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      • 산업장 소음환경 및 건강장해와 관련된 문헌 고찰 : 1970년 이후 국내에서 연구발표된 논문을 대상으로 In the Studies published from 1970 in Korea

        김윤신,손정일,이수진 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1993 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.3 No.1

        In order to evaluate the status of studies and present the fundumental data and direction for future study, the authors reviewed and summarized the total 46 literatures related to industrial noise environment and health hazards reported from 1970 to 1993. The authors classified all literatures by 10 year units(1970-1979, 1980-1989, 1990-1993), the designs and contents of subjects of the studies, and compared and analysed these data. The results were summarized as follows : 1. Literatures related to noise environment and health hazards were reported most frequently(85%) in 1980s and shall be reduced in 1990s. 2. The study designs used in studies were as follows ; cross-sectional studies as analytic study(59%), descriptive studies(13%) and experimental studies(26%). 3. Study designs shifted from descriptive study in 1970s to analytic study in 1990s. 4. Contents of subjucts of the studies were variable from level of pure noise environment(4%), health effect related to noise exposure(83%), management of NIHL(4%) and management of noise environment(2%). 5. Studies on management of NIHL were reported one in 1980s and three in 1990s. The authors present the direction of the study subject in future should be management of NIHL and noise environment, and that should continue to be reported more in detail. Thus it is necessary to establish the standards of noise management and to develop the program for prevention of the NIHL in workers exposed to noise.

      • 환경영향 평가서의 효율화를 위한 통계적 분석

        김윤신,권성안 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1991 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라의 환경영향평가의 전반적 추세를 파악하여 현실적인 문제점을 1981년부터 평가된 379건의 환경영향평가 대상사업을 사업시행자, 사업시행비용, 환경영향평가자, 환경영향평가기간, 평가비용, 보완기간, 22가지 평가미비인자 등을 대상사업별, 제출연도별로 나누어 조사하였다. 그 결과 정부가 주도한 사업이 전체사업중 78.6%를 차지하였고, 전체 대상사업중 아파트개발사업은 전체의 28.2%를 차지하며 계속 증가추세를 보이고 있다. 환경영향 평가기간은 평균 5,6개월로 4계절을 통한 환경영향 평가가 이루어지지 않았고, 평가미비인자는 환경에 직접적인 영향을 평가하는 생활환경분야가 많은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to improve Environment (EIA) in Korea based on an analytic revient of 379 reports of EIA which were undertaken during 1981∼1989 of 379 cases (expect for the country development, cases of EIA are mainly consisted of industrial sites building, apartment project, urban development). Supplementary results on assessment got to total 241 cases, among those projects, urban development and apartment project hold the largest field. But becase of lack on concrete present conditions, it os difficult for us fix EIA. Results were summarized as follows: 1. EIA project tried in Korea from 1981 to 1989 were mainly Industrial sites building, Apartment project, and Tourism project, while city base proruction project (Urban development, Road construction, Railway Construction) appeared a few cases. 2. Among 11th object project of EIA, Apartment project hold 28.2% of total projects, and appeared continually to increase. 3. Government loading project as enforcement subject of the project on EIA, got procession of 78.6% (29 cases) among total project cases. 4. Private EIA company got procession of 89.9% (341 cases) among total the object project on EIA by the object project. 5. An amount oh mean EIA paper was the page 358 (Maximum, Energy development; 460 page, Minimum, Railway construction; 290 page). 6. EIA period was mean 5.6 month and it has never been over pass one year. 7. EIA cost was mean 35,933,275 WON in 275 cases (Maximum, Water resoures development project; mean 70,084,857 WON in 7 cases. Minimum. Urban development; mean 20,834,210 WON in 19 cases). 8. Imperpect factor of EIA showed more in natural environment and society environment than in life environment to evaluate effect (air pollution, water pollution, noise and vibration etc).

      • 의료분야에서의 오존에 의한 살균 및 감염예방기술 개발

        김윤신,이종대,강봉선 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1997 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.6 No.1

        본 보고서는 일부 병원에서의 미생물성 물질의 오염 상태와 오존 Gas 및 오존수의 미생물에 대한 제거효율의 기초자료를 제시함으로서 병원감염의 원인이 되는 미생물의 분포를 정확히 파악하고, 그 원인 제거를 위한 공기 청정 방법의 하나로 대두되는 오존장치의 효율성을 검토하여 병원이라는 특수환경내에서의 오염 방지를 통하여 궁극적으로는 국민 건강 향상과 환경 기술의 개발에 이바지하는 기초 자료를 제공하고자 한다.

