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      • 대학 행정기록물 관리현황과 개선방안 -K대학을 중심으로-

        서주은 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        (Abstract) The Public Records Act was enacted in 2000, and each national university established a record center and hired a record manager, but until now, the management of university records has not reached the evaluation standard. In this regard, the National Archives of Korea (NDL) included the task of encouraging self-inspection in its university records management guidelines. In this study, the actual state of record management of the colleges and departments' administrative offices of K University was investigated and the improvement plan was presented through records management and operation status of other university record centers established as independent systems. The results of the survey and interviews with staffs working at the colleges and departments' administrative offices of K University on the actual state and awareness of records management are as follows. First, staffs of the administrative office of colleges and departments didn’t systematically carry out records management due to the lack of knowledge and headquarters-centered records management. Futhermore, the guidelines for records management of departments and colleges were not clear. Second, staffs of the administrative office of colleges and departments felt the need for records management and education, but records management work was perceived as having a lower importance than other tasks and thus was recognized as incidental work. Through the analysis of the above results, the problems of K university records management were eventually seen as 'poor records management of colleges and departments', 'lack of awareness of records management of the staff 'and ' difficulties to the operation of the university record center'. The improvement plan for the aforementioned problems are as follows. First, measures to voluntarily participate in the recording work should be devised to improve the awareness of records management by the staff of colleges and departments. Second, guidelines for records management of colleges and departments should be prepared, and education should be developed and implemented through the opinions of the staff. Third, one record researcher is currently in charge of records management, and there is a limit to work all the role of public records management, university history records management, and permanent record center. Therefore, increasing of manpower and reorganizing of records center is needed. Fourth, the policy for records management, such as the establishment of essential education for records management education, accurate standard establishment for the role of university record center, and development of evaluation tools suitable for university characteristics, should be improved. Records of colleges and departments are primary evidence of administration and should be systematically managed given the importance of information and value. In addition, if records management is carried out systematically from the production stage, records will prove the history of the university in the future and instill pride in the university's members.

      • 한·중 대학생의 아동기 정서적 학대 경험이 이성관계 만족도에 미치는 영향 : 정서표현 양가성과 심리적 유연성의 이중매개효과

        Wang, Shang 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        The purpose of the study was to examine the dual mediating effects of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and psychological flexibility on the relationship between childhood emotional maltreatment and romantic relationship satisfaction by Korean and Chinese university students. For this purpose, 504 University Students (235 University Students in Korean and 269 University Students in China) were invoked as subjects. The results of survey were analyzed with SPSS 23.0, it verified statistical significance at a significance level of .05. And reliability analysis was performed using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The main findings of this study are as follow: First, there are significant differences between Korean and Chinese university students in their childhood emotional maltreatment, romantic relationship satisfaction, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and psychological flexibility. Second, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness mediated partly the effect that childhood emotional maltreatment of University Students in Korea and China effect on romantic relationship satisfaction. Third, psychological flexibility mediated partly the effect that childhood emotional maltreatment of University Students in Korea and China effect on romantic relationship satisfaction. Fourth, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and psychological flexibility dual mediating the effects that childhood emotional maltreatment of University Students in Korea and China effect on romantic relationship satisfaction. The results of this It presents counseling and parental education programs for problems such as psychological problems and negative emotions.

      • 다국적기업의 입지선택과 지역별 산업집적도 : 대구·경북지역 기초지방자치단체를 중심으로

        정은지 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        What is the most important issue when the multinational enterprises choose their location for plant? Recent studies on multinational enterprise’s location emphasize competence-based view. For a long time many economists who study the multinational enterprises had concentrated on firms’s proprietary asset such as technology, capabilities, skills and entrepreneurship. However, Hymer(1960), Bain(1956), Vernon(1966) could not explain how the multinational enterprises survive in different environments and why they choose a specific region. Since the publication of Paul Krugman’s ‘Geography and Trade’(1991), the studies on multinational enterprises have developed in a comprehensive view. Recent multinational enterprise’s theoretical reviews consider macrofoundations such as space, distance and regional specifications. The New Economics Geography(NEG) explained location concentration and dispersion by types of multinational enterprises. In other words, market- oriented firms choose their location in an urban area because of the market size and cost of transportation. On the other hand, efficiency-oriented firms choose their location in a sub urban area because they seek the efficiency of a global value chain. This study is an empirical assessment on NEG’s multinational enterprises theoretical review. The spatial scope of the empirical assessment is 31 Daegu and Kyungpook cities, counties and wards. This empirical assessment uses location quotient(LQ) for local industry agglomeration and develops the index called the local industry share for distribution of FDI. To sum up the empirical assessment: while the textile and apparel industry and automotive industry are located in urban, the other manufacturing industry are located in sub-urban in Daegu and Kyungpook. This study contributes to the field of empirical study on economic geography for multinational enterprises. And when local government analyzes their local types of FDI and plans investment policy, policy-makers can utilize the local industry share index.

