental changes, especially, restoration of the Gyeong-eui railroad, opening a nonstop shipline between Mokpo and Sanghai, and designation of the Daebul National Industrial Complex to the free-trade zone, and so forth, can have direct or indirect influences on the Mokpo Port. Furthermore, they can surely have much influence on the developmental plan of the Mokpo Port which has already been established. Therefore, this study tried to analyze what influence these changes of restoration of the Gyeong-eui railroad, opening a nonstop shipline between Mokpo and Sanghai, and designation of the Daebul National Industrial Complex to the free-trade zone would have specifically on the Mokpo Port. Besides, it attempted to examine what supplementary measures would be necessary for the ongoing development plan of the Mokpo Port. In addition, whether the cargo-handling capacity would be adequate for the quantity of goods transported to the port, which was expected to increase in the long run, was tried to be reviewed. Besides, until now, as for the Mokpo Port, the developmental logic of port was emphasized during the development process, so creating the water-friendly space of port which can match well with life and emotion of the Mokpo citizens was overlooked. This reality can be considered to go against a new paradigm for port-development which is currently prevailing throughout the whole world. Accordingly, in this study, some countermeasures were presented so that the developmental strategies of future-oriented Mokpo Port could be suggested.

      • 강우기와 비강우기의 목포 주변 해역의 수질 특성

        이황복 목포해양대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        하계 집중 강우 시와 비 강우 시에 목포 주변 해역의 수질 특성을 알아보기 위해서 하계 장마기(7월 20일, 25일과 9월 3일)와 비 강우기(11월 16일)에 목포 주변해역 28개 정점의 표층과 저층의 해수를 채수하여 해역 환경 기준 항목 인 DO, COD, SS, TN, NH^(+)_(4)-N, NO^(-)_(2)-N, NO^(-)_(3)-N 및 TP, PO^(3-)_(4)-P와 함께 염분(Salinity)과 Chlorophyll-a를 분석하였다. 분석된 이들 자료를 이용하여 먼저 염분과 수질인자와의 관계로부터 담수유입에 의한 수질인자의 분포 특성을 알아보았고, 분석된 자료를 통해 해역 환경 기준치와 비교하여 목포주변 해약의 수질 오염도를 평가 한 결과는 다음과 같다. ◇ 강우기 인 7월 20일에 조사 된 목포항 내부 해역의 염분 분포는 표층에서 11.9~29.2 ‰, 저층 에서는 29.3~29.8 ‰로 수평적 분포는 목포항 안쪽 하구 둑 부근의 정점에서 낮았고 바깥쪽에서 높아지는 분포 경향을 보였으며, 표층과 저층칙 수직적인 농도 차이는 하구둑 부근의 안쪽 정점에서 크고, 바깥쪽 정점에서는 차이가 적었다. 염분의 분포와는 달리 COD, NO^(-)_(3)-N, NH^(+)_(4)-N의 농도는 안쪽 정점에서 높고 바깥쪽 해역으로 갈수록 낮았다. 특히 NO^(-)_(3)-N의 농도는 염분과 높은 역상관계수를 보여 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 유입되는 담수가 목포 해역에서 질산질소의 분포에 영향을 크게 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. ◇ 강우기 인 7월 25일 목포주변 외부 해역에서 조사 된 염분 분포는 표층에서 23.6~29.0 ‰, 저층에서 28.1~29.8 ‰로 정점별, 층별 농도 차이가 미소하였다. 염분과 수질인자와의 상관계수는 내부 해역보다 아주 낮은 상관관계를 보여 외부 해역에서 이들의 농도 분포는 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 유입되는 담수의 방류에 의한 영향이 적은 것으로 나타났다. ◇ 강우기 담수 방류가 많았던 9월 3일 내부해역과 외부해역에서 조사 된 염분 농도는 표층에서 5.9~25 ‰, 저층에서 23.4~26.2 ‰의 분포를 보였다. 