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      • 영산호의 미생물 분포와 환경요인과의 상관관계

        이오형,송태곤 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1987 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        영산호의 생물학적 수질조사 결과 타가영양세균은 표층, 저층 모두 1985년 7월에, 대장균류는 표층, 저층 모두 1986년 9월에 최대치를 나타내었으며 정점 별로는 정점7과 정점3이 모두 최대치를 나타내었다. 미생물개체군의 7정점 평균밀도는 타가영양세균의 경유10³∼10 ( )cells/㎖ 범위였고 대장균류는 10²∼10⁴cells/100㎖ 여서 영산호는 부영양화 내지 과영양화상태로 오염된 수도 3급수 지역임이 판명되었으며 환경요인과의 상관관계 조사에서 미생물개체군의 크기가 수온과 BOD에 가장 높은 관계를 나타내 영산호의 주된 오염물질은 BOD성 유기물질이며 이들은 주로 영산호 상류(정점7)와 영암족(정점4)에서 유입되고 있는 것으로 추론되었다. Microbial distribution and its relationship to the enviromental factors of Yongsan Lake were investigated at 7 stations from July, 1986 to May, 1987. The microbial distribution in the lake showed high variability depending on the seasons and stations. Average number of heterotrophic bacterial in surface layer was 0.52×10⁴cells/㎖ and in bottom layer, 2.63×10⁴cells/㎖. In surface layer and bottom layer of the lake, the average number of coliform bacteria was 1.12×10³cells/100㎖ and 2.32×10³cells/100㎖, respectivly. Average number of heterotrophic and coliform bacteria of investigated stations were 10³∼10( )cells/㎖ and 10²∼10⁴cells/100㎖, respectively. These results indicated that Yongsan Lake was eutrophicated. The microbial density and distribution were closely related with water temperature and BOD. The causative material of pollution was inferred to be organic matter and allochthonous sediment.

      • 소흑산도의 토양미생물과 해양미생물의 환경적 분포

        임병선,이오형,이건형 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1988 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        The physicochemical properties of soil and the distributions of both soil and marine marine microorganisms of Sohuksan-do, Chonnam were investigated on 22th of May, 1988. The results were as follows: 1. The physicochemical properties of soil 5. investigated sites revealed their pH values ranged 5.0-5.9(mean, 5.52). The values of electroconductivity, organic matter, total nitrogen, and water content were in the range of 140-190 ㎛ho/㎝ , 9.8-18.8%, 1.25-3.62㎎/g , and 27.2-46.5%, respectively. 2. Distribution of soil microbes The total count of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes were in the range of 3.0 -8.8 ×10??cells/g soil, 0.7-1.5 ×10??cells/g soil, and 2.0-2.8 ×10?? cells/g soil, respectively. Bacteria occupied about 64.2% of total population, and fungi 9.9%, actinomycetes 26.0%, respectively. Of the total count of each group, cellulolytic bacteria occupied about 13.7% of total bacteria, and celulolytic fungi, about 49.8%, cellulolytic acvtino-mycetes, about 12.2%, respectively. It was worth noting that cellulolytic fungi occupied a large proportion of the total count of fungi, meaning active progress of cellulose decomposition in this area. 3. Distribution of marine microbes The popolarion density of marine bacteria was found to be in the range of 1.07 -4.77 ×10??cells/㎖ at the surface layer, 1.02-7.77 ×10??cells/㎖ in the middle layer, and 2.53 6.58 ×10??cells/㎖ at the bottom layer, respectively. These results showed tendency of higher density at the euphotic zone. In caseof physiologically characteristic bacteria, the population density of proteolytic bacteria was higher than that of either lipolytic or amylolytic bacteria, meaning independence of this area from incorporation of nutrients from outside.

      • 흑산도와 소흑산도 후박나무군락에서의 토양미생물 군집의 계절적 분포

        이오형 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1990 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.7 No.1