      • 대구 경북 중학생의 경제 이해력 분석

        김혜현 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        (Abstract) This study was started with a problem awareness that economic education should be further strengthened in the market economy system, and analysis of economic understanding is essential in economic education. For the study, a questionnaire was reorganized by the Korea Economic Education Association to evaluate the economic understanding of middle school students nationwide and surveyed 331 third-year middle school students in Daegu and Gyeongbuk. ‘Economic literacy’is defined as the degree to which students understand'basic economics-related concepts' and the ability to apply their knowledge to the situation of economic problems faced in everyday life. As a result of a survey of all 331 students, the average score was 40.03. The lowest score is 0, with 2 (6%), and the highest with 90, with 1 (3%). The mode is 35 points, and the mode is lower than the average. In other words, it is static (positive). This is because each question for measuring economic comprehension has a low level of students and a lot of low scores because the questionnaire question is difficult compared to the level. As a result of comparing 9,598 students nationwide with 940 students in Daegu in 2010 using the same questionnaire, the economic understanding of middle school students in Daegu and Gyeongbuk fell to a low level in 2019. Questions with a high percentage of correct answers are generally concepts related to economic problems that students must solve in their daily lives, or questions that can be guessed at the level of common sense to infer the correct answer. However, the questions with a low percentage of correct answers are concepts that have few opportunities to encounter in everyday life, and are concepts that require learning knowledge through class. If the goal is to increase students' economic understanding, understanding their attitude toward economics is an important prerequisite. In this study, among students' attitudes toward economy, how they think about their level of knowledge about economic concepts. To this end, subjective understanding was defined and investigated as'the degree to which students judge and evaluate the degree of knowledge about economic concepts'. As for the results of the students' subjective understanding, 15.7% answered'I know clearly', 35.5% answered'Normal', and 48.9% answered'I don't know'. Nearly half of the negative responses are. These results are much lower than the level of objective comprehension. In other words, students do not understand their level of objective comprehension well, think that economic concepts are difficult, and think that their knowledge is insufficient. A high or low subjective understanding of economics does not mean a high or low objective understanding. However, in general, it shows that subjective understanding and objective comprehension are generally positively correlated. Students have misunderstandings about their economic concepts, so they have incorrect knowledge or have an uncertain attitude. If the correct answer was correct, but answered'I don't know', the concept was defined as'no confidence'. On the contrary, if the answer was not correct, but answered'I know for sure', it was defined as'misconception'. There is an inverse relationship between uncertainty and misunderstanding. However, there seems to be no correlation between the percentage of correct answers and uncertainty and misunderstanding. In addition to the correct answer, the wrong answer option chosen by many students was defined as'charming wrong answer'. The relationship between the degree of attractive incorrect answers and the percentage of correct answers is not entirely directly proportional, but in general, the higher the attractive percentage of incorrect answers, the lower the percentage of correct answers. In other words, attractive incorrect answers influence the choice of correct answer.