염분의 표층 분포는 7월과 같이 목포항 안쪽 하구둑 부근의 정정에서 낮았고 바깥쪽 정점으로 갈수록 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 표층과 저 층의 수직적인 염분 농도 차이는 하구 둑 부근의 안쪽 정점에서 크고, 바깥쪽 정점에서는 차이가 적게 나타나고 있어 담수 방류에 의한 영향이 크게 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 한편, SS, TP, PO^(3-)_(4)-P 및 TN의 농도 분포도 7월과 같이 영산강 하구둑 부근의 안쪽 정점에서 높고 바깥쪽 정점으로 갈수록 감소되는 농도 분포를 보였다. 이 항목들에 대한 염분과의 관계는 높은 역 상관관계를 보여 영산강 하구둑으로부터의 담수 방류가 해역에서 이들의 분포에 크게 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 특히 염분과 인산인의 상관관계가 높은 것은 영산강의 담수 방류 시 많은 인산염이 유입되고 있음을 시사 해 주고 있으며, 목포 해역의 수질에 상당한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 추정된다. ◇ 반면 비 강우기의 염분농도는 남해 하수종말처리장 부근의 정점에서 낮은 농도를 보였으나 다른 정점에서는 차이가 없었다. 표층과 저층의 수직적인 농도 차이도 미소하였다. Chlorophyll-a 만이 내부 해역에서 높았고, NO^(-)_(3)-N, NH^(+)_(4)-N, TP, COD 는 내부 해역과 외부 해역에서의 농도 차이가 크게 나타나지 않았다. 이들 항목에 대한 염분과의 상관계수는 강우기 보다 낮게 나타나고 있어, 비 강우기에 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 유입되는 담수가 목포 해역의 수질인자의 농도 분포에 미치는 영향이 강우기에비해서 적은 것으로 사료된다. ◇ 강우기 영산강 하구 둑으로부터 많은 양의 담수가 방류 된 9월 3일 조사 된 수질 인자의 평균 농도 분포는 COD 3.09 mg/ℓ, TN 2.09 mg/ℓ, TP 0.09 mg/ℓ로 나타났다. 한편 비 강우기 인 11월 16일에 COD 3.09 mg/ℓ, TN 0.26 mg/ℓ, TP 0.045 mg/ℓ로 나타났다. 이와 같이 COD 농도는 강우기와 비강우기 비슷한 분포를 보이고 있으나, TN 는 비 강우기에 비해 8배정도 높았고 TP 는 2배정도 높은 농도를 보였다. 이는 영산강 하구 둑으로부터의 담수 유입 시 상당량의 질소와 인이 목포 주변해역으로 유입되고 있음을 시사하고 있다. 따라서 목포주변 해역의 효과적인 수질 관리를 위해서는 영산강 하구로부터 유입되고 있는 질소와 인의 제어가 절실히 요구되고 있다. ◇ 강우기와 비 강우기 목포 주변해역의 수질 오염도를 해역 환경 기준치에 비교 한 결과, COD는 강우기와 비 강우기 모두 3등급 수질을 보였다. 총질소의 기준으로 강우기에는 3등급 이하, 비 강우기에는 1등급으로 나타났고, 총 인의 기준으로 강우기 에 3등급, 비강우기에 1등급의 수질을 나타냈다. This study was conducted to investigate input on the water quality during wet(Jul, Sep) and dry seasons(Nov) in the Mokpo coast. DO, COD SS, TN, NH^(+)_(4)―N, NO^(-)_(2)―N, NO^(-)_(3)-N, TP, PO^(3-)_(4)-p, salinity and Chlorophyll-a of the surface and bottom were analyzed at 28 stations in the Mokpo coast. The salinitys was higher during the dry season than the wet season and the water quality was correlated witch the salinity distribution. The results indicated that the water quality in the Mokpo coast was affected by the fresh water discharge from Young San River Embankment during wet season. Especially, nutrients(nitrogen and phosphorus) were greate affected by from Young San River Embankment during wet season(Sep) Concentration of COD, TN and TP were 3.09mg/ℓ, 2.09 mg/ℓ and 0.09 mg/ℓ respectively on the September and 3.09 mg/ℓ , 0.26 mg/ℓ and 0.045 mg/ℓ respectively on the November. Concentrations TN and TP ware significantly different between wet and dry seasons whereas COD concentrations. Water pollution rate during wet and dry seasons compared with the standard of environmental water quality in coastal area. Water pollution rate of Wet season which were three-grade at COD, under the three-grade at TN and three-grade at TP respectively. Water quality during dry season was three-grade for COD, first-grade for TN and first-grade of TP respectively. In conclusion, the water quality in the Mokpo coast was significantly controlled by the fresh water discharge for the Young San River Embankment.