      • 大田市 新地下商街에서의 라돈(Rn-222)濃度 測定 및 年間 被爆線量 豫測

        서지미,김윤신 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1995 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.4 No.1

        Average radon concentrations have been measured at the new shopping arcade (constructed on Sep. 28, 1992) located in Eun-haeng Dong, Taejon city. The annual radiation dosage of the radon nuclide to which workers in the basement shopping area can be exposed has been estimated based on the measured average radon concentration values. The Rad track etching monitor manufactured by Landauer Co. in the United States, was used as the measuring instrument, and in order to verify the reproducibility values of the monitor, the radiation monitoring period was divided into the 1st and the 2nd phase with regard to the areas to be measured. The average radon concentration value measured by the first connected monitor(duration : approximately 9 weeks, from Jan. 12, 1994 to Mar. 13, 1993) was 0.69 pCi/L, whilst the value measured by the second connected monitor (duration : approximately 6 weeks, from Feb. 1, 1994 to Mar. 13, 1994) showed 0.70 pCi/L, indicating a considerably high degree of reproducibility. The new Underground shopping arcade located in Taejon city was divided into 4 areas for the purpose of measuring radon concentration values. The results of the survey have shown average radon concentration values to be 0.68 pCi/L for area A: 0.68 pCi/L for area B: 0.78pCi/L for area c, and 0.93 pCi/L for area D: whilst the average radon concentration for the entire shopping arcade was reckoned at 0.74 pCi/L, avalue considerably less than 1/5 of the maximum acceptable values 4 pCi/L, Ministry of Environment of Korea. The annual radiation dosage that persons working in the Underground shopping arcade can be exposed to during working hours was estimated at 37.3572 mRem. This radiation dose is significantly lower than 130 mRem maximum radiation dosage from the radon nuclide prescribed by the International Radiation Protection Committee, with respect to the overall working hour exposure of the average adult.

      • 습식공기청정방식의 실내부유미생물의 제거성능 평가에 관한 연구

        김윤신,조별아,김수연,배귀남 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1996 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.5 No.1

        A사의 습식공기청정장치를 대상으로 1995년 6월에서 12월에 걸쳐 부유미생물 제거 효율을 파악하고자 실험을 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 부유미생물의 적정 채취시간을 알기 위해 8분, 16분으로 나누어 실험한 결과 16분간 채취했을 경우(입구의 평균 집락수 : 25.00cfu/㎡)보다 8분간 채취시(입구의 평균 집락수 : 33.54cfu/㎡)효율을 평가할 만한 적절한 집락을 형성하였다. 2. 습식공기청정장치의 기수분리기에서는 일반미 생물인 경우 0%~16%의 제거효율을 보였으며, 진균류의 경우 0%~62%의 제거효율을 나타냈다. 3. 습식공기청정장치를 가동시킨 경우 일반 미생물은 0%~65%의 제거효율을 나타냈으며, 진균류는 0%~80%의 제거효율을 나타냈다. 4. 중성능 필터를 사용했을 경우 일반 미생물의 제거효율 0%~67%(평균 제거효율 15%~24%)로 나타났으며, 진균류의 제거효율 0%~38%(평균제거효율 : 10%~28%)로 나타나 평균 20% 전・후의 효율을 보였다. 이상의 결과에서 미생물과 진균의 제거효과는 배지종류, 풍량, 채취시간 등에 따라 약간씩 다르게 나타났으나, 본 실험 대상 습식공기청정장치의 부유 미생물 제거효율은 비교적 양호한 결과를 보인 것으로 사료된다. 그러나 본 연구 결과는 제한된 실험 절차 내에서의 결과이므로 실제로 습식공기청정장지를 다양한 실내환경에서 사용할 시에는 다양하게 나타날 수도 있어 이에 대한 계속적이고 구체적인 실험조사 연구가 기대된다.

      • 서울시 일부 백화점의 실내공기질에 관한 조사연구

        김윤신,최원욱,허진,전준민 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1996 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was conducted to measure indoor levels of TSP, NO2, CO2 and microbes in department stores in Seoul. Average concentration of major items in department stores were 0.032mg/㎡ in TSP, 799ppm in CO2, 40.02ppb in NO2, 1622.1 CFU/㎡ in GK-A(Microbe), 297.3 CFU/㎡ in HS(Microbe), 0.163ppm in HCHO, respectively. Most of pollutants did not exceed the Korea Ambient Air Standard, of each pollutant, except for CO2 and HCHO in several sites. About 73.3% of the respondents answered good for indoor air quality, while complained physical subjective most of respondents symptoms a body self-consciouseness symptoms

      • 서울시 일부 공중이용시설의 실내공기질 관리방안 연구

        김윤신,조별아,윤영훈 漢陽大學校 環境 및 産業醫學硏究所 1995 環境과 産業醫學 Vol.4 No.1

        This study was conducted to measure indoor levels of PM-10, CO, CO2. NO2, HCHO, Rn, and Legionella during the summer (August-September) and fall(October-November) various indoor speaces(Departments, Gymnasiums, Underground stores, and office buildings) in Seoul city. Average concentrations of major items in public facilities were 224.4㎍/㎥ in PM-10, 2.1ppm in CO, 945.2ppm in CO2, 34.3ppb in NO2, 68.3ppb in HCHO, 0.8pci/L in Rn, respectivly. 56.3% of sampled site exceeded of standard(EPA: 150㎍/㎥) of PM-10, 32.5% of sampled site exceeded of Korea standard(1000ppm) of CO2, 11.3% of sampled site exceeded of standard(WHO:100ppb) of HCHO, 5.8% of sampled site exceeded of standard(WHO: 0.08ppm) of NO2, and 33% of specimens were found to be contaminated by Legionella in public facilities in Seoul. In addition, regarding the health-related questions, the respondents complained 50% for sick building syndrom and the results of on the building environment, more than 57% of occupants might feel unsatisfied on the indoor air quality.

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