      • Risk Factor Analysis of Trauma-induced Thrombotic Microangiopathy-like Syndrome : 외상에 의해 유발된 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 발생의 위험인자 분석

        임경훈 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 249631

        1. 연구배경 혈전성 미세혈관병증 (thrombotic microangiopathy, TMA)은 전신성 혹은 신장내 혈소판의 응집에 따른 혈소판 감소증, 적혈구의 물리적 손상을 특징으로 하는 미세혈관 폐쇄 질환이다. 혈전성 미세혈관병증의 원인은 다양하지만 외상에 의해 유발된 것에 대한 분류는 아직까지 없다. 저자는 외상 후에 혈전성 미세혈관병증과 유사한 질환이 발생한 환자들을 경험함으로써 이러한 환자들을 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 (trauma-induced thrombotic microangiopathy syndrome, t-TMAS)으로 정의하였다. 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 발생 빈도는 매우 드물지만 신속한 진단과 적절한 처치가 환자의 생존에 매우 중요하다. 그러므로 중증외상 환자에서 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 발생을 예측할 수 있는 위험인자를 미리 알고 그 가능성을 항상 염두에 두고 있다면 환자의 예후를 향상시키는데 도움이 되겠다. 2. 연구방법 및 대상 2018년 1월부터 2019년 12월까지 경북대학교병원 권역외상센터의 외상중환자실에 입원한 1392명의 중증 외상 환자 중 17세이하 환자, 급성 외상이 아닌 환자, 입원 후 3일 이내에 퇴원 및 사망한 환자를 제외한 1164명을 대상으로 후향적 분석을 하였다. 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 발생 위험인자를 알기 위해 나이, 성별, 외상 기전, Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score, Injury Severity Score (ISS), 혈액학적 검사, 24시간이내 수혈한 적혈구의 양을 분석하였다. 3. 결과 1164명의 환자 중 20명 (1.7%)이 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군으로 진단되었다. 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 군과 비외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 군을 단변량분석으로 비교하였을 때, 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 군에서 연령과 ISS가 높았고 입원 시 시행한 미오글로빈 (myoglobin), 젓산염 (lactate), 크레아틴키나아제-심근 띠 (creatine kinase-myocardial band), 입원 2일째 시행한 크레아틴인산활성효소 (creatine phosphokinase), 젓산염 (lactate), 젓산탈수소효소 (lactate dehydrogenase)가 유의하게 높았다. 두 군 간의 외상 중증도를 비교하였을 때, 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 군에서 흉부, 복부, 골반의 AIS 점수가 3이상인 경우가 유의하게 많았다. 그러나 두부손상 만 심한 경우 (즉, 두부 AIS ≥3, 이외 부위 AIS <2)는 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 발생이 거의 없었다. AIS 합을 비교하였을 때도 TMAS군에서 흉부, 복부, 골반의 AIS 합이 높을수록 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 발생이 많았다. 다변량분석을 통해 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군 발생의 위험인자를 보았을 때 연령, ISS, 입원 2일째 젓산탈수소효소 (lactate dehydrogenase)가 독립변수로 나왔다. 4. 결론 중증 외상 환자가 지혈이 완전히 되었음에도 불구하고 원인을 알 수 없는 지속적인 혈소판 감소증을 보인다면, 특히 환자가 고령이고 과다출혈을 동반한 몸통 (torso)의 다발성 손상이 있으며 입원 2일째 젓산탈수소효소 (lactate dehydrogenase)가 높다면 외상외과의사는 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 가능성도 있음을 항상 염두에 두어야겠다. 그렇게 함으로써 외상성 유사 혈전성 미세혈관병증 증후군의 빠른 진단과 적절한 치료가 조기에 행하여짐으로써 환자의 예후를 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.

      • Standardized Ileal Digestible Amino Acid Requirement for Broiler : 육계에서의 표준회장 가소화 아미노산 요구량 측정

