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        Interpreting Bounded Rationality in Business and Industrial Marketing Contexts: Executive Training Case Studies

        Woodside, Arch G.,Lai, Wen-Hsiang,Kim, Kyung-Hoon,Jung, Deuk-Keyo Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        本文为执行官提供了他们在处理日常业务问题和市场机会时如何阐述自己思考过程的培训. 本研究建立在Schank提出的教学基础上, 包括: (1)经验学习和最好的指导提供给学习者从诸如全球背景, 团队项目和专家经历等的互动的故事提炼知识和技能的机会. (2) 告诉不会导致学习, 因为在学习需要的行动训练环境中, 应强调积极使用故事, 案例和项目. 每个培训案例包括执行官解释自己的决策系统分析(DSA, 还需要执行官做DSA简报. 在训练时要求执行官写DSA简报. 在执行官学员写书面报告的说明中包括(1) DSA路线图的本质的细节(2) 警告和机会的陈述, 读者的行政地图及图内的DSA解释. 该报告的最大长度为500字, 其规则就是使行政人员培训课程行之有效. 引言之后是第二部分文献综述, 简要地总结了有关人们在对问题和机会的背景下的想法及文献. 第三部分通过使用对不同的贴牌生产客户定价相同的化学产品的培训练习来解释DSA的起源和过程, 第四部分展示一个炼油设备公司订价决策的培训练习. 第五部分提供一个商业客户办公家具采购的市场策略案例. 第六部分是结论和建议. 这些建议是关于使用培训课程和发展其他培训课程来磨练执行官制定决策的能力. 文章引导读者利用工具箱研究综合的报告, (DSA)路线图根据生态合理性理论将战略与环境相匹配. 这三个案例的研究让学习者在意愿层面征求建议来作出决策. Todd and Gigerenzer 提出人们使用简单启发式,因为他们在自然的决策环境中通过探索信息的结构使适应性行为有可能产生. "简单是一种美德, 而不是诅咒", 有限理性理论强调了西蒙的命题中心, "人类理性的行为仿佛一把剪刀, 其刀片则是任务环境的结构和执行者的计算能力". Gigerenzer的观点和西蒙的环境的危害相关, 也和本文中三个环境结构的案例相关. "环境这个词, 在这里, 并不是指总的物理和生理的环境, 而只是指被给予需要和目标的重要有机体 本文关注了结合任务环境的结构和使用适应的工具箱启发的报告. (DSA)路线图根据生态理性理论将战略与环境相匹配. 渴望适应理论是这一方针的核心. 渴望适应理论将决策制定作为一个没有把目标整合的多目标问题模拟成一个把所有决策选项进行完全的优先顺序化. 这三个案例研究让学习者在意愿层面征求建议来作出决策. 渴望适应用一系列的调整步骤的形式. 一个调整步骤通过仅一个目标变量的变化就可以改变在渴望网格上邻近点当前的渴望水平. 上调步骤是目标变量的提高, 下调步骤是目标变量的下降. 创造和使用渴望适应水平是对有限理性理论的整合. 文章通过提供学习者经验和实践环节增加了意愿采纳和有限合理性的理解和特点. 利用DSA图排列CTSs和撰写TOP可以清晰和深化Selten的观点 "清晰, 意愿采纳必须作为研究的解决方案整合到整个蓝图中". 这些有限理性的研究许可了在现实生活中为什么, 如何作决策的理论和在自然的环境中利用启发式的学习训练两方面的发展. 本文中的练习鼓励根据不同使用目的学习快速而简洁的启发式技巧和原则. 这也正回应了Schank的思想 "从本质上来看, 教育不是让学生们知道发生了什么, 而是让他们感受到所发生的事情. 这不容易做到. 在如今的学校教育是没有情感的, 这是一个很大的问题". 这三个案例和附加的练习问题遵守了Schank的观点. "这种教育过程最好是通过参与他们其中来实现, 也可以这样认为, 精神层面的积极讨论".