        흑산도와 소흑산도의 후박나무군락에 존재하는 토양미생물의 분포양상을 세균, 진균, 방선균의 군집별로 1988년 10월부터 1989년 7월까지 4회에 걸쳐 계절별론 조사하였다. 미생물 수의 계절별 분포상황은 두 지역 모두 봄과 가을이 비슷하고 여름에는 대략 봄철의 3배, 겨울에는 대략 봄철의 10분의 1로 나타났으며, 두 도서지방의 년평균 토양미생물 군집의 크기는 흑산도의 경우 일반세균이 ??cells/g soil, 방선균이 ??cells/g soil로 세균과 방선균이 비슷하였으며, 진균은 ??cells/g soil로 대략 세균의 3분의 1, 총 균수의 15.8%를 차지하고 있었다. 소흑산도의 경우는 일반세균이 ??cells/g soil,??cells/g soil, 진균은 ??cells/g soil로 숫적으로는 흑산도에 비해 약간 우세하였으나 분포경향은 비슷하였다. 섬유소 분해 미생물이 차지하는 비율의 년평균값은 흑산도의 경우 세균이 15.0%, 균류가 50.8%, 방선균이 18.8%, 소흑산도의 경우 세균이 15.7%, 균류가 48.1%, 방선균이 21.1%로 두 지역 모두 균류가 가장 높고 방선균이 세균보다 약간 높은 비율을 차지하는 등 비슷한 분포경향을 보이고 있으며, 섬유소분해 방선균이 차지하는 비율이 여름에 특히 높은 점이 눈에 띤다. 결론적으로 이 두 지역에서 섬유소 분해에 큰 역할을 맡고 있는 진균류와 방선균의 섬유소분해 미생물이 차지하는 비율이 매우 높아 적어도 이 지역 후박나무군락의 토양환경은 매우 양호한 것임을 보이고 있으며, 수적인 분포경향이 흑산도와 소흑산도 두 지역이 비슷한 것으로 미루어 이 두 지역의 생물환경이 거의 비슷함을 알 수 있었다. Seasonal distributions of soil bacteria, fungi, and actinomysetes of Machilus thunbergii communities of Huksan-do and Sohuksan-do were investigated from October, 1988 to July, 1989. In both islands, the microbial population size in spring was similar to that in fall, and it increased to about three times in summer and decreased to about one tenth in winter. In case of Huksan-do, the annual population size of bacterial group was appeared to be ?? cells/g soil, dry weight. Actinomycetic group's annual population size was ?? cells/g soil, dry weight , similar to that of bacteria. And fungal group's population size was ?? cells/g soil, which was about one third of that of bacteria. In case of Sohuksan-do, annual population size of each bacterial, actinomycetic, and fungal group was ?? cells/g, ?? cells/g soil, ?? cells/g soil, respectively. So the microbial distribution patterns of two islands were similar, but slightly higher in its nummerical size in sohuksan-do. The annual mean proportions of cellulolytic bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes to their representative total populations was 15.0%, 50.8%, and 18.8%, respectively in case of Huksan-do, and 15.7%, 48.1%, and 21.1%, respectively in case of Sohuksan-do. Therefore, the distribution patterns of cellulolytic microbes in these islands were also similar. It was worth nothing that proprtion occupied by cellulolytic actinomycetes was unusually high in summer whereas cellulolytic bacteria occupied almost uniform proportions to their total numbers throughout 4 seasons. Judging from the high proportions of cellulolytic fungi and actinomycetes and similar patterns of microbial distribution, in conclusion, the soil environments of these two islands, soils of M. thunbergii communities at least, were appeared to be quite good and almost identical.

      • 黃酸處理 및 溫度가 풍선덩굴의 種子發芽에 미치는 影響

        梁孝植,禹濟昌 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1991 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        황산(98%) 처리시간과 온도가 풍선덩굴의 종자발아에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 종자의 발아를 촉진시키는 효과적인 황산처리시간은 30분이었다. 발아율과 발아세는 30℃, 30분간의 황산처리구에서 각각 100% 34.17로 다른 처리구에 비해 가장 높았으며, 황산처리에 의한 발아율의 증가비는 다른 온도구에 비해 낮은 온도구에서 더 효과적 이었다. The seed germination were experimented according to period of sulfuric acid treatment at different temperature condition for Cardiospermum halicacabum L. The highest values of germination rate and velocity of seed were 100% and 34.10, respectively at 30℃ in 30 minutes' treatment with sulfuric acid. The effects of sulfuric acid treatment on seed germination was more increased in low temperatures' than in high.

      • 海岸 干潟地 土壤環境에 따른 植物의 分布와 生長

        任炳善 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1987 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        Plant distribution, soil properties, plant biomass, and diurnal course of three species water potential were mesured in the salt marsh of Yawolri and Pokgilri for the period of April to October 1986. Marsh species were distributed expecially according to water potential gradient of soil and water potential of all species was lower than that of soils. Water potential of three common species occured in th salt marsh of Yawolri was varied with time of day and all three species were maximum at dawn when humidities were highest. Seasonal changes of plant biomass and density were varied in relation to phenology, such as annual and perenial plant and less affected by soil salinity.