        안수현 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 249615

        Three experiments were conducted on the effect of a feed ingredient, age of birds, and dietary protein content in the diet on amino acid (AA) digestibility. Additionally, a study to test the additivity of AA digestibility in the mixed diet was conducted. Finally, three experiments were conducted to determine the lysine (Lys) and methionine (Met) requirements as a standardized ileal digestible basis in different growth phases. An experiment was conducted to determine the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of crude protein (CP) and AA in five feed ingredients, including corn, wheat, soybean meal (SBM), canola meal, and corn-distillers dried grains with solubles (CDDGS). There were significant differences in the AID and SID of AA among the test ingredients (P < 0.05). Variations in the AA digestibility of different feed ingredients may be attributed to the characteristics of feed ingredients, such as the concentration of digestible AA and processing method. Secondly, the subsequent study was conducted to determine the effects of birds age on the AID and SID of AA for 10-day-old (Experiment 1) and 22-day-old (Experiment 2) male broilers. As the age of broilers increased from 10 to 22 days, the digestibility of all AA increased, regardless of the expression of AA digestibility (i.e., AID and SID). Experiment 3 investigated the influence of dietary CP and AA concentration on the AID and SID of AA in a corn–SBM-based diet fed to broilers. A more significant impact on dietary CP concentration was observed in the AID of AA than the SID of AA. This result indicates that the SID of AA is relatively constant in dietary CP concentrations rather than the AID of AA in the corn-SBM-based diet. Experiment 4 evaluated the additivity of digestible amino acids derived from corn, SBM, and CDDGS in a mixed diet for 24-day-old broilers in a four-day experiment. The relative proportion of basal endogenous losses (BEL) of AA to total ileal outflow of AA differed (P < 0.05) by feed ingredients used as protein sources in the diet. Additionally, determined AID of AA in the mixed diet differed from the calculated values (P < 0.05). However, there were no differences in the SID of the mixed diet. Finally, three experiments for determining the SID Lys and Met requirements at different growth stages were conducted. For the Lys requirement study, two experiments were conducted using grower (day 10-21) and finisher (day 21-29) male broilers. The optimal dietary SID Lys requirements for 10-21-d-old male broilers based on weight gain (BWG), G:F, breast weight, cross-sectional muscle area of breast meat, and fiber area of breast muscle were 1.01%, 1.06%, 1.10%, 1.06%, and 1.14%. The determined optimal dietary SID Lys requirements for 21-29-d-old male broilers based on weight gain and G:F was 1.07% and 1.09%, respectively. For Met, three experiments were conducted to determine the SID Met requirements in three growth phases, including starter (day 0-10), grower (day 10-21), and finisher (day 21-29). There were significant differences in weight gain and G:F in response to dietary Met concentrations (P<0.05), with optimal dietary SID Met concentration for weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) at 0.44% and 0.47%, 0.48% and 0.47%, and 0.45%, respectively, for the three growth phases. In conclusion, overall results from these experiments indicated that the AA digestibility vary in feed ingredients, age of broilers, and dietary crude protein concentrations. The AID and SID of AA in corn and SBM increased with an increase in age, and the AID and SID of AA in SBM were greater than that in corn. This may influence additivity, which is a fundamental assumption in diet formulation. Therefore, information on digestible AA content in feed ingredients is needed for accurate diet formulation. The SID of AA is more additive in single ingredients and mixed diets rather than AID of AA. Therefore, the SID of AA is a more appropriate value for formulating a diet for broilers rather than the AID of AA. Supplementation of Lys and Met improved growth performance and graded concentrations of Lys increased breast meat yields and changed the histochemical characteristics of breast muscles whereas increasing dietary Met concentrations did not affect feather weight of broilers. 본 연구의 목적은 사료내 원료사료의 종류, 육계의 일령, 및 사료의 단백질 수준에 따른 외관상 및 표준회장 아미노산 소화율 측정과 실제 배합사료에서의 아미노산 소화율의 가산성을 확인하고, 육계에서의 다양한 일령대에서의 표준회장 가소화 라이신 및 메치오닌 요구량을 측정하는 것이다. 실험 1에서는 옥수수, 밀, 대두박, 캐놀라밀, 및 옥수수주정박에서의 외관상 및 표준회장 조단백질 및 아미노산 소화율을 평가하였다. 실험의 결과 사료내 원료사료의 종류에 따라 외관상과 표준회장 아미노산 소화율은 유의적인 차이를 보였다 (P<0.05). 두 번째 실험에서는 서로 다른 육계의 일령(10일령과 22일령)에 따른 옥수수와 대두박에서의 외관상 및 표준회장 아미노산 소화율의 변화에 대해 알아보기 위한 실험을 수행하였다. 육계의 일령이 증가함에 따라 모든 아미노산의 소화율은 표현방법(외관상과 표준회장 아미노산 소화율)과 상관없이 증가함을 보였다. 세 번째 실험에서는 옥수수-대두박 위주의 사료내 조단백질 및 아미노산 함량에 따른 외관상 및 표준회장 아미노산 소화율을 측정하였다. 실험의 결과 표준회장 아미노산 소화율은 외관상 회장 아미노산 소화율에 비해 사료내 단백질 및 아미노산 첨가 수준에 관계없이 상대적으로 일정한 소화율을 보였다. 네 번째 실험에서는 측정된 배합사료에서의 아미노산 소화율과 배합사료에 첨가된 각 원료사료에서의 측정된 아미노산 소화율을 통해 계산된 값 간의 비교를 통해 배합사료에서의 아미노산 소화율의 가산성 검증을 수행하였다. 본 실험의 결과 배출된 전체 아미노산의 손실량 기준 내생질소배출량의 비율이 원료사료의 종류에 따라 서로 달랐다 (P<0.05). 또한, 배합사료의 외관상회장 아미노산 소화율은 측정치와 계산치간에 유의한 차이를 보였고(P<0.05), 반면에 표준회장 소화율은 배합사료에서 아미노산 소화율의 측정치와 계산치간에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 마지막으로, 서로 다른 일령에서의 육계의 표준회장 가소화 라이신과 메치오닌 요구량 측정 실험에서는 사료내 라이신과 메치오닌의 첨가수준이 증가함에 따라 성장성이 향상됨을 보였다 (P<0.05). 또한, 측정된 표준회장 라이신 및 메치오닌 요구량은 성장단계와 측정항목에 따라 다른 값을 보였다. 전체적인 실험의 결과들은 사료원료, 육계의 일령, 및 사료내 단백질 수준에 따라 외관상 및 표준회장 아미노산 소화율에 차이를 보였다. 이러한 요인들은 사료배합비 자성에 기본가정이 되는 가산성에 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문에 사료원료내 정밀한 가소화 아미노산 함량 측정이 필요하다. 배합사료의 아미노산 소화율은 외관상 아미노산 소화율에 비해 표준회장 아미노산 소화율이 더 가산성을 띄는 것으로 나타났기 때문에 사료배합비 작성시 표준회장 아미노산 소화율이 사료배합 시 육계의 가소화 아미노산 함량을 나타내는 더 적절한 방법이 될 수 있다. 서로 다른 성장단계와 측정항목에 따라 측정된 표준회장 가소화 라이신 및 메치오닌의 요구량은 라이신의 경우, 증체량, 사료효율, 가슴육량, 가슴육단면적 및 가슴근육의 근섬유면적을 기준으로 측정된 육계전기(10-21일령)에서의 표준회장 가소화 라이신 요구량은 각각 1.01%, 1.06%, 1.10%, 106%, 및 1.14%였다. 또한, 증체량과 사료효율을 기준으로 측정된 육계후기(21-29일령)에서의 표준회장 가소화 라이신 요구량은 각각 1.07%와 1.09%였다. 메치오닌의 경우, 육계초이(1-10일령), 육계전기(10-21일령), 및 육계후기(21-29일령)에서 표준회장 가소화 메치오닌 요구량을 측정하였고, 각 성장기간별 증체량과 사료효율을 기준으로 측정된 값은 각각 0.44%와 0.47%, 0.48%와 0.47%, 및 0.47%와 0.45%로 측정되었다.