      • 목포대교와 통항 선박 사이의 확률적인 충돌 평가 모델 구축에 관한 연구

        김대희 목포해양대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 249647

        The Mokpo harbor bridge, vehicular suspension bridge crossing the Mokpo inner harbor, Korea, was built in June 2012 and is located at the entrance of Mokpo harbor. The geographical features of Mokpo harbor had complicated maritime traffic conditions: very high curvature of the harbor entrance; narrow traffic channel; heavy traffic congestions by passing vessels of various sizes at a given time due to the limited depth; and transporting non-standard type vessels. These latent maritime traffic hazards cause high collision risks between the Mokpo harbor bridge and passing vessels. Thus, any of anti-collision methodologies with a highly reliable collision model and a highly efficient collision evaluation system must be a required development. The purpose of this thesis is the development of the BRMS (Bridge Risk Management System) which is to provide a highly accurate analysis of collision risks between the Mokpo harbor bridge and passing vessels. This will be conducted by the probabilistic risk assessment methods based on the statistic parameters for the passage routes and risk criteria to decide allowable risk levels. To implement the BRMS in this thesis, the four kinds of approaching studies are carried out as followings. Firstly, an evaluation of the possible collision risk was conducted between Mokpo harbor bridge and passing vessels. So Real-Time Bridge-Vessel Collision Model (RT-BVCM) is proposed and discussed on the usability of model fit to the real-time evaluation procedures using ship’s information from the receiver of AIS (Automatic Identification System). The mathematical model of RT-BVCM consists of the causation probability by the vessel aberrant due to navigation environments, the geometric probability by the structural feature of a bridge relative to a ship size, and the failure probability by the ship collision track and the stopping distance that is not to come to a stop before hitting the obstacles. Then, the probabilistic mathematical model is represented as risk index with the risk level by a number 1 to 5. The merit of the proposed model comparing with the collision model proposed by AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) is that it can provide enough time to take adequate collision-avoiding action by a passing vessel. Secondly, the three kinds of statistical parameters that are key factors to calculate collision probabilities were obtained between Mokpo harbor bridge and passing vessels. This work required the acquisition of the ship’s information on the passing vessels in the field area of Mokpo harbor bridge. This wok, in this paper, is done by the commercial AIS receiver which is priory prepared for this purpose. Once the information is received, the lateral distributions of vessel tracks are analyzed and the mean and the standard deviation for the distance away from bridge center the passing course and the speed are estimated. Thirdly, the Data Acquisition System (DAS) was developed to obtain the vessel and weather information required to evaluate collision risks levels with real-time processing. DAS consists of the Signal Receiving and Processing Unit to obtain the data sets of passing vessels and weather status, the Networking Unit to transmit and distribute the acquisition data sets, and the Data Management Unit. Through the field tests at sea, results showed that the DAS can provide useful data sets for adequate collision risk evaluation. In addition, the noise-like data sets shown in the weather data can be suppressed fully using 5th order butter-worth digital filter. Lastly, the prototype BRMS, which is the last goal of this thesis was implemented with the RT-BVCM, the three kinds of statistical parameters and DAS. As results from field tests to the BRMS, it shows that some unique features, the evaluation accuracy, the real-time procedures and the applicability to the field of bridge area crossing the harbor, are adequate to calculate the possible collision risks between the Mokpo harbor bridge and passing vessels in real-time.

