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      • 제주지역 해양관광자원의 활성화 방안

        송성진 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        Jeju island by seas on foursides has a remarkable natural environment for marine tourist activities, but it is rightly said that our efforts to develop its marine tourist resources has not been sufficient. There are 111 tourist attractions on Jeju but few places related to the sea. In view of the fact that a world -class oceanarium has not been opened, the development of marine tourist resources is crucial. Therefore, to activate marine tourist resources, the following plans should be made and implemented as soon as possible. 1. The bathing beaches, the main tourist resources of Jeju, should maintain clean water quality and establish the order of commercia1 dealing. To develop the beach for marine leisure and sports throughout the year, artificial amusement facilities should be added otherwise we risk destroying marine ecosystems. 2. Islets near the main is1and need to be developed according to the presence of residents, the size of the island, the difficulty of access and the natural condition. 3. Now that cruise tourism is spreading ail over the world, the master plan to support the cruise tourism of Jeju should be made along with the immediate construction of a wharf exclusively used by cruise liners 4. To increase the gradually decreasing income of sea villages of Jeju, we should develop tourism of sea villages by the specialization and standardization of native foods and the development of ships only for sea fishing in the distant sea. 5. We should construct a sea science museum which has complex functions such as an oceanarium, a marine museum and a marine culture building. 6. We should expand the basic facilities of sea tourism for travelers of a variety of marine leisure sports.

      • 운동프로그램이 간호대학생의 건강에 미치는 영향

        강기선 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2009 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.32 No.-

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on physical health 8weeks before and after an exercise program for College students which examined physical health (fitness and shape, body fat). Method: A pre-post test study design post test was used for an experimental group (EG )and a control group (CG). The subjects consisted of a total of 40 nursing students from a single college. The exercise program was carried out for 8 weeks beginning in May 2009. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 11.0. Conclusion: In the comparison of the mean between the two groups, the physique and physical strength of the experimental group(EG)was more improved than that of the control group(CG). Verification on hypothesis is as follows.- Hypothesis 1 experimental group(EG) practicing in exercise program will improve on physical strength more than control group(CG)not participating in exercise program. This results show almost similarity and show that hypothesis 1 was rejected. - Hypothesis 2 experimental group(EG) practicing in exercise program will improve physique after exercise more than control group( CG). not participating in exercise program. This findings show that hypothesis 2 was supported <p.- Hypothesis 3 experimental group(EG) practicing in exercise program will show more decrease on body weight and BMI after exercise more than control group ( CG ) . not participating in exercise program This findings show that hypothesis 3 was supported <p.

      • 제주특별자치도내 공원 비둘기 분변에서 분리한 대장균의 항균제 내성율 및 생물학적 특성

        정무상,문인경 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate biologic characteristics, antimicrobial resistance of E. coli isolated from pigeon feces. Fifty six E. coli strains(80.0%) were isolated among 70 feces sample of the pigeon in Jeju park from May to July 2009. Many strains were positive for lactose (92.9%) , lndole (100%) , Methyl Red (100%) , VogesProskauer (100%), Citrate (100%). Among 56 isolates were resistant to antimicrobial drugs such as Ampicillin (3.6%) , ‘'Ampicillin/Sulbactam (3.6%) , Aztreonam (3.6%) , Ciproproxacin (3.6%) , Cefoxitin 0.8%) , Tobramycin (1.8%), Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (1.8%). Recent studies suggest that the prevalence of extended-spectrum -1actamase(ESBL) production is substantially high in these organisms. ESBL strains did not separate from pigeon feces in jejupark. 0157 antisera and H7 antisera all non-agglutinationreactions seemed displayed a negative reaction. The argument of water pollution and food poisoning epidemic caused, causing E. coli in jeju distributed to a number of parks in pigeon feces and can cause serious problems that suggests. Escherichia coli(E. coli) , is one of the most cαnmon coliform bacteria types. Detection of E. coli is definite evidence of fecal pollution. E. coli are facultatively anaerobic gram -negative rods that live in the intestinal tracts of animals. They can grow in the presence or the absence of oxygen. E.coli bacteria may give rise to infections in wounds, the urinary tract, biliary tract, and abdominal cavity. This organism may cause septicemia, nooatal meningitis, infantile gastroenteritis, tourist diarrhea, and hemorrhagic diarrhea. An E. coli infection may also arise due to environmental exposure. Infections with this type of bacteria pose a serious threat to public health with outbreaks arising from food and water that has been contaminated with human or animal feces or sewage. E. coli 0157: H7 is one of the more virulent of the many strains of E. coli found in the environment. E. coli 0157: H7 is found in the intestinal tract and feces of animals and humans. Infection often causes severe, bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In children, the elderly, and immune-compromised individuals, the infection can lead to kidney failure and possible death