      • 지역협의체에 대한 구성원들의 평가 태도 및 만족도가 향후 비자발적 이주 의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        민대성 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 249615

        Recently, involuntary migration from major commercial districts has emerged as a social problem, along with large-scale housing development projects, urban development projects and urban regeneration projects related to housing measures in the real estate market. The most important part of human life today is to secure stable settlement conditions, and as genuine residence and complacency are required, securing a 'close area' that does not infringe on the specific space of the resident becomes the essence of life. However, the recent influx of large-scale capital from various regions and commercial districts has led to problems that infringe on the space of local residents who have pioneered the existing areas and commercial areas, and the main causes of these problems are the increase in the floating population, commercialization of the region, and rising rents of commercial facilities. As a result, local residents (residents and merchants) who have pioneered the area are often forced to move from the local commercial area to the other area due to problems such as capital inflow of large franchisees and steady increase in rents of local commercial districts, and the local residents who have moved are disadvantaged by migration rather than the benefits that contributed to the development of the commercial area. Research on involuntary migration in Korea is insufficient, and full-scale research has been gradually conducted since the 2010s. In particular, related statutes were also recognized for their problems when the National Assembly passed the revision of the "Special Act on the Promotion and Support of Urban Regeneration" in 2017. In this regard, the response to involuntary migration that may occur due to urban regeneration was proposed as a way for local governments, local residents, etc. to voluntarily. Nevertheless, local residents who have formed the actual business district from the beginning cannot clearly solve the problems that arise in various environments, and the local government-level support measures are not fully aware of them, so they cannot receive immediate support for the problems that arise in various areas. So far, research has shown that only the members of the regional consultative body who play an important role in urban regeneration projects are aware of the importance of planning, but there has been no research on the members of the regional consultative body. In addition, the government's plan was reflected in the government's plan, recognizing that an important role in overcoming involuntary migration was in members of the regional consultative body, but the study of the actual participation factors of the members participating in the regional consultative body was insufficient. Based on this, this study will be a realistic study that can become a realistic policy initiative in the process of formulating urban policies by examining the evaluation attitude and satisfaction of members of the regional consultative body to overcome involuntary migration and examining the impact on future involuntary migration intentions. And it is expected that customized urban regeneration projects for the region will be possible by conducting empirical analysis by region. Finally, we expect to promote stability and differentiation of projects in the region through active participation of local residents in the current urban regeneration project.