      • 해상불법행위의 효과적 단속방안에 관한 연구 : 해양관할권의 실효적 행사와 관련하여

        성윤창 木浦海洋大學校 大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of November, 1994 puts critical restrains on the free use of sea by expanding the jurisdiction over 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). the world is switching from land based developmental policy, and the competition among nations over sea jurisdiction is advent. Under these circumstances, Northeastern countries such as Russia, China and Japan are closely situated with respect to Korea, and geographically, these coastal counties share the east sea and the west sea. The seas between these countries are not wide enough for each of these nations to claim 200 nautical mile as their exclusive economic zone and since these countries depend highly on maritime resources, historically feuded over fishing rights which continues to this day. The effectuation of the EEZ has brought about the development of the new maritime order and drawing up of the border over the seas to gain EEZ for their countries have surfaced as the new political agenda for these countries to bring about the new maritime order. Japans proclamation of EEZ and its claims of right over Dokdo island, along with chinas proclamation of EEZ when korea has still not legally drew up sea borders wit these two neighboring countries, the prevalent illegal activities such as illegal fishing, illegal entry into Korea and smuggling of contrabands by foreign borne ships poses problems of carrying out police jurisdiction on seas as well as applying legal methods for maintaining the law and order over the Korea seas. However, the use of police force on seas could if in appropriately carried out, could lead to international political issue with government of the vessels in question. Therefore, a sustainable study and research is needed to find a solution to the problem posed over police jurisdiction but research papers and articles published on korean journals on jurisdiction and the use of counter measure for the illegal activities perpetrated by foreign ships are minimal, and many of the studies are limited to systematic of sea laws and limited jurisdiction. Comprehensive and inclusive research is needed to counter measure the sea-borne crimes the globalization and open-door policy of the 21 century have brought about. However, the fact is that data on the illegal activities committed by the foreign vessels in Korean seas are minimal. In particular, the maritime jurisdiction is important in that it sets the subject matter the present paper examines. Many of the researches done on maritime jurisdiction treated the sea-borne illegal acts as localized crimes, where as the present paper approaches the sea-borne crimes as not limited to any specific localized sea zones but since different jurisdiction applies different law, the present paper discusses Korean jurisdiction over the length and spectrum over the sea under governance of Korea. Foreign ships that intruded on the Korean seas and engaged in illegal activities such as unauthorized fishing, human trafficking, and smuggling are analyzed and assessed according to the type of crime perpetrated, and the country measures must be approached in diverse angle so as to avoid complexity and conflicts. On this paper, three measure, international cooperation as well as use of force by the police to deal with the sea-borne crimes are presented. in legal and systematic measure, japanese maritime laws are studied in depth for comparison and for modeling, so that Korea, who lacks in depth study of the maritime laws can learn, adopt and improve the maritime laws with that of the Japan, who is one of the leading maritime countries in the world. The expansion of the jurisdiction rights so that security patrols can be transformed to expand to cover wider area is also discussed. For international cooperation, mutual international detective assistance, policemen exchange program, multinational cooperation, on resource management are discussed so that countries can from a mutual understanding of crimes being perpetrated and mediate conflicts through negotiation. To ensure the marine security, the use of police force for arresting illegal vessels whose occupants resist arrest, or obstruct or use violence on police should be strengthen so that the police can pursue, capture, and use police weaponry to bring criminal ships under justice are also discussed.

      • 건설재료 활용을 위한 해양부산물의 공학적 특성 연구

        김석우 목포해양대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Efficiency of land use in recent years for the land reclamation, landfill, and the numerous large-scale civil engineering projects has been issuing. These earthworks in the construction materials being used as base materials as clay, sand and gravel, stone, and those that are naturally extracted from the natural resources might you say, and natural materials, heavy use of the natural environment, undermines that important cause have. Meanwhile, Korea's aquaculture industry is increasingly being daeryanghwa, due to the activation of these aquaculture industry gulpaegakgwa most marine byproducts emitted through multiple paths are not recyclable, landfill, or around a given place is loaded with illegal handling of illegal dumping in the form of is being free. Comes to the domestic construction market, while a shortage of good quality sand is becoming increasingly severe, resulting in the cost of construction materials have also been raised as issues. Processed marine products such as sand shortage and when you consider the conditions for a viable alternative as a replacement of marine by-product materials as sand, will want to take advantage. Therefore, this study did not crush the crushed oyster shells and snail shells of intact you want to examine the utilization of marine by-products of these ingredients blended mixture of sand and engineering discussion to characterize the usability of an alternative construction material would like to review. Product mix of ocean and sand were used to weight ratio, to determine the physical characteristics for the target sample size analysis, specific gravity and maximum, minimum dry unit weight of the interior was obtained by conducting soil tests. Marine products also discuss mixing and shear characteristics to evaluate the permeability characteristics above the constant permeability test, triaxial permeability test was performed and a large direct shear tests.Permeability characteristics and shear mixing discuss marine product characterization testing of crushed oyster shells and sand in the state of the sample with a loose state and compact, unlike the condition of the pitching ability and shear properties were evaluated by measuring the difference between them. Marine product mix discussed the results identified the physical and mechanical properties of sand and construction material, such as the general's showing permeability and strength characteristics of soil mixed marine sands by-products of the vertical drainage mats, horizontal drainage material and lightweight embankment, retaining walls, filler materials, such as can be considered to replace.