      • 高麗王朝의 保建醫療行政機構 및 施設

        朴仁純 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        This study analyses the formation and management of the medical care system during the KORYO dynasty in Korea, specifically, The formation of medical care system during the reign of Gwangjong( 光宗) - Munjong( 文宗) Taeuikam( 太醫藍) was the central office to handle the national medical administration, doctor’s education and examination. Sangyakkook( 尙 藥局) took care of people in the Royal palace. Also there were Prince' s doctor, Hallimuikwan (輪林醫官), food doctor, army doctor, veterinarian, prison doctor etc. were. For commoners, there were Dongsudaebiwon(東西大悲院, medical center for the poor) , Jewibo( 濟危寶), Hyaemingook( 惠民局 official pharmacy) , and Guogedokam (救濟都藍, relief organization) etc .. establishments and change of these public medical care institutions were different from those of the government system. The local medical care system of the Koryo Dynasty was also a part of national systems. Seongjong( 成宗) showed his great interest in local health & medical care. In the reign of Seongjong( 成宗) , Uihak baksa (醫學博士) was sent to key points. In the reign of Munjong, Uisa( 醫師) & Uihak were posted. In the reign of Hyunjong( 顯宗), Yakjemsa (藥店史, local medical officials) were posted in the districts to form a dualistic local medical structure.

      • 사회자본관점에서 본 조손가정 (祖孫家庭) 지원사업의 효율화 방안

        박차상 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2009 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to apply reformative measures to support projects forgrandparents-grandchildren families. Chapter one examines the necessity of support projects for grandparents-grandchildren families. There has been a rapid increase in the number of social problems in grandparents-grandchildren families. Chapter two explains the present supporting situation and the care needs and demands of grandparents-grandchildren families. Chapter three offers reform measures for the network of welfare resources for the provision of community-based services and programs. Both the public sector and the private sector should enhance their understanding of supporting projects for grandparents-grandchildren families. In order to raise the efficiency and responsibility of grandparents-grandchildren families, it is required to network the diverse service providers through social capital. In order to achieve this objective, a network system for grandparents-grandchildren families needs to be set up by social network institutions. Chapter four presents conclusions. This study contributes to networking the welfare resources for the provision of services and programs based on the needs of grandparents-grandchildren families. First, we have to develop supporting networking institutions through a team approach of diverse welfare delivery systems because the clients have diverse needs and multiple problems. Second, this study proposes that the main point of supporting projeds for grandparentsgrandchildren families is empowerment through networking. Third, it is proposed that we build social capital through supporting projects forgrandparents-grandchildren families because they are effective means for meeting diverse needs and solving the multiple problems of clients.

      • 대화함축에 있어서 Now의 기능과 의미

        고태우 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        This study is an attempt to provide a close insight into the nature, meaning, and function of discoures particle now of English through Grice’s implicature theαy of Pragmatics. Discourse particles serve to indicate the general frame of the topic to be taken up, as well as the various social, psychological and communicative signals used in the conversation. Also discourse particles are generated by the situation of the social culture, and narrowly by the situation of the utterance. It is very natural to clarify the meanings and it’s functions of the particles by using the theory of implicature which is the study of the context of a situation. This study has focused on a discourse particle 'now' that is most frequently used in spoken English. The discourse particle 'now' is used as a preparatory to express hesitant contents such as hesitation, discontent, embbarrassment, and so on, to introduce interests such as emphasis, surprise, conciliation, and so on and to carry negative reactions such as opposition, anger contempt, and so on. Also it’s main functions are used as comparison, change, interest, the effect of a relief, and so on.