      • 小黑山島의 植物相과 植生에 對한 植物社會學的 硏究

        金喆洙,박연우 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1988 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        본 調査는 1986年 8月∼1988年 6月에 걸쳐서 全南道 新安郡 黑山面 小黑山里에 對한 植物相(Flora)과 植生(Vegetation)에 對하여 實施하였다. 植物相은 總 740種을 同定하여 所産植物目錄을 作成하였다. 이중 풍란과 나도풍란은 거의 滅種 위기에 있고 한편 中國原産인 나한송이 항리 당림속에 自生하고 있다. 植生은 Braun-Blanquet의 植物社會學的 調査方法에 따라 群落을 다음과 같이 分類하였다. 常綠闊葉樹林인 붉가시나무-천남성群落(Arisaema amurense var. serratum-Quercus acuta community), 가실잣밤나무-자금우群落(Ardisia japonica-castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii community), 후박나무-족제비고사리群落(Dryopteris bissetiana-Machilus thunbergii community), 동백나무群落(Camellia japonica community), 우묵사스레피群落(Eury emarginata community), 방기群落(Sinomenium acutum community)과 放牧地植生인 보리밥나무- 찔레꽃群落(Rosa multiflora-Elaeagnus macrophylla community), 왕모시풀群落(Boehmeria pannosa community)과 植栽林인 이대群落(Pseudosasa japonica community), 왕대植林(Phyllostachy bambusoides afforestation) 그리고 草地植物群落은 흑산억새-절굿대群落(Echinops setifer-Miscanthus kokusanensis community), 休耕地植物群落인 개밀-참새귀리群落(Bromus japonicus-Agropyron tsukushiense var. transiens community), 수크령-쥐꼬리망초群落(Erigeron canadensis-Pennisetum alopecuroides community) 및 典型群落 等 14個群落으로 區分되었다. 植生單位에 따라 現存植生圖를 제작하고 또 이를 基準으로 하여 植生自然度圖를 圖示하였다. The flora and the vegetation of Sohuksan-do (125°7′E. L and 34°4′N. L) in Huksan-myon Sinan-gun ChonNam, were investigated from August 1986 to June 1988. The List of ascular plant for flora was prepared on the basis of 740 indentified plants. Among them, Aerides japonicum and Neofinetia falcata came to crisis of being vanished and a Podocarpus macrophyllus var. make was only found an individual in a shrine of Hangri. The units of vegetation were classified into 14 units by the phytosociological method. The units are as follows Arisaema amurense var. serrathum-Quercus acuta community, Ardisia japonica-Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii community, Dryopteris bissetiana-Machilus thunbergii community, Comellia japonica community, Eurya emarginata community, Sinomenium acutum community, Pseudosasa japonica community, Phyllostachys bambusoides afforestation, Echinops setifer-Miscanthus kokusanensis community, Bromus japonicus-Agrophron tsukushiense var. transiens community, Erigeron candadensis-Pennisetum alopecuroides community, Beohmeria pannosa community, typical community. Actual vegetaion map was made by using the unit of community, such as village, farmland etc. Degree of green naturality was also made by on the basis of these unit.

      • 榮山姜水系의 魚類相과 榮山潮內의 魚類相의 變化

        宋泰坤,李完玉 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1988 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        1987年 10月과 1988年 4月부터 8月까지 榮山江本流와 支流 그리고 榮山湖內의 49個 調査地点에서 魚類相과 榮山湖의 淡水化에 따른 魚類相의 變化를 調査하였다. 本 調査에서 採集된 魚類는 總 20科 44屬 64種 및 亞種 17,728個體로 그 가운데 Cyprinidae 31종, Gobiidae 7종, Cobitidae 4종, Bagridae 3종 등 이었으며, 본 조사에서 새로이 서식이 확인된 種은 Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae, Liobagrus obesus, Oncorhynchus masou, Hemiramphus kurumens, Gasteroteus aculeatus, Mugil cephalus, M . haematocheila, Rhinogobius giurinus, Acanthogobius flavimanus, A . hasta, Chaenogobius annularis, Tridentiger obscurus등 12종이었으며, 韓國特産種은 15種이었다. 榮山江本流 및 榮山湖內에서는 총 59種의 魚類가 채집되었고 이들 水系로 流入되는 小河川들에서는 34種의 魚類가 그리고 支流인 黃龍江과 砥石江에서는 各各 43種과 29種의 魚類가 채집되었다. 榮山湖內 水質의 淡水化에 따라 1次淡水魚 뿐만 아니라 汽水性 魚類의 出現種數가 전체적으로 增加하는 傾向을 보였다. The freshwater fish fauna of Yongsan River stream and the change of fish fauna in Yongsan Lake were investigated from October, 1987, to August, 1988. total collected fishes were 20 families, 44 genera, 64 species and subspecies, 17,728 individuals including 31 species of Cyprinidae, 7 species of Gobiidae, 4 species of Cobitidae and 3 species of Bagridae, and among them 15 species were known as Korean endemic species. Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae, Liobagrus obesus, Oncorhynchus masou, Hemiramphus kurumens, Gasteroteus aculeatus, Mugil cephalus, M. haematocheila, Rhinogobius giurinus, Acanthogobius flavimanus, A. hasta, Chaenogobius annularis, Tridentiger obscurus were observed in the present studied areas for the first time. In Yongsan River system and the total number of species including primary freshwater fishes and peripheral fishes increased as the water quality of Yongsan Lake changed into feshwater.

