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Nikbin, Ava,Kajan, Zahra Dalili,Taramsari, Mehran,Khosravifard, Negar Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2018 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.48 No.4
Purpose: To assess the effects of object position in the field of view (FOV) and application of a metal artifact reduction (MAR) algorithm on the diagnostic accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for the detection of vertical root fractures(VRFs). Materials and Methods: Sixty human single-canal premolars received root canal treatment. VRFs were induced in 30 endodontically treated teeth. The teeth were then divided into 4 groups, with 2 groups receiving metal posts and the remaining 2 only having an empty post space. The roots from different groups were mounted in a phantom made of cow rib bone, and CBCT scans were obtained for the 4 different groups. Three observers evaluated the images independently. Results: The highest frequency of correct diagnoses of VRFs was obtained with the object positioned centrally in the FOV, using the MAR algorithm. Peripheral positioning of the object without the MAR algorithm yielded the highest sensitivity for the first observer (66.7%). For the second and third observers, a central position improved sensitivity, with or without the MAR algorithm. In the presence of metal posts, central positioning of the object in the FOV significantly increased the diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy compared to peripheral positioning. Conclusion: Diagnostic accuracy was higher with central positioning than with peripheral positioning, irrespective of whether the MAR algorithm was applied. However, the effect of the MAR algorithm was more significant with central positioning than with peripheral positioning of the object in the FOV. The clinical experience and expertise of the observers may serve as a confounder in this respect.
Ava Nikbin,Zahra Dalili Kajan,Mehran Taramsari,Negar Khosravifard 대한영상치의학회 2018 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.48 No.4
Purpose: To assess the effects of object position in the field of view (FOV) and application of a metal artifact reduction (MAR) algorithm on the diagnostic accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for the detection of vertical root fractures (VRFs). Materials and Methods: Sixty human single-canal premolars received root canal treatment. VRFs were induced in 30 endodontically treated teeth. The teeth were then divided into 4 groups, with 2 groups receiving metal posts and the remaining 2 only having an empty post space. The roots from different groups were mounted in a phantom made of cow rib bone, and CBCT scans were obtained for the 4 different groups. Three observers evaluated the images independently. Results: The highest frequency of correct diagnoses of VRFs was obtained with the object positioned centrally in the FOV, using the MAR algorithm. Peripheral positioning of the object without the MAR algorithm yielded the highest sensitivity for the first observer (66.7%). For the second and third observers, a central position improved sensitivity, with or without the MAR algorithm. In the presence of metal posts, central positioning of the object in the FOV significantly increased the diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy compared to peripheral positioning. Conclusion: Diagnostic accuracy was higher with central positioning than with peripheral positioning, irrespective of whether the MAR algorithm was applied. However, the effect of the MAR algorithm was more significant with central positioning than with peripheral positioning of the object in the FOV. The clinical experience and expertise of the observers may serve as a confounder in this respect.
Sustainable Tourism Indicators For Built Heritage Sites
Mohanna Nikbin,Mehrdad Karami 세계문화관광학회 2011 Conference Proceedings Vol.12 No.-
Tourism has long been recognised as a growth industry and current expectations of an annual increase of about 4% in international tourist arrivals and spending suggests that by 2020 international tourism will be generating up to US$2 trillion a year. because of this rezones most of country are effort to develop their tourism industry. Sustainable tourism is a recent concept used to reflect the need for a comprehensive analysis and management of tourism both as business and experience. However this should not be the only consideration. Tourism is actually one part of the effort to achieve overall sustainable development. Already developed resorts are facing saturation problems and the challenge of reevaluating their developmental goals and patterns. One way for measuring sustainability patterns in tourism is through the use of indicators. Indicators for sustainable tourism are tools for assessing tourism development and estimate the economic natural and socio-cultural environmental implications. In defining the various indicators the focus is placed on already developed built heritage sites baseline WTO indicators.
Optimum Model for Analyzing Lifetime Profitability of Holstein Cows
Shadparvar, A.A.,Nikbin, S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.6
This study was on the relative net income (RNI) for 18,286 Iranian Holstein cows from 799 herds, with first freshening between 1991 and 2000. Two kinds of production system, which differed mainly in milk pricing system and feed cost, were considered. Four different models adopted from the literature were examined to find the optimum model. They differed by the cost of rearing and growth after first calving and they needed different amounts of economic data at the farm level. Results showed that four measures of RNI were highly correlated (>0.96) and could be used equally to measure lifetime profitability of cows. Therefore, in herds without a regular system for recording economic and management data, use of the simplest model is recommended. Multiple regression analysis revealed that RNI was affected by age at first freshening, milk yield and days of productive life (DPL), regardless of production system, and a similar breeding goal could be defined for the two systems. Multiple regression analysis of RNI showed that in order to obtain an unbiased estimate of economic value for DPL, the per day milk yield, not total lifetime milk yield, should be included in the regression model along with DPL. Regression analysis suggested that it is possible to predict RNI using information on age at first freshening along with the length of first lactation and per day milk yield with a coefficient of determination ranging from 0.44 to 0.47.
Lee, Hyeong Y.,Nikbin, Kamran M.,O'Dowd, Noel P. Elsevier 2005 The International journal of pressure vessels and Vol.82 No.10
<P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>A review of through thickness transverse residual stress distribution measurements in a number of components, manufactured from a range of steels, has been carried out. Residual stresses introduced by welding and mechanical deformation have been considered. The geometries consisted of welded T-plate joints, pipe butt joints, tube-on-plate joints, tubular Y-joints and tubular T-joints as well as cold bent tubes and repair welds. In addition, the collected data cover a range of engineering steels including ferritic, austenitic, C–Mn and Cr–Mo steels. The methods used to measure the residual stresses also varied. These included neutron diffraction, X-ray diffraction and deep hole drilling techniques. Measured residual stress data, normalised by their respective yield stress have shown an inverse linear correlation versus the normalised depth of the region containing the residual stress (up to 0.5 of the component thickness). A simplified generic residual stress profile based on a linear fit to the data is proposed for the case of a transverse residual tensile stress field. Whereas the profiles in assessment procedures are case specific the proposed linear profile can be varied to produce a combination of membrane and bending stress distributions to give lower or higher levels of conservatism on stress intensity factors, depending on the amount of case specific data available or the degree of safety required.</P>