      • Molecular prevalence and phylogenetic analysis of canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) in Korea

        장지웅 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) is one of the major etiological agents causing gastrointestinal enteritis in domestic and wild carnivores. Since the first emergence of CPV-2 in the late 1970s, the subtypes CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV-2c have spread worldwide. CPV-2 infection rates differ by region, season, breed and age. Rapid and diverse mutation in the VP2 gene of CPV-2 leads to the survival and adaptation to new host and environments. This study is aimed to investigate the prevalence and genetic characterization of CPV-2 in Korea. Fecal samples were collected from 536 dogs in animal shelters from 2019 to 2020, and intestinal tissue was collected from 225 dog carcasses submitted to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency for diagnostic purposes from 2016 to 2019 in Korea. CPV-2 sequences obtained from positive samples were analyzed using the BEAST v1.7.5 package for genetic characterization through the Bayesian approach. Among the 761 samples, 181 (23.8%) were positive for the following subtypes: CPV-2a (n=138), CPV-2c (n=16), CPV-2b (n=14), CPV-2 (n=2), Feline parvovirus (n=2) and co-infection with CPV-2a and CPV-2c (n=1) were also detected. The CPV-2 infection rate by region and breed were not significantly different, and the prevalence was highest in puppies (<6 months) during in winter. Of the positive samples, the sequences of 88 of the VP2 genes (CPV-2 KGII) detected since 2008 were analyzed as well as those of previous CPV-2 from 2003 to 2007 in Korea (CPV-2 KGI, n=58). CPV-2 KGII with new mutations at Phe267Tyr, Tyr324Ile and Thr440Ala was dominant and replaced CPV-2 KGI. Additionally, Gln7Arg, Val149Asp, Val164Ile, and Thr170Ala were detected at low frequently in CPV-2 KGII. The estimated substitution rate of CPV-2 KGI (3.935×10-4) was slightly faster than CPV-2 KGII (1.460×10-4). The most recent common ancester of CPV-2 KGI and CPV-2 KGII were estimated to have emerged in 1983 and 2004, respectively, and were genetically close to Asian CPV-2 strains. These results suggest that Korean CPV-2 strains have continued to evolve and has generated a variety of new genetic mutations. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously monitor and perform genetic analysis of the virus for effective control of CPV-2 in Korea. 개 파보바이러스 2형(canine parvovirus 2, CPV-2)은 사육 및 야생 육식동물에서 장염을 일으키는 주요 병원체 중 하나이다. CPV-2는 1970년대 후반에 처음 보고된 이후, CPV-2a, CPV-2b 및 CPV-2c 아형 (subtype)으로 변이하면서 전세계로 확산되었다. CPV-2의 감염은 지역, 계절, 연령 및 동물 종에 따라 유병률이 다르며, 캡시드 단백질 코딩 유전자 (VP2)의 변이를 통해 새로운 환경에서 적응하며 생존하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이 연구에서는 한국에 사육되고 있는 개 집단에서의 CPV-2 유병률을 조사하고, 검출된 CPV-2의 유전적 특성을 분석하기 위하여 2019년과 2020년에 채취한 유기동물 보호센터의 개 분변 (n=536)과 2016년부터 2019년까지 농림축산검역본부에 진단 의뢰된 장 조직 (n=225) 시료를 수집하여 연령, 지역, 계절 및 개 품종에 따른 CPV-2 양성률을 분석하였고, CPV-2 양성 시료에 대해서는 유전자 염기서열을 기반으로 BEAST v1.7.5 프로그램을 이용한 베이시안 (Bayesian) 접근법을 통하여 유전적 특성 및 변이 양상을 분석하였다. 검사시료 761개 중, 181개 (23.8%)에서 CPV-2가 확인되었으며, 아형별로는 CPV-2a 138건, CPV-2c 16건, CPV-2b 14건, CPV-2 2건, FPV 2건 및 CPV-2a와 CPV-2c 복합감염 1건이 각각 검출되었다. CPV-2 유병률을 조사한 결과, 지역 및 품종에 따른 차이는 적었으며, 생후 6개월 이하의 강아지와 겨울철에 높은 유병률을 나타내었다. 2008년 이후의 CPV-2 (KGII 계열) 88주와 2008년 이전 (2003-2007)의 CPV-2 (KGI 계열) 58주의 유전학적 특성을 비교 분석한 결과, 새로운 변이 (Phe267Tyr, Tyr324Ile 및 Thr440Ala)가 우세하게 나타났으며, 이전의 CPV-2 KGI 계열의 바이러스가 최근 CPV-2 KGII 계열의 바이러스로 대체되었음이 확인되었다. 또한, CPV-2 KGII 계열의 바이러스에서는 Gln7Arg, Val149Asp, Val164Ile 및 Thr170Ala 변이가 추가로 확인되었다. 바이러스의 예상 대체율은 CPV-2 KGI 계열(3.935x10-4)이 CPV-2 KGII 계열(1.460x10-4)보다 다소 빠른 것으로 분석되었다. CPV-2 KGI과 CPV-2 KGII 계열 바이러스들의 공통조상은 각각 1983년과 2004년에 출현한 것으로 추정되었으며, 유전적으로 아시아 CPV-2와 관련성이 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 이 연구를 통하여 한국의 개 집단에 감염되는 CPV-2의 유전작 특성이 지속적으로 변하고 있으며, 효과적인 CPV-2 방제를 위한 기초자료 확보를위하여 앞으로도 CPV-2 감염 감염상황과 유전적 변이에 대한 지속적인 감시 활동이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