      • 全南 南部와 西部海域의 海洋物理, 化學的 特性

        田承寬,金相根,朴榮齋,李貞愛 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1984 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        Seasonal variations of physico-chemical factors were studied in both southern and western coastal waters of Chon Nam Province during a decade from 1971 to 1980. The variation of water temperature in the investigated areas was within the range of 3.6-27℃ throughout the research period. The temperature of western coastal water was lower than that of southern coastal water by 2∼4℃ in February. In spring and summer, water temperature of Jindo-Jodo area was characteristically lower than any other area by 1.0∼1.5℃. The aslinity varied within the range of 25.97∼34.32%0 throughout the research period, and showed its maximum value in February and its minimum in September. Western coastal water was always less saline than southern coastal water. Dissolved oxygen varied widely within the range of 4.25∼58.75㎖/ℓ,and showed the lowest value in September and the highest in February. Concentrations of nitrite, Phosphate, and silicate varied within the range of 0.01∼2.96 ㎍-at/ℓ, 0.06∼2.07㎍-at/ℓ, and 2.13∼29.-01 ㎍-at/ℓ, respectively. Nitrite and silicate reached their maximum concentrations in summer but phosphate reached its maximum concentration in winter. These nutrients appeared abundantly in Sinan-Mokpo area and Waned-Kangjin area, under influence of the Yongsan liver and the Tamijin liver, respectively. Transparency of waters in the investigated areas varied within the range of 0.1∼5.0m with the tendency of being lower in southern coastal area than in southern coastal area than in western coastal area. Maximum value of transparency appeared in summer, and minimum value in winter.

      • 榮山湖주변 于拓地 適應性 벼 選拔에 關한 硏究

        崔相鎭 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1989 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        榮山湖周邊 干拓地에 적합한 벼 品種을 선발하기 위하여 우리나라 奬勵品種中에서 15個를 골라 鹽害가 적은 곳, 中間 및 甚한 곳에 栽培하여 다음의 結果를 얻었다. 1. 鹽害程度에 비례하여 벼의 草長과 莖數가 減少하고 出穗가 지연되며, 稈長, 穗長, 株當 穗數, 穗當粒數 및 收量이 減少하였다. 그러나 收量에 영향을 미치는 要因은 外部에 나타난 鹽害程度 이외에 다른 土壤的 要素로써 낮은 pH가 관여함을 짐작할 수 있었다. 2. 3個地点에서 10a當 平均玄米收量이 가장 높은 品種은 八公벼(356kg)이고, 다음이 四海벼(277kg), 花珍벼(267kg) 및 靑靑벼(263kg) 順이었다. This study was conducted to find out the suitable rice varieties for polderland around Yeongsan lake. For this purpose 15 of Korean leading rice varieties were used including one of waxy and a few Japonica×Indica hybrid. They were planted three different sites showed slight, moderate and severe damages last year respectively. The results obtained were as follow. 1. Plant height, number of tiller were decreased, heading date was delayed, and culm length, panicle length, number of panicles per hill, number of grains per panicle and yield were decrased with increasing damages. Three were some indications that other specific soil factors were also affected the growing habit and yield of rice. 2. The highest yielding variety was Palgongbyo(average 356kg), and next were in order of Seohaebyo (277kg), Whajinbyo (267kg) and Cheongcheongbyo (263kg) based on brown rice per 10a.

      • 榮山湖의 水系에 對한 生態學的 硏究

        金喆洙,宋泰坤 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1984 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        Ecological studies were carried out and the water quality was determined by the biological indicators and physicochemical factors at seven stations of Sandong Bridge, Hwangryong River, Nampyong Bridge, Kwangju Chon, Yongsanpo, Myongsan and Yongsan Lake from August, 1983 to March, 1984 in Yongsan River. The physicochemical water quality qas clear in the upper stream and though being polluted in Kwangju Chon and Yongsanpo, but recovered from pollution in the down stream by self-purification. The benthic invertebrates collected were composed of 44 species in 15 drders, and the number of species was more abundant in the upper stream than in the lower stream of Yongsan River. The species composition of the attached algae was 75 species in 38 genera. Diatoms appeared in all stations, but the green algae and the blue green algae occurred mainly in the upper stream. Estimation of saprovity from attached algae showed that the water quality was oligosaprobic orβ-mesosa-probic in the middle and lower stream of Uongsan River, and polysaprobic in Kwang-ju Chon.

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