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        Visualization of Phytophthora palmivora Infection in Oil Palm Leaflets with Fluorescent Proteins and Cell Viability Markers

        Ochoa, Juan C.,Herrera, Mariana,Navia, Monica,Romero, Hernan Mauricio The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2019 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.35 No.1

        Bud rot (BR) is the most devastating disease affecting oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) crops in Colombia. Its causal agent, Phytophthora palmivora, initiates the infection in immature oil palm leaflets producing necrotic lesions, followed by colonization of opportunistic necrotrophs, which increases disease damage. To improve the characterization of the disease, we transformed P. palmivora using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) to include the fluorescent proteins CFP-SKL (peroxisomal localization), eGFP and mRFP1 (cytoplasmic localization). The stability of some transformants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis and single zoospore cultures; additionally, virulence and in vitro growth were compared to the wild-type isolate to select transformants with the greatest resemblance to the WT isolate. GFP-tagged P. palmivora was useful to identify all of the infective structures that are commonly formed by hemibiotrophic oomycetes, including apoplastic colonization and haustorium formation. Finally, we detected cell death responses associated with immature oil palm tissues that showed reduced susceptibility to P. palmivora infection, indicating that these tissues could exhibit age-related resistance. The aim of this research is to improve the characterization of the initial disease stages and generate cell biology tools that may be useful for developing methodologies for early identification of oil palm materials resistant or susceptible to BR.


        Braced, partially braced and unbraced columns: Complete set of classical stability equations

        Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. Dario Techno-Press 1996 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.4 No.4

        Stability equations that evaluate the elastic critical axial load of columns in any type of construction with sidesway uninhibited, partially inhibited, and totally inhibited are derived in a classical manner. These equations can be applied to the stability of frames (unbraced, partially braced, and totally braced) with rigid, semirigid, and simple connections. The complete column classification and the corresponding three stability equations overcome the limitations and paradoxes of the well known alignment charts for braced and unbraced columns and frames. Simple criteria are presented that define the concept of partially braced columns and frames, as well as the minimum lateral bracing required by columns and frames to achieve non-sway buckling mode. Various examples are presented in detail that demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the complete set of stability equations.


        Minimum stiffness of bracing for multi-column framed structures

        Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. Dario Techno-Press 1998 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.6 No.3

        A method that determines the minimum stiffness of baracing to achieve non-sway buckling conditions at a given story level of a multi-column elastic frame is proposed. Condensed equations that evaluate the required minimum stiffness of the lateral and torsional bracing are derived using the classical stability functions. The proposed method is applicable to elastic framed structures with rigid, semirigid, and simple connections. It is shown that the minimum stiffness of the bracing required by a multi-column system depends on: 1) the plan layout of the columns; 2) the variation in height and cross sectional properties among the columns; 3) the applied axial load pattern on the columns; 4) the lack of symmetry in the loading pattern, column layout, column sizes and heights that cause torsion-sway and its effects on the flexural bucking capacity; and 5) the flexural and torsional end restrains of the columns. The proposed method is limited to elastic framed structures with columns of doubly symmetrical cross section with their principal axes parallel to the global axes. However, it can be applied to inelastic structures when the nonlinear behavior is concentrated at the end connections. The effects of axial deformations in beams and columns are neglected. Three examples are presented in detail to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


        Stability and minimum bracing for stepped columns with semirigid connections: Classical elastic approach

        Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. Dario Techno-Press 1997 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.5 No.4

        Stability equations that evaluate the elastic critical axial load of stepped columns under extreme and intermediate concentrated axial loads in any type of construction with sidesway totally inhibited, partially inhibited and uninhibited are derived in a classical manner. These equations can be utilized in the stability analysis of framed structures (totally braced, partially braced, and unbraced) with stepped columns with rigid, semirigid, and simple connetions. The proposed column classification and the corresponding stability equations overcome the limitations of current methods which are based on a classification of braced and unbraced columns. The proposed stability equations include the effects of: 1) semirigid connections; 2) step variation in the column cross section at the point of application of the intermediate axial load; and 3) lateral and rotational restraints at the intermediate connection and at the column ends. The proposed method consists in determining the eigenvalue of a $2{\times}2$ matrix for a braced column at the two ends and of a $3{\times}3$ matrix for a partially braced or unbraced column. The stability analysis can be carried out directly with the help of a pocket calculator. The proposed method is general and can be extended to multi-stepped columns. Various examples are include to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and to verify that the calculated results are exact. Definite minimum bracing criteria for single stepped columns is also presented.