      • 우리나라 해상수색구조선대의 최적배치에 관한 연구

        장운재 목포해양대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        International convention on Maritime Search and Rescue(SAR) adopted in 1979 for international sea disaster response operations has been entered into force in 1985, and for Korea in 1995. National Maritime Police Agency(NMPA) is in charge of the SAR mission in Korea SRR(Search and Rescue Region). The SAR organigation of NMPA consists of 5 Rescue Co-ordination Centers(RCC) and 7 Rescue Sub Centers(RSC), which cooperate with several related agencies for effective responses and operations against any marine disasters and accidents. To increase efficiency of SAR operation, introduction of the optimum allocation of the SAR fleets is required. In this paper, the optimum allocation models of the SAR fleets are thus formulated by the 0-1 integer programming method and are applied to Korea SRR. Estimation of the optimal size of SAR fleet is also very important for effective SAR operation with reasonable response time. In this connection, 3 hours and 5 hours response time models are employed to calculate the optimal allocations, that are determined in considerations of survival time in the seas according to sea temperatures, marine accidents with distances from the coast, the response time employed by Japan Coast Guard and so on. The optimal allocation of SAR Fleets concerned by the SAR Fleets bounds and moving distance about marine accidents are also calculated by using both stochastic and true moving distances responding to marine accidents of past 10 years. Finally, this paper proposes the required size of the SAR fleets for effective operation considering with actual operation rules of the Korean SAR fleet.

      • IWRAP에 의한 항만진입수로 해상교통 안전성 분석

        김광일 목포해양대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Themaritimeriskanalysisisimportanttoreducemaritimeaccidentsby navigating vessels and to take the proactive measures o fpreventing the accidentsatsea. The IALA Waterway Risk Assessment Program(IWRAP)is to provide Authorities with a standardized quantitative method to evaluate the annually accident candidates of collisions and groundings in a given waterway.The elements that can be taken into consideration include those relating to vessel conditions, trafficconditions, navigationalconditions, waterway conditions, immediate consequences and subsequent consequences. This paper analyz eannually maritime accident candidates using IWRAP in Mokpo and Wando waterways, SouthKorea. The results of the analysis using IWRAP is compared to statically maritime accident candidates adjudicatingbyKoreanMaritimeSafetyTribunal.

      • 해양안전 확보를 위한 해양안전정보시스템 구축방향에 관한 연구

        최태일 목포해양대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Although the shipping industry has been performing great development, it still causes huge damage in human life, their property and environment because of marine incidents such as ship collision, aground, damage of engines, fire and explosion, and so forth. Despite plenty of information service, equipment and technology, there are reasons for the occurrence of high-risk accidents; that is, an officer's inexperienced skill for sailing, and the incomplete construction of effective and general Maritime Safety Information System. To run the efficient and synthetic standard system which minimizes all the possible errors and improves the security for ships, the enhancement of Maritime Safety Information System is demanded to ensure the compatibility in ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, and information system-to-technology system. The purpose of this study is to suggest constructing direction for Maritime Safety Information System. To reach this goal, this paper is applying the process as follows: search diverse factors for the enhancement of the system by analyzing primary and practical plans for the informatization and the enhancement of Maritime Safety Information System, understand the influence among factors by using the ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) structural analyzing method, and grasp their interrelationship.

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