      • Dweling Interior Design for Health Supportive Elderly Care

        Kim, Seong Jin 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        인류세계가 경제적인 고도성장에 따른 산업구조의 변화와 첨단 의학기술의 발달로 인하여 고령자 의 증가가 필연적인 현실로 나타나게 되었다. 이에 따르는 노인 문제가 사회 전체에 나타나게 되었고,우리나라 역시 65세 이상의 고령인구가 증가 추세에 있으며 자연히 고령화 사회로의 진입이 현실화되고 있다.아울러 급속한 고령화, 핵가족화 등으로 인하여 가족 내의 노인부양 기능이 점차적으로 축소되고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 한편, 노인 단독세대가 급증하고, 노인 복지에 대한 구체적인 정책방향, 신체적, 사회 심리적 지원방향 등 노인환경을 향한 개발요구가 높아지고 있다. 특히, 노인이 거주하는 시설과 주거환경은 노인의 삶의 질을 결정하는 중요한 요소로 작용하기 때문에 프랑스의 경우, 노인의 신체적 특성에 따른주택 계획과 재택 서비스를 바탕으로 자신들이 거주하는 환경에 그대로 머무르면서 지역사회와 통합해서 생활하도록 하는 방안이 지원되고 있다. 이는 노인의 신체적, 사회적, 심리적인 노화에 따르는 고립을 해결하는 방안이 되기도 하는 것이다. 반면,우리나라의 경우는 노인의 신체적, 사회적, 섬리적특성을 고려하여 설계된 노인전용시설 및 주거환경은 부족한 실정이며 수용과 보호의 차원에서 시설 주거에 국한되어 있고 그 질적인 변에서도 매우 기초적인 단계에 머무르는 상황이다. 이에 따라, 본 연구에서는 노인 건강증진 개념 및 고찰을 통해 고령자 환경의 건강한 증진을 위한 공간의 특성 도출 및 이를 통한 고령자의 질적으로 향상된 주거환경을 제시하고자 하는데 그 목적이있다. 본 연구에서 제언하는 노인 건강증진을 위한 환경개념은, 1. 건강과 질병은 하나의 스펙트럼 상에 놓여 있다는 가설 하에 한쪽은 좋은 건강 상태, 다른 한쪽은 질병에 의한 사망이라는 건강개념에 그 싯점을가진다. 2. 의료적 관점에서 건강을 증진시키는 과정에 중심을 두고 치료적 환경에 대한 새로운 패러다임을 주장하며, 안녕( well-being) 을 키우는 공간 특성을 밝히는데 개념을 둔다. 3. ‘건강은 질병이나 허약함이 없는 상태가 아니라 신체적, 사회적, 심리적인 완전한 안녕 (wellbeing)상태’ 라는 환경변화에 적응하는 역동적 건강개념에 그 근거를 둔다. 4. 의료적 관점으로 인해 간과되었던 고령자의 신체적, 사회적, 심리적 요구들을 반영하는 안녕 (well-being) 에 중점을 둔 치료철학에 근거하는 질적인 개념을 우선한다. 본 연구에서 얻게 된 노인 건강증진을 위한 건축 및 실내 공간환경은, 1. 고령자의 신체적 변화에 대응한 무장애 공간 (barrier free) 개념을 적용하여, 어린아이로부터 고령자에 이르기까지 모두 다 편안을 누리며 살아갈 수 있는 실내, 외 공간 환경을 제공해야 한다는 것이다. 2. 고령자의 신체적, 사회적, 심리적 안녕을 위한 연속적인 보호체제 (flex-care system) 가 갖추어진실내, 외 공간 환경을 제공해야 한다는 것이다. 3. 고령자의 자아정체성 확립을 위한 프라이버시 영역과 그 수위 조절이 가능한 실내 환경이 제공해야 한다는 것이다. 4. 고령자의 삶 가운데에서 인생의 마지막 단계에 이른 자가 지나간 일생에 대한 수용 및 죽음에 대한 수용을 원만히 하도록 뒷받침하는 개념의실내 공간 환경이 제공해야 한다는 것이다.