      • KCI등재

        Business & Human Rights

        Christiana Ochoa(크리스티아나 오쵸아) 서강대학교 법학연구소 2018 법과기업연구 Vol.8 No.3

        1973년 처음 기업과 인권과 관련된 보고서가 나온 이후 45년이 흐르면서 규제초안(Zero Draft)에 도달하기 까지는 주요 법이론과 학자들의 논의, 기업의 참여, 그리고 시민 사회의 노력이 있었다. 이러한 작업은 이제 폭넓게 완료된 것으로 보이는 바, 지금 이 순간이 바로 기업과 인권 분야에 있어 “시작의 끝(the end of the beginning)”이라 볼 수 있다. 이런 맥락에서, 본 발표문은 지난 45년의 흐름 속에서의 부족했던 부분을 살펴봄은 물론, 지금이 순간 우리가 긍정적 기대를 가질 수 있는 근거에 대해서도 논하고자 한다. 기업과 인권 논의에 의해 제기되는 문제들이 가진 범 지구적 및 국제적인 본질적 성격에 대한 관점을 놓치지 않아야겠지만, 본 발표문은 미국의 관점과 그 역할에 대한 본 저자의 견해를 소개하는 것에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 또한, 이 논의에서 시작된 거버넌스에 관한 다양한 접근들이 있는 바, 본 발표문은 이러한 변화에 대한 철저한 설명이나 이론보다는 개괄적인 개요를 제시하고자 한다. 유엔이 다국적 기업 활동의 활동에 대해 관심을 가진 초기 수년 동안, 다국적 기업들은 일반화된 법적 면책을 누릴 수 있는 국가에서 광범위한 불법행위에 연루되어 왔다. 이러한 현실은 회사 법인격을 통한 책임 회피, 역외적용의 엄격한 제한, 그리고 기업에 적용되는 국제 인권법의 부재가 혼합적으로 작용하여 발생한 것이라 볼 수 있다. Kiobel 결정과 Jesner 결정 이래로, 미국의 많은 연구자들은 기업에 대한 Alien Tort Statute 소 제기가 미국 연방 법원이 아니라면, 어디서 이루어질 수 있는지에 대해서도 질문을 던지고 있다. 이를 위해 연구자들은 연방 법원 외부의 여러 관할권을 살펴보았으며, 곳곳에서 가능한 방법을 찾아냈다. 미국 및 다른 나라, 그리고 국제 재판소에서의 소 제기에 대한 어려움을 감안하여, 기업과 인권 영역 학자들과 인권운동가들은 기업에 새로운 법적 의무, 특히 이행지침에 제시된 인권 실사를 이행할 의무를 부여하는 작업으로 방향을 틀고 있다. 이들은 모회사를 포함한 모든 기업에 대해 규범에 근거한 강제적인 인권 실사 의무 이행의 요구를 법제화할 것을 주장한다. 미국은 2016년 12월에 첫 번째 NAP(National Action Plan)를 제출하였다. 백악관 안보회의는 다양한 이해관계자 참여과정을 이끌고 협력하였으며, 여기에 10곳 이상의 연방 기관이 참여하였고, 시민단체, 기업, 학회, 노동조합, 원주민 대표, 그리고 외국 정부 대표들과의 협의도 이 과정에 포함시켰다. 또한 미국 정부는 일반 대중으로부터 광범위하게 NAP에 관련된 제안을 위한 이메일 계정을 만들어서 유지한 바 있다. 그리고 미국의 NAP는 정부 내 다양한 기관이 NAP의 목적을 달성하기 위해 담당해야 하는 새로운 여러 조치들을 열거하고 있다. 하지만 안타깝게도 미국 NAP의 긍정적인 부분은 이게 전부이다. 미국의 NAP는 다른 나라의 모범 사례에 한참 모자라는 수준이며, 심지어 기존에 존재하는 더 나은 NAP수준에도 미치지 못한다. 유엔 인권 규범이라는 시도가 있었지만, 국제 상공회의소는 이에 대한 반대의 입장을 분명히 한 바 있다. 인권 규범에 관한 미국과 국제 상공회의소의 반대는 규범이 국가들의 충분한 지지를 받지 못한 것이 주된 이유였고, 결국 실패로 이어지게 된다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 기업과 인권 영역에서의 노력이 실패해왔다고 함부로 결론짓는 것은 글로벌 콤팩트의 혁신과 이행 지침을 이끌어 낸 노력을 통해 축적된 방대한 자료와 합의를 등한시 하는 것이나 다름없으며, B-Corp 운동이나 적도 원칙, 대규모 산업에서 이뤄지고 있는 자발적 행동 강령의 확산, 많은 국가에서의 NAP 수립, 세계 주요국에서 이뤄지고 있는 국내 입법과 소송들, 세계 경제 질서 내에서의 인권 담론 진전, 그리고 가장 중요하다고 할 수 있는 기업의 행동을 둘러싼 대중의 인식 변화 등은 더 언급할 필요도 없이 그 동안 기업과 인권 문제에 있어서 얼마나 많은 진전을 이뤄왔는지를 보여주고 있다. 이러한 일련의 현상들은 기업에 대한 법적 환경의 발전과 관련이 있다. 다국적 기업 및 기타 기업 주체들은 참으로 지난 반 세기 동안 제기되었던 사회적 경제적 책임에 얽혀 있는 자신들의 상황을 인식하고 있다. 이것이 바로 사회적 규범 등장의 문제이며, 더 나아가서 합법적인 법 확립의 문제이다.