      • 담틀 건축 자동화 시스템 설계 및 제어

        김태현 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Rammed earth construction is one of the construction methods which erects a wall by compacting the soil. The method is well known for the eco-friendly construction method. However, the rammed earth construction process is labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially in assembly and disassembly for the construction forms. To overcome these disadvantages, this paper presents an Automation System for Rammed Earth Construction (ASREC) which enables to reduce labors and save time by automatically constructing rammed earth wall. The proposed ASREC consists of 5-DoF(Degree of freedom) and built as a 1/10 scale prototype equipment that can carry out moving formwork and a compactor, opening/closing formwork, and compacting the soil. The system is composed of 4 main parts and each part was designed to implement the designated mission. For position control of formwork and compactor, the PID controller is applied. The algorithm was invented that can be used according to construction processes. Experiment building a soil wall was carried out by utilizing the proposed system, and a meaningful result on evenness of wall height was confirmed by measuring overall wall height.

      • 에어컨 시스템의 에너지효율 개선을 위한 인공신경망 기반 압축기 토출 온도 설정

        이영래 경북대학교대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        In this paper, a method of setting target discharge temperature using neural network algorithm and P&O technique is proposed to increase energy efficiency of air conditioner system. Real-time energy efficiency is calculated through neural network algorithm configuration through supervised learning, and P&O technique is applied to set and control the most energy-efficient target discharge temperature value in the current state. The proposed algorithm confirmed the improvement of energy efficiency in the standard medium condition among Korean energy efficiency standards. If you can collect enough data from various air conditioning platforms, you can use the algorithm universally. In addition, the algorithm is effective in the saturation of the cycle, which takes up a large part of the operation of the air conditioner. This algorithm can be used to determine the outdoor unit fan target value. And it can be used for indoor temperature control by using the calculated capability value using artificial intelligence.

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