      • 서귀포시 한남리 마을 가옥 조사연구

        고만영 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to leave a data of the historic records for the village and the future academic resources by the basic survey and record for the houses in Jeju village. This research is divided by decade, including the 1930 to 1940 ’'s, 1950 ’'s, 1960 ’'s to 1970 ’'s and after 1980 ’'s Hannamli village houses, and survey site plan, plan, and materials of the houses about characteristics of the ages by the interview and actual measurement. As a result, the obtained conclusions are as follows. (1) Site Plan Most houses in Hannamli village were composed of an Anguri, a Pakguri, a Soimak, a Tongsi, and on Ole.' Since the 1950s, there was no face-to-face type placement with Anguri and Pakguri, but it was changed ‘' 기. ’' type placement with them. Since the 1980s, most of the houses have been composed of an Anguri and a warehouse, and Ole is disappeared but the bathroom is located inside the building. The peculiar thing is that Pakguri is not seperated building but placed close to Anguri. (2) Plan Until the 1960s, houses in Hannamli village were composed of a Keunbang(Jarge room) , a Jakkeunbang(smal1 room) , a Sangbang(Jiving room) , a Jungji(kitchen) , a Gopang , a Toenmaru(narrow wooden porch running along the outside of a room) and a Gulmook(heating place). In the 1970s, the Toenmaru was removed and chauged the front door. Since the 1980s, the house has been composed of a living room, a master bedroom, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a boiler room. The pakguri consists of a room and bathroom. (3) Material Until the 1960s the roof was a thatched roof. The inside walls were plaited by wood and plastered by dirt, The outer walls were stacked up stones and plastered by dirt for protection against the wind. The room floor was Ondol floor with stone, and Sangbang(Jiving room) and Gopang’s(closet) floor were wooden floors. The columns and beams were made of wood. In the 1970s, the outer walls were plastered by cement instead of dirt on the stone and the inside walls were covered with wallpaper instead of newspaper. The thatched roof was replaced with slate roof and the wooden doors was replaced with glass doors. Since the 1980s, the roofs of the most houses have been concrete flat roofs. The walls of the room and the living room were covered by wallpaper or wood, and those in the bathroom and kitchen were covered by tiles. And outer walls were finished by brick. tile and paint. etc. The floor was all reinforced concrete floor covered with the monorium and laminate floor. etc. Columns. beams and stairs. etc. were reinforced concrete.

      • 디지털 X선촬영장치의 성능관리

        신동용 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        Recently. diagnosis X -ray equipment is being exchanged with digital x-ray equipment. These are the system that interpret with the monitor through digital image processing instead of by x-ray film. There is a computed radiography(CR) system and a digital radiography(DR) system. The digital system creates a digital image, makes database of it and is connected with a P ACS. Meantime, the quality control for the diagnosis X -ray equipment has been execute periodically every 3 year by the inspection method of national standard. The Inspection for the quality control consisted of electrical safety, radiation safety and system performance. But the quality control for the digital part of the CR and the DR system has not been executed. Therefore, self quality control of the digital part is necessary in order to maintain optimal performance of the system. In this paper we described the relation items for the self quality control of digital x-ray equipment. For the self quality control of the system, We introduced the theoretical background, the inspection items which can be performed by the user of the system to the safety control team or the service man. Moreover. overall and useful matters for the self quality control were presented. Also, the subjective(psychological) inspection methods as well as the objective(physical) inspection methods referred from this main text is needed. these are ROC method and the method using a real patient image. Finally, for getting a high quality image from the digital x-ray equipment, it seems necessary to perform the following activities as well as necessary inspection items in the clinic periodic upgrade of the operational software of the equipment. - getting the digital information for adapting at rapid change of digital environment. - the activity for information interchange for self quality control, etc.

      • 계란의 첨가가 메밀만두피의 제조에 미치는 영향

        이미정 濟州漢拏大學論文編輯委員會 2007 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.30 No.-

        According to Korean old cook books, buckwheat suitable for the Korean climate had been mainly used to make mandoo-crust at that time, instead of flour. But, due to the lack of gluten on the process of its dough, several methods are required and tested to enhance the glutinous ingredient. One of them tested is to add eggs to the dough. This report aims to show how eggs, upon diverse amount of its content. affect the buckwheat dough. 1. As the addition of eggs increases, the buckwheat dough gets darker and the value of the redness and yellowness also increases. 2. As the addition of eggs increases. the texture of the mandoo-crust. becomes more solid. But, there is no significant difference between the addition of 30% and 70% 3. As the addition of eggs gets higher, breaking energy becomes in creases but the effect starts at more than 30% of addition amount. 4. Turbidity in soup, as addition of eggs increases, gradually clarifies. 5. The result of sensory evaluation shows that, in preference, the case of adding eggs is mostly estimated better than the that of adding no eggs. The best result on all the characteristics of sensory evaluation is especially made in 50% of addition amount.

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