        BMB Reports : Invited Mini Review ; Plant cell culture strategies for the production of natural products

        ( Marisol Ochoa Villarreal ),( Susan Howat ),( Sunmi Hong ),( Mi Ok Jang ),( Young Woo Jin ),( Eun Kyong Lee ),( Gary J. Loake ) 생화학분자생물학회(구 한국생화학분자생물학회) 2016 BMB Reports Vol.49 No.3

        Plants have evolved a vast chemical cornucopia to support their sessile lifestyles. Man has exploited this natural resource since Neolithic times and currently plant-derived chemicals are exploited for a myriad of applications. However, plant sources of most high-value natural products (NPs) are not domesticated and therefore their production cannot be undertaken on an agricultural scale. Further, these plant species are often slow growing, their populations limiting, the concentration of the target molecule highly variable and routinely present at extremely low concentrations. Plant cell and organ culture constitutes a sustainable, controllable and environmentally friendly tool for the industrial production of plant NPs. Further, advances in cell line selection, biotransformation, product secretion, cell permeabilisation, extraction and scale-up, among others, are driving increases in plant NP yields. However, there remain significant obstacles to the commercial synthesis of high-value chemicals from these sources. The relatively recent isolation, culturing and characterisation of cambial meristematic cells (CMCs), provides an emerging platform to circumvent many of these potential difficulties. [BMB Reports 2016; 49(3): 149-158]

      • KCI등재

        Gallibacterium elongation factor-Tu possesses amyloid-like protein characteristics, participates in cell adhesion, and is present in biofilms

        Jaqueline López-Ochoa,J. Fernando Montes-García,Candelario Vázquez,Patricia Sánchez-Alonso,Victor M. Pérez-Márquez,Patrick J. Blackall,Sergio Vaca,Erasmo Negrete-Abascal 한국미생물학회 2017 The journal of microbiology Vol.55 No.9

        Gallibacterium, which is a bacterial pathogen in chickens, can form biofilms. Amyloid proteins present in biofilms bind Congo red dye. The aim of this study was to characterize the cell-surface amyloid-like protein expressed in biofilms formed by Gallibacterium strains and determine the relationship between this protein and curli, which is an amyloid protein that is commonly expressed by members of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The presence of amyloid-like proteins in outer membrane protein samples from three strains of G. anatis and one strain of Gallibacterium genomospecies 2 was evaluated. A protein identified as elongation factor-Tu (EF-Tu) by mass spectrometric analysis and in silico analysis was obtained from the G. anatis strain F149T. This protein bound Congo red dye, cross-reacted with anti-curli polyclonal serum, exhibited polymerizing properties and was present in biofilms. This protein also reacted with pooled serum from chickens that were experimentally infected with G. anatis, indicating the in vivo immunogenicity of this protein. The recombinant EF-Tu purified protein, which was prepared from G. anatis 12656-12, polymerizes under in vitro conditions, forms filaments and interacts with fibronectin and fibrinogen, all of which suggest that this protein functions as an adhesin. In summary, EF-Tu from G. anatis presents amyloid characteristics, is present in biofilms and could be relevant for the pathogenesis of G. anatis.

      • Meta-survey on the Use of Technologies in Education in Asia and the Pacific 2003-2004

        José Manuel Ochoa Alcántar APEC국제교육협력원 2005 Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal Vol.1 No.2

        Farrell and Wachholz provide a comprehensive report of the findings of a large-scale survey of the uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) in UNESCO member countries in the Asia- Pacific region. The surveys were prepared countryby- country by different individuals or teams. The reader is immediately struck by the sheer volume of information condensed in its almost 300 pages, as well as the great effort that each of the authors invested in researching and compiling each country report. Fortunately, the individual reports are brief and follow a consistent pattern, so that the cases can be compared quite easily. The book consists of 44 country-by-country, systematically organized, brief reports of the current state of ICT in education throughout Asia and the Pacific arranged into four regions-Central and South West Asia, East and South-East Asia, Pacific Island Countries, and South Asia-written by 24 authors who work as researchers, instructional designers, consultants, professors, and specialists in ICT. In this report, UNESCO uses a very broad definition of ICT, including broadcast technologies (radio and television), computers, related peripherals, e-mail, and the Internet and World Wide Web.

      • KCI등재

        A meningococcal B vaccine induces cross-protection against gonorrhea

        Rolando Felipe Ochoa Azze 대한백신학회 2019 Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research Vol.8 No.2

        Purpose: Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae share between 80% and 90% of their genetic sequence. Meningococcal serogroup B vaccines based on outer membrane vesicles—such as VA-MENGOC-BC—could cross-protect against gonorrhea. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence rates of gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases with respect to the use of the VA-MENGOC-BC vaccine. Materials and Methods: Health statistics between 1970 and 2017 were reviewed and the incidence of meningococcal disease and sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, condyloma acuminatum, hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus infection) were analyzed during the pre- and post-vaccination periods. Gonorrhea incidence was also analyzed by age groups. Results: VA-MENGOC-BC was successfully used to control a meningococcal epidemic in Cuba. The strategy to combat the epidemic was carried out in two stages. The first one was a nationwide mass-vaccination campaign from 1989 to 1990, targeting the population at highest-risk aged 3 months to 24 years. During the second stage, begun in 1991, it was included in the Expanded Immunization Program. Gonorrhea incidence increased from 1970 to 1989. However, after the VA-MENGOC-BC massive vaccination campaign a sharp decrease of gonorrhea incidence was observed. It lasted between 1989 and 1993. A second incidence peak was detected in 1995, but it dropped again. Data clearly show a decline in the incidence of gonorrhea following massive vaccination, in contrast with other sexually transmitted diseases. Incidence rates in unvaccinated age groups also decreased, probably due to herd immunity. Conclusion: There is evidence that VA-MENGOC-BC could induce a moderate protection against gonorrhea.

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