      • KCI등재

        Iconic studies relevant for research in marketing and the Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science

        Arch G. Woodside 한국마케팅과학회 2015 마케팅과학연구 Vol.25 No.3

        Here, an “icon” refers to a study widely and critically admired, a study symbolizing a movement or field of activity; iconic marketing studies offer exceptional contributions to marketing theory and/or data collection, and/or data analysis, and/or interpretations/ implications of qualitative and/or quantitative empirical findings. This article identifies antecedent conditions associated with achieving iconic status in research in marketing and proposes 10 tenets useful for identifying and planning iconic studies in marketing. The study reviews examples of iconic studies in the marketing literature. The study also addresses a few telling mistakes that researchers in the marketing discipline frequently make. The study of iconic research is helpful for crafting high-quality theory and planning high-quality research designs, as well as increasing vigilance and skill in identifying truly exceptionally high-quality studies and studies that are plainly just bad. The essay briefly reviews 10 JGSMS articles appearing also in this virtual issue as possible candidates for the achievement of iconic status in marketing.

      • KCI등재

        Releasing the death-grip of null hypothesis statistical testing ( p < .05): Applying complexity theory and somewhat precise outcome testing (SPOT)

        Arch G. Woodside 한국마케팅과학회 2017 마케팅과학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Even though several scholars describe the telling weaknesses in such procedures, the dominating logic in research in the management subdisciplines continues to rely on symmetric modeling using continuous variables and null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST). Though the term of reference is new, somewhat precise outcome testing (SPOT) procedures are available now and, along with asymmetric modeling, enable researchers to better match data analytics with their theories than the current pervasive theory–analysis mismatch. The majority (70%+) of articles in the leading journals of general management, marketing, fi nance, and the additional management sub-disciplines are examples of the mismatch. The mismatch may be a principal cause for the scant impact of the majority of articles. Asymmetric modeling and SPOT rests on the principal tenets of complexity theory rather than overly shallow and simplistic symmetric modeling and reporting of NHST fi ndings. Though relatively rare, examples of asymmetric modeling and SPOT are available now in the management literature. The current lack of instructor knowledge and student training in MBA and PhD programs of asymmetric modeling and SPOT are the likely principal reasons for this scarcity.

      • KCI등재

        Creating “flipping-the-classroom” cases in training in sensemaking and decision-making in marketing: A Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science Special Issue

        Arch G. Woodside 한국마케팅과학회 2016 마케팅과학연구 Vol.26 No.4

        Though no one definition fully captures the proposal, “flipping-the-classroom” includes student/trainee creation of learning materials, “lesson plans”, and in-classroom administration, and/or coaching to fellow students/trainees of concepts, principles, procedures, tools, and interpretations of outcomes. This JGSMS special issue presents 11 flipping-the-classroom case studies. Most of these cases are creative writings by students. The cases include emic reports on interactions with service providers. Assigning and reading the cases may be useful for learning how to increase student joy-in-learning and deepening their skills in sensemaking and solving problems in customer–marketer interactions.

      • KCI등재


        ( Arch G. Woodside ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.2

        The study here serves to examine customer choice and firm profitability outcomes from the conjoining of four perspectives: economics, fashion, marketing, and psychology. This article describes core tenets of fashion marketing theory (FMT) from the perspective of economic psychology. The study here is unique and valuable in proposing empirically testable hypotheses that follow from FMT and in describing evidence from available literature testing these hypotheses. The core tenets reflect the view that impactful fashion marketing moderates the relationships among price and consumer demand for the firm`s offering (i.e., brand) by psychological customer segments, and subsequently firm profitability. Relating to fashion marketing, "psychology" in "economic psychology" includes the influences of chronic desire for conspicuous consumption (CC) and desire for rarity as relative human conditions, that is, humans vary in these desires; consumers relatively very high versus very low in these desires are more prone to enact conspicuous choices whatever the price level of the object or service. Consequently, different pricing points (decisions) that maximize profitability vary considerably for product designs which are positioned high in CC and rarity directed to customers very high in chronic desire for CC and rarity versus product designs which are positioned low in CC and rarity directed to customers very low in chronic desire for CC and rarity. The study offers an interesting application of interdisciplinary research that combines economics, fashion, marketing, and psychology. The theory and empirical findings support the view that the influence of fashion marketing designs and price depends substantially on the chronic desires of consumers and marketers` abilities to segment and target customers by these desires-a conclusion made explicit by Veblen (1899).

      • KCI등재

        Clicks and purchase effects of an embedded, social-media, platform endorsement in internet advertising

        Arch G. Woodside,Pedro Bernal Mir 한국마케팅과학회 2019 마케팅과학연구 Vol.29 No.3

        This study describes the use of a true (not quasi or “natural”) field experiment to test the impact of a third-party endorsement message embedded in an email advertisement on customer behavior – the message embed calls attention to reviews of third-persons’ hotelstays, mostly positive assessments, and a high overall rating (i.e. four stars in TripAdvisor for a national (Spanish) hotel chain. Applying a between-subjects experiment design, each of two versions of the email advertisement was sent to one of two random samples of treatment (embed) and control (no embed) groups of hotel’s customers (n = 97,451 and 97,662, respectively). The study includes five dependent variables (DVs): clicks-to-open email; clicks-to-open offer; clicks-topurchase room rental; number-of-nights stayed; and total revenue generated for the treatment versus control groups. Behavior was higher for all dependent measures per participants in the treatment versus control groups. Revenue per study participant was 0.083 € for members in the control group versus 0.134 € for members in the treatment group. Total revenue was 13,097 € in the treatment group and 8,143 € from guests in the control group. The share increases in the DVs may be useful as baseline share changes in future studies on behavior influences of social media embeds in internet advertisements.

      • KCI등재

        Proposing A New Dominant Logic For Data Analysis In Research In Marketing And Consumer Research: Case Study Research Of Large-N Survey Data For Estimating Algorithms That Accurately Profile X (Extremely High-Use) Consumers

        Arch G. Woodside 한국마케팅과학회 2012 마케팅과학연구 Vol.22 No.4

        Rather than taking a variable-oriented approach, the study here extends Ragin’s (1999)perspective on studying conjunctive paths or “causal recipes” for a limited number of cases (usually n , 30) to the study of such paths in a large number of cases (n . 300 –or, in the study here, n . 30,000). The aim here is to provide a primer in theory and practice of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) — a method that goes beyond considering the net contributions of individual variables in influencing a dependent variable. The study aims to describe alternative conjunctive paths (estimated algorithms using Boolean algebra and set theory) that associate with a given outcome. The “outcome condition” being modeled (predicted) in the study are cases (travelers)who complete more than 24 airline trips for personal reasons annually; the label “extreme” or “X” air travelers identifies these cases. Though small in share of numbers (.2%) of Americans, X air travelers are mighty in share (7%) of air-trips for personal reasons. The study finds that completing a university/college degree is a necessary, but not sufficient, simple antecedent condition that identifies X air travelers; the conjunction of completing college and very frequent vacation travel is a sufficient, but not necessary, complex antecedent condition for identifying X air travelers. The approach can be useful in estimating conjunctive conditions leading to specific actions by consumers and executives.

      • CABS: Consumer Archetype Brand Storytelling

        Arch G. Woodside 한국마케팅과학회 2006 한국마케팅과학회 학술대회 발표 논문집 Vol.- No.-

          Consumers tell stories to themselves and others to help make sense of their own lived experiences and to achieve what Aristotle refers to as “proper pleasure,” and to enable archetype enactments In their lives. This article describes how Jung’s theory of archetypes affects stories marketers and consumers tell about buying and use experiences involving brands. The article presents a consumer theory of archetype brand storytelling. The report includes details of one consumer’s story of buying and wearing a Versace coat. Implications for brand management and consumer research theory close the discussion.

      • KCI등재


        ( Arch G. Woodside ) 한국마케팅과학회 2010 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.1 No.1

        Both successful and unsuccessful design+marketing projects in high fashion products and services represent creating and implementing recipes or paths of key success factors (KSFs). While implementing any one KSF is not sufficient for success, creating and taking certain paths that includes partially-independent KSFs is sufficient for success; other paths lead to failure; some paths are never taken because they are never though of or designers consider them to be totally unrealistic options. Consequently, fashion marketing strategists need to look beyond research attempting to learn the net effects of independent influences of KSFs. Configurations (i.e., recipes) representing alternative combinations of design+marketing dimensions are indicators of sufficiency for success versus failure for fashion marketing projects. The study of alternative decision configurations is particularly useful for fashion marketing strategists and researchers. The objectives of this article include (1) describing keys success/failure path (KS/FP) theory and (2) illustrating configural thinking processes for a design+marketing firm that focuses on fashion household accessories. "Design+marketing" is a term used here to indicate the strategy operating philosophy of creating unique designs that are successful in the marketplace. This article applies propositions in a theory of KS/FP theory to design+marketing contexts. A major objective present article is to propose a theory of KS/FPs. The core tenants of KS/FP theory are applicable for fashion marketing strategies. The core tenants include the following propositions: (1) No one KSF is sufficient nor likely necessary for success (2) No one KSF is necessary for success (3) Decision paths occur in executing fashion marketing strategies (4) Some of these decision paths are sufficient, but not necessary, for success (5) Some of these paths result in failure for new products or services (6) Mail surveys using 5 or 7 point Likert scales are insufficient for explicating the nitty-gritty specifics of dimensions and configurations occurring in KS/FPs. The article reports on findings of a case study that takes the perspective that the design+marketing strategists having completed more than one hundred (or 200 to 500) new fashion marketing projects have developed mental models representing successful and unsuccessful combinations (paths) of decisions that occur within these projects. The case study is developed here from a series of interviews with a chief executive officer (CEO) and leading designing for a well-known fashion marketing firm for household accessories, Alberto Alessi. The interviews were completed at Alberto Alessi`s design studio and headquarters by McKinsey Corporation (a consultancy firm). The article describes how to use configural comparative analysis (CCA) which includes applying Boolean algebra rather than matrix algebra to test combinations within antecedent conditions (e.g., recipes that include a specific level of each of the four dimensions in the Alessi model). Both crisp set (binary levels) and fuzzy set (0.00 to 1.00) values are sometimes used in CCA modeling. Two particularly useful operations in set theory include the computing the value for combinations of two or singular antecedent conditions. The lowest value among the two or more dimensions is the amount the two dimensions share income. Consider the combination of the following four singular antecedent conditions into one complex antecedent condition expressed as Q·S·R·D=.20. The mid-level dot (·) signifies the operation, "and"; the value of .20 represents this complex antecedent condition because .20 is the lowest fuzzy set values among the following four dimensions (the numbers in the parentheses represent fuzzy set scores with 0.00 indicate non-membership and 1.00 full membership in the dimension); · Q = A high-quality new product process (.90) · S = A defined new product strategy for the business unit (.85) · R = Adequate resources-people and money-for new products (.50) · D = R&D spending on new products (as % of the business`s sales) (.20). Crisp or fuzzy set scoring also applies for the outcome condition (e.g., accepting further design+marketing development of the new fashion product-service, or low to high profitability). A complex antecedent condition is found to be highly consistent in its relationship with an outcome condition across a number of new design+marketing case studies when the sum is totaled by taking the lowest value for each antecedent-outcome pair and divided by the sum of all antecedent values across all the case studies. CCA provides a straightforward relatively easy to understand method for describing and understanding the impact of complex, configural, antecedent conditions on an outcome condition. Unlike statistical analyses using correlation methods (e.g., multiple or probit regression methods), CCA assumes asymmetrical not symmetrical relationships among antecedent (X) and outcome (Y) values. Thus, unlike correlation methods, assuming an asymmetric relationship recognizes that low values on the antecedent condition can relate to both low and high values on the outcome condition. For high sufficiency, finding consistent with a substantial relationship between an antecedent and outcome condition occurs when high values only occur for the outcome condition when the values are high for the antecedent condition. For the same highly consistent model, values may be low and high for the outcome condition for low vales for the antecedent condition-high values for the outcome condition paired with low values for the antecedent condition in such models simply indicates additional paths to high values in the outcome condition exist along with the model showing that when the antecedent condition is high, the outcome condition is always high.

      • KCI등재

        Sustainable fashion themes in luxury brand storytelling: The sustainability fashion research grid

        Arch G. Woodside,Monica B. Fine 한국마케팅과학회 2019 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.10 No.2

        “Sustainable fashion”, also known as “eco fashion”, is a part of the growing design, manufacturing, and consumption philosophy and trend toward system maintainability. The goal of system maintainability is to create regularity which is supportable indefinitely in terms of human impact on the environment and social responsibility. Sustainable fashion is an alternative trend against fast fashion. The severe environmental damage that the fashion industry firms and consumers cause now is the main rationale for embracing sustainable fashion – following the petroleum industry, the fashion industry is the second largest cause of pollution worldwide. Specific sustainable fashion trends are identifiable that focus on nurturing the reduction of the pollution caused by fashion. These trends include innovative behavior by a growing number of firms and segments of fashion consumers. Relevant literature identifies specific sustainability topics requiring the most attention by firms in the fashion industry include the following top two: promoting sustainable fashion thinking and achieving ethical/responsible production is supply chains. Attention among scholars to the issue of how to accomplish sustainable fashion objectives